Pregnant after IF

All trimester check-in, week of Nov 18!

Happy Monday! As always let me know if your info needs to be updated or if I’ve missed you all together. 

  • How far along/EDD?
  • How are you feeling this week?
  • Rants/Raves? Questions?
  • Any upcoming appointments?
  • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? 


@PoeMasque EDD 2/8 (boy)

@emmasemm EDD 3/7 (girl)

@k_mama91 EDD 12/5 (boy)

@Tulips29 EDD 1/11 (girl)

@cigaline EDD 2/10 (boy)

@celticknotfire EDD 2/27

@ivfsurvivor EDD 3/3

@love112314 EDD 3/9

@sincethelastday EDD 3/9 (boy)

@bluguitarhannah EDD 7/5

@caitiemae EDD 1/30 (boy)

@akak23 EDD 3/27 (boy)

@wifeinraleigh28 EDD 4/4 (boy)

@sanpelligrino EDD 4/12

@laurajon2015 EDD 3/25

@jolo1241 EDD 2/2 (girl)

@hanshotfirst77 6/21

Me: 39 SO: 36

Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: All trimester check-in, week of Nov 18!

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    Happy Monday everyone!

    • How far along/EDD? 32+2 
    • How are you feeling this week? Crampy and uncomfortable still. I never had contractions with my son, so I don't know if this is contractions I'm feeling now, but I keep getting sharp pains on the right side of my lower belly/pelvic where the leg meets the pelvis. The worst was the other night as I was laying down in bed and all of a sudden I felt these sharp pains that would tighten and then let go, then tighten again and then let go. It went on for quite some time until I sat up and waited it out and then eventually fell asleep. It was only on the right side, and I was told contractions feel more like period cramps so I don't really know what it was. I also have that shooting pain when I go from sitting to standing and it takes a few minutes to walk it off. Basically, I'm falling apart! Also, I swear my belly doubled in size in a matter of a week. I wore the same outfit over the weekend that I wore just last week and gasped when I looked at myself in the mirror from the side. I did not look this huge a week ago! How much bigger can this belly get?! 
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? Rant/Rave all in one I guess - there's nothing like waiting until almost the last minute to clean out and organize the house. We're in the midst of preparing the current guest bedroom for DS's transition to his big boy room so his current room becomes the nursery. So we had new closets installed in his room and downstairs. Which means we had to clear out all those closets, go through all the junk, put stuff back in, re-organize, etc. It was a lot of work the entire weekend and I'm exhausted...but also so happy to finally organize all the mess and keep moving with his room prep. He's pretty excited, which is cute to see. He keeps telling everyone about his new closet and his soon to be big boy room. I'm hoping that excitement stays when he actually moves into it! 
    • Any upcoming appointments? Ultrasound this Wednesday
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? Furniture for DS' new room; second seat for the stroller to convert into double. Any other baby items I guess. Not looking for much, but I love me  good deal! :smile:
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

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    Happy Monday everyone! 

    @Tulips29 - wow! Great work accomplished this weekend!! I’ve been meaning to start organizing some rooms and sorting through old paperwork, etc., so you’ve motivated me to hopefully get it done (or some of it done) this weekend. Hope you start feeling better when it comes to those pains you’ve been having. It’s frustrating when our discomforts don’t fit nicely into a “check box” of a certain symptom. 
    • How far along/EDD? 24w  3/9
    • How are you feeling this week? Pretty good. Getting kind of sore in the evenings around my abdomen, but otherwise I really can’t complain. I’m trying to use this time to get as much stuff done around the house while I’m feeling well. 
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? Rants - DH had gone for two fellowship interviews (he’s a medical resident) a few weeks ago and didn’t get either. They were both really competitive, but just with all the prep for them, travel expenses and hotel expenses, it’s disappointing when it all feels like it was for nothing. So now he’s applying for a Canadian fellowship which would begin next year (the States ones were for the year after). He’s also trying to get a job in our current city as well. So it’s just crazy right now when it comes to figuring out where we’re going to be living come next July. It’ll be great once we get some stability. 
    • Any upcoming appointments? Glucose test in a couple of weeks. 
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? I keep forgetting Black Friday is around the corner. We have our Thanksgiving in Oct so its just not on my radar. I should keep a close eye out on baby stuff though, because we still have the sales up here. 
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    • How far along/EDD? 8 weeks
    • How are you feeling this week? have a cold, gassy, fatigued
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? attempting to not let humanity cause me to rant today, we'll see
    • Any upcoming appointments? 2nd ultrasound is Thursday, 1st Ob/Gyn 12/6
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? I'll check out some clothes but really trying to limit spending until later

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    • How far along/EDD? December 5 37w4d
    • How are you feeling this week? Tired and sore. My pubic bone feels totally bruised and everything down there is swollen 😬 I also have hemorrhoids which is lovely. 
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? I attempted to eat my dates and failed. Apparently you have to eat 7/day to make a difference and they made me gag. I also decided against the EPO capsules bc one of the side effects is post partum hemorrhage. I’m still bummed I’m not progressing but a due date is a due date for a reason right? I figure we’ve waited this long for him that a couple more weeks won’t hurt. 
    • Any upcoming appointments? This Friday, hopefully we can sweep my membranes and get things going. 
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? Not this year but I’m a bit preoccupied 😆 I may get the guts to at least go out in the madness to walk this baby out though. 
     @Tulips29 I’ve been having contractions like that for weeks. I swore one day I was in actual labor and even called my doctor. Maybe subsequent pregnancies are prone to this bc I didn’t experience it the first time either. 
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    @k_mama91 the only way I can eat dates is if I wrap them in bacon and nuke them in the microwave for a minute. Then I can eat 20 in a go!!!

    @sincethelastday we also don’t have thanksgiving coming up but a few big shops and amazon still hold sales. I’ll be checking for things on our registry (though we are just using the registry for the two of us - we haven’t shared it!)

    @Tulips29 so good YS is excited about moving rooms. And with those pains I would probably be bugging the hospital so much  :D

    • How far along/EDD? 24+2 7th March
    • How are you feeling this week? Last week was a bit too much for me in the end with so many escalations coming to me on short notice at work. But Saturday I slept in and we went out for lunch and then I felt like I had to go vomit before I could eat anything - so we took the food home and I slept the whole afternoon. Felt much better Sunday and generally took it easy. I didn’t actually vomit but wow it was close. I’ve been super paranoid about movements the last few days. I might have drunk a sugary drink several times today just to check she’s still ok...  I thought I would feel better after 24 weeks, but seems I’ve found my next things to worry about instead!
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? Rant - Work was really a pain in the backside last week. So many unnecessary things coming to me. So much drama. I’m determined this week I will not let the drama queens aff3ct me. Rave - DH has been a superstar when I wasn’t feeling good. And brought me breakfast in bed again this morning before he left for work. My second rant would be our humidifier- omg it has really improved my rhinitis! No more sneezing out dried blood clots every morning!!! DH ordered quite a fancy one but now I can see its worth it.
    • Any upcoming appointments? This morning did my monthly blood tests to make sure I’m in tip top condition and check if we need to alter dosages of any supplements. But no real appointments until next week - then I see my rheumatologist, OB for an ultrasound etc and midwife for check and prepping for after birth all in the matter of a few days!
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? As mentioned we will check for things on our baby registry and other wish lists. But normally we don’t find much we need sadly. And we’re trying not to buy things we don’t need lol!
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

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    @emmasemm Just today I drank a Sprite and laid down to make him move. I constantly obsess over husband movements.
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    @PoeMasque on the placenta previa I’m really shocked they’re not taking it more seriously! Was it complete or partial at the last ultrasound? 

    Mine was complete still and for that I have been on complete pelvic rest since we found it - no sex, no lifting over 5kg, not walking more than half an hour at a time, if I sit for an hour then I end to walk gently or stand for ten minutes, no baths, no swimming, no exercise, no heavy household jobs (no pushing a supermarket trolley or the vacuum). Also scans every 2-3 weeks to check it, ch3cking also uterine artery blood flow, checking to make sure no early signs of abruption ( as this is a higher chance with PlPr). If I show any signs of rupture of membranes (Even a slow leak), placental insufficiency (possible precursor to abruption) or shortening/widening of cervix then I will be put in hospital until baby arrives. Of course same thing in case of a bleed - even a small one. I was also recommended never to be more than one hour from a level 1 NICU (top level here). No flying, no long journeys by car or train.
    Depending on how everything looks at 34 weeks (assuming no issues before) they will set a date for a c section no later than 38th week, but could be as early as 34th after giving the two steroid shots for the lungs. 
    Unless it moves - which is possible as the uterus grows not just by stretching evenly in all directions... 

    If I were you I would bug the hell out of our OB office. And grill them. 
    Can you also make an appointment at the hospital you will give birth at and discuss birth plans with them already? Maybe they are more active about it.
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

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    @PoeMasque That’s so frustrating and waiting for a big bleed to happen is terrifying. I second @emmasemm I would be blowing up their office until I received some clarity on a game plan. With a toddler and holidays coming up you don’t need to be in the dark.
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    @PoeMasque -sorry to hear about the unresponsiveness of your OB’s office! I find it can sometimes be easier to advocate for people we work for than for ourselves, but it sounds like this is the case where you’re totally justifiable with hounding their office with calls until you get an answer. I find with a bunch of different systems, especially health care systems, you have to be a bit of a pest to get what you want. Hope you hear back from them soon and feel reassured with their plan that they suggest. You don’t need any added stress!

    And as for your question, yes, DH has to pay out of pocket for all the flights and hotel stays for these interviews. Definitely dealing with a lot of big expenses right now. Oi! 
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     @PoeMasque super frustrating about your office, I’m in the same boat! 

    @emmasemm I seriously need my hubby to talk to yours lol. Sorry you haven’t been feeling well but so glad you have DH support.

    @K_mama91 I do the same thing with drinking or eating sugar to wake Him up, it just like if he moves I feel instantly better. 

    @blueguitarhannah so happy to see you’re baby is growing and you’re doing well! 

    • How far along/EDD? 21w4d - 3/27
    • How are you feeling this week? A little emotionally disheartened and physically out of breath/tired bc my thyroid levels are high again. Hoping to get a solution from my endocrinologist today.
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? My 20 week Ultrasound showed my baby has a Bright spot on his heart, it’s called Echogenic intracardiac focus. Anyone else deal with this? I guess it happens in 3-5% of pregnancies and usually isn’t anything to worry about... but I’d really love to just have a normal/good appointment eventually.
    • Any upcoming appointments? Endocrinologist hopefully today, Dec 5th OB. 
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? A new fake Christmas tree! The one I have now I got on a previous Black Friday for like $11 and it looks like it cost that much 😂😂
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    akak23 Glad to see your update.  I hope the spot thing turns out to be nothing.  Not specifically aware of that.

    @PoeMasque That's terrible about your dr.'s office. 

    I actually love dates they are often a sugary but not actual sugar treat.  Though recently only prunes.  I can only eat turkey bacon (I'm allergic to all pork).  Sadly not the same effect when you wrap it around things.

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    @PoeMasque that is so frustrating about your doctors office. I would be upset too. 

    @bluguitarhannah I have an U/S on Thursday as well, Fx for both of us!

    • How far along/EDD? 9+2, June 21st
    • How are you feeling this week? Overall pretty good. Trying not to let PGAL anxiety get the best of me. 
    • Rants/Raves? Questions? I'm really hoping to announce to family at Thanksgiving next week. I've been thinking of getting a big brother shirt for my son to wear and just seeing when/if people notice. But I still have such bad anxiety that I feel like even thinking about something like this is jinxing me or something. Sometimes I really hate how my brain works post IF/loss, like come on why can't I just be blissfully happy. 
    • Any upcoming appointments? Thursday 3rd U/S with my RE
    • GTKY: is there anything you have your eye on for Black Friday sales? Hoping to find a good deal on a tree. Maybe by then I'll feel less anxious and can actually buy something for baby. 

    TTC#1 - March 2013

    BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14

    TTC#2 November 2015

    Dx: Secondary IF June 2016

    Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN

    Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018

    "She believed she could so she did..."

    Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19

    Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!

    Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN

    Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-

    Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal  :'(

    Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever 

    Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1 

    But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET

    IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19

    ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!

    Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1

    FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844

    DD born 6/15/20  <3

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    @sincethelastday oh man that’s a lot of expenses - I hope he’s successful in one soon. 

    @akak23 oh man I also hope you get a good appointment for once! From what I have researched (in advance of my own anatomy scan) these echogenic spots can be something or nothing. Very often then disappear from the US prior to delivery even, but of course cause a lot of stress for you in between!
    Normally they should have booked you in for a follow up a few weeks after to see if it’s still there and if they can see any more details if it is? Hopefully it’s all clear and you can relax. Then if it’s still there they might recommend you talk with a genetic counselor to see if you want an amnio to test if there are any genetic causes they can determine - just to be prepared before the birth with all specialists you might need on hand. And in between you can meet and talk with the heart specialist etc to plan for what happens after birth. That you’re giving birth at a hospital with the relevant heart specialist and equipped for what is needed etc.
    But keeping fx it was just a momentary spot and all will be good.

    @hanshotfirst77 really hope you have a great US on Thursday. You will probably never feel totally safe to announce - but fx after Thursday you feel good enough to do it 

    AFM - small entertainment from our week so far.
    One of our friends have us a hint on how to try to narrow down a name. We have a shortlist of 12 right now and have not moved on shortening it for about a month. So what we are doing is picking a name and trying to use it for a week. If a name makes it through the whole week we keep it on the list. If after a few days it’s clearly not working for us then it’s off the list and we start using the next name on the list. Yesterday we tried the first name and it survived only 2 hours - so that was clear. The name we started today with is a bit better but I’m not sure it will survive a whole week - I like it written but it feels funny spoken so far... so let’s see. DH thought I was a bit crazy when I suggested it but is really enjoying trying out the names now so it’s also quite entertaining! 

    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

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    @akak23 We got ours three years ago at Lowe’s in Black Friday for cheap. It’s pre-lit which may eventually crap out but its super full and not cheap and fake looking like a lot of them are. Michael’s has a decent selection too! 

    @emmasemm Names are tricky. I love the weekly testing though and can see that actually be narrowing you down to a few front runners. When you settle on one you won’t be able to imagine calling her anything else, it’s wild. 

    @hanshotfirst77 I made baby his coming home outfit last week with his initials and name. I kept thinking I would jinx things if I did it any earlier and even struggled a bit last week while doing it. Maybe you could wait until Christmas? If that would help being closer to second tri? 
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    @emmasemm at my last scan (23 weeks) my placenta was still completely over my cervix. I can’t believe all the precautions you are on! I am basically doing all of the things they say you shouldn’t do (except the pelvic rest part)! I think I will call the MFM office tomorrow and bother them since my OB seems to defer to them for anything non-routine anyway. But I will definitely be giving the OBs office a piece of my mind at my visit next week. their policy is to respond in 2 business days (today was day 3) so this is unacceptable. 

    Thank you to everyone for the support around this. I feel like I brushed it off because everyone else did, but I honestly should have known better (especially considering my job is care management, so I see how our healthcare system fails patients every day!). 

    @sincethelastday I can’t believe they make him pay for the interviews!! When I managed faculty searches at a big university here we paid for everything! As if it wasn’t stressful enough to be interviewing in a competitive field :( 
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Options
    @PoeMasque whatever you do don’t feel bad about it - today you and your baby are doing well so that’s all good.
    But you know like I do the risks increase from here on in - so now is the perfect time for you to get the advice and treatment plan you need.
    Are my doctors a bit conservative? Quite possibly. But I would rather take the precautions and hopefully get all the way to our planned delivery than not. I know others might take more risks in the same situation though. Do what feels right for you. I have not found it any hardship with all the restrictions - it’s just become normal life (but I don’t have a toddler to manage...!)
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

  • Options
    @akak23 - I can imagine how stressful it is having an ultrasound that isn’t just totally uneventful. Really hoping that the spot disappears and it’s nothing to worry about. After all you’ve been through with this pregnancy so far, you deserve the most uneventful next few months as possible! 

    @hanshotfirst77 - ugh, the anxiety during the first trimester is rough! I was and still am the same way sometimes of just not wanting to get my hopes up too high in case something goes wrong. I really think IF and loss can rob us of just that blissful unawareness that some pregnant women have that haven’t dealt with these type of situations. Hang in there and hope you get through the next few weeks smoothly! 

    @emmasemm - I love your method of narrowing down the names! DH and I were quite lucky in that we found our LO’s name pretty quickly and have started referring to him by name when we’re home. You begin to get so used to it that I can’t imagine calling him anything else now. Good luck with the continued name search! 
  • Options
    @laurad75 Hating on my pio shots this week.  My wife gives them.  Bleeding with two this week. Covered in lumps.  Getting to the final weeks as I'm now 8 weeks so making it through.
  • Options
    @laurad75 I think I remember you from the September 2017 IVF group and some other IF threads? And you were in the TTGP IF Thread for a while at the same time as me I think?

    Welcome back for number 2! 
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

  • Options
    Thanks! I definitely remember your name @emmasemm.  
    History and blog link in spoiler
    2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 
    2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
    moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
    Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP!  baby boy born 8/22/18

    May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
    Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
    May 2020 FET; BFN
    July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
    Oct 2020 BFP! 

    Take a look at my blog

  • Options
    @Tulips29 Sorry to hear about all the pains and aches. (Btw don’t think you’re always complaining at all, sounds like you’re being pretty stoic, and anyway this forum is definitely the place to tell it like it is, no point putting on a brave face to us!) Your house organising frenzy sounds great - I’ve totally got the tidying bug over the last couple of weeks, seem to be completely focused on that above all else!

    @sincethelastday The interview circuit sounds like quite a punishing one and so frustrating when it’s expensive too. With these kinds of things I try to tell myself that the right job will present itself eventually and that all the ‘failures’ contributed toward getting it, but that’s easy to say! Fingers crossed he comes across the team with the right fit very soon...

    @bluguitarhannah Good luck for your ultrasound tomorrow!

    @k_mama91 Sorry to hear things haven’t progressed as you were hoping. I’m guessing the last few weeks of pregnancy go as slowly as the first? Time feels like it’s flying for me now but I remember how creepingly slow the days were at the beginning! 

    @emmasemm Sounds like last week at work for you was a bit like the one before for me. Lots of unnecessary drama is not what you need when pregnant! Hope things calm down for you - and I’m still in awe of YH bringing you breakfast in bed. Enjoy it!

    Your name game sounds like a fun idea. I was telling a friend that we seem to have chosen one almost by default - I originally had about 2 or 3 top contenders none of which DH was particularly keen on - and then when the sex was confirmed and we told my parents, my mum immediately fired off a list of bilingual boys’ names (I want it to be a name that’s the same in both languages which is much harder for boys than girls). Anyway, DH said ‘oh yes I like that’ to one of them which took me completely by surprise as he’d never yet sounded keen on a single one. I wasn’t particularly keen on it but it happened to be one my mum liked too, and I admit it seems to go well with the surname (don’t ask me why!) so I thought I should give it a chance. Since then we’ve barely spoken about it but the name seems to have ‘adopted’ him and I’m finding it hard to imagine calling him anything else!! Crazy how these things turn out...

    @PoeMasque Really sorry to hear about the placenta previa and the lack of reactivity from your doctor. I think your plan of trying to get the MFM unit to take the lead sounds like a very good idea. Hope you get a quick response from them and start feeling reassured that it’s being better managed. 

    @akak23 Sorry to hear about the news from your scan. I don’t know anything about that particular issue but it does seem quite common for concerns to be raised at the 20w scan that may or may not turn out to be significant. We had an issue with one of the kidneys that are now being monitored, and my best friend was told that one of the ventricles in the brain was on the large side, which as you can imagine caused a lot of stress, but which turned out to be nothing in the end (she has now had the baby). Anyway, I hope your team is able to reassure about how they’re managing it for now, and of course that it’s something which resolves naturally. 

    @hanshotfirst77 I think we’ve all been there when it comes to anxiety about announcements, and know what that feels like. It does gradually get better the further along you get (in my experience).

  • Options
    Thank you @emmasemm @cigaline @sincethelastday @blueguitarhannah for the support. I go back for another US on the 5th, so fingers crossed.

    Welcome @laurad75
  • Options
    @PoeMasque oh I’m so pleased they checked you out and acted so professionally! That’s really great. Also great that it is moving in the right direction and now the MFM knows where it was to compare against at your next appointment! 
    Me 43 DH 45
    Married 12/2016
    TTC #1 since 04/2015
    AMA, DOR (AMH 0.65, AFC 2-4) and autoimmune issues (RA, APS), low TSH, adenomyosis
    7 retrievals, 3 transfers
    Jun19 FET BFP, due date 7th March 2020, DD born Feb20
    Sep17 IVF1 - 1ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - 1ER, 0F
    Jan18 IVF3 - 3ER, 1F, 1ET, BFN
    Feb18 - second opinion and additional testing
    Apr18 IVF4 - cancelled (E2 too high)
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - 4ER, 0M, 1F, 1 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - 5 ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (not best quality)
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - 4ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen day 3 (good quality)
    Aug/Sep18 IVF7 - cancelled (cyst)
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - 3ER, 3M, 2F, 2 frozen Day 3 (excellent quality)
    Oct18 IVF8 - Cancelled (cyst and too low TSH)
    Oct18-Jan19 bringing TSH under control
    Feb19 ERA and hysteroscopy
    Mar19 Investigation for fibroid and adenomyosis
    Apr19 adenomyosis confirmed, polyps removed
    Jun19 FET after 2 months Lupron, autoimmune protocol, transferred two day 3 frozen embryos
    Sep17 - Pergoveris 10-17 Sep, Orgalutran 15-18 Sep, Ovitrelle 18 Sep, ER 20 Sep for 2 follies, 1 mature egg, fertilized, ET 1x 2d 4-cell embryo 22/09, 05/10 BFN
    Nov17 IVF2 - Pergoveris 2-14 Nov, Orgalutran 5-14 Nov, Ovitrelle 15 Nov, ER 17 Nov for 3 follies, 1 mature egg, did not fertilize
    Jan18 IVF3 - Pergoveris 30 Dec - 8 Jan, Orgalutran 5-8 Jan, Ovitrelle 9 Jan, ER 11 Jan 3 eggs, 2 mature, 1 fertilized, ET 1x 4d 12-cell embryo 15/01, 24/01 BFN
    May/Jun18 IVF4 - Rekovelle 25-29 May, Menogon 30May - 2Jun, Zomacton 25 27 29 31 May and 2Jun, Cetrotide 30May - 3Jun, Gonasi 3Jun, ER 5Jun 4 eggs, none mature, two matured overnight, 1 fertilized with ICSI, Frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jun/Jul18 IVF5 - Rekovelle 21-24 June, Menogon 25Jun-3Jul, Puregon 4-5Jul, Zomacton 21 23 25 27 29 Jun, Cetrotide 25Jun-5Jul, Gonasi 6Jul, ER 8Jul 5 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 but not good quality
    Jul/Aug18 IVF6 - Rekovelle 26-29 Jul, Menogon 30Jul-7Aug, Buserelin 26Jul-7Aug, Zomacton 26 28 30 Jul 1 3 Aug, Gonasi 7Aug, ER 9Aug 4 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized (normal IVF), 2 frozen day 3 good quality
    Sep/Oct18 IVF7 - Menogon 19-30Sep, Buserelin 19-30Sep, Zomacton 19 21 23 25 27 Sep, Ovitrelle 1 Oct, ER 3 eggs, 3 mature, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 2 frozen day 3 excellent quality 

    Fav Quote: The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

  • Options
    @PoeMasque I'm glad you got more information that's encouraging.
  • Options
    @PoeMasque So happy you got a scan and great news! What a relief!

    @cigaline The last month or so absolutely drags by! 

    @laurad75 Welcome and congrats! 

    @hanshotfirst77 Big congrats on graduating!! 
  • Options
    @bluguitarhannah Congrats to you too! 

    TTC#1 - March 2013

    BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14

    TTC#2 November 2015

    Dx: Secondary IF June 2016

    Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN

    Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018

    "She believed she could so she did..."

    Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19

    Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!

    Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN

    Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-

    Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal  :'(

    Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever 

    Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1 

    But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET

    IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19

    ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!

    Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1

    FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844

    DD born 6/15/20  <3

  • Options
    Happy Friday everyone! I completely fell off this thread since Monday, work has been insane this week. I hope I am not forgetting anyone in my responses. 

    @PoeMasque so glad you got that US and your placenta has moved. Hopefully it continues that way! Mine didn't move with my son at all, but then when I showed up for the c-sec, got all hooked up to the IV, they did an ultrasound and almost sent me home because they saw the placenta move slightly. I told them no way lol...I was ready to get the show on the road. My OB then came and confirmed it didn't move far enough so they proceeded. I hope your doctor continues to monitor it closely so you can have some peace of mind. 

    @emmasemm I hope your work doesn't cause you any unnecessary stress. I love that DH has been bringing you breakfast in bed, go him! And your name game is great. We did sort of the same...we'd say the name out loud for a few days to see if we can see ourselves calling a kid by that name. Also, being a bi-lingual family, we try to pick a name that doesn't sound super silly or weird when grandparents would say it in a native language. And then we'd also imagine how we'd say the name if we were trying to be stern or serious just to make sure it sounds ok from every angle. 

    @sincethelastday I'm sorry about all the expenses, I can't imagine it being easy. I hope everything works out for your husband and the interviews he's going on! Is black friday a big thing in Canada? 

    @cigaline thanks for saying that...I love that this forum exists for all sorts of venting, complaining, discussions, idea sharing, etc...without any judgement! 

    @akak23 fingers crossed for a good appointment for you! I'm not familiar with what you're describing, but if the doctors are saying it's nothing to worry about, I would hope they are right! But I understand how anything "outside the norm" I guess would be worrying. 

    @k_mama91 how are you holding up? I haven't heard that about the dates, so that's interesting. I actually love them with walnuts. I break them in half and put a walnut on each half and eat them that way. You can also drizzle them with a tiny bit of honey...yum! 

    @laurad75 welcome and congrats on such a great beta! 

    @bluguitarhannah yay for graduating from the RE and a good US appointment! 

    @hanshotfirst77 congrats on the milestones! It's great to be done with the medication as well! 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • Options
    @Tulips29 Blah I gave up on the dates, I can’t stomach them. I’m still here, very pregnant. I’m “1-2 cm” as of today but I think my poor doctor just told me that to cheer me up lol
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