January 2020 Moms

November Appointments


Re: November Appointments

  • @c1kc1kpol1cn1k I thought this year's flu shot was super easy.  Not sore or sick at all, so I wasn't "out" for any time.  It sounds like some had a different experience though, so YMMV.

    @marebear15 I'm overweight to begin with and am on track to gain 35 lbs (will probably be a bit more than that since I tend to swell significantly around 36 weeks or so).  I was originally told to shoot for 25 lbs based on my starting weight, but gaining during first tri (thyroid issues) put a wrench in that.  I've been gaining about a lb a week which my MWs are happy about.  I'm honestly more worried about my weight gain than they have been.
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  • @amb0924 last time I was in twin clinic (3 weeks ago) twin a was no longer the presenting twin & twin b had moved lower down to be the presenting twin. The only way we know this for definite is because of the different sexes. So its very possible that hour girls have done a lot of moving about and just changed up positions!

    @kbrown2385 im so glad to hear baby girl is growing well (& baby boy too) & that youre feeling good about how everything is progressing!
  • @kbrown2385 so glad to hear things are going well with baby girl!! That's great that she's growing so well
  • @kbrown2385 what a relief!!!! Go girl go!
  • @c1kc1kpol1cn1k My son was measuring big the entire time and when I was in labor, my contractions were coupling, which is supposed to be an indicator of a big baby and he ended up being 6lbs 14oz 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's all pretty much educated guesswork IMO
  • @kbrown2385 - I'm sorry for that scare on Friday and what must have been a frightening weekend. But it's great news that her head circumference matches her body percentile! I had a friend from TB that had twins and one of them had to wear a helmet because of how his head formed. So that sounds like that might be in little girl's future, but that's easily fixable! They had all kind of cool paintings and stickers on the helmet and they would change up the theme every week.
  • Blood work came back last night. Still waiting on my 1hr glucose test though. Blood work looks fine other than I'm like slightly anemic. I'm not too worried about it and they didn't call me about it or anything. It just populated in my patient portal during birthing class. Now I just wanna know my glucose test results. BAH
    PG #1: 36w5d 12/25/19
    PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
    PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
  • @kbrown2385 so so happy for a great scan for you and that baby girl is growing and doing so well! I can imagine you must be so relieved! 
  • @FyreFlyeRush yay the little guy is growing well.

    @stashattack my glucose test was in my portal within the day lol. I so hope it's fine because as I sit here doing the 3 hour where you have to be poked 4 times and be fasting to start it really sucks! Hope you don't have to do it!
  • @FyreFlyeRush so glad you had a great appt and baby looks good! 
  • @peppyj9 so glad it went well today! Also, seeing your ticker with 75 days left is making me anxious haha. The end is coming so quickly!
  • @biolprof congratulations! Nice not to have to worry about that anymore.
  • @biolprof yay, you passed!! Great news!

    @kbrown2385 I forgot I made that ticker! I can't see it on the app. I think I made it when I still thought my due date was 01/20/20, before I had my dating ultrasound, so it's actually 80 days. But still, getting close!!! 😬
  • @stashattack great news! 

    @peppyj9 I usually don’t see them because I am on my phone most of the time. I just happened to be on my computer last night and it was a shock to see it in double digits haha.
  • EmilyE13EmilyE13 member
    edited November 2019
    @biolprof Way to go passing your 3 hr test!  
    @kbrown2385 I'm so glad you got some more reassurance on baby girl's measurements.
    @FyreFlyeRush Sounds like all great news for your MFM appt!
    @stashattack Yay for passing!
    @peppyj9 FX the official echocardiogram report is as good as it sounds like it will be based on tech's feedback!

    My 30 week OB appointment went mostly well today.  Great news: my BP is down to 124/78 from 132/78 last time, so the relaxation techniques and baby aspirin seem to be helping.  The nurse was thrilled, and so was I.  Also, it's looking like the baby may have flipped to head down.  Not great news: I gained 4 lbs since last appt, which I was bummed about.  The OB didn't say anything about it, though.  OB and I had a very frank conversation about my chances for a VBAC.  The risk factors for me that she laid out were the fact that I went overdue, had to be induced due to BP concerns (BP was NEVER high once I was at the hospital -- measured normal or low the entire time, of course), had a prolonged labor and ultimately failed induction resulting in c-section, and...
    ...the big one is that I had the severe postpartum hemorrhage.  A lot of that can be explained by the fact that they maxed me out on pitocin and I was in labor multiple days, so my uterus was pretty much tapped out by then, which resulted in atony and then the hemorrhage.  Funny enough, my OB also pointed out that me being a redhead means I bleed more, which I hadn't heard before.   
    **end TW**
    She was more reassuring than one of the other OBs in the practice, however, and even said that depending on how my BP is doing and baby is measuring, she'd be comfortable letting me go past 40 weeks to maybe 40+4.  They're  also planning to do a growth scan at 34-36 weeks to monitor the kiddo's growth.  Overall, I feel better after the appointment.

    @marebear15 Your OB's recommendation to limit weight gain to improve chances at VBAC is certainly motivating to me.  I'm really going to try to control as much as I can and hope for a smaller (or no) jump on the scale at my next appointment.

    ETA: Wasn't done.
  • @stashattack awesome news!

    @EmilyE13 great news about your BP!! 4lbs isn't much and can likely be managed if you're concerned because of your VBAC options. You got this! Also, is that actually true about red heads? That seems completely bizarre! Why would your hair color have anything to with that? 
  • @peppyj9 Redheads do have some weirdo unique things about us.  One common trait you'll hear--especially from anesthesiologists and anesthetists who've seen it--is that it takes significantly more anesthesia and analgesia to affect us than the general population.  I've experienced that firsthand ever since I was a kid.  I require a bunch more novocaine than normal to numb me at the dentist, for example, and they had to seriously juice up my epidural because I could still feel everything.
  • @EmilyE13 wow, I had no idea! I wonder why that is. 
  • Sigh... 152 on my 1 hour test. So, it's 3 hour test tomorrow. Egads. I detest the 3 hour test! 
  • @FyreFlyeRush it's terrible. I'm so sorry. But at least you don't have to go to work?
  • FyreFlyeRushFyreFlyeRush member
    edited November 2019
    @biolprof, Since I telework, I'm just going to tether my laptop to my phone. I'm also anemic, which I suspected. 
    I had such a horrible sugar crash last time, I almost passed out in the lab...and I've been poked thrice already this week. I don't have any good veins left for 4 more pokes! Edit - preggo brained the tag
  • @FyreFlyeRush I have terrible veins too! They were able to poke me in the same vein for all four pokes even after being poked there earlier in the week so it can work. Just hydrate before!
  • A day late, but my US and MW appointment both went well yesterday.

    The ultrasound was a recheck of a minor concern on the anatomy scan (baby's bladder measured small), but it looked to be a normal size during yesterday's scan so no concerns there!  Baby is head-down and measuring right around 3 lbs, which puts him/her in the 60-something percentile.  Both my other babies were born right around 40 weeks at around 8 lbs, so this one's measuring just about the same :smile:  No good pictures since baby's face was covered by his/her hands throughout the ultrasound.

    At the end of the ultrasound the doctor said something like "looks good, we'll see you again in about 6 weeks for a growth scan" to which I replied "why am I getting a growth scan??"  Evidently, they recommend a third trimester growth scan for all moms who are hypothyroid, regardless of the fact that I've never had a growth scan with previous pregnancies, none of my babies have been growth-restricted, and this one's actually measuring a little big for gestational age.  I expressed some hesitation about this and the doctor said that she would also feel comfortable not scheduling a growth scan and just following-up on any fundal height measurements that seem small.  So, I'm giving a little side-eye to my prenatal imaging center for being a bit "scan-happy" but I'm glad that they were willing to be flexible without fear-mongering.
  • @kbrown2385, that must be so frustrating. Funny how their personalities show so early. You could tell DS1 was going to be high maint from my first scan when he decided to be a no show straight until delivery when he opted to be sunny side up! 
  • @FyreFlyeRush I swear these kids will drive us crazy just to spite us. We ended up not passing the NST. I ate an orange to get them moving and they didn’t want to stay on the monitor again 😑
  • @kbrown2385 ugh, I’m sorry they were so uncooperative although I think it’s also a little adorable that they’re basically already conspiring among themselves to be naughty. 

    @cats_in_a_window I’m glad your appointment went so well!
  • @kbrown2385 Oh goodness! I'm sure that's frustrating, but I agree with @EmilyE13, it's also pretty adorable! Both this baby and my first hate any type of ultrasound/Doppler technology. They literally kick at the wand. It's so uncomfortable. 

    Did my 1 he GD test on the 7th and got a flu shot. I was nauseous for the rest of the day and on and off today. I hope I pass because between the nausea and headache and fatigue, I can't do it again. 
  • @peppyj9 do you think a Doppler could help you feel better. You can hear movement on it as well as heartbeat.
  • @biolprof I didn't realize a doppler did more than just heartbeat. I'll ask my OB what she thinks when I see her tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion 😊
  • @peppyj9 , yeah as they get bigger the movements you feel are stronger, but you don't feel them as often. You can't really feel the wiggles as much. Calling your OB is definitely the right thing to do, with or without a doppler, but the doppler will re-assure you until you get in. Plus, sometimes it will wake baby up and make them start moving around. 

    Also, orange juice, cold drinks, ice cream, etc will all get them moving around within about 30m. 
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