Team finding out/pink/blue/green:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Upcoming Appointments:
How are you feeling?
GTKY: What did you want to be when you grew up?
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
Re: Group 4 (25-30th) Week of 11/18
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Blue
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate and yet also folded sunglasses- these to me are not the same size.
Upcoming Appointments: 2 weeks for the 18 week blood draw
How are you feeling? Still tired. Ugh
Raves/Rants: Why am I so tired- where is my 2nd tri energy!!!
GTKY: What did you want to be when you grew up? Actress or in the circus- I was a dramatic kid! Sucked at acting, but I did check off that whole circus thing.
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
EDD/W+D: 4/29, 16+5
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out next month
Baby is the size of a(n): newborn hat
Upcoming Appointments: Thursday. I’m hoping baby is big enough we can listen for a heartbeat with the Doppler
How are you feeling? Fat. I’m so hungry. I’ve already gained more weight than I thought.
Raves/Rants: nausea down, sex drive up. I’m a happy girl this week!
Questions: anyone else struggling to keep their kids off their belly? My two kids seem to be extra clingy and bouncing on my belly all of a sudden and it’s stressing me out.
GTKY: What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a news anchor. I actually even kept that dream through my first year of college but I definitely don’t have the right kind of personality for that profession. Even less so now that I have kids. I’m a writer instead.
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Green
Baby is the size of a(n): Pomegranate, but it also says 5.12 inches, which is a lot longer than most pomegranates I've seen and much closer to the folded pair of sunglasses @smallbutmighty77
Upcoming Appointments: December 2nd midwife check-in and December 5th anatomy scan
How are you feeling? Pretty good! Energy back and a lot of the crazy stress factors that came up in the last two weeks have either been dealt with or are improving. I am noticing that I am feeling a lot less fit now and I'm desperate to start some sort of physical activity to help. My local yoga studio only runs prenatal on a night that doesn't fit with my schedule right now so I'm thinking I might get a DVD to tide me over until I can find another option, especially since it's heavily winter here now. Also really need this to help my hips, which have been aching a bit.
Raves/Rants: I'm in love with some of the extra little kindnesses that have come my way now that my bump has been so visible. People are lovely sometimes
Questions: I know I had one but preggo brain has kicked in and I forget...
GTKY: What did you want to be when you grew up? A zoo vet or a doctor. I did not do well in math or science in high school and I don't know if at that point in my life I really had the work ethic to pursue those school streams, but I'm still fascinated by how bodies work! Being pregnant is definitely an exciting part of learning more about that.
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
Once this baby is here and a bit settled I'm going to try and find a gym near me that does it.
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Pink!
Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado, a can of Spam, a roll of duct tape, or a can of soda
Upcoming Appointments: Thursday
How are you feeling? Pretty darn good for the most part. Sore boobs, stuffy nose, get a bit weak and light headed some times but other than that pretty normal.
Raves/Rants: Rant 1 - Someone needs to create more hours in the day, Rant 2 - we flew on Sunday and my right ear is still all screwed up
GTKY: What did you want to be when you grew up? A paleontologist
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: pink
Baby is the size of a(n): a pair of folded sunglasses
Upcoming Appointments: Dec 10 for anatomy scan
How are you feeling? Pregnant, my belly really popped last week.
Raves/Rants: current rant is I have a medical bill that has been a nightmare since June and I've done so much work to get it billed correctly and I'm still having problems with it. And today they decided they are not in network, which is not true, and they need 4 weeks to review. 🙄
Current rave is a pair of support leggings rom Blanqi that I bought off Instagram on a whim and are amazin.
GTKY: What did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor
The first weeks trying things or the first weeks back into practice after time off I look like I got beat up. Bruises on my legs, arms, hips. My hands are torn up. But I miss it.
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!