Stole this from April 2020 group (who stole it from another group lol)!
Some questions to start the conversation and continued discussion for the rest of the month!
EDD / Weeks+ days:
How are you feeling? (Emotions, symptoms, etc):
Upcoming appointments:
Rants, raves, questions:
GTKY: How old is everyone and their SO?
Feel free to add!
Re: FTM Check-In September
EDD / Weeks+ days: 3 weeks and 4 days
How are you feeling? (Emotions, symptoms, etc): I'm excited and anxious! I'm not even 4 weeks yet but I have officially missed my period.
Upcoming appointments: Had the first of two HCGs today. I go back on Monday to make sure it is rising appropriately. First sono on Oct 4th and then New OB on Oct 24th.
Rants, raves, questions: I want to tell the world but I also have a lot of fear too. I was planning to tell my family after the first trimester screen but I don't think I can wait that long. I'm thinking after the first sono. Have you all told your family yet?
GTKY: How old is everyone and their SO? I am 35 and my DH is 33 (turning 34 in a couple months)
How are you feeling? (Emotions, symptoms, etc): Terrified (deep down I want to be excited but have only ever known disappointment). I have insomnia, my only symptoms are at night, hot flashes and tossing and turning and I can't shut off my brain and indigestion and lots of dreams and I cannot sleep.
Upcoming appointments: Early ultrasound 9/17. I need this. I'm terrified of this. I hope it's not too early.
Rants, raves, questions: I want to sleep through the night and I want coffee to get through the day. Also I want my RE or OBGYN to give me a due date (even though due dates are never the real birthday).
GTKY: How old is everyone and their SO? I am 38, my husband is 36.
@pirateduck Due dates based on LMP assume a 28 day cycle. If you know your O date through tracking BBT and OPKs, then that is the more accurate way to go. For that, you would just count the number of days since O, and then add 2 weeks. Example, I O'd on Aug 12, which was 4 weeks ago. Add 2 weeks, and I am 6 weeks along. They usually won't give you a due date until they confirm via ultrasound. I'm also in official due date limbo right now, but I'm very confident in O date.
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
How are you feeling? (Emotions, symptoms, etc): Anxious mostly. Trying to be excited but it’s hard. I stopped all my supplements for anxiety until I talk with the midwife on the 25th, so it’s been creeping. I also don’t think I’ll be able to get enough hours for maternity leave as I am in school completing my degree. Im a diploma nurse now and am upgrading. This was a surprise. Renovating our house as well and started a new job a couple months ago. It’s all pretty stressful.
Upcoming appointments: first prenatal with midwife on the 25th. Had an appointment with my GP but that was a waste of time. He’s so awkward lol. He didn’t do anything cause I’m low risk, which is great. But I was hoping for some BW to check levels, or something to make this more tangible.
Rants, raves, questions: I guess you’ve already read my rants lol.
GTKY: How old is everyone and their SO? I just had my 33rd bday on the 9th. DH is 35.
EDD / Weeks+ days: 6+5
How are you feeling? (Emotions, symptoms, etc): Tired, bloated, intermittent nausea, poor appetite
Upcoming appointments: First appt 10/10
Rant: Constipation was one of my first symptoms that made me think I could be pregnant and it is not fun! I’m normally a very regular person, so the change of “pace” is not my favorite. Also, I know I’m uncomfortable with my symptoms but I know it could be MUCH worse, so I’m trying to be thankful for that.
Rave: DH has been very caring and doing the majority of the housework and cooking, so I really appreciate how awesome he is for giving me the ability to take it easy
GTKY: How old is everyone and their SO? I’m 31 and DH just turned 35 last week
How are you feeling? (Emotions, symptoms, etc):
Tired, sore boobs, nausea/vomiting will happen for a few days then not again for a while, overall not too bad! Just still hard to believe it’s all real
Upcoming appointments: 10/9 will be our first OB apt&Im counting down the days with so much nervousness and excitement anticipating that heart beat!
Rants, raves, questions: I’m MOH in a wedding in Nov&threw the Bachelorette Party this weekend and being 6 weeks pregnant in that kinda situation is HARD yall! I’m so exhausted!
GTKY: How old is everyone and their SO?
I am 29&my husband is 26❤️
@sunshinesea22 We’re just a day apart! And it sounds like we have similarly awesome husbands! So dang lucky to have a man who takes care of you in every way possible!