November 2019 Moms

Randoms w/o 3/25


Re: Randoms w/o 3/25

  • Our contractor is halfway through our basement renovation woo hoo! (We had a pipe burst in January and flood the whole finished basement). 
  • Today's my first day back to work after our amazing Disney vacation last week.  The first day back after being on vacation is the worst. I had 200+ emails in my inbox and I've been trying to dig my way through them all morning.  :/

    @kopp5988 That's great that it's almost finished! 
    Me: 36  DH: 40
    Together since 2007 | Married June 2013

    TTC #1: June 2015
    BFP: 11/9/16 |  EDD: 7/22/17
       <3 DD born 7/16/17

    TTC #2: December 2018
    BFP: 2/26/19 | EDD: 11/7/19
    <3 DS born 11/3/19 

    TTC #3
    Mirena out 1/23/24
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  • @klstone25 Disney sounds so fun! I'm going on vacation next week to Dallas and hoping no one sends me emails (I'm a teacher and it's Spring Break) lol
  • @klstone25 that's the only thing I don't like about vacation...coming back to a ridiculous inbox! 

    Random this week...MH finally installed a handrail into the basement.  I feel much safer now when I go do laundry!
  • @kopp5988 I remember the flooding. Ugh, i hope nothing else happens like that again. Yay, forbyour reno being half way complete! 

    @klstone25 I don't envy all those emails. I do wish I could spend a week at Disney though. 

    @doglover87 I love when my husband finally starts getting things done on my list for him to do. I'm glad he is getting it done now instead of waiting until you're in the 3rd trimester. 
  • Back to work today after spring break and I'm exhausted. Have a ton of school work this week but I'm almost done with this semester and summer should be pretty easy. 
  • DH is taking the kids to the gym with him this afternoon so I can have some time to myself. I think I'm going to go get a mani/pedi. I'm going to go all out and do the hot wax. While I'm there I will get my eyebrows waxed. 
  • @klstone25 oof that’s a lot a emails, worst part of a long vacation!

    @emeraldcity1214 me too! I can’t deal with that again. Yay for me time! Enjoy that mani/pedi!
  • @emeraldcity603 I'm jealous, I need an eyebrow wax soooooo bad 😂

    I got about 3/4 of the garden bed I'm putting in done on my day off yesterday.  It feels great,  but i feel like I have endless house projects that I want finished before this baby comes! 

  • @klstone25 ugh, emails after vacation are the worst! 

    @emeraldcity1214 enjoy the mani pedi! I did a DIY pedi the other day but its not the same, haha. 

    @kopp5988 hurray for the reno being halfway done! 

    I left for my doctors appointment and came back to work like almost 2 full hours later, despite my doctors office being less than 10 minutes away. Why is everyone always running behind!! On the plus, no one came looking for me and I had no missed calls, sooooo...
  • Working on kid #3 right now and have never experienced morning sickness during my previous pregnancies. I've been feeling very blah lately, similar to the feeling you get right before your body fully becomes sick, but it never amounts to anything this what morning sickness feels like? I know this may sound silly, I am just trying to determine if I am fighting off something else or if my luck finally ran out on the morning sickness! 

    Also, my avatar is a man and I don't know why haha
  • @mamaflannery I've been feeling very blah too! So hard to explain! I've been feeling like right before I got the flu last year and I was just tired and out of it. -_- 

    It's only Monday and I NEED this week to be over. I feel like every week since New Year's has been a marathon for me with after-work commitments and out-of-town visitors. 

    One of my best friends is in from out of town and will be staying with us in the middle of the week. Normally I'd be over the moon, but honestly I'm so anxious because I'm just SO exhausted. 

  • Pregnancy is the only time I can convince my husband to scoop the litter box. I'm enjoying not having to do it for the next 8 months. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My DH doesn't do the litter for me. His work schedule changes so much he can't seem to get it in the routine. He will if I ask. I have had my cat checked for toxoplasmosis and he isn't a carrier. He is strictly an indoor cat too so highly unlikely to get it. 
  • @kopp5988 yay for being halfway through your reno! Are you doing any fun upgrades or just putting it back together after the damage? We are in the middle of finishing our basements ourselves, and I am so ready for my house to not be a construction zone! I also want to move to outdoor projects now that the weather is getting nicer. 
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • mamaflannery I know how you feel!  I never had any type of nausea with my 2 other pregnancies and now I'm feeling it.  Hang in there! 

    My random for this week, Training our 12th employee since I started in May 2017 and I'm happy that she's a fast learner!!!  Hopefully the last trainee before my Mat leave in November  >:)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Thanks ladies. It took me nearly all day yesterday, but I finally cleared out my inbox! Today, I'll start on my voicemails.    :/

    Fortunately, my H always does the litter boxes. I will occasionally scoop, but I will definitely be enjoying not having to do that for the next few months.
    Me: 36  DH: 40
    Together since 2007 | Married June 2013

    TTC #1: June 2015
    BFP: 11/9/16 |  EDD: 7/22/17
       <3 DD born 7/16/17

    TTC #2: December 2018
    BFP: 2/26/19 | EDD: 11/7/19
    <3 DS born 11/3/19 

    TTC #3
    Mirena out 1/23/24
  • @christalfung that's a lot of new employees to train! I am dreading the process of finding and training my replacement but I seriously need to stop putting it off. We need someone asap and my plans for leave are not going to go over well if I don't get them in fairly soon.  Our office is very small and we already lost someone this year and our other employee is at retirement age and wants to cut back....

    DH always does our litter boxes. I can't remember the last time I did it lol. I do clean up after our dog though so I think it's a fair trade lol. 
  • @millpe we’re upgrading a little bit- nicer carpet than what was there and semi-finishing the laundry room (flooring on top of the existing concrete and drywall on two walls). We may be doing kitchen and flooring on our main floor immediately after this though as that was our original plan before the basement had to be fixed. I’m excited to some outdoor projects too as soon as it stays warm and stops raining! What have you got planned? 
  • @kopp5988 I have lots of ideas for outdoor projects, but nothing really planned. Our yard is still really young, so im just hoping it grows in nice and all the plants come back! And maybe we will do a patio if I feel really ambitious.
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • My tummy has been super bloated lately so I decided to try belly bands. I may be late to the party, but they're super awesome! I've been using a hair tie to extend my pants waist line, but the bands worked so much better. 

    Definitely recommend :) 
  • I'm sorting through old baby/toddler clothes to sell in a big consignment sale. DH just got most of the clothes out of the attic for me so I literally have boxes to go through and tag. I have to drop everything off next week. I asked him for those clothes a month ago. So now, I'm pushing it to get everything done in time. I'm hoping to make enough money that I can buy new winter wardrobes for the kids when we move to AK. We don't have winter stuff in Texas 😂
  • @mvc003 I sort of hate my belly band.. I mean it definitely beats the hair tie trick. IDK if mine is too big for me or what. I'm trying to use it more this time around since last time my first tri was over the summer so all I wore was dresses, but its still too cold for dresses at this point. 

    @emeraldcity1214 ah that's right, you're moving to AK! That's definitely a lot of clothes they'll need. I hope you make a lot at the sale! 

    I don't have much going on.. for some reason this week seems to be dragging. I have a couple things to get done at work but nothing too urgent right now. I was considering taking a half day on Friday but I feel like its pointless when I probably wouldn't do anything other than take a nap and start dinner early. I just kind of want some time to myself.
  • @emeraldcity1214 I hate sorting through stuff! Good luck! I hope you make a really good haul. Why are you moving to AK? 

    @creamcheeseplease take the half day and nap! Napping is not a waste, plus you would get some time to yourself. 
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @emeraldcity1214 good luck sorting through all those clothes!! FX for a good haul. 

    @creamcheeseplease I would 100% take a half day if I could to nap. Do it! 

    My house guests are coming this afternoon and MH cleaned up yesterday. I call that a win!
  • Random: I'm taking a new (better) job in May. The guy hiring me is my old supervisor and it's a done deal, but I still have to write the letter and submit my application. Boo. Luckily the students are on vacation this week, so I feel compelled to use this time to do it! 

    @klstone25  I hate returning after vacation!!! Congrats on clearing the inbox!

    @emeraldcity1214  I hope you enjoyed your spa day. That sounds so amazing right now!

    @mamaflannery  YES! That is a lot of morning sickness for me—and I’ve had it with both my previous pregnancies. For the first, it rarely amounted to vomiting, but with the second I threw up at least once a day. I bet you it is morning sickness!


    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @emeraldcity1214 good luck sorting! I have about 12 bins of DD's stuff I need to go through at some point. TX to AK will certainly be a big weather change!

    @mvc003 Good call on the belly band, I hope I saved mine. I've been seriously considering digging out my maternity pants this weekend. The bloat is untamed right now.

    I have acupuncture this afternoon and I'm pumped. I find it more relaxing than a massage (weird, I know)!
  • @emeraldcity1214 good luck with the consignment sale! Hope you make lots of money for those much needed Alaskan winter clothes!

    @creamcheeseplease team take a half day and take a nap! I’ve only been up 5 hours and need one... dang

    @mvc003 yay for your husband cleaning!

    @EmilyLove25 congrats on the new job! 

    So I had a growth removed from my forehead on Monday at the dermatologist (it was the size of a small pimple) that I’ve had for about 4 months now.  He said it looked like a basal cell carcinoma and took a biopsy. I won’t hear until next week and am driving myself insane. The logical part of my brain is like it’s no big deal even if it is, they’re the “best” kind of skin cancer to get since they very very rarely spread and they just remove it. But then the hypochondriac side of my brain is convinced that it’ll have somehow gotten into a nerve or my blood or bone. I need to get my s*** together and stop freaking myself out. Sorry just needed to spew that somewhere!
  • @creamcheeseplease I vote take the half day. A nap is a very good reason to do it! 

    @millpe DH got a job there. He is from there so it isn't a huge leap for us. 

    @EmilyLove25 I did enjoy it. I really needed some time away from the kids. It's always so relaxing. DH wanted me to go get a massage but I told him I needed to actually make an appointment for that. 😂

    @doraleigh35 I'm seriously sporting a blump. I got rid of my belly band a few years ago so I got one at target the other day. 
  • @emeraldcity1214 It's crazy! I didn't start wearing maternity pants with #1 until like 16w, #2 was like 12w and I'm thinking #3 will be like 8w.
  • @kopp5988 try not to think about it! I know, easier said than done. I had a lump removed from my neck a few years back and it turned out to be nothing but it was totally nerve wracking waiting for those results.
  • @kopp5988 It's scary anytime you have to get a biopsy. Hopefully it comes back as nothing. Hugs! 
  • @creamcheeseplease I’m glad it turned out to be nothing for you! But thanks for the voice of reason and thanks to @emeraldcity1214 for the hugs 

  • Is it weird that I keep having a feeling that I’m carrying twins? I mean, I know it’s not likely but I keep getting thoughts of twins. It might be because I’ve always wanted twins, who knows......twins don’t run on my side of the family but they do on his (I’ve heard his side doesn’t matter with twins though).

    Also it’s currently 9 a.m and I’m stuggleing to get out of bed for the day. 
                                                                         Image result for i breastfed my baby 1 year
  • When I had my u/s a few days ago, my OB kept moving the wand around and I asked what she was looking for and she said "oh just making sure its just one! Can you imagine if it was two?" I said NOPE, I can't imagine! Haha. 

    I went and got mac n cheese and it was SO GOOD. I also got one veggie egg roll and it was also SO GOOD and I definitely should have gotten more. I definitely will next time! my appetite is out of control today, I'm still hungry and could absolutely eat more.
  • @creamcheeseplease You are my spirit animal right now. Give me all the food!

    DD1 EDD 9/29/2015, Born 9/24/2015

    DS1 EDD 1/3/2018, Born 12/26/2017

    BFP #3 3/21/2019, EDD 11/29/2019, MMC/D&C 5/7/2019

    BFP #4 6/28/2019, EDD 3/12/2020 

  • @creamcheeseplease I am ravenous today too! I already ate all my day's snacks and it's not even noon here yet. 

  • Popping in to say hi! I have not been keeping up with checkins this week. Reading and screens are exasperating my nausea so I just avoid it. I did want to say thanks to the ladies who responsed to my question about nausea meds! (The forums are awful on mobile
    app, hoping some of them see this, that post has so many responses it keeps freezing get when I scroll through to tag 🤦‍♀️) 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @creamcheeseplease the past 2 days have been awful with hunger, I've been eating so much and like minutes later I'm starving again. It's pretty ridiculous. And it doesn't help that after I eat i feel nauseous. 
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