March 2020 Moms

Wellness Wednesday 12/31

I know it's NYE, but a wellness check-in post/in the middle of the holidays felt really important, as it can be a super stressful time for so many of us.

How have your overall health/wellness goals and challenges for your pregnancy been going--esp. considering the holidays?

If you gave yourself a break, how are you coping with allowance and grace in the face of that? If you were able to keep up with one or more of your goals, what was key to making that happen?

How have you been keeping your mental health in check? What is one thing you can resolve to do between now and next Wednesday to stay on top of your own sanity?

Re: Wellness Wednesday 12/31

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    How have your overall health/wellness goals and challenges for your pregnancy been going--esp. considering the holidays?  My overall wellness goals are better now than they have been this entire year, basically, only because I'm not ignoring my own health anymore.  I still am not fully in the swing of working out again yet, but I'm getting closer.  I had to address my mental health before I could get back on track with my physical health.  The holidays have been relatively peaceful for me for the first time in a few years though.

    If you gave yourself a break, how are you coping with allowance and grace in the face of that? If you were able to keep up with one or more of your goals, what was key to making that happen?  I have been giving myself a break lately, hardcore, when it comes to exercise and what I let myself eat.  I used to be way into fitness, working out every morning like clockwork, and I used to restrict my diet to avoid fried foods and most desserts.  My year started hectically though and my mental health was at an all-time terrible because of it.  I've been trying to be a lot kinder to myself in the last few months.

    How have you been keeping your mental health in check? What is one thing you can resolve to do between now and next Wednesday to stay on top of your own sanity?  I started taking Zoloft last month at the request of two family practice doctors and my OB, and it has done wonders for me already in this short amount of time.  I'm finally starting to feel more like a functioning adult and am totally going to get back into a workout routine!  I feel ready.  :)
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     How have your overall health/wellness goals and challenges for your pregnancy been going--esp. considering the holidays? 

    Going ok. Could be much better. I was really lax for most of November and December and it definitely caught up to me. My weight gain has been wayyy higher than my first pregnancy. In the last two weeks I’ve gotten back to the gym a couple of times and taken some walks. I’m trying to be more intentional about exercise and eating. 

    If you gave yourself a break, how are you coping with allowance and grace in the face of that? If you were able to keep up with one or more of your goals, what was key to making that happen?

    Ultimately I know there’s only so much I can do. I lost a lot of weight earlier in the year so that makes me feel good. But when I realized that two weeks ago I had gained over 30 pounds, I decided it was really time to get back to the gym. That has been easier for me than controlling my diet, but I plan to focus on that this month as well.

    How have you been keeping your mental health in check? What is one thing you can resolve to do between now and next Wednesday to stay on top of your own sanity?
    i need to work on sleep. I’m going back to work Monday after a two week break and I’m already a bit anxious about it.
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    @Malidocious so glad the Zoloft is helping already and I'm glad you are focusing on your mental health first. That is most important!

    @kantobean I find exercise easier to do than healthy eating too. 

    How have your overall health/wellness goals and challenges for your pregnancy been going--esp. considering the holidays? I've stuck to status quo of just one "more intense" workout class (my stroller fitness class) and then prenatal yoga 1-2x a week (except some prenatal yoga classes have been canceled bc they are on Weds and that was Christmas and the new year). I'd really like to do yoga more (on my own at home), but I just CANNOT bring myself to do it. DS naps. I have the time, but I just cannot get off the couch--it's entirely mental but I haven't been able to shake it. And I'm just letting it go and being at peace with it bc it hasn't changed in the 20 months DS has been around (I think I worked out at home daily on my own for maybe 1 month around 14 months after DS's birth and it made me more miserable than proud/feeling good so I have decided to say eff it). 

    If you gave yourself a break, how are you coping with allowance and grace in the face of that? If you were able to keep up with one or more of your goals, what was key to making that happen? See above, although my break has been since DS's birth, not the holidays ha. I think I'm just putting serious, daily workouts on hold until after this second baby (like months if not years after second baby ha). 

    How have you been keeping your mental health in check? What is one thing you can resolve to do between now and next Wednesday to stay on top of your own sanity? DH has been a huge help lately. I appreciate him so much and I'm just going to keep asking him for help. I wish I could get more sleep. Sleep really helps me tackle life. I'm so exhausted today and I am achieving nothing and it makes me feel cr4ppy. 
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    @silverhope I am glad you are asking YH for help as often as you need it! So important.

    @kantobean You can do it this month! I hope this thread is helpful to you. I am proud of you for getting to the gym when you can. 

    @Malidocious MH swears that his Zoloft prescription is what has helped him through this year and esp. this time of year--I'm glad you feel it's really helping you too.

    How have your overall health/wellness goals and challenges for your pregnancy been going--esp. considering the holidays?
    Except for the past two nights, I've done yoga every night we've been in NJ/PA--phew! As for my stress level, as soon as our family visits were done, I didn't feel stressed much at all. I've DEFINITELY been eating a tad too much sugar, but there are so many good desserts/cookies at my Dad's let alone everywhere we've gone for a party or hangout sooooo I can't wait to get back home and eat more fruit, ahh!

    If you gave yourself a break, how are you coping with allowance and grace in the face of that? If you were able to keep up with one or more of your goals, what was key to making that happen? I was able to keep up with my yoga like I said, and having my mat/block with me were essential to that. Like, the reason I didn't do any the past two nights was because my mat wasn't where we slept NYE, and then last night DH put the foam mattress cover on top of my mat (d'oh) & fell asleep on it. I could have just done it on the rug, but I chose not to. 

    How have you been keeping your mental health in check? What is one thing you can resolve to do between now and next Wednesday to stay on top of your own sanity? I am trying to not worry about being too productive and just do what I can when I can--allowing myself to relax a bit is always something I struggle with! In terms of something concrete I can do between now and Wed. to stay sane.... hm this is a tough one! Except just continue to give myself permission to relax, which I have so much trouble with.
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    Worked out with my trainer today and even though everything we did was upper body except for pelvic tilts/bridges, my back is so incredibly sore. Walking is a chore. Blahhhh.
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