Update: So I got the full results from my scan when I was in the ER over the weekend. The doctor's note said that the fetal heart rate detected (89bpm) was "low" but could be due to measurement issues ("patient movement during ultrasound") or "tiny fetal pole size." Their measurement of size matched my timing of 5w+5d at the time. I'm trying not to stress too much, since there's nothing I can do about it, but of course I'm worried and now very anxiously waiting for my appt Aug. 2 to see if the heart rate will improve!
How are you feeling?: the only symptom I've had has been major fatigue but otherwise I continue to randomly pee on a stick just to make sure its real
Rants/Raves: I'm dying to watch the new Lion King but am also not excited to watch Simba lose Mufasa all over again
Questions?: how soon did you tell people? This is my first one and I am nervous as I've had so many friends experience miscarriages and my anxiety is taking over big time. My husband wants to share with our parents but even that worries me.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I am actually a HUGE reader! I have a "bookstagram" where I share reviews of the books I've read! Some of my favorite books from this year are 'Miracle Creek' 'Beartown' 'the Valedictorian of Being Dead' and 'the Great Alone'. I'm always looking for recommendations!
@babyfox320 my first also, i have told a couple of my very best friends and my mom because I know I'll want their support if anything does go wrong. Waiting until after the first appointment with doc (8w) to tell my DH's family. Everyone else after 12w. But everyone is different - you have to do what you feel comfortable with!
Also, i recently saw the author of "Valedictorian of Being Dead" speak at an event and she was amazing. I really want to read the book!
@sunflower_auryn I absolutely loved the book. Definitely difficult to read but she describes depression so much better than I ever could. I'm beyond jealous you got to hear her speak!
@sunflower_auryn 5w+5d is still SO early! Hopefully that heart rate reads a little quicker at your next US. Man, August 2nd is a while to wait when you're anxious though. I wonder if you could move it up considering the ER doctor's note? FX that the time passes quickly for you and you see improvement with the heart rate!!
So I'd been having some dull cramps on one side, so I called the midwife office and they had me go in today for an US to rule out an ectopic. We saw a fetal pole and a heart beat at 125 bpm! I left feeling really great about everything. Later, after the clinic had closed I got the summary of the US with doctor's notes. It mentioned a small subchorionic hemorrhage. It also mentioned that the gestational sac is positioned to the right "suggesting a possible subseptate uterus." My midwife went over the US notes and then spoke with me briefly and basically said everything looked great. I'm trying to stay calm, but google has done me no favors! I'm going to call back tomorrow and hopefully be reassured, but I'm feeling pretty anxious about the whole thing.
@jenEP Can you share your experience with team green for your first, and finding out with your second? We were team green the first time around, and DH wants to find out this time. I loved team green, but I also don't feel as strongly about it now, so I'm open to finding out.
@sunflower_auryn My RE hates when mothers are given the HR at early ultrasounds because it almost always causes undue stress. She's just happy if a heart beat is found at all. With DS, I had an u/s at 6+3 and his HR was 80, but he ended up being just fine. At 5+5 you're lucky to have found a HR at all! Also, ER docs/techs suck at ultrasounds lol.
@sunflower_auryn@stassischroeder I have never read my own lab reports or looked at the doctor’s notes for this exact reason. I am someone who does not do well with superfluous medical information. I think if you have a doctor who you trust, it’s often better to take them at their word and not do too much additional research, because you can make yourself sick finding things to worry about.
@momoftoddlers I'm team Give Me All The Information and Google All The Things. I read ALL lab reports and ALL doctor's notes. I've had too many doctors miss or be incorrect about things to trust them blindly. But, it sounds like you have a great doctor who you trust, and like you said not everyone does well with superfluous information.
@stassischroeder thank you that is really helpful! I've calmed down a bit seeing the big range that folks have had (google really is my frenemy). I'm really freaking nauseus which I'm choosing to interpret as this bean(s?) growing strong! But yesterday was so much better since I forced myself to eat a snack every time I felt even a hint of nausea coming on.
@sunflower_auryn yes, the snacks help! Most of the day I rarely WANT to eat, but if I feel myself getting the slightest bit hungry or nauseous I force myself to snack.
@MrsVP614 I liked both team green and finding out. DH would be team green every time. It was such a fun surprise with DD1! I would say that I felt more bonded during my pregnancy with DD2 because I knew the sex and we could narrow down the names. It was like I knew a little part of who she was, where with DD1 I didn’t know anything. It was also helpful from a planning perspective— we didn’t have to get much having a second girl. With a toddler at home, I didn’t want to have to scramble to find boy stuff after birth. I’m fine doing team green again if DH really wants to, though!
Re: group 2 (3/9-3/16) check-in w/o 7/15
So I got the full results from my scan when I was in the ER over the weekend. The doctor's note said that the fetal heart rate detected (89bpm) was "low" but could be due to measurement issues ("patient movement during ultrasound") or "tiny fetal pole size." Their measurement of size matched my timing of 5w+5d at the time. I'm trying not to stress too much, since there's nothing I can do about it, but of course I'm worried and now very anxiously waiting for my appt Aug. 2 to see if the heart rate will improve!
Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out!
Baby is the size of a(n): Appleseed!
Upcoming appts: Aug 13
How are you feeling?: the only symptom I've had has been major fatigue but otherwise I continue to randomly pee on a stick just to make sure its real
Rants/Raves: I'm dying to watch the new Lion King but am also not excited to watch Simba lose Mufasa all over again
Questions?: how soon did you tell people? This is my first one and I am nervous as I've had so many friends experience miscarriages and my anxiety is taking over big time. My husband wants to share with our parents but even that worries me.
GTKY: What are some of your favorite books and/or podcasts? I am actually a HUGE reader! I have a "bookstagram" where I share reviews of the books I've read! Some of my favorite books from this year are 'Miracle Creek' 'Beartown' 'the Valedictorian of Being Dead' and 'the Great Alone'. I'm always looking for recommendations!
Also, i recently saw the author of "Valedictorian of Being Dead" speak at an event and she was amazing. I really want to read the book!
@babyfox320 You should share you bookstagram (if you are comfortable with that)! I love to read and am always looking for new recommendations.
@sunflower_auryn I absolutely loved the book. Definitely difficult to read but she describes depression so much better than I ever could. I'm beyond jealous you got to hear her speak!
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20