Put all of your great ideas here! Ask for feedback, ideas, etc!
Here are some questions to get started:
- What have you done to "nest" and get ready for baby?
- What color schemes / themes are you considering for the nursery?
- Are there any crafty ideas you have and what are the chances of them actually getting done?
Adapted from another BMB.
Re: Nursery and Nesting Thread
Here’s a relatively recent pic (from our new baby monitor) of DD1’s room, which she’ll eventually share with DD2 in this arrangement. I hope DD1 will be ready to part with the crib kinda soon, since I’d like to move it into the master bedroom by January or so. @corgmom It’s kinda sorta green/purple, too!
I retired DD1’s bureau/changing table and switched her to a pre-potty-training bathroom changing station of sorts, but I think we’re going going to bring it back upstairs and put it in our guest room, which I also hope to paint a mustardy yellow and eventually convert to a playroom/guest room (playroom with a bed, basically). DD1 has a mini wardrobe in her closet and eventually I’d like to reno the closet a little and install shelving to hold both kids’ clothing. I’ll keep the tiny clothes in the bureau thing til we can figure that out.
ETA: a subpar view of the rest of the room
This rug by Hook & Loom was a good find. It was the only large, non-toxic option I tracked down that was also relatively affordable. Floor bed and Montessori-style shelf from Sprout, a company I also love for being fairly affordable, sustainable, and non-toxic.
We officially have a nursery in construction and it's exciting! Oh my gosh, I've cleared out SO MUCH STUFF from my house so far. I've always been a slight hoarder so I managed to accumulate a lot of unnecessary things. I've cleaned out and organized every room and closet in my home. We have two extra bedrooms in the house right now, one with carpet and one without. We have turned the one without carpet into a spare room for any overnight guests in the future. The closet and dresser in that room have all of my art supplies in them right now. The room with the carpet is our nursery though. We went out and bought new carpet for the room, and my partner has the entire room primed, including the trim around the ceiling, floors, and window. He's painted the door and the window sill white, and all that's left to paint are the walls the final color. He's also going to paint as much of the rest of the rooms in the house as possible before the baby arrives... which seems like an impossible feat.
- What color schemes / themes are you considering for the nursery?
No theme, really. We are doing very light purple (a super light lilac or lavender) walls with white trim. We are getting new carpet put in there that's a very light silvery grayish (it looks a lot nicer than it sounds) and it really looks nice with the gray crib that my parents have bought for the baby. I need to get artwork for the walls, but I'm not really sure what yet. I need a rocking chair of some type (I think I registered for one) and a dresser/changing table.
- Are there any crafty ideas you have and what are the chances of them actually getting done?
I have cross-stitched a few things that I think would look really lovely in the nursery but I sort of want to do a custom piece in there that has her name on it. I could easily get it done in January/February. Just have to decide what I want to do, really.
@corgmom I love that your nursery has a door directly to your bedroom as well as one to the hall. That seems so helpful! We are doing super light lilac walls in our nursery. I've never been hugely into the color purple but my partner showed me some nursery ideas with light walls and I fell in love.
@miss.sally I'm not hugely into matchy-matchy rooms either. I like things that flow together, but don't necessarily look like part of a cookie-cutter set, so to speak. I wish I could start and maintain a Pinterest board full of nursery ideas/inspirations but Pinterest and Facebook are both blocked at work, and I suck at using my phone for Internet things. I need a computer at home!
@dunder_mifflin Omg I love your nursery inspiration!!!!!
- What color schemes / themes are you considering for the nursery? Mint/stars/dragons for bedding things primarily, although I'm also very fond of rainbows.
- Are there any crafty ideas you have and what are the chances of them actually getting done? I don't think I'll do anything really crafty since we won't have a nursery.
@dunder_mifflin I have the same type of inspiration
Its also me and DH bdays this week, so I asked my parents to just give me money so we can spend it on baby stuff so we will probably get nursery stuff with that money. I decided on the Babyletto crib that’s very simple and cheap but great reviews. I don’t see the point in spending a ton of money on a crib.
I’ve been struggling to find a good glider for a small space that’s affordable and cute so any ideas would be super helpful!
Oh ALSO any thoughts on ceiling fan vs fancy chandelier/light fixture?? I’ve read ceiling fans are safer and reduce the risk of SIDS, and we already have one in there. But I just love the look of cute light fixtures so much!
DS is getting moved to his “big boy room” hopefully next month or January (we want to move him before the baby comes so he doesn’t blame her for his ousting and to have less change all at once). Right now he’s still in the nursery. He will stay in his crib (it converts to a toddler bed but I hope he sleeps in a crib forever lol), but it’ll be moved to the new room.
The rest of the nursery will stay the same for baby girl. It’s a gender neutral gray and is travel themed. Maybe I’ll post pics later. we used an online interior decorator (decorist) for the nursery and I love it.
For DS’s big boy room, we are doing truck theme since he loves all things trucks. we are getting a loveseat so we can all read DS stories for bedtime as one big family on the couch. Also getting truck decals, a truck pillow for the couch, truck rug, a truck themed bookshelf. And I think that’s all we need for his room? We figure we’ll revamp his room again when he is a few years older and he can have input then and actually make it his legit big boy room :-)
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
@dunder_mifflin @mrsc918 I LOVE that wallpaper!! Big fan of florals and I think that will look beautiful in the nursery!
@silverhope a loveseat is such a great idea for DS room! I'm sure you'll all get a ton of use out of it
We're planning to do neutral furniture (see above crib, paired with a natural wood and white dresser) with accents of bright colors- think bright pinks, greens, purples, blue, orange. Finding a nontoxic rug that has those colors is going to be challenging... so I might go with a regular rug I find
@lemonlove86 can’t wait to see it all together
@miss.sally loving the boho vibes!
@orbmaker I'm going to need to check out sprout for furniture!
@Malidocious and @silverhope, I'm also a borderline hoarder and I have so much anxiety about getting rid of things and organizing! I need my poor husband around for moral support even though 90% of the stuff (mostly craft and sewing stuff) is mine.
What have you done to "nest" and get ready for baby?
I'm finally feeling nesty as of last week! As I said previously, our third bedroom is my "craft room" but is really a dumping ground for anything in the house that doesn't have a place. It gives me a lot of anxiety so I just shut the door on it normally. I finally have the motivation to tackle it! It's going to be a big girl bedroom for DD1 and I'm really excited! This nursery thread is mostly about that bedroom because we're keeping the current nursery the same.
What color schemes / themes are you considering for the nursery?
I want to have a montessori style (maybe more montessori aesthetic than actual montessori) bedroom for DD1. We're going to be moving her in there when DD2 is around 6 mo and she's 2.5. I'm torn between putting her in a crib with a toddler rail or moving her into a floor bed or house bed. Below is a picture of wallpaper I love for a color scheme and an ikea hack bed idea.
Here is a picture of our nursery, just because I'm so damn proud of how it turned out , lol.
Are there any crafty ideas you have and what are the chances of them actually getting done?
I painted the mural in the nursery and DH wants me to do another in the bedroom, but I'm leaving towards wallpaper. I'm going to eventually sew a quilt for DD2 like I did for DD1. Nothing else planned at the moment.
Re: Montessori, we’re not diehards, but I’ve really embraced the general philosophy, which I interpret as designing your environment with the kid(s)’ maximum independence in mind. In her room, this meant we removed everything that’s not appropriate for her to touch and that she can easily access and put away everything that’s in there, including her clothes (once I open the closet door). Another example in our home is we moved diapers, wipes, and self-care stuff under the sink in the bathroom. We also installed a mirror (at her height) inside the cabinet door, so now she helps get ready to change her diaper and brushes her teeth there. I let her take the lead and ask for help. I find it really benefits her and eliminates a lot of struggle!
I think we're going for montessori lite. I love all the things you suggested, especially the low mirror. I've got to figure out the clothing storage for her because I'm going to be keeping all my sewing stuff locked in her closet, so it won't be an option for her clothes.
We’re going to wait til after our shower in early January to set up the nursery as we’re hoping to get most things for it gifted to us. We have however cleaned out and organized our basement which is amazing and we are working on getting our interior doors replaced upstairs... currently the door to the nursery doesn’t even have a handle 😝
@Malidocious our nursery is a light purple too! It’s actually the color that came with the house. I wanted to paint it gray, but DH convinced me otherwise too. Less work for me!
Here’s some of my nursery inspo:
- What color schemes / themes are you considering for the nursery? Our theme is "get as much sleep as possible and hope that DS will be ready for a toddler bed around 2.5 yrs (when the baby will be 6mo)."
- Are there any crafty ideas you have and what are the chances of them actually getting done? Nope, and zero.
I've always been missing the nesting/decorating gene! My nesting usually just involves cleaning and organizing.
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
we have a dresser with changing table top, a glider, and allll the baby things in the basement. That will be my project over winter break, I also want to paint. The room right now is tan and teal (we moved in this summer and didn’t change any paint colors). Not sure what color we will paint. DD’s room is navy and I thought I’d hate it but it’s kind of nice! Her decor (lots of coral, yellow, light greens and blues) really pops. I like that it’s dark bc it helps in the summer time when the sun is up at 5 am.
@mommytimesfour Awwww that is so sweet.
@mrsc918 I am LOVING that wallpaper but my partner doesn't want to do wallpaper at all in the nursery. I wanted an accent wall, though. Oh well. Also, team ceiling fan! I love the idea of cute light fixtures (especially little chandeliers) but I think a cute lamp (floor or table) would suffice.
@silverhope @keeksie84 Hoarders unite! :-P
@dunder_mifflin I will definitely post pics of the lilac nursery once we get it painted!
@keeksie84 Omg your nursery is so neat! That wall mural is A+, and I'm super picky about murals!
@creativesoul83 Aw yay for light purple walls! I was going to do a light purple accent wall and then light gray on the other three walls but my partner convinced me to just do all the walls light purple and then hang artwork that will pop/accent.
@kantobean Etsy has some AMAZING artwork that would be perfect for a nursery! I've been saving things to a wishlist on there!
I’m wondering which wall mural y’all prefer:
trees vs. peonies
married 11.1.14
ttc #1 since 5.18
bfp 12.22.18 letrozole + progesterone
d&e due to trisomy 13/hydrops at 15wks
bfp 7.21.19 letrozole + IUI
little girl A born 3.26.20
thank you all so much! I really love the forest mural because it’s different and unique, but actually plugged in the numbers and did the conversion form USD to CAD and it’s wayyy over budget
Im really excited about how our nursery is turning out! Very small space but I love it so much! We have to hang everything up still and I need to arrange and cut up the greenery on the mirror still but most everything is done! Just need a few things and we are set!!!
Lol, we need to get a move on, we made a master list on excel of everything we need to have done before baby and it’s such a doozy since it includes organizing parts of the house we dumped stuff when we moved in and replacing all of our bathtub/sink faucets. Total of 51 fairly big “to do” items 😰
We ordered our glider/recliner today (the one in the picture) and crib mattress and I’m so excited for them to come in. Going to order some more things tomorrow and next weekend. Goal is to have most of nursery complete by end of month and then the decor done mid-feb. thankfully she’s due end of March and I’ll be starting leave likely March 11 or 12th so I hope to have those two weeks to get some things done if she doesn’t make an early appearance.
Our nursery needs to be painted and definitely doesn’t look as nice as some, with the crib and dresser that we used for DD that have her bite marks and such in them. I did order some prints from Etsy today and I’m excited to get those hung and framed!
@momoftoddlers great idea! I had that thought, I’ll source some items for sure. I may go smaller on the peonies or even have them done in white. But the mock-up makes it seem like it is more blush than it actually will be in the room. I’m loving the neutral vibe I have going right now in there, lol.