September 2019 Moms

Weekly Check In, w/o 4.29


Re: Weekly Check In, w/o 4.29

  • @themadcamel it went well, Pain is feeling a lot better, going back Monday to hopefully work on getting rid of more! Thanks for asking!
  • @nda_roxybabe my DH has never been trick or treating either!!! He's Vietnamese, so it's just not a thing his parents did. He got to go last year with our son for the first time, so that was really awesome.
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  • @themadcamel Sucks to have your work situation change and have no say who your teammates are!
    @kgg2241 Good luck with the nursery.  We are going to redo the closet in ours as well.  In fact, all the closets in our house need to be redone.
    @supermom34482 My husband likes to hoard clothes and shoes.  We've been in our current house for two years and I don't think I've seen him wear well over 50% it.
    @LJMoon6 I hope your husband came to his senses!  I would be so pissed.  Happy belated birthday!

    Est Due Date/ Weeks + Days: 19+3


    Team Green/Pink/Blue: Blue

    Interesting Baby Fact / Baby is size of ...: four-toed hedgehog

    Upcoming Appointments: next week

    How are you feeling?: Great!  

    Rants/Raves: It was a "boring" week so can't complain.

    Questions: None

    GTKY:  Tell us something random about yourself that people are surprised you have never done. Aka - Fill in the blank: People are surprised that I have never seen Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.
  • Thanks @ternsetc I hate fish sushi but love sweet potato maki sushi! It’s delicious if you don’t like seafood. I get it without the seaweed wrap so it’s literally just fried sweet potato that tastes so sweet wrapped in rice. Mmm!! 
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