I’m avoiding alcohol and raw fish, but otherwise, I’m eating all the “forbidden” pregnancy foods. Last time I was super strict abc wouldn’t eat deli meat, salad, runny eggs, coffee, etc. I totally support anyone who chooses to follow the rules, but it’s not for me this time.
@kantobean the data doesn't really support "forbidden" foods anyway, so no shame there!
AFM, my RE suggests no sex until the first ultrasound and a heart beat is detected. I've never been able to find a scientific reason for this unless you're high risk (which I'm not at this point). Well, we had a super quick, quicky this morning. Sex is so much better for me when I'm KU.
@kantobean Same for me with the foods with time! @stassischroeder I’m the opposite, and would like to be told not to have sex, because I’m so not into it right now. Ha!
Mine— if you come here to ask an opinion about a baby name, I’m going to give you my actual opinion. And I’m a tough critic. Ex. The baby name thread posted today. #sorrynotsorry
@mrsvp614 Can we still call them peggies? Bc this bmb has been so organized thus far, it's been keeping me in my happy place & I just CAN'T.
My FFFC is that I found out yesterday someone wants to publish my full-length poetry book, and I BAWLED happy tears uncontrollably in my car after reading the email--and I did not cry at all when I pulled two pink lines a week and a half ago.
My sugar was not good this week. My spouse bought candy Monday (more than I knew as it showed up several nights in a row), got me a piece of cake on Tuesday and then I ate hot tamales yesterday when work got stressful. Didn't help with my fatigue. Oh well.
@kantobean I had Jimmy Johns for lunch and I’m not sorry. 😁
My in-laws are coming today for MIL’s birthday celebration and I plan to leave everyone downstairs to visit so that I can sneak in a nap! No shame in my nap game.
@janice9821 dang! We don’t have beach nearby but I’m so tired of dealing with the pool and splash pad, and we’ve only done it like 8 times this summer. Packing swim suits, towels, getting sun-screened, and then washing everything when we get home is so exhausting. Not to mention supervising a 3yo who refuses to wear floaties in any body of water.
edit: “dang” was not out of judgment. I’m impressed!
@kagesstarshroom that is awesome!!! When it's published you'll have to give up your anonymity so we can all read it! (Or, you can publish it as "KagesStarshroom"! )
@sunflower_auryn@brookert615 THANKSSSSSS YALLLL. also lol at my book coming out as by Kages Starshroom. Maybe I should write HP fanfic under that name...
Which reminds me of another FFFC: I read almost all of this HP fanfic--it's so freaking good--up to a point & then it got crazyweird & also too slow for a new chapter, so I never finished, but... Yeah. It's called Harry Potter & the Methods of Rationality, and the basic idea is that Aunt Petunia has Lily magic her so she's pretty & she lands this hot scientist as a husband instead of Vernon, and so HP grows up all smug and into science? So when he finds out he's a wizard, he's all like, "that's against the laws of physics!" lol--he's kind of a douche, but it's still good.
FFFC: I like new episodes of Dateline more than anything in the world with the possible exception of babies and dogs.
FFFC #2: I was JUST about to type a very politically-focused FFFC about a specific group of asshats in America, but I am restraining myself until more time has passed as a group.
I had a prior coworker that I went to several of the HP movies with. We would take a half day and go. I like the books more than the movies but I'm a fan.
@emilylove25 your description made me laugh. It could describe so many.
@bluguitarhannah +1 for liking the books (way) better! Did you watch any of the Fantastic Beasts stuff? I was *sure* it was garbage and I was going to hate it, but I actually enjoyed the first one for what it was and just saw the second is available to stream.
Re: FFFC 7.19
AFM, my RE suggests no sex until the first ultrasound and a heart beat is detected. I've never been able to find a scientific reason for this unless you're high risk (which I'm not at this point). Well, we had a super quick, quicky this morning. Sex is so much better for me when I'm KU.
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
@stassischroeder I’m the opposite, and would like to be told not to have sex, because I’m so not into it right now. Ha!
Mine— if you come here to ask an opinion about a baby name, I’m going to give you my actual opinion. And I’m a tough critic. Ex. The baby name thread posted today. #sorrynotsorry
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
My FFFC is that I found out yesterday someone wants to publish my full-length poetry book, and I BAWLED happy tears uncontrollably in my car after reading the email--and I did not cry at all when I pulled two pink lines a week and a half ago.
My in-laws are coming today for MIL’s birthday celebration and I plan to leave everyone downstairs to visit so that I can sneak in a nap! No shame in my nap game.
edit: “dang” was not out of judgment. I’m impressed!
@kagesstarshroom OH MY GOSH! SO EXCITING! So unbelievably happy for you girl!
Diagnosed with PCOS & Hashimoto's
Which reminds me of another FFFC: I read almost all of this HP fanfic--it's so freaking good--up to a point & then it got crazyweird & also too slow for a new chapter, so I never finished, but... Yeah. It's called Harry Potter & the Methods of Rationality, and the basic idea is that Aunt Petunia has Lily magic her so she's pretty & she lands this hot scientist as a husband instead of Vernon, and so HP grows up all smug and into science? So when he finds out he's a wizard, he's all like, "that's against the laws of physics!" lol--he's kind of a douche, but it's still good.
FFFC #2: I was JUST about to type a very politically-focused FFFC about a specific group of asshats in America, but I am restraining myself until more time has passed as a group.
DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015
DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017
BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019
BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DS1: 12.23.13 | DS2: 05.06.16
BFP: 06.30.19 | EDD: 3.9.20
TTC3: 11.18
BFP: 02.05.19
CP: 03.07.19
*really traumatic recovery*
@bluguitarhannah +1 for liking the books (way) better! Did you watch any of the Fantastic Beasts stuff? I was *sure* it was garbage and I was going to hate it, but I actually enjoyed the first one for what it was and just saw the second is available to stream.
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20