Mixing it up a little here-
what is your favorite holiday tradition and what tradition are you excited to continue or start with your kids. Any and All holidays!
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
Re: GTKY: Holiday Fun
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@mercury94 we do crab and shrimp enchilladas on xmas day for dinner!
Also making sure my kids celebrate channukah- usually small gifts each night with a bigger one on the last night.
1 infant loss
8/17: Our daughter was born
8/18: Our daughter kicked open heart surgery ass
2/19: We lost our son to Prader-Willi/Paradoxical Vocal Cord/ Noonans at 6wks old
4/26/2020: EDD for baby #3!!!
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
Being Jewish and raising DS Jewish, I make it a point to make latkes and Hanukkah cookies every year. We light the menorah every night and do 8 small gifts.
For Christmas, we have a tree up and do Christmas morning gifts. We try to make a holiday light drive sometime during the holidays every year.
My family would have dinner with my mom’s side on Christmas Eve and then dinner with my dad’s side on Christmas Day. It was always fun because we had so many cousins of similar age. I would sleep downstairs at home with my brothers while my parents played Santa upstairs.
I moved really far away and have 2 kids that are both really excited for Christmas this year. It’s hard to be away from our families but we are trying to find ways to make new traditions. This will be the first year we’re not visiting family for the holidays and the first year we have to figure everything out for ourselves. Definitely hard but also kind of fun to make it up as we go.
Santa and go to my mom’s for Christmas Day dinner.
Natural BFP Feb 2017. DD born Oct. 2017
Natural BFP Aug. 2019, EDD April 2020
Growing up my family did a massive Christmas Eve party that concluded with "santa" bells ringing outside and we all knew it was time to get our Christmas Eve jammies. Then we would go home and wake up to our stockings in our rooms. Each stocking had one little present wrapped and then we knew what presents under the tree were for us.
I can't wait to carry on the tradition!
Christmas morning I was always up first and I'd sneak downstairs just to look at the stockings. I was not allowed to touch anything (a rule started after a year when I had a harmonica sitting in the top of mine and decided to wake everyone up with it...) but I could look. Once I couldn't take it anymore I would go jump on everyone to wake them up and we'd all sit by with fireplace and open our stockings together then gifts and eat nuts and oranges along the way (there was always an orange in the foot of the stocking). Then Mum would make sausage rounds and breakfast sandwich fixings while we cleaned up, we'd have breakfast and go to the morning service. Then we always hosted Christmas dinner so the day became about cleaning the house, cooking, etc and we'd have over our grandmas and our neighbours we shared the driveway with (they're Jewish, so they had their family time around Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, etc). After dinner, the parents would gab and drink and me merry and the kids would all play an old LOTR board game called Riddle of the Ring. This routine stayed the same for a solid decade in that house until we moved.
I miss a lot of those traditions, some of them lost after the move and some of them lost from us growing up, moving out and Dad passing away. I love bringing some of them back though while making new traditions. My husband had less traditions growing up so I've been teaching him some of mine. I also really want to do St Nicholas Day for our kiddos (Dutch tradition where we leave out decorative shoes and wake up to them filled with little treats December 6th; my husband is Dutch). I fully felt the magic of Christmas as a kid and I want that so badly for ours. Not necessarily the materialistic part of it, but the memories and the together time.
Other things I'd like to incorporate is doing pj's as a gift to open the night of Christmas eve and also a book. I'd love to do a monkey bread type thing in the morning too along with the breakfast casserole for a sweet and savory element. And I'd love to incorporate some kind of charity work into the holidays and teach my kids that Christmas is about family time and giving to others.