Well, I've told some coworkers that I'm pregnant(they asked first), but hadn't told either of my 2 bosses yet. Someone must have gossiped because I got an email from my tutoring boss asking if I was planning on tutoring in the spring. Not sure why else I'd be getting that seeing as I've been tutoring at this job continually since fall of 2011.
@Kathryn0903 Oooooh your cat was definitely let out of the bag, it sounds like. Stupid people and their big mouths. How long were you planning on waiting to tell them?
@mercury94 we don’t get a lot of the government holidays off (maybe like one or two a year) but we do get paid for a shutdown between Christmas Eve and Jan 2nd every year that doesn’t count toward our vacation.
@literatureandink that's awesome you get that time off during the holidays @Kathryn0903 do you know who might have spilled the beans, and are you going to address it with them?
@literatureandink We only get 7 holidays a year. We get a fair amount of vacation and 5 personal days, but we work Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve as well as most bank holidays. Local government work is very different that federal government.
My son is 16 months and driving me crazy. He won’t stop climbing on the table, chairs, couch, and he is constantly falling off the furniture. He never stops moving and he never stops trying to climb on stuff. I am exhausted trying to keep him safe. I don’t know how to keep him from hurting himself. It feels like I’ve tried everything and he just doesn’t care.
@literatureandink I was planning on saying something soon, prob when we were asked for our spring availability. Didn't quite make it till then. @jecies not sure who said something. I never specifically said not to tell certain people, so it's partially my fault. I've been showing, so I know it was gonna be out before long anyway.
@emsned One thing I’ve learned from my accident prone child is that you can’t completely keep them from getting hurt. Slowly, DS seems to be getting a little more cautious. I think he’s getting tired of getting hurt too. But, he’s still clumsy and frequently has a bump on his head or something. It’s hard because you want to keep them from ever getting hurt. It’s just not possible.
@Kathryn0903 I hope your boss understands. If not I’d be pretty upset at the person who leaked it. I hope it turns out well for you!
@mercury94 we don’t get any bank holidays off either. We have 5 holidays off a year plus our PTO and then 3 “floating holidays” which is essentially 3 PTO days just in a different “bucket”
@literatureandink that is awesome you get the break between. It must feel like a reset button every year!
@jecies it must feel so good to have the nursery painted!!
@emsned it sounds exhausting keeping up with you son at this daredevil climbing stage, especially while pregnant. I don’t have anything to compare it to but hope to remember @mercury94’s advice in mind when these 2 babies reach that stage!
My brother-in-law’s friend has twin 3 year olds and just hooked us up with 2 high chairs, 2 baby gates, a double stroller and a diaper pail. All were in great condition and really well taken care of. It’s the first stuff in our house for these babies!! We ordered the car seats during Target’s Black Friday preview and they should be here this week AND they are compatible with the stroller we just got for free! (We gave them a thank you note with a gift card for them to go out to dinner on us.)
Gotta love family drama. My cousin's son is getting married next month and they invited limited people to the wedding. Sure, I would have loved to be invited, but I never said anything about not getting invited. Just got an apology phone call from my cousin for not inviting us. Super awkward phone conversation.
On Saturday I ordered fleece legging from H&M for our trip to Chicago/Notre Dame. Our flight leaves early tomorrow morning. I took a gamble and chose the 3-5 day shipping thinking I might get them today. My tracking hasn't even updated to say the postal service has received them yet :-( What. The. Heck. H&M. I might run to the mall tonight and hope that Motherhood has some.
I just left my anatomy scan absolutely bummed and down on myself. Thankfully all baby’s organs are measuring normal but the MFM doctor told me he didn’t get as clear of pictures as he would have if I had less belly fat. I worked my butt off to lose 100+ lbs and this was just a reminder that I’m still overweight. I made another appointment for a few weeks from now and again, he said everything looks good, but I can’t help but be bummed.
@literatureandink That sucks. Sometimes I think doctors are so focused on the body and factual aspect of what they're doing that they forget they're talking to people with feelings. You should be super proud of all the hard work you've done!!! That's such a huge accomplishment. Stay positive about how far you've come
@literatureandink I’m sorry. That was rude and the doctor could have phrased it in a better manner. I’m also overweight. I know that I have to deal with some stuff bc of that, but I love that my doctor is always kind about it.
Crazy week as DH threw his back out badly on Sunday (like, couldn't walk or stand and was crawling around the apartment) so I've been doing a lot of extra work around the house and am exhausted from it. More than anything it has been really hard to see him in so much pain and feeling limited in what I can do to help make it better. Today has been a great day though and thanks to physio he's been getting back to normal. Still in pain but nowhere near as bad and he can walk and stand again and get around on his own at the very least.
We were supposed to meet our potential doula tonight so I've been cleaning and decluttering from what had piled up while we've been focused on his healing. She had to cancel last minute because her client was in labour, but it feels so good to have the place starting to look more sane. I also lit some candles for extra cozy factor and it is feeling more like a nest than a hazard zone!
@literatureandink Totally out of place for the doctor to body shame you like that, especially when you're pregnant! You did the work to lose that weight like a boss, but even if you hadn't their comment is out of line. You've got a happy healthy baby in there, and that's all they should have said. Way to go on the weight loss and remember that whatever anyone says about it doesn't take away from your accomplishment!
Re: Weekly Randoms 11/11
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@Kathryn0903 do you know who might have spilled the beans, and are you going to address it with them?
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@jecies not sure who said something. I never specifically said not to tell certain people, so it's partially my fault. I've been showing, so I know it was gonna be out before long anyway.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@mercury94 we don’t get any bank holidays off either. We have 5 holidays off a year plus our PTO and then 3 “floating holidays” which is essentially 3 PTO days just in a different “bucket”
@literatureandink that is awesome you get the break between. It must feel like a reset button every year!
@jecies it must feel so good to have the nursery painted!!
@emsned it sounds exhausting keeping up with you son at this daredevil climbing stage, especially while pregnant. I don’t have anything to compare it to but hope to remember @mercury94’s advice in mind when these 2 babies reach that stage!
My brother-in-law’s friend has twin 3 year olds and just hooked us up with 2 high chairs, 2 baby gates, a double stroller and a diaper pail. All were in great condition and really well taken care of. It’s the first stuff in our house for these babies!! We ordered the car seats during Target’s Black Friday preview and they should be here this week AND they are compatible with the stroller we just got for free! (We gave them a thank you note with a gift card for them to go out to dinner on us.)
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
We were supposed to meet our potential doula tonight so I've been cleaning and decluttering from what had piled up while we've been focused on his healing. She had to cancel last minute because her client was in labour, but it feels so good to have the place starting to look more sane. I also lit some candles for extra cozy factor and it is feeling more like a nest than a hazard zone!
@literatureandink Totally out of place for the doctor to body shame you like that, especially when you're pregnant! You did the work to lose that weight like a boss, but even if you hadn't their comment is out of line. You've got a happy healthy baby in there, and that's all they should have said. Way to go on the weight loss and remember that whatever anyone says about it doesn't take away from your accomplishment!