May 2020 Moms

Group 2 9-16 May


Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 

Baby is the size of a(n):

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day?

Re: Group 2 9-16 May

  • EDD: 
    16 May

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 
    Finding Out

    Baby is the size of a(n):
    Raspberry / Jelly bean / gummy bear

    Upcoming appointments:
    Bloodwork tomorrow. 28 October. 

    How are you feeling? 
    I’ve got a hormone hangover going on most of the time thanks to progesterone but the nausea seems under control thanks to the new meds I started Friday. 

    I’ve been so miserable that I’ve been depending on MH to keep the house functioning. He’s doing a terrible job. There’s toys everywhere, dishes in the sink, a million loads of laundry. I’ve got to get myself together so I can start fixing my house. 🤦🏻‍♀️


    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day?
    I really enjoy a good bath, a crappy romance novel or watching something on HGTV or Food Network or a new season of Queer Eye. 
  • @mdfarmchick I hate when I have to rely on MH to keep the house clean. It's like they don't even see the mess. I hope you start feeling like yourself again soon.

    EDD:  May 14th

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): Gummy Bear.

    Upcoming appointments: US on Friday and I'm so nervous. I'm so nervous about vanishing twins. Praying I still have two healthy babies in there.

    How are you feeling? Pretty good, which makes me nervous. Still tired, still bloated, nipples still hurt and I have some food aversions. But otherwise I'm doing okay.

    Raves/Rants: I'm off work this week and I'm so happy! It's getting really hard to hide the bloat and I'm really hoping to get to 13 weeks before I say anything. So I feel like this is a week I can hide. 😁

    Questions: Has anyone else noticed their symptoms starting to get better? And has anyone been able to find HB's on a doppler? I don't want to try until after Friday so I don't panic if I can't find them. But it would be so reassuring. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? Pj's and the couch. And takeout so I don't have to do anything. 
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  • @ruby696 how’s Disney? I hope you have the best time. And I have faith that there will still be twins Friday. ♥️♥️♥️
  • EDD: May 15

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): Denise’s pygmy sea horse

    Upcoming appointments: Oct 30

    How are you feeling? So tired - the insomnia is tough right now. Also almost constantly nauseous though haven’t thrown up. 

    Raves/Rants: None. 

    Questions: None. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? Read, play board games with H, watch Netflix/Prime shows, watch H play computer games (and give him a hard time)
  • @mdfarmchick We are still driving. I feel like we've been driving for days. We haven't. But I'm really hoping the kids fall asleep soon. 😐
  • @ruby696 the driving is the worst part. I hope they take a nap for you soon! ♥️

    @lajoliedreamer yeah the constant seasickness was pretty awful. I hope you get some relief soon. 
  • @lajoliedreamer what kind of board games do you and your hubby play? I'm a huge board game fanatic and try to get together with friends to game at least once a week. I've always joked I need to have enough kids to play games with! :)
  • EDD: May 14

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): two little kidney beans

    Upcoming appointments: had our last ultrasound at the fertility clinic today and was graduated. We have our first appointment and ultrasound with our regular OB on the 21st.

    How are you feeling? Constantly nauseous but no actual vomiting, and uncontrollably tired. I’m hoping that starting to ween off the progesterone will help with that

    Raves/Rants: I made it through being a bridesmaid in a family wedding without anyone except the bride and her sister knowing (I actually told them right when I found out)


    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? Well, normally taking a bath, but I’m currently restricted from that, and it’s killing me!
  • @mdfarmchick I love that the title of this thread just gets down to business as compared to the other ones. Lol. You’re my spirit animal.

    EDD: 5/14

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: I can’t wait to find out! 

    Baby is the size of a(n): wild strawberry

    Upcoming appointments: next Monday

    How are you feeling? Currently shitting my brains out while also throwing up. So, peachy keen!

    Raves/Rants: I definitely look pregnant and people at work know. So I just need to do a little more shopping and then I’ll have my winter wardrobe set. My plan is stretchy jeans and leggings, cozy sweaters. 


    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? Tv and a snuggle
  • EDD: May 11

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Cherry/Pecan 

    Upcoming appointments: 10/11

    How are you feeling? Meh. We made hamburgers for dinner and the kitchen currently smells like burnt hamburger grease. DH says he can't really smell it, of course. I really want a frozen lemonade and a snack cake but neither of those things are in the house. 

    Raves/Rants: Rave - I finally have an OB appointment. Rant - I'm super nervous about said appointment. I just want good news. 

    Questions: No. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? I like to read or mess around on the computer while nobody talks to me. #introvert 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @Linsbins bahaha I guess I could’ve made it longer. I was just like, oh we don’t have a group post today 😂 Also, that sounds horrible! I hope tomorrow is better. 

    @Austenista good luck at your appointment!
  • @mdfarmchick MH is also a terrible housekeeper. ugh. Glad you started some meds that are helping some!

    @ruby696 FX for a perfect US on Friday! Until then, have an awesome time at Disney!! I can find the HB on my doppler now, usually within 5-10 minutes now that I know where LO hangs out. My uterus is anteverted though so I have always been able to find it early.

    @bender29 Glad you had a great appointment yesterday!

  • EDD: 5/14

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): gummybear

    Upcoming appointments: 10/30

    How are you feeling? A little better so I can't complain.

    Raves/Rants: Looooooong day at work yesterday so I was MIA. Tonight after work I have a 4 hour round trip drive with my toddler in the car. We refinanced the house we just moved from (planning to rent it out) since rates are so low and our closing is tonight. This is when it would be nice to have grandparents or family nearby.... 

    Questions: Nope

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? A nice hot shower, comfy clothes, and the couch with a book or TV.
  • @Austenista sounds like you need to send DH out for some frozen lemonade and snack cakes :smile: 

    EDD: May 13th 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out 

    Baby is the size of a(n): peanut m&m

    Upcoming appointments: next OB visit is 10/22

    How are you feeling? a little nauseous, headache, extra tired, and sore nipples but usually not all at once so still surviving ok 

    Raves/Rants: Loving this fall weather in Illinois but wishing I had time to actually sit and enjoy some fresh air while reading a book or watching tv just relaxing

    Questions: none

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? usually reading or wasting time on my phone mindlessly scrolling FB or googling random things that I've been thinking of through the day
  • @rachelg777 that sucks. Good luck on the closing. What a long time to be in the car for both of you!

    @bananapanda maybe you’ll get a break this weekend to enjoy fall for a bit!
  • @doctorcrime we have a bunch of board games, but some of our favorites right now are Tsuro, Labyrinth, Sequence, and Castle Keep.  When we have bigger groups we like to games like Settlers of Catan and Anomia. Technically not all board games, but we’re eclectic. 

    I can’t wait until I have old enough children to play board games with!
  • EDD: May 12th 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out 

    Baby is the size of a(n): green olive 

    Upcoming appointments: Oct 16th for first official prenatal appt 

    How are you feeling? So ridiculously tired. Slept about 9 hours last night and then felt exhausted all day. We are moving next week and do there is so much to do (plus spend time with our toddler in mornings / evenings / weekends) and I am just so tired! 

    Raves/Rants: see above. When will this tiredness cease? 

    Questions: none 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? Sit on the couch and watch a comedy on Netflix or Hulu. We like Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, Fraser, etc. 
  • EDD:  May 16

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): Cherry

    Upcoming appointments: May 16. First appointment  with my midwife

    How are you feeling? today, ok. Most days I'm pretty tired and the nausea started recently. 

    Raves/Rants: rant: My boobs are huge! I can't fit into any of my bras. I hated bra shopping before and now it's a bigger challenge. I work in a office setting and wear nice clothing but it doesn't work very nicely with a sports bra. 
    Rave: My work is very supportive, they are hiring me an assistant immediately to lessen my workload and  stress. 

    Questions: nope 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? I like to read or watch something while sitting on the couch with my partner. 
  • @adventuresawait2 we love Brooklyn 99! We didn't discover it until it had been out for a few years and then binge watched all the episodes.  I wish it was back on already!
  • EDD: 5/14

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): raspberry 

    Upcoming appointments: US 10/17, OB 11/1

    How are you feeling? Nausea to the point of not being able to do anything/ think straight, dizziness, headache, fatigue, headache, sore boobs 

    Raves/Rants: DH has finally brought up the subject of having a baby a few times so that makes me happy. My house is a disaster zone and I am entirely too tired/nauseous to consider cleaning/cooking. 

    Questions: not really a question as much as a fear over how my mom and sister are going to react to finding out we are having a baby.... over the weekend we were at a wedding and my grandma asked me if we were done having babies and I said I didn’t know and my mom chimed in that we should be.... and my sister is 8 weeks ahead of us and she’s going to be shocked also. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? Definitely chilling on the couch watching terrible reality tv. 
  • @m6agua I guess that’s not SO far away... 😀 

    @bananapanda yes, so looking forward to it coming back. I think it’s not until January, though. Cool, cool, cool cool cool. 
  • @JStill0603 well if their reactions are anything less than congratulatory, I hope they keep it to themselves. And babies have a funny way of changing peoples’ minds. 

    @m6agua I hope you have a great ultrasound. That’s a good point... is there a recommended Doppler? Like is one wayyy better?
  • EDD: May 15

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): gummy bear (does anyone else get hungry when they read these descriptions?)

    Upcoming appointments: had our first appt with the OB on Monday, so next isn't till 11/7

    How are you feeling? nauseous on and off all day, and sore boobs kicked in this week

    Raves/Rants: these next few days at work are going to be rough, and I'm resisting the urge to tell anyone who yells at me that they should be nice to be because I'm pregnant

    Questions: As a FTM I feel like I should be doing more right now to prepare? But it feels so early to start doing anything except take care of myself and wait to get further along.

    GTKY: What is your favorite way to wind down at the end of the day? I third the Brooklyn 99 love! It's one of our favorite shows. I also love trashy reality tv and reading. Right now I'm reading one of DH's favorite books for the first time, if we have a boy he wants to name him after one of the characters so I'm making sure I like the character enough to do this  :D 
    Me: 31 ~ DH: 34 
    BFP: 9/5/19 ~ EDD 5/15/20
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