Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling?
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity?
TTC#1 July 2015
- BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019
- BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20
Re: Group 2 (May 9-16) week of 12/2
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out this month!
Baby is the size of a(n): can of Spindrift
Upcoming appointments: December 19th, anatomy scan!
How are you feeling? Pretty good, just an elevated gag reflex that is annoying because of post nasal drip. Stairs have been getting more difficult, which scares me because I know it will only get worse.
Raves/Rants: Ugh, this month is so busy and I am not excited for no down time. I have my nieces first birthday party next weekend. The next weekend is a girls shopping day with my aunts and cousins, this I am excited for. The weekend before Christmas is our close friend's daughter's second birthday party. Then I host DH's family on Christmas Eve and don't know if DH is working yet, Christmas Day I host my family. Then the last weekend is Christmas with my moms extended family all weekend out of town, I do love going to this one though. On top of all that my friend asked if I could do her family pictures this month. With my work schedule the weekend or the 2 week days I have off around Christmas are the only days I can do it because we will need to have daylight.
Questions: Nope
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? I love decorating our house and tree. I also would say my extended family gathering the weekend after Christmas is always one of my favorites too. We eat, drink (not this year), play board games, and just have fun all weekend.
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Lavender
Baby is the size of a(n): Avocados
Upcoming appointments: OB appt Dec. 13th.
How are you feeling? Good... Easily winded and sleep is getting harder. My sciatica is starting to act up a bit. Otherwise, I feel pretty good.
Raves/Rants: I'm starting to feel flutters and I love it!! Can't wait start feeling more.
Questions: Nope
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? All the Christmas things. But probably decorating my house and just being in it, the most. I love coming home from work and seeing Christmas lights on my house. And I love watching how excited my kids are.
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate
Upcoming appointments: December 23rd anatomy scan
How are you feeling? Mostly great. Just some GI issues, but other than that all is good. Well boobs hurt in the mornings pretty bad, but that doesn’t last.
Raves/Rants: @ruby696 I’m also starting to feel movements. A few today were unmistakable. Getting strong for sure. Can’t wait till it’s everyday.
Annoyingly, the ultrasound tech regulatory college(in Ontario) has change the rules and they aren’t allowed to tell you gender during the ultrasound anymore, so we have to wait until our next midwife appointment. Luckily we got one on New Year’s Eve which isn’t too long after.
Questions: Nope
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? I’m with you guys, it’s nice to decorate for Christmas and enjoy them. Have to get on that soon!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate or Cassette tape
Upcoming appointments: Anatomy Scan Dec 16th.
How are you feeling? Pretty good. Can't really complain symptom wise.
Raves/Rants: Rant - Finding somewhere to live is just a nightmare. Rave - Baby girl's HB was 148 last week and everything still looks good.
Questions: Nope.
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? I just love everything about the Christmas season. My favorite, probably is getting hot chocolate and driving around looking at lights.
@Austenista Ugh, I'm so sorry your still stuck at your in-laws. I hope you find a place soon. Any prospects?
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): Philippine Tarsier
Upcoming appointments: I need to call and schedule my 20 wk u/s as well as next midwife appt.
How are you feeling? Hormonal and having trouble being excited about having another child lately. My anxiety has been out of control.
Rant: at my appt last Wed I was told that my insurance preauthorization hadn’t come through yet for my progesterone shots so they couldn’t start it. I called the insurance company this morning and the preauthorization wasn’t even submitted until Tuesday afternoon and they don’t even need to pre-authorize them, it’s covered in my plan.
Rave: One thing that helps my anxiety some is that I also started to feel some movement. Today it was obvious a few times.
Questions: None.
GTKY: What’s your favorite December activity? Probably making latkes/throwing our annual Chanukkah party!
@lajoliedreamer I'm sorry to hear you've been anxious, does anything help or do you take anything?
@jess09lynn That stinks that you have to worry about people being upset with anything regarding your baby and how you choose to reveal the sex. I hope it all goes well for you!
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado
Upcoming appointments: 12/24 for AS and appt. afterward
How are you feeling? I'm feeling really good - enjoying a little more energy! It's been useful, I feel like life stuff has been hitting hard lately.
Raves/Rants: MH broke our high chair last week and the one I ordered isn't in yet. Man I miss that thing. You don't realize how useful something is until you don't have one!
Questions: Nope
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? Getting our decorations/tree out and just enjoying family time.
@lajoliedreamer Are you getting started on the progesterone right away then since the pre-auth isn't needed?
@jess09lynn I would say screw what everyone else wants and do what feels right for you and your partner.
@rachelg777 I'm glad you are feeling better, sorry that life stuff is getting in the way.
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Pink!
Baby is the size of a(n): can of soda
Upcoming appointments: Anatomy Scan 12/16
How are you feeling? huge lol I finally busted out maternity work pants today. I had been fine in my regular pants and only wearing maternity jeans but yesterday after lunch they got uncomfortable so bring on all the maternity clothes.
Raves/Rants: I swear I was feeling movement around 11-12 weeks just a little but then hadn't felt much in awhile. I think I'm feeling some again the last few days but I've also been really gassy so it's hard to differentiate sometimes and then I wonder if it's all in my head and it's actually all just gas and shouldn't I feel more because i felt DD1 by 16 weeks and I'm supposed to feel more/earlier with #2
Questions: nah
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? Everything Christmas-related. I love decorations, looking at Christmas lights, Christmas music, and celebrating Christmas with family. And of course buying and giving gifts
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green 💚
Baby is the size of a(n): eclair 😀
Upcoming appointments: December 17th for the 2nd ultrasound 😍
How are you feeling? Tired & still nauseous sometimes but finally eating better.
Raves/Rants: so while Black Friday/cyber Monday shopping I stumbled upon targets line of postpartum care!! I’m so happy to know I can order back up mesh panties & witch hazel pads 😂
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? I love Christmas morning just watching my kids destroy our living room with all their joy. We stay in our pjs all day & just watch movies. It’s so relaxing.
having the drama that was around my sister's reveal.
@m6agua haha I wish! I'm a people pleaser.
@rachelg777 thanks! 🙂
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out
Baby is the size of a(n): soda can
Upcoming appointments: Dec 10th for check-in, then get to schedule the anatomy scan later this month!
How are you feeling? tired but that might just be from all the traveling the past 2 weeks, we were in CA for Thanksgiving and then I turned around right back to the airport and flew to Reno this week for work.
Raves/Rants: Why do conference centers have the smallest food places? It's so fun to try and get lunch at the same time as 5,000 other people.
Questions: nope
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? Christmas cookies! And just decorating and feeling festive in general. I need to figure out what is on my baking list this year, I try and do at least one new one every year. Open to suggestions if anyone has a favorite cookie to share!
BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out on December 27!
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate
Upcoming appointments: Anatomy scan on December 27
How are you feeling? Pretty good. My bump popped yesterday, so I'm finally starting to look pregnant and not just overly full.
Raves/Rants: Work has sucked big time the last week or so, but I think it's finally starting to calm down.
Questions: None
(From group 3) GTKY: Happy December! What’s your favorite December activity? Everything Christmas related! We have a lot of fun Christmas events and activities in our area, like big light displays and stuff, so we're planning on visiting those with DD. I also have three major performances within the next three weeks, two where I'm singing major solos and also our school concert where I'm conducting everything. December is a crazy time for musicians, but it's a huge part of my life and how I enjoy the holidays. The year DD was born (in October), I was on maternity leave during the holidays and we had recently changed churches, all of which resulted in me doing absolutely zero music stuff for the first time in my entire life. It made the holidays a lot harder emotionally, so I'm really glad to be back to my "normal."