Nothing too exciting going on here this week! My mom watches my boys during the day while I work from home, so I'm going to need to figure out how to call the midwife to schedule my first appointment without my mom overhearing it.
We are planning on telling our parents and siblings this coming weekend while we are celebrating DH and DS1's birthdays (they were born on the same day!) We'll probably just tell them and not do any special announcements this time. With DS1, we gave our parents an "early Christmas present" of baby bibs that said I love Grandma/Grandpa, and with DS2 we had DS1 wear a "#1 Brother" shirt during a visit.
My new boss starts today, so this week should be interesting at work. This afternoon, I have a job interview. I'm under contract at my job, but looking at new opportunities that'll be a better fit for my family. DH is working from home today, because he's having major issues with his back. I keep telling him to go to a chiropractor, but he says we can't afford it, so I guess he'll just suffer.
We’re on vacation this week so I probably won’t be super active. I’ll try to pop in once in a while though and lurk while I can. WiFi and service is just spotty where we are!
good luck with your new boss and interviews @MrsVP614! I hope you can find a way to get a better schedule!
@kailanae maybe call when your mom takes your kids out for a walk or if you’re telling them this weekend you’re probably fine to wait. Most people don’t see their OB until 8-12 weeks, not sure if a midwife is different but they don’t do much at the early appt
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
We are heading home today after a 5 day trip. I’m not calling it a vacation because the kids and I tagged along on a work trip, and it ended up being fairly stressful and I’m exhausted. We had a blast at the water park yesterday, but I’m ready to be home and get everyone back into a routine.
Is anyone vacationing somewhere fun this year? We are planning to go to the beach in August, and then H and I had planned to take a trip in September for our 5 year anniversary (before finding out I was pregnant). I’m hoping we can still do that as kind of a babymoon to get some “us” time before sh*t gets real with baby #3. We originally talked about Arches National Park, but I’m not sure how much hiking I will feel like doing. So we may try for a long weekend at the beach.
@varimama - my main reason for wanting to talk to them about scheduling an appointment is that I don't have a good sense of my EDD. My last cycle was wonky because I am still BFing DS2 so I don't have a good LMP date to go off of, and I wasn't tracking ovulation. I'm hoping they will schedule me for a dating ultrasound. They usually won't see you until 8 weeks for the first appointment, so it might not really change that, but figured I'd ask.
@miss.sally we’re currently in Salem, MA and driving up to Bar Harbor, ME and then will pit stop in RI on our way back home. I want to go to Utah so badly! I have panic attacks when flying unless I’m drugged up, so I guess I won’t be getting there until I’m no longer pregnant/BFing ha. I want to see the wave! All the national parks there look unreal!
We’re leaving for Hawaii next week and I’m paranoid that I’m going to be sick and miserable. I’ll still be pretty early, 4-5 weeks, so I’m crossing my fingers that I won’t feel crummy until we get home. MS hit last time at 7 weeks. I really want to enjoy this kid free vacation since it’ll probably be the last one for a long time!
Dating scan acquired! Ultrasound on 8/5 and 1st appointment on 8/9. I had to get a call back from the midwife to make the appointment, so when they called I ran back into my bedroom to talk to them, then when I came out my mom asked who I was talking to. I couldn't come up with an answer on the spot so I shrugged and kept walking. Guess I should have had a cover story for it prepped in advance lol. Oh well! She hasn't asked about it since. Though she did ask me earlier this morning if we had decided whether or not we were going to have a third kid, so that was fun to try and bumble through answering it vaguely without seeming obvious that it's already happened.
@miss.sally I hope you guys get to go away in September. The DH and I are going on a fall foliage cruise in September. We are going to treat it as our babymoon.
@mommytimesfour Enjoy Hawaii!! I hope you have a great time. I hear it's beautiful. Definitely on my list of places to visit.
@MrsVP614 I'm so glad you're looking for other jobs! It sounds like a different schedule would really make your life easier. And, has YH ever had an MRI for his back? I'm just paranoid because my DH had a rare situation with his back pain which ended with emergency surgery due to a severe disc herniation, temporary paralysis below the waist, and some permanent paralysis in his legs. So now whenever I hear of someone with severe back pain I urge them to try to get an MRI.
@miss.sally yeah a trip with kids is just parenting in a new location lol.
I'm anxiously awaiting some group drama. The BMBs have been so ... quiet for a long time now. Where are the antivaxxers at??? Any sanctimommies around???
Ladies, PSA, check the fit of your clothes before leaving the house. The “girls” were bursting out of my bathing suit at a play date today. Same bathing suit I’ve worn all summer, suddenly fits a lot differently. 🤣
I’m jealous of all you ladies going on vacation! We’re not really taking one this summer, but we did take a big spring break trip to the Caribbean so I can’t complain.
I can’t believe I only have 3.5 weeks of break left before school starts again. Trying to enjoy this one-on-one time with my daughter. I feel like this is the last real quality time we’ll spend like this. 😭
also, it’s freaking hot. 95+ degrees and a million percent humidity. I don’t even like walking from my car into a building. 😂
@stassischroeder That's scary about your husband's back! DH seems to be feeling better. I'm always urging him to go get checked out when something is wrong, but he rarely does.
I also have vacation jealousy over here! Last week, we were planning a beach vacation for the first week of August, but after looking at upcoming bills, we're holding off until we're in a better spot financially, so we may do something in the fall. We've yet to take a vacation with just the 3 of us, so I'd like to do that before I get uncomfortably pregnant.
ETA: My interview went well yesterday. I still have no idea what this job would pay, but there seem to be a lot of perks! He said it could take several weeks to hear anything, so I'm going to try to not think about it too much and just chug along at my current job with the new boss.
Is anyone else totally over summer? The heat, the sunscreen, the wet bathing suits and towels, the dirty shoes. It all seemed exciting at first but it’s getting old!
@momoftoddlers I am over Louisiana summer, which is.... special. But we've been lucky since Barry rolled thru temps are only high 80s instead of mid-90s w/ "feels like" in the 100s. But not summer in general, yet...
@stassischroeder I included a PoLiTiCaL thing on my 10 Things Tuesday list just for you--in that, perhaps it will strike up some controversy!
I'm not exactly on vacay, (except my extended homestaycation of temporary summer unemployment, blah blah blah), but I have a crazy Week of Poetry this week that involves leaving the area where I live for a bit--I am reading tonight, and then driving to New Orleans tomorrow to host a reading, staying at a friend's and then reading myself there on Thursday! I both have been dreading and looking forward to this week--it's just a lot.
ETA: I had a comma where the letter i should have been in the middle of a word...
@MrsVP614 Bring on the pumpkin everything, cooler weather, apple picking, back to school. I am a Fall girl too. And also, perfect time to bust out the maternity leggings!
Jealous of the Hawaii trip! It’s SO beautiful there.
We are going to Orlando in September for a week to meet my best friends baby and do Disney/universal. If all goes well I’ll be out of first trimester and the weather will be nice! 🙂
I live near near the beach and we’ve been trying to go most weekends this summer. It’s a hassle hauling toys, sun shelter, toddler out but fun once we get settled!
@momoftoddlers I’m so over summer, too. It’s just not fun anymore and I need these kids to go back to school lol. I’m 100% a Fall/pumpkin everything girl. I just saw an ad yesterday for Bath and Body Works and they put all of their Fall scents out! Can’t wait.
I’m not ready for summer to be over, since I’m a teacher enjoying my time off work, but I am done with this heat. DD and I are doing all indoor activities this week. It’s too hot to even go to the pool.
I’m not ready for summer to be over, since I’m a teacher enjoying my time off work, but I am done with this heat. DD and I are doing all indoor activities this week. It’s too hot to even go to the pool.
Hi! I introduced myself so I'm jumping right in. I realized that I have the same due date as one of the moms from my last BMB so idk if she is going to join in here but Jamie if you see this don't spill the beans yet 😂
Dylan Dreyer from the Today Show just announced her pregnancy this morning, and did a gender reveal. We've all been crowded around and talking about it and it was extra hard to keep it all under wraps!
Ok why did I wake up this morning in a panic, googling listeria? I feel guilty because I was at a 4 hour staff meeting yesterday after I had already finished a day shift at work and I literally could not help myself and I scarfed down 2 small deli sandwiches and pre-prepared cold pasta. The food was in the middle of the room just staring at me, it was 7 o clock at night, I was exhausted... and I caved- An uncontrollable power came over me and the food had disappeared off my plate in 30 seconds. So, I know the incubation period can be up to 30 days, am I crazy to suggest getting a blood culture at my 8 week appointment even if I am asymptomatic? I am usually so careful about what I eat, can someone ease my fears?
@solunarn I’m not a medical professional, but you are very very very unlikely to get listeria from deli meat. There are food items that have actually caused listeria outbreaks in recent years (spinach, lettuce, melons, etc) and deli meat is one of them, but it seems to be the only one we’re told to avoid. You should ask your doctor if you’re worried, but I think if there are no outbreaks in your area and you’re feeling fine, you’re most likely perfectly fine.
@solunarn girl, relax! Most "prohibited" foods carry a 1 in 8,000 risk of listeria, which isn't worth worrying about. Deep breaths, and go pick up a copy of Expecting Better by Emily Oster.
@solunarn I completely agree! Take a deep breath; it will be ok. It's such a low risk and there are so many other foods that have been known to carry listeria.
@stassischroeder and @kagesstarshroom I bought the book and I'm loving it! So helpful in reassuring my worry wart husband!
@keeksie84 you mentioning reassuring your husband makes me think I might need to get this book. We got Subway for dinner on Sunday and he freaked out once he realized I was about to eat a sub with lunch meat on it.
Lol. I panicked after eating ravioli, because of ricotta...but it's boiled and then I'm fine.
Thanks for your suggestions, I placed a hold at my library for Expecting Better by Emily Oster. Hopefully that will help give DH and me more direction.
Those of you with older kids, when do you plan on telling them about the new baby? Part of me wants to tell my kids right before we announce to everyone else because I don’t want them hearing it from someone else, but the other part of me wants to wait as long as possible to guard their hearts in case something goes wrong.
@mommytimesfour I'm having the same conundrum. We are planning on telling my parents and in-laws this weekend since we'll all be together to celebrate DS1's birthday. But I haven't told DS1 yet (he is turning 4). I feel like if I tell him I have a baby in my belly, he'll want to randomly blurt it out to other people. I was considering telling him this weekend too, but then we basically can't guarantee it will stay a secret from others after that point.
My sister just called me in (happy) tears after she found out this morning that she got a job at NBC working as an executive assistant for the CFO of content distribution. Made me think of @MrsVP614 as our BMB NBC employee haha.
Thanks @kantobean, @stassischroeder, @kagesstarshroom, and @keeksie84! Most of my worries suddenly pop in my head when I first wake up. I will definitely check out that book, thanks for the suggestion! Now on to watch The Bachelorette that I missed on Monday
So, my dog was with me when I tested, so she obviously knew before anyone. But, I'm wondering if/when she'll start acting a little different. She normally stays close to DH and me anyways, so not sure if I'd notice anything either way.
On deli meat, I'm going to show my age here. Half of my childhood was before the seat belt law went into effect. We had no booster seats. I know my Mom ate deli meat and soft cheese in both her pregnancies.
She also went into labor teaching with me and ran out of gas after driving herself with my three year old brother to hospital.
I think it's wonderful we have all this information but on the other hand it allows for stress that many women never endured but produced healthy children. I'm avoiding them but I'm not going to drive myself nuts if it's all I have.
@mommytimesfour DS will be two next month, so we talk about it openly in front of him, but he doesn't really get it. We plan to officially announce to everyone at his birthday party.
Re: Weekly Randoms July 15-19
We are planning on telling our parents and siblings this coming weekend while we are celebrating DH and DS1's birthdays (they were born on the same day!) We'll probably just tell them and not do any special announcements this time. With DS1, we gave our parents an "early Christmas present" of baby bibs that said I love Grandma/Grandpa, and with DS2 we had DS1 wear a "#1 Brother" shirt during a visit.
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
This afternoon, I have a job interview. I'm under contract at my job, but looking at new opportunities that'll be a better fit for my family.
DH is working from home today, because he's having major issues with his back. I keep telling him to go to a chiropractor, but he says we can't afford it, so I guess he'll just suffer.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
good luck with your new boss and interviews @MrsVP614! I hope you can find a way to get a better schedule!
@kailanae maybe call when your mom takes your kids out for a walk or if you’re telling them this weekend you’re probably fine to wait. Most people don’t see their OB until 8-12 weeks, not sure if a midwife is different but they don’t do much at the early appt
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Is anyone vacationing somewhere fun this year? We are planning to go to the beach in August, and then H and I had planned to take a trip in September for our 5 year anniversary (before finding out I was pregnant). I’m hoping we can still do that as kind of a babymoon to get some “us” time before sh*t gets real with baby #3. We originally talked about Arches National Park, but I’m not sure how much hiking I will feel like doing. So we may try for a long weekend at the beach.
@varimama - my main reason for wanting to talk to them about scheduling an appointment is that I don't have a good sense of my EDD. My last cycle was wonky because I am still BFing DS2 so I don't have a good LMP date to go off of, and I wasn't tracking ovulation. I'm hoping they will schedule me for a dating ultrasound. They usually won't see you until 8 weeks for the first appointment, so it might not really change that, but figured I'd ask.
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
@miss.sally we’re currently in Salem, MA and driving up to Bar Harbor, ME and then will pit stop in RI on our way back home. I want to go to Utah so badly! I have panic attacks when flying unless I’m drugged up, so I guess I won’t be getting there until I’m no longer pregnant/BFing ha. I want to see the wave! All the national parks there look unreal!
Married: 8/22/15
BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18
BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
@varimama and @silverhope Enjoy your vacays!
@miss.sally I hope you guys get to go away in September. The DH and I are going on a fall foliage cruise in September. We are going to treat it as our babymoon.
@mommytimesfour Enjoy Hawaii!! I hope you have a great time. I hear it's beautiful. Definitely on my list of places to visit.
@varimama enjoy your vacation!
@miss.sally yeah a trip with kids is just parenting in a new location lol.
I'm anxiously awaiting some group drama. The BMBs have been so ... quiet for a long time now. Where are the antivaxxers at??? Any sanctimommies around???
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
I can’t believe I only have 3.5 weeks of break left before school starts again. Trying to enjoy this one-on-one time with my daughter. I feel like this is the last real quality time we’ll spend like this. 😭
also, it’s freaking hot. 95+ degrees and a million percent humidity. I don’t even like walking from my car into a building. 😂
I also have vacation jealousy over here! Last week, we were planning a beach vacation for the first week of August, but after looking at upcoming bills, we're holding off until we're in a better spot financially, so we may do something in the fall. We've yet to take a vacation with just the 3 of us, so I'd like to do that before I get uncomfortably pregnant.
ETA: My interview went well yesterday. I still have no idea what this job would pay, but there seem to be a lot of perks! He said it could take several weeks to hear anything, so I'm going to try to not think about it too much and just chug along at my current job with the new boss.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
@stassischroeder I included a PoLiTiCaL thing on my 10 Things Tuesday list just for you--in that, perhaps it will strike up some controversy!
I'm not exactly on vacay, (except my extended homestaycation of temporary summer unemployment, blah blah blah), but I have a crazy Week of Poetry this week that involves leaving the area where I live for a bit--I am reading tonight, and then driving to New Orleans tomorrow to host a reading, staying at a friend's and then reading myself there on Thursday! I both have been dreading and looking forward to this week--it's just a lot.
ETA: I had a comma where the letter i should have been in the middle of a word...
We are going to Orlando in September for a week to meet my best friends baby and do Disney/universal. If all goes well I’ll be out of first trimester and the weather will be nice! 🙂
I live near near the beach and we’ve been trying to go most weekends this summer. It’s a hassle hauling toys, sun shelter, toddler out but fun once we get settled!
I realized that I have the same due date as one of the moms from my last BMB so idk if she is going to join in here but Jamie if you see this don't spill the beans yet 😂
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
*Formerly LuND*
Me: 35 | DH: 37
TTC: 7/2016
Low AMH, mild MFI
BFP 7/29/17
EDD: 4/5/18
BFP #2 7/2/19
EDD 3/13/20
@stassischroeder we need to start collecting royalties from Emily Oster.
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
Thanks for your suggestions, I placed a hold at my library for Expecting Better by Emily Oster. Hopefully that will help give DH and me more direction.
EDD: 3/19/20
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
DS2 10/2017
DS3 due 03/2020
So, my dog was with me when I tested, so she obviously knew before anyone.
EDD: 3/19/20
@mommytimesfour DS will be two next month, so we talk about it openly in front of him, but he doesn't really get it. We plan to officially announce to everyone at his birthday party.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20