April 2020 Moms

August Symptoms


Re: August Symptoms

  • @flinstone-2 I had symphysis pubis disfunction (spd) during my past pregnancy, but it didn’t start until close to the 3rd trimester. Now I’m already experiencing some serious pelvic pain, like you, and I’m only 5 weeks. I wonder if it has something to do with the growing uterus, or our hormones are loosening those joints and ligaments already. I hope it’s similar to morning sickness and other early pregnancy symptoms that go away after the 1st tri *fingers crossed*
  • edited August 2019
    My husband recently woke in the morning to find me cuddling a huge cooking pot I retrieved at 1 a.m. because I was extremely nauseated but too exhausted to sit at the toilet. I now pop ginger tablets several times throughout the day and night, and I rely on my queezy sniffer in between. My DH was kind enough to get me two garbage pales, one for the bed and one for the car. No actual vomiting yet but these have been comforting. 

     Dido on the sore bbs and bloating to 2-3 times my size regardless of what I eat (I am petite so this is fairly noticeable). I also have developed an aversion to all healthy food and I have to push myself through most of my meals now. Yesterday I ate a breakfast burrito for dinner  and it was amazing (carbs ❤️). I'm focusing on SOS for sleeping and preemptive ginger tablets to help me sleep through the night. 

    Oh, and I have a higher resting and active heart rate which isnt abnormal but nonw-the-less terrifying to see on my wrist band. My hikes definitely feel like a huge struggle all of a sudden.
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  • @emsnedds ahh I knew there was a term for it. Yeah, I'm chalking it up to the hormones! It's weird to feel it already!
    DS born 9.17
    TFMR 10.19
  • @pdxwatermellon I love the “cuddling a huge cooking pot” story. ❤️

    Sorry you are feeling so crappy. You can ask your clinic for some puke bags that you can keep in the car. I had them last pregnancy from a friend that is a nurse and they were awesome!
  • babybisonbabybison member
    edited August 2019
    @pdxwatermellon Sorry you feel so crummy! I think if you're having trouble eating and keeping things down, eating anything is better than eating healthy. Fed is best. Plus it will all balance itself out later once you feel better. 

    Edit: spelling
  • Thank you everyone for the support! The vomit bags are a great idea, and I'll make sure to acquire those. 
  • I’m struggling with constipation, again (was horrible my first pregnancy). Has anyone taken MiraLax when pregnant before?  My Ob told me Metamucil last time, but I don’t react well to that. 
  • @ohemgee-2 Have you tried dulcoease (pic in spoiler)? It's not as crazy as a laxative, but still helps. It's pink for preggos 😆

  • @ohemgee-2 My OB told me to take Colace for the constipation last time. I’ve heard that at least some laxatives should be avoided. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @babybison I’ll have to look for that, thanks! 

    @mercury94 good to know, thanks! I’d prefer not to take anything, but it really does make you miserable. 
  • @ohemgee-2 last pregnancy I did senekot and colace and they did the job. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Apples, carrots, peanuts and a ton of water (100 oz or more during a day) usually gives me some relief within a day. My doctor’s office swears by pears. 

    I usually take benefiber but since it wasn’t on the list of “safe” options in my book from the RE, I am skipping that and trying to focus on staying extra hydrated (and having to pee ALL THE TIME) and getting more fiber. 
  • I  can’t go back and check right now, but I know someone else said coffee was a nausea trigger. I’m right there with you now. 😢
  • The breast pain is unreal!!! Omg!!! Im exhausted. Ive been going to bed at 7:30-8 when my 3 1/2 yr old does. Chimes peanut butter ginger chews helps with my nausea. 
  • @amber2718 coffee is a no-go for me! I had to switch to ginger tea in the morning! Not fun with starting back to work... 😩😩
  • Can anyone explain how morning sickness actually feels? I didn't have it my first pregnancy, and I'm trying to determine if I'm getting it, or if I just have weird heartburn. 🤔
  • @babybison I’ve had this wonder too (I’m FTM). For me, it hasn’t been debilitating nausea and vomiting (thankful for that!). Instead when I haven’t eaten in a few hours or start to get hungry I get a vague nausea/uncomfortable feeling. If I eat something small it goes away. It’s also a bit worse in evening than morning.  Not a great explanation but that’s what I’ve felt as “morning sickness” because I have no other explanation for that symptom. 
  • @gingers19 @babybison That’s basically my experience too. If I haven't eaten in a while, I start to feel queasy and have to have something bland and salty (usually crackers or pretzels) to settle my stomach. I had full blown nausea once with this pregnancy so far, but it was after I tried to work out and I definitely didn’t have enough in my stomach.
  • @babybison @gingers19 I have nausea throughout the day not just in the morning. The nausea is just there regardless of what I've eaten, and can actually worsen the longer I don't eat. The joke is eating, or even the thought of eating can make the feeling worse. Certain foods and smells    can also turn my stomach. It sometimes acts as indigestion, where I burp frequently, then other times it feels like my stomach is on a rollercoaster and jus spins. It isn't much different in feeling than normal nausea experienced while taking a medication. I have learned I have destinct feelings between needing to vomit and nausea, often experiencing pain in my stomach before vomiting. The two are not mutually exclusive either. The feeling of nausea, for me at least, does not necessarily develop into actual vomiting.
  • Thanks for all the responses! Really helpful!
  • @babybison for me the first time, my morning sickness felt like I drank too much and had a sour stomach that felt like I needed to puke to get it out, but it didn't go away. I don't really have it yet at 6+2 but I get off and on queasy feelings. I think morning sickness can manifest in different ways for everyone and if it's not your normal, it could definitely be that. 
    DS born 9.17
    TFMR 10.19
  • sanpelligrinosanpelligrino member
    edited August 2019
    I think all you ladies summed it up well! I feel the same way. Im just about 7 w and the way I describe MS is a general feeling of queasiness. It comes n goes through out the day, but mostly in the afternoons and evenings. I have a general feeling of discomfort and nausea without the need to actually vomit. I also have a general aversion towards food and it’s  becoming more of a chore to eat sometimes in order to just avoid the feeling of queasiness. I literally do not like most foods, but end up eating very often because of the hunger pangs and just to avoid nausea. Don’t know if any of this makes sense, but it’s a very odd feeling of being unwell but in a mild way. Oh and certain foods and textures can be such a trigger. 
  • We just found out last night and I don’t know if it’s a psychosomatic thing but today I feel slightly nauseous and definitely have indigestion.  I’ve been exhausted all week.  

    My MS with my first started off as a weird sort of nausea that would come out of almost no where and result in me suddenly gagging, then turned into super intense nausea with the indigestion/sour stomach feeling.  With my second it went straight to the indigestion/nausea combo and this time seems to be the same.
  • @sanpelligrino that’s exactly how I’m feeling! The only food I can really think about is carbs and smoothies. I’ve beeb eating a lot of peanut butter toast! It’s still off an on nausea though and I haven’t actually thrown up. 

    I ended up having to work a really long night shift Thursday (16 hours) and I’ve just been completely useless since then. I really need to get groceries but I haven’t worked up the energy to leave my house! 
  • Oh @kath1414 I totally understand how you’re feeling. Smoothies and peanut butter sounds really healthy though 😊 Don’t be too hard on yourself, remember you’re growing a human so you might be zapped of energy and you’re doing your best ! Can DH get the groceries ?
  • @kath1414 My OB basically said to just eat whatever I could stomach during the nausea phase and the try to eat better come 2nd tri. It’s so tough when you only want bread. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • After a migraine (and vomiting) in the middle of the week, I have been generally feeling unwell. It seems the morning sickness is here to stay for a bit! I am seriously averse to the idea of most foods. I feel like I’ve only eaten carbs the last few days! Glad I am not alone in this!
  • sanpelligrinosanpelligrino member
    edited August 2019
    @jenabary you’re def not alone ! My motto is “eat whatever it is that pleases you today”. Hope you start feeling better soon. 
  • @sanpelligrino @jenabary I’m glad I have other people to relate to. The food aversions this week seem to be common! 

    DH is currently working out of town or else I totally would have sent him! I worked up the energy to go get groceries and got a pretty good haul (along with a fancy new blender for my smoothie cravings). I basically just bought whatever I felt like I’d actually eat. 

    Last night I actually woke up multiple times with nausea. :( Also the dreams!! Anyone else having crazy dreams? 
  • @kath1414 The dreams are insane. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @kath1414 it’s funny, I’ve been craving smoothies a lot lately too and am extra grateful for the magic bullet I bought a few months ago. Probably doesn’t help that I’ve been battling an annoying cold for the last few days as well. Have only felt random moments of queasiness though which I won’t complain about. 
  • I got my admission to the queasy club over the weekend and just generally feel hungover. I was trying to make DS scrambled eggs for breakfast and decided I need to prep some food for him for the week because I can't stand to do this every day! Also had a super vivid dream that this is a girl/boy fraternal twin pregnancy. I HIGHLY doubt that, but since we did use the lowest dose of letrozole I suppose it's more possible than au natural. DH is a fraternal twin, but I know that means zero to our chances of conceiving twins. FX it's a healthy singleton :) 
    DS born 9.17
    TFMR 10.19
  • So much nausea! It wasn't nearly this bad with my first. And food cravings/aversions that change daily. I literally bought something at the grocery store the other day and by the time I got to my car I was disgusted at the thought of it.
  • Bloating, have to pee all the time, sore boobs but I got some no-wire seamless bras and those have helped. Haven't gotten full-on nausea, but do get a a bit of uneasiness on the bus/in cars. Really strong sense of smell and, this is my weird one, olive oil tastes very bitter. I love dipping bread in olive oil instead of using butter, but baby says no.
  • areseearesee member
    edited August 2019
    @mysteryship Same here, it's much worse than my first pregnancy. I don't remember having food aversions this bad. My husband made baked mac & cheese this week, at my request, but by the end of the week I couldn't even think about the leftovers. It was so bad, I had to have him do the dishes when they were all gone because I couldn’t  even walk into the kitchen without feeling queasy.
  • I am just shy of 7weeks. I get tired and cranky quickly. Nauseous a lot. Sore boobs and bloated. My scale is going up too. Which I didn’t think it should yet. I am up 4lbs!! Can anyone relate? Also I weighed 159 when I found out I was pregnant. So I shouldn’t have to gain anything yet lol
  • @flinstone-2 I had multiple dreams last pregnancy that I was having identical twin boys. DS was not twins.  I did Clomid with both, but even the increased risk is still less than 10%. I kept telling myself that when I noticed how bloated I was getting this time around. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @ejoseph16 The kitchen sink always gets me!  So many smells......
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