We ran out of bread this morning and I’m feeling lazy af so when DD asked for a sandwich for lunch, I drove thru Panera. Just took a bite out of my chicken Caesar salad and the chicken was still frozen! Even though I’m sure it’s fine I just couldn’t eat it anymore.
Very random but I just needed to complain to someone.
I just got the new clothes I ordered from Torrid (2 pairs of stretchy/flowy summer work pants and this jumpsuit, all of which fit now but definitely have room for me to grow, and all of which have REAL pockets) and I am in LOVE!
@kantobean that is so disgusting!! I would be livid! I’m mad for you because I love Panera so much but that would seriously gross me out
@sunflower_auryn i love torrid! It sounds so silly but i discovered a couple of plus size stores/brands that had fashionable yet flattering stuff and i feel like it changed my life!
Thanks friends! Glad I’m not just being ridiculous.
new clothes are so fun! I’m actually really excited to dig out my maternity clothes again. I have some cute stuff that I only got to wear a few months. I have one dress I saved for my baby shower and then only wore it one more time! Duh!
... I’ve already pulled out my maternity stuff! And started ordering things online because this pregnancy is totally opposite of my last and I don’t have much if any fall/winter clothes. Nothing really fits yet except for a few pairs of shorts, but I’m definitely looking forward to dressing a bump again!! It’s such a fun fashion accessory!
@“miss.sally” I totally ordered a maternity dress online yesterday, since I’m now getting ads for them in my browser. 🙄 I agree, bumps are so cute! This bloat stage kinda sucks but I remember feeling beautiful and confident from about 18 weeks to 36 weeks. Then I was just huge and tired. 😂
@kantobean absolutely. Second and part of third tri are fun. That last bit I just felt like a boulder. Nothing fit and I hated it. DS was also 9lb. So. That may have had something to do with it. I don’t remember being quite so miserable with DD, who was 6.7
@janice9821 definitely, that was my reason. @miss.sally and @kantobean I hope I get a bump to accessorize! One of my worries as a bigger lady is I will just look very fat not preggo.
@miss.sally@kantobean@janice9821@sunflower_auryn I'm totally looking forward to getting past the bloat and on to the bump! I hope we're all feeling beautiful and confident soon. I felt the better in a bikini while pregnant than I've ever felt as an adult. I also did some shopping online during a sale at Old Navy and I'm hoping I didn't jinx anything by shopping so early.
Add me to the maternity clothes train. Motherhood was having a sale and I got a pair of jeans for half off and a long sleeve shirt! It’s still early but I’ll be rocking maternity pants ASAP. My last two babies were born in August, so it’ll be different to be largely pregnant during Winter this time.
@mommytimesfour I’m actually not looking forward to a winter pregnancy. I’ve never had one, and usually by the end I cannot fathom wearing tight clothes//bending over to put real shoes on, so I have no idea how any of that will work!
Totally random, but is anyone else watching Queer Eye season 4?? I'm watching episode one and just sobbing. I'm trying not to binge watch the whole season.
Just going to throw this here in case people don’t continue to check the organization thread for updates! I’m happy to take suggestions on threads to add, things to move around, etc... I can only edit it for 2 more weeks though so if you are holding back let me know ASAP on that thread! 😊 Thank you all!
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Re: Weekly Randoms July 15-19
Very random but I just needed to complain to someone.
I just got the new clothes I ordered from Torrid (2 pairs of stretchy/flowy summer work pants and this jumpsuit, all of which fit now but definitely have room for me to grow, and all of which have REAL pockets) and I am in LOVE!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
new clothes are so fun! I’m actually really excited to dig out my maternity clothes again. I have some cute stuff that I only got to wear a few months. I have one dress I saved for my baby shower and then only wore it one more time! Duh!
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Thank you all!
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)