July 2020 Moms

Weekly Randoms w/o 1/6/20


Re: Weekly Randoms w/o 1/6/20

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  • Parents sometimes drive me crazy. I have a 2 year old that doesn't like to take his hat/shoes/coat off, so as soon as mom puts him down I have to do that because she refuses because he cries. He will sleep in his shoes and hat at home because she doesnt want him to be upset. Yeah, he's a farm kid and I don't let anyone wear shoes in the house, especially not a kid playing in and out of their cattle barns. Come on. Plus, this morning she had him walk in carrying half a bag of goldfish because he got into them in the MOTN and he cried when she tried to take them away. So, yeah, thanks for making me the bad guy, but he's not walking around my house with a bag of gold fish. Duh. 🙄

  • @blaf322 I had that happen last year with a bra and did end up going home for a change.  Glad you are maintaining good spirits in the midst of it all.
  • @modoodles I maintain my stance that you're a saint for dealing with these people. I. could. not.
  • @modoodles Saint points all around for you. 
  • I am soooo not happy to be back at work this week...HOWEVER, I am glad to bump on a computer after trying to deal with that app the last 2 weeks.  It only works like 25% of the time.  I was trying to catch up, but it was not easy!

  • 😂 I  am faaaaaar from a saint. I just message my DH to vent with a "if you become this parent, I'm faking my own death and you will never hear from me again." 

    @blaf322 I have had the same thing happen! I worked at a high school so I tossed them in the bathroom garbage and went without for the rest of the day. Now I just never wear underwear. 🙈  
  • @modoodles haha... I just can't go commando! I mean, I can, I just really don't like to. Unless it's bedtime. I can't wear undies with pj pants lol
  • @blaf322 omg I'm dying thinking of you having to tie your underwear to get through the rest of the day. @modoodles one of my best friends always goes commando and I think she's nuts so I think you're nuts!  :D
  • @meanjellybean it was as comical as you imagined.
  • @blaf322 I, too, am dying at your tied together thong. :lol: 

    I just got out of an almost 2 hour meeting with my boss and another coworker (which should've lasted 30 mins tops), and I was DYING. I got soooo hungry, and I had to pee, and I ended up all sweaty, hot, and shaky. Starting to feel better now after stuffing my face with some Hershey kisses I found in the kitchen. Also, my boss straight up asked me what my plans were for having another kid in that meeting, so work knows now. 
  • @stlbuckeye132 I haaate meetings that take way more time than they should! My company is a pro at having a meeting for something that could have been emailed. Drives me bonkers.
    Glad you're feeling better now!!
  • Who was asking about HDBD? @b_1029 you? I feel like people probably have at least some sort of bump now (right?). Maybe you (or whoever that was if I'm remembering incorrectly) could start one on Wednesday? What does the rest of the group think?

    My bump is definitely small.... but I know I was really excited for HDBD by this time in my last pregnancy, so I'm sure some are itching to post :smile:

  • @blaf322 I tried to take a bump photo yesterday and just looked ginormous so I may wait until it's reaaaaaally bump-y before sharing/taking another bump photo (would love to see other bumps though!)
  • Plus 1 for the app being HORRIBLE and making it almost impossible to participate on weekends.

    Re HDBD I am not really ready for bump photos yet since I am due all the way at the end of the month, but I am curious if any other 3rd time + moms started showing super early? Like I know it's probably mostly bloat and my extra fat being pushed outward by all the bloat, but I swear in some clothes I look 20 weeks pregnant. It's honestly becoming difficult to hide the fact that I'm pregnant and I'm only 11 weeks. 
  • @pocketrose oh, same. I'm not totally sure I'll participate just yet.... but I know I was eager to last time so I wanted to bring it up again since I was the one who was like, "ehhhh.... let's just wait" last time :smile:

  • @stlbuckeye132 that's how I felt waiting at my OB this morning... didn't eat enough breakfast which was my bad, then the doc was running behind and I was DYING. I need to be better about constantly having snacks on me so I don't get stranded again!

    And I'm not sure if I'll participate in HDBD but I love seeing some bump photos! And I guess I have a bump already but it just looks like frump not bump...
  • @zande2016
    I am due at the end of the month too, and am 10 ish weeks right now.  I feel like I am HUGE compared to last time.  I am feeling like I just want to tell everyone because my flowy shirts are not very flowy anymore.  I'm assuming it is just a whole bunch of bloat.  
  • +1 for not participating yet, but I'm fine with others sharing bumps in HDBD if they want!
  • @JessDG I'm with you about the app. I just gave up. Hope you enjoyed your holidays! 
  • I’m also looking about 20 weeks pregnant, but I’m ready to start participating I think! I’m short and also had a bit of diastasis recti from DS so things are popping out over here, including bloat.
  • I've never liked a side photo (even when I'm thinner I'm long-legged, very short-torso'd, large boob'd. Before/during puberty I looked like a pickle with toothpicks sticking out for legs) and the ones H took last night were no exception. I think I may not like the side angle ever but may not be able to tolerate until I'm well into the second trimester because these are not photos I'd look back fondly on.
  • 14 weeks, 1 day. That's how long it took me to get my first belly rub this time :neutral:
  • @blaf322 NO. Just no. What happened??
  • @blaf322 Nooooo! I hope you rubbed theirs right back. 
  • @blaf322 I hope you punched them right in the face.

  • @blaf322 this is horrible.
     I told my husband that I want to get some shirts that have some snarky comment saying no touching or something. My sister is due in February but back during Halloween everyone and my brothers Halloween party. Even the strangers kept touching her belly. 
    No. Thanks. 
    Also i started taking weekly pictures Last week for my own eyes. I took my 11 week one yesterday am (at 5) and had a very large dinner the night before and definitely looked way farther along. 
  • @blaf322 Oof, sorry for the belly rub situation. People are SO WEIRD sometimes.

    @zande2016 I'm 11 weeks, too, TTM, and I definitely am having a hard time hiding things. It just got bad in the last few days or week at most. I'm glad I can wear big cardigans right now and just kind of cover everything up when I'm walking around, because even my most loose tops aren't doing a great job of keeping things under wraps. I think it happened about this fast for me last pregnancy, too. I also gained weight early on last time (10 lb by my first appt at 8w), which factored in for sure. But I know I have a picture around 14 weeks where it's definitely a can't-be-hidden bump, not just regular weight gain.
    2/13 Blighted ovum, D&C -- 6/13 MC -- 8/14 DD born -- 3/17 MC -- 9/18 DD2 born
    Expecting again -- EDD 7/27/20
  • @blaf322 it was me! Whatever everyone decides is fine with me. I have a “bump” (12+3) but it’s probably 90% bloat/holiday parties haha 
  • I think mine is progesterone but I’ve lost 8 lbs and look several months along (and I was not overweight before). Like even strangers ask me if I’m pregnant. 
  • I’m also team would look through the HDBD thread but wouldn’t post, I ain’t got nothing. Also due towards the end of the month, so that doesn’t help. I had a little bloat/bump last time at this point, but don’t this time. But I did not have the nausea/vomiting last time, so that’s definitely taking a toll. 
  • blaf322blaf322 member
    edited January 2020
    My RBF must have been more on point with my last pregnancy bc this never happened. @meanjellybean we have a work dinner party at a nice steakhouse this weekend and I was talking to my coworker (she’s 50yo, for reference) about how there’s not much there I can stand to eat so it’ll be interesting.... and she fondly rubbed my bump and said how this baby boy was giving me a hard time. 

    It’s not the end of the world for people I know when I’m farther along... but, lady. Its basically still just fat at this point! Leave my belly alone!
  • In regards to HDBD...I love looking at any bumps/blumps! I haven't had a flat tummy since I POAS. I stopped trying to hide it around 11 weeks haha. but TTM here...I still think my bump would have people who don't know me thinking I just gained some weight, but people who know me KNOW. 
  • I'm either going crazy or have very a sensitive sniffer currently or something in the common area of my WeWork smells like sewage which is deeply unpleasant. 
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