Due date/W+D: June 10th, 26w3d (planned csection june 10th)
Baby is the size of a(n): I think kale
Any appointments? Questions?: Had a checkup yesterday. All looked good, did my glucose test, will find out today if i pass. I want to color my hair, will ask the doctor at the next appointment.
Rants/Raves?: Moving is miserable.
How are you feeling?: Feeling okay, just stressed with moving. Living on an air mattress, furniture gets delivered friday.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? Have a 3 year old husky mix. Love him! He's the sweetest and friendliest dog!
Baby is the size of a(n): kale according to The Bump, Bowling Pin according to Ovia
Any appointments? Questions?: Currently doing the one hour wait for the glucose test. Orange drink might kill me haha One pregnancy I was given a lemon lime flavoured one and it was so much better.
Rants/Raves?: Signing kids up for lessons is such a circus! If I'm not online exactly at 8 in the morning, all weekend classes are filled. My poor kiddos have missed lessons the last two sessions (we found other activities, it was fine) but luckily I fought the online masses and came out victorious this morning 😊
How are you feeling?: Leg cramps and tightness in my ribs a lot plus still so tired but overall I'd say not bad?
GTKY - Any furbabies?? We have a dog named Dug, part lab part basset. He looks like a lab but his body is stockier like a basset's and his legs are very short. We also have a gecko that does his own thing in a cage and normally just wants to be left alone. Keeping his food alive is more work than he is.
@jacks@jacksonbears Ugh, air mattress life sounds awful. I'm so sorry moving is stressful and awful How soon until you're settled?
Any appointments? Questions?: 2nd Glucose test on the 28th.
Rants/Raves?: Loving feeling him move around a bunch!
How are you feeling?: Tired & sore. My toddler hasn't been sleeping well & my preschooler sometimes wakes me up because she's crying looking for her dad (after he leaves for work), so I haven't had decent sleep in weeks.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? We have 2 cats & 2 fish. Hoping to talk H into getting a dog next year.
@AshleighDB That sounds horrible! Sounds worse than registering for college classes!
@holyboobsbatman your dog is so cute! And your moms reaction is hilarious! With DD, when DH told his work, he said "Jackson's going to be a big brother", and his coworkers thought we were adopting a new dog.
@AshleighDB hopefully a few more nights! We were in a rental for 6 weeks while our house was being worked on. And they're a few weeks behind, so we pushed our furniture move in date to this friday. Fingers crossed everything is set!
Baby is the size of a(n): echidna (on another note, has anybody else noticed that the bump seems to be a week behind with sizing compared to other apps?)
Any appointments? Questions?: had my last OB appointment with my old OB on the 7th, next is on the 21st in my new town. I’m the highest risk category at my new hospital so will be interesting to see how different the appointments are as I was considered low risk at my old OB. Interesting how different states will class your risk differently too.
Rants/Raves?: rave: We’re currently driving 2500 miles across the country which is pretty tiring! My fiancé’s brother’s fiancé (is she my sister in law? I don’t know how these naming conventions work... haha) said to turn on the heated car seats for some back pain relief and oh boy was that THE BEST advice! I am loving it, though I will only probably be able to do it for one more day as it’s only been around 75F but will be getting back up to 100F in the next couple of days. 😞 rant: just started getting stretch marks up my belly! I wasn’t mentally prepared for them as I’ve barely grown, but in the last week I’ve “popped” and my skin has not agreed with that. I’ve also been fatter before than I am now and thought that would have prepared my body for being this size again, but apparently not 😓
How are you feeling?: apart from my L5 causing me a lot of grief again I am feeling pretty good. Usual stuffy nose, super swollen legs, other typical aches and pains, etc.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? We have 2 kitty cats but moving in with my parents who have another one. Bob is 8yo grey and white DSH, Susan is a 2yo torty and both are mine. My parents have Marshmallow who is also 2 but is petrified of people and any movement, so it will be interesting having a baby and 2 more cats living with her! Hopefully my 2 bring her out of her shell a little bit 😬
@jacksonbears that sucks! Could you not stay at a cheap Airbnb until Friday, just so you’re not sleeping on the floor? Also, I’ve been getting my hair done every 6 weeks and I’m platinum blonde. I think as long as the room is well ventilated you’re fine, and ventilation is only because the chemical smell is so overwhelming to our poor sensitive noses.
Haha @holyboobsbatman that’s hilarious your mum thought you were getting another dog! My parents probably would have thought the same if I’d put a similar outfit on my cats 😂
Rants/Raves?: Really excited to have made it to the third trimester but I am not excited about going to the doctor every two weeks. I'm a teacher and testing is about to start so I am not excited about having to take off work.
How are you feeling?: Mostly good. The other day she was constantly kicking me straight down. It felt like she was trying to kick her way out. It didn't hurt but definitely caught me off guard every single time. So glad that didn't last long and hoping she doesn't do it again.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have two cats, Stormcloud and Whisper, and my sweet golden doodle Finnegan. Here is a picture of Finn and Whisper.
@holyboobsbatman we almost have the same dog! Our babies are going to grow up with a super fluffy friend.
@wiseh I hope you like your new doctor. I cannot imagine switching at this point so I hope that all goes well.
@wiseh I’m with you on the stretch marks! Woke up the other day to stretch marks on my breast, and my breasts aren’t even that big. 😭
Due date/W+D: June 26, 24w6d
Baby is the size of a(n): Canteloupe/Pomegranate
Any appointments? Questions?: I have my GD test at the end of next week. Definitely nervous for it!
Rants/Raves?: Rant: Had THE worst constipation yesterday/last night. My stomach hurt so bad and I was nauseous. Feeling much better today! I think drinking more water helped.
Raves: I’m loving feeling her move—it never gets old! ❤️
How are you feeling?: Definitely pregnant now—belly is very noticeable, especially from the side.
GTKY—Any furbabies??: An 8-year-old lab mix we adopted 3 years ago. She’s really smart, super sweet, and great around kids. We named her Ginny, after Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, because of her red ears.
Any appointments? Questions?: Haven’t heard back from my OBs office on my glucose test so I’m assuming I passed. 🤞🏼I don’t have my hematologist or OB appointment til the 20th.
Rants/Raves?: Getting sick completely sucks. I went to urgent care over the weekend and they told me that I got Bronchitis but there is nothing I can really take while pregnant but to rest, drink more water, and use Tylenol to ease pains. Also been getting underboob sweat. I just want winter to be over and spring to come!
How are you feeling?: Besides feeling under the weather, I have been okay. Feeling little babe kicking every day so that’s a good feeling except for when I want to sleep.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 6 year old Chihuahua-Dachshund mix, fiancé has a 8 year old husky, and I’ve got 2 female fancy rats that are both 1 year old.
@jacksonbears and @wiseh Booo moving sucks WITHOUT growing a person at the same time! Hope all goes well for both of you! @stormcloud0719 My little guy has done that straight down kicking a few times too, it's so uncomfortable. @CaraDsoontobeA I have either a stretch mark on my boob or my shirt left a serious indent rght before I got ready for bed...mine aren't that big either, if it's a stretch mark at this point then I'm done for when my milk comes in @ami500 That's brutal, I feel you. I got a cold and the flu right before Christmas and was absolutely miserable because I couldn't take much except my puffers and Tylenol. A doctor friend of ours said there was one particular type of cough syrup I could take sparingly, as long as it was alcohol free. I don't remember the medical ingredient he referred to, but if you've got a bad cough there might be something they can give you!
Due date/W+D: June 8/27+3
Baby is the size of a(n): Romaine lettuce (@wiseh I also feel like sometimes it compares the baby to something that I think is actually smaller than what it was the previous week)
Any appointments? Questions?: Must book glucose test ASAP...
Rants/Raves?: Rant: H shared his cold with me. Lovely.
Rave #1: OB extended my surgery recovery by 2 weeks, thank goodness!! That was last week but I didn't get back on here. So now I'm off until the end of next week. I'm definitely feeling better this week but I know I need to take it easy and not push myself. But I might actually be able to do a few things around the house, and that will make me happy.
Rave #2: I got my hair done last week and actually feel vaguely pulled together again. Between being stuck at home in sweatpants because nothing else was comfortable and the sad state of my hair and my skin being a mess (totally my own fault) I was feeling a bit like a troll the last few weeks!
Rave #3: McDonalds on UberEats will deliver apple pie. That's all I ordered the other night and I was seriously so happy to have that damn pie without having to leave my house. Also I was upstairs and told H he had to open the door when it arrived...I told him he could absolutely blame his preggo wife, but he said just took the bag and closed the door as fast as he could...I think he was very ashamed of me and I find it hilarious! I don't know what his problem was, I ordered him a pie too...
How are you feeling?: Better than the last few weeks. Little guy is moving so much and it makes me laugh when I can poke what I assume is a foot or a fist, and then he hits me with it again. Although I think I have ligament pain in my belly button and damn it hurts.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a cat who turns 10 this year! He's a sweet little jerk who has no idea how much his world is going to change in a few months
Now that I’m feeling somewhat better I can read everyone’s post.
@jacksonbears Sorry to hear that the whole moving process didn’t go smoother. Air mattresses definitely aren’t comfortable.
@holyboobsbatman Haha I can totally see why your mom thought you were getting another dog. Very cute way to announce though. Pets are definitely going to play a huge part in baby’s life.
@AshleighDB Wow signing up for lessons sounds like a nightmare. It’s probably up there with trying to get concert tickets for a current popular artist. Also I feel you on the leg cramps. I had those last week and they were terrible. Had a friend recommend taking a little bit of tonic water before bed. I just stretched a bit, drank more water and had a banana little before bed and that helped me.
@wiseh Yeah it’s interesting to see how different places label you. Sorry to see that you’re also high risk now. I’m just hoping after they reviewed my glucose test that I’m no longer high risk? No idea how they determine all that. Also seat warmers are the best! Sucks that you are in the summer right now but whatever works for you definitely go for it.
@stormcloud0719 I totally feel you on the not wanting to take off work. I had to take off couple hours early at least every 4 weeks but now he’s changed it to every 3 weeks to see my hematologist. My little guy likes to kick me in the bladder sometimes and that’s just the worst.
@CaraDsoontobeA I have a feeling that pretty much any symptom we get, everyone tells you to drink more water and all of a sudden some of the symptoms go away like magic. Like what is this magical substance?! I’ve been getting stretchmarks on my boobs too. I went up two sizes already and I’m sure I’ve got a little bit more growing to do. Not looking forward to that but my fiancé looooves it.
@lmcw I also got a small cold around the holidays and when I talked to my OB they were like there isn’t much you can take. Majority of the stuff the doctors prescribe are class C and should be used with caution or use if you absolutely need it but there aren’t studies done to see the effects on baby. I’ve had the pharmacist told me not to take this one drug the doctor prescribed to me this time around because it’s a class C. So I’m trying to ride through this without the help of cough meds. I know they did say guaifenesin is safe but I’ve checked labels and talked to the pharmacist and they couldn’t find the products anymore on their shelves. I’m like how is this possible?!
Hi ladies! Has anyone else had trouble staying signed in on the Bump? I usually post while on my computer, but it won't recognize that I'm signed in.
Due date/W+D: June 13, 26+6
Baby is the size of a(n): Kale
Any appointments? Questions?: I had my GD test last weekend. My result was a 139. The nurse said I don't have to take the 3 hour test, but should probably watch my carbs. The doctor just said "normal result". I've been trying to watch what I'm eating. I went a little crazy with the treats the last few weeks.
Rants/Raves?: Not a whole lot- just looking forward to keeping the house purchase moving! We are still hoping to move up our closing date, but we haven't heard anything back.
How are you feeling?: Ok, a little sore and not sleeping great. My back hurts when I lay in bed. I keep trying to rearrange my pregnancy pillow to help but it doesn't always work.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 6 year old lab/hound mix. She is the sweetest, most cuddly dog in the world and she has endless patience with my son. Unfortunately, she also has severe separation anxiety and she barks A LOT. I'll see if I can find a picture of her to post!
loving all of the furbaby picutres!!! I don't know what it is but animal pics make me so happy @jacksonbears - hopefully the next few days fly by and you get all settled this weekend. Sleeping on an air mattress while pregnant seems awful! @AshleighDB - I can't believe how crazy it is to get signed up for things. I feel like when we were all little it wasn't so hard. @stormcloud0719 - I was feeling her kick the same way this weekend. It's definitely a little unsettling. @ami500 - being sick and pregnant is the worst! I feel like urgent care told me I could take regular robitussum but I don't remember the ingredient you are supposed to stay away from. @lmcw - That's awesome that your doc extended your recovery time! Hopefully it makes all of the difference.
Due date/W+D: 6/21 - 25w+5 (scheduled c-section June 17)
Baby is the size of a(n): Cauliflower
Any appointments? Questions?: next Monday. will schedule GD test then.
Rants/Raves?: loving feeling all of the movement.. not loving all of the back pain that has started already.
How are you feeling?: I threw my back out on Monday after work and was basically on my back all day yesterday switching between ice & heat. I'm back at work today but hoping I can make it all day. Luckily I have a monitor stand that I can raise and lower b/c standing is way more comfortable than sitting. I have back issues anyway but I'm really sad I still have 13 1/2 weeks to go and I'm already having to worry about it. Any suggestions about what may work? I just ordered a new support belt b/c I can't find my other one.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 10 year old mutt. He's a pomeranian, shih tzu terrier mix of some sort and he thinks he's a person.
Me: 33 (no known issues)
DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology) TTC since Oct 2013 IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI) ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016 IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!
@ami500 It's seriously so frustrating to have different sources giving different information about what is or isn't or might be safe to take during pregnancy. Hello, I am growing a person and that's enough work without second guessing advise from various medical professionals...if you could all just agree amongst yourself that would be great!! I haven't heard of that one med you mentioned, the one that our doctor friend said was safe is an ingredient called dexametha(metho?)something, short form is usually DM for cough syrups. We got the info from our doctor friend and doubled checked with the pharmacist when we picked some up and she said to use it as sparingly as possible; I think I took a little bit just a night for a few days so that I could actually sleep without coughing. I hope you start to feel better soon, H was kind enough to share his cold with me this week and I am not happy about it!!
Any appointments? Questions?: No appointments until later this month. Took my glucose test yesterday. Kaiser automated the results back to me so I think I passed as normal range was up to 139 and my result was 137 but waiting for confirmation from my doc. Also did a complete blood count at the same time and a few of those results were a little outside of the normal range so I am going to ask her about that.
Rants/Raves?: Rant? Work. I have a coworker on my team that does not do his job at all and shows me zero respect. When I was gone on vacation last week, he wrote in a weeklong vacation for himself this week without consulting management. Now I have to cover for him AND do his backlog of work that he didn’t do last week. Reported him multiple times to our manager and nothing happens. It’s crazy and super aggravating to me that he still has a job when I’m doing his job and mine. Rave? We listed our house for sale on Monday. We’ve already had multiple people request to see it ahead of the open house this weekend so I’m feeling optimistic that we’ll get offers. Now we just have to find a new house!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good overall but pretty tired too. Experiencing the insomnia they say can pop up around this time in pregnancy.
GTKY - Any Fur babies? Two mutts - Bailey (the brown one) and Voodoo.
Update: Doc got back to me. No GD but doctor said I’m anemic. Apparently it’s common at this stage in pregnancy. She’s putting me on daily iron supplements.
@jacksonbears How is your pup SO CUTE?! Oh my heart, I'm melting!!
There are too many adorable pets on this thread, I can't take it!
@sarcat87 That stinks about your coworker; I've had a similar issue that's been almost 2 years going at this point, my one coworker and I end up picking up the slack for a third colleague, she somehow keeps getting away with it even though we're all required to submit our productivity at the end of each week (her other responsibilities always seem to have "taken so much longer than anticipated" *eyeroll*). How long will you be off after baby arrives? Any chance it'll be long enough for your manager to catch on that this guy isn't doing his job?? I know it's going to be rocky for the rest of my team when I go on mat leave, but I give zero effs because this is what happens when management doesn't pay attention and provide appropriate staff! Editted because this sounds jerky: I care very much about my teammates at work, what I don't care about is the fact that management is going to be up poop creek trying to deal with the dumpster fire that it'll all turn into because it's their own fault for not giving us the resources we need. And my teammates will be fine because we've been through this nonsense so many times that we all just agree to do what we can, and if everything falls apart it's management's problem, not ours
@jacksonbears moving while pregnant sucks. We moved a week and a half ago and still have boxes to unpack. Hope when you get your bed it’s the best sleep.
Any appointments? Questions?: I started the dreaded two week appts so I’m enjoying a week off. I have an OB, MFM US and my second GD test next week.
Rants/Raves?: Graduated from pelvic floor PT and have been keeping up the exercises. We moved into a new house which is great and has it’s set of challenges. Moving while pregnant let alone with twins is not fun.
How are you feeling?: I lost all my second tri energy last week. Also having some ligament and lower belly pain. Also feeling tired a lot easier lately.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 6 year old Samoyed named Sophie and a 5 year old Alaskan Malamute named Macy Mae
@lmcw Amen! I’m taking off as long as I can get paid something by the state which is about a month off prior to my due date and the standard three months off after the baby arrives that you get in California. I hope that’s enough time for them to finally see what’s been happening but I’m also kind of worried that they’re still not going to and that I’ll come back to absolute pandemonium when I return from leave. I know I need to just leave for good. I was applying for jobs before I got pregnant and I’m currently on the ellibigility list for a government job but I haven’t been called by them yet and actively searching for a job is on hold right now. It’s hard to find a new job when you’re pregnant and I can’t imagine job searching is much easier with a newborn! Ugh. Feeling very aggravated but it’s nice to know I’m not alone in the struggle! I’ve been implementing some stress reducing techniques at work which have helped a bit.. breathing exercises and essential oils mainly. It sounds silly that I need coping mechanisms to deal but this dude and the whole situation are really under my skin at this point.
Any appointments? Questions?: How much does your OB interact with you? My practice has 9 doctors, they've pushed me to see multiple so I will know the doctor who's on call day of delivery, but i feel like they know nothing about me and haven't bothered to build any connection. They haven't asked about my birth plan, didn't call to tell me my GD test results, and when I asked when was the last time I could fly one doctor said "check with the airline" (ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? CHECK WITH THE AIRLINE?? YOU'RE THE DOCTOR!)
Rants/Raves?: Nausea is back, sciatic pain is killing my soul, and its all making me moody as hell
How are you feeling?: Nausea is back, sciatic pain is killing my soul, and its all making me moody as hell
GTKY - Any furbabies?? 2 older dogs that are a couple of mutts and the sweetest girls you can imagine, and 2 kitties also so affectionate. ( I have to stay away from rescue groups, because we can not fit any more animals in our house lol)
sarcat87 - coworkers who don't pull their weight are the worst! It's easy for someone to hide what they aren't doing for a week or so but with you out for almost 4 months, he won't be able to hide behind that excuse for sure. It's just whether or not mgmt actually acknowledges it. I agree with @lmcw b/c sometimes you have to let others fail to show that you don't have the resources you need to succeed. it's super uncomfortable but at the end of the day you have to worry about your health and that new baby. Your workers certainly aren't going to lose any sleep over you being out so you shouldn't either. (so much easier said than done!). @honeybeemarie - Sometimes I feel like my appointments literally are, blood pressure, weight, she listens to the doppler and measures my stomach and then says everything looks good. See you in a month. I keep a list on my phone throughout the month of questions. I would be super ticked though if the dr said check with the airline. I'm with you on the back pain! My nausea never went away so I feel yo on that too. inomniaparatus2 - your pups are SOOO cute!
Me: 33 (no known issues)
DH: 33 (lower motility; 0 morphology) TTC since Oct 2013 IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI) ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016 IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!
@sarcat87 It's not silly at all; we spend so much of our time at work that problems there can really affect other parts of your life. What @Griffin5413 said is exactly how I feel, sometimes you've done all you can and you have to just keep doing what's reasonable in your own position and let others fail and let things fall apart to show that there's a problem. My one coworker and I made an agreement at the beginning of this year that we will NOT stress about timelines going up or stay late because we're only 2 people and there are only so many hours in the day and I absolutely refuse to add more stress onto myself right now because maintaining my own health (and sanity) for this pregnancy is far more important! I know a few people who've looked for other work while on mat leave; not easy to plan right now since you don't know how well your little one will sleep or feed or what your days will look like, but it's definitely an option. And I think that with you being off for 4 months they'll HAVE to see that there's a problem, but if they refuse to acknowledge it or address it and just expect you to come back to a complete circus and deal with it yourself then yeah, you'd be much better off finding something else!!
AND: You have to put yourself first, especially right now and after your mat leave. You'll be going back to work still adjusting and balancing baby and work. I've been off work for almost 5 weeks now thanks to my surgery and while I probably COULD push myself to go back next week my doctor's extended my leave to include next week because that's what my body needs right now. No one at work will even remember let alone appreciate if I come back earlier than I need to, so I would only be hurting myself. Do what's right for you, do what you can reasonably do in your own role, and let management sort of whatever disaster your coworker makes!
@honeybeemarie Ugh the back pain is real. My sciatic hasn't become a constant issue yet, but by the end of the day my back is just agony...although to be fair the last few days it might be because I'm putting together Ikea furniture for the nursery! I've been using a magic bag on my back pretty much every night before bed. And about the flying thing, it does really depend on the airline (and if you can get travel insurance if you're leaving the country). As long as your pregnancy has been healthy and you don't have a history of complications or pre-term labour then most OBs are flexible about traveling but some airlines will restrict how late into pregnancy you can fly with them. If you're planning to travel in your third trimester definitely check the airline's website or call them to confirm their policies, and you might want to have a doctor's note handy to confirm how far along you are and that they're fine with you traveling in case the airline gives you any trouble when you check in or try to board.
Baby is the size of: an egg plant or a tall can of Pringles??
Any appointments or questions? My next appointment isn't until April 9th with my OB. Seems so far away especially since I'm in the third trimester. I haven't been since February 20th, but everyone keeps telling me that's good. I have a nutritionist appointment on 4/1 too.
Rants/raves? I'm starting to realize we are running out of time to "prepare". At the same time I keep thinking I don't want to not be pregnant anymore, I'm enjoying it being just us two and not having to worry. I guess bc it's also been easy so far, it may change in a couple of weeks when I can't tie my shoes.
How are you feeling? Good. Although this week I've gone back to needing a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. Also my lower abdomen is sore, I wear a belly band at the gym which helps. But I think I need to wear it to walk the dog now too. Definitely getting bigger.
GTKY- any furbabies? Yes, one 6 year old husky shepherd mix. We say he's our first born haha. Big cuddly dog with me, loves to lay on my or on my lap. I'm trying to train him to sit more with my DH for when the baby comes, but he's not going for it .He is super attached to me.
This was supposed to be our announcement photo, but my husband has asked to keep it off social media. He's not a fan of posting on social media
Just finished the 4th day of driving and finally have a bit of reception again! 2 more days of driving and 1 day of site seeing before we arrive at our final destination. My back is killing me but the heated seat trick is working a treat 👌🏼👌🏼 so many of us moving though, it’s crazy!!
Prepare for a monster post! So much to catch up on 😂
Thanks @stormcloud0719! I’m going public and will just be in the clinic so will have to see whatever doctor is rostered on. Not ideal but the private gyno I was going to go with is on holidays for almost the whole of my 3rd trimester. I would have had 1 appointment at 29 weeks and then not see him again until 36 weeks so I thought it’d be a bit of a waste of money if I’m going to have multiple doctor’s caring for me anyway.
How crazy is it that they just pop up overnight @CaraDsoontobeA! Hope the toileting is still going well!
@lmcw reminder - did you book your glucose test? Yay to more surgery recovery time and getting your hair done! I’m very much looking forward to getting mine done next week - it’s a ragged mess with an inch of regrowth atm (died platinum blonde/white, regrowth almost black in comparison) and I’m feeling rather unattractive.
Glad you’re feeling better @ami500! Did you get your GD results yet? Fingers crossed you’re not high risk anymore if they come back all good 🤞🏼🤞🏼
My support belt is my life saviour @griffin5413! Do you know what’s causing your back problems? I have hypermobile joints so to compensate my muscles have tightened but they also lack strength, so to get my back better I have to do glute strengthening exercises and hip flexor stretches, which have worked a treat! Other than that adjust the belt until it feels comfortable. Some days I wear mine really high and others really low, depending on what’s hurting on the day.
That’s so frustrating @sarcat87! I don’t know what it’s like in America but in Australia it’s EXTREMELY hard to fire someone. They have to pretty show that they’re deliberately breaking the law for the business to be able to fire them, underperformance isn’t a good enough reason according to fair work Australia. So frustrating. I did mine and someone else’s job for over a year because the chick was so incompetent. She had been on a “PIP” which a performance improvement plan for 3 years and she failed to achieve any improvement in that time despite the company pumping so much time and effort into her but they STILL weren’t allowed to fire her. She ended up going on stress leave for nearly 4 months and then was asked to resign, which she did. There were some handshake “you don’t say a bad word about me and I won’t say one about you” deals that went down. It was an absolute roller coaster of a year and I was so stressed out because of it! I don’t envy that you’re going through something similar at all, and as @lmcw says hopefully they’re forced to do something more about it whilst you’re on mat leave and if not then finding a new job is a must. Don’t be ashamed that you need coping mechanisms to deal with it all, working in that environment is sooooo stressful and you need to do whatever you can to help cope! I also agree with both @griffin5413 and @lmcw that sometimes you have to let others fail for the problem to be realised - I’ve also done this recently because of the new hire they got to take some of my work load and he’s royally screwed things up (I did warn them that he refused to learn off me but they let him run with it). Now they’re like “oh shit we should have listened to Hannah”. I have to fix all his stuff ups now but at least they’ve learned their lesson and have pretty much stripped him of all those responsibilities, put in some extremely firm boundaries and he is also on a PIP now.
@honeybeemarie did you fail your GD? You may hate me for this but I think your doctor may be saying to check with the airline because they all have different policies. I’m flying at 32 weeks and the airline requires my OB to fill in a bunch of paperwork I have to present at check-in, so I’d recommend checking the policy of the airline you choose to fly with and if they say you have no flight restrictions then say that to your doctor and ask him to confirm that he thinks you’re ok to fly just to be sure. That’s super sucky about not asking about your birth plan though! That’s literally the first thing my OB asked about at my first appointment. On how much they interact with me, if it weren’t for surgery + subsequent liver issues I would have only seen my OB when it came to discuss results for blood work/ultrasounds. At my NT results discussion appointment he gave me all the paperwork for my anatomy scan and told me to book back in with him for the week after, which would have been 7 or 8 weeks between appointments.
Thanks y’all for the reassurance, I think stress of baby, daycare plans, work, DH, is all just getting to me and starting to feel overwhelming, hence the moodiness.
For y’all moving, I’m so sorry about the stress, added pains, and worries that come with it. I hope you have a quick transition and that the relief you feel at the end of it is all that you deserve.
@tkbmama Yeah, I had the same thought just the other day...I hit 28 weeks tomorrow, and my OB has told me to have my hospital bag and everything ready to go at 37 weeks because after that any time is fair game, and that’s 9 weeks from now 😬 The first 6 months have gone by SO fast it’s crazy. So I’m feeling a bit of pressure to start getting stuff organized and ready, but I also know what you mean about not wanting to be done. Right now it’s just me and H (and the cat), but it’s also just me and our little guy...like he’s all mine tucked up inside and he’s going to come out and I’ll have to share him!!
@wiseh YES I am currently 20 minutes into my one hour wait! That drink is gross lol
Also, belly support band for the win. I ordered one earlier this week and have been wearing it to bed and it’s made a huge difference for my sleep! I’m not waking up when I roll over since the band is supporting my stomach, so I don’t feel like it’s pulling when I move.
@jacksonbears Your little pup is adorable with the markings! What kind of mix is he/she? The husky is actually my fiancé’s ex’s dog but she left it for him after the divorce because she moved back in with her dad and the dog there doesn’t get along with the big guy. He’s been a handful lately between the whole separation anxieties due to the divorce with his “master” leaving him and my pregnancy.
@tkbmama@lmcw I totally feel you guys on running out of time. I’ve been getting so many friends and family asking me if I completed my registry and when the baby shower is going to be and I’m only 26 weeks. I feel so rushed to get things done and settled. I know everyone is excited since it’s the first grandbaby of my side of the family but it’s like omg chill!! I honestly don’t want to be pregnant anymore because of all the issues I’ve had so far but part of me is going to miss the little guy kicking me from inside. I even had a talk with my fiancé like I don’t know when I’ll be okay with visitors when baby comes. I don’t think I’m even close to ready to share the little one with others but I’ve got another 14 weeks or so until he arrives.
@wiseh I haven’t heard anything from my OBs office. Last time I did the glucose test, they didn’t call but when I had my appointment, she told me I passed. So I’m hoping I passed this time around. I’ll know on Wednesday if they lifted that high risk label or not. Hopefully they do! 🤞🏼
@lmcw That glucose drink really is pretty gross. Like the initial taste was okay not the greatest but for me it was the aftertaste that I was like oh no.
There really are a lot of you guys moving! Fiancé and I aren’t planning on moving until sometime after I have baby, so I’m able to help pack/unpack and watch both kids. We are working to fix up parts of the house before we put it up for sale and find a new place. The whole situation with one bathroom sucks, but we are making it work since we only have my fiancé’s son every other weekend.
@lmcw what belly band do you have that you can sleep in? Mine is a sacroiliac support belt more than a belly support belt - $$$ from physio with elastic and Velcro straps. If I could get one to sleep in that’d help, I’m starting to need a pillow under my bump or it pulls my skin and hurts 😪
Yes on the aftertaste of the drink being the worst @ami500! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 For Wednesday! I find out on Thursday whether my new OB is going to keep me at high risk as well.
I literally just said to my partner that I was feeling a bit lost because we haven’t done anything to prepare for the baby yet. His response was “we can’t! We’re homeless!” I guess that’s the plus side of this move is that people don’t keep pestering us to get things done cause we literally can’t haha
Any appointments? Questions?: Every other week appts. Passed my GD test this week (woot woot!). I don’t mind the increased frequency as long as they can keep getting me in after school so I don’t have to take time off.
Rants/Raves?: These BH contractions are legit. They don’t hurt so much as they are oober uncomfortable and are killing my nesting progress. Trying to embrace the rest, but I am so not one to sit around.
Hi all. I just started posting today. Been lurking for a while reading others posts 🧐😁I recognise you @wiseh 😘 from the course we did together ... yes I’m finally on here now 😂 so glad you have made it to your new home and settled in now.
Due date/W+D: 29th June ... 25+1
Baby is the size of a(n): cauliflower
Any appointments? Questions?: I have my gd test in just over a week’s time And my next Ob appointment on 1 april
Rants/Raves?: rant is just getting frustrated with the lack of energy. I’m normally a super busy person and so having to slow down when my body feels tired is really starting to get me down. At about week 20 I weeded the whole front garden and then had severe back pain and it was then that I realised I have to slow down a bit now. Been taking it a bit easier lately and asking for help a bit more which is putting me waaaay outside my confort zone. Also started swimming laps which has helped a lot
Rave is that this is my first baby and after a number of miscarriages I’m now finally feeling like this one is normal and healthy. He kicks a lot and it’s the best feeling ever. I can’t wait to meet him and hubby is excited too.
How are you feeling?: apart from above mentioned energy levels and lower back pain lately, I’m feeling generally quite good. Still working fulltime which is a bit draining with the travel times but have started working a day a week from home and it will go up to 2 days after Easter until I finish up
GTKY - Any furbabies?? Yes a 11 year old cocker spaniel who thinks the world revolves around him and a mongrel dog I adopted from the pound about a decade ago. Love them both so much but a little nervous how they will both react to soon being second best to a baby - especially in their old age. We are making some changes around our open-plan house to try and seperate them to specific areas at least for the first few months until we get Bub settled in and then see how it goes beyond that.
Lovely to have this group as a reference source to understanding and dealing with all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms of pregnancy. Makes me feel more normal knowing others are going through the same journey.
Yayyyyyyy finally posting @bubbaclose!! We’re still not there yet though! Currently in Adelaide but will be doing the last leg tomorrow. We were supposed to go to a St Patrick’s Day thing but got sidetracked by Baby Bunting which is lucky cause they had 20% off store wide that ends today so we bought everything we need ready to be picked up on Tuesday! My partner flies back to Marble Bar on Sunday for his last swing and I don’t fancy building furniture at 35+ weeks so gonna get it out of the way this week.
Glad you’re feeling better and slowly winding back at work! I’m working from home full time now and would have left already if my mat leave cover was already there but he doesn’t start until the 1st of April, so working until the 18th 🙌🏽
@wiseh I saw that baby bunting had 20% off this weekend. I put a few things on layby a couple of months ago during a sale they had like pram, car seats etc. and we have until mid April to pay it all off and collect. Sorry I thought you were already at your destination now from another post. I was reading them in the middle of the night when I woke up for the 3rd time to pee and couldn’t get back to sleep 😂 so maybe I was a bit dazed and out of it.
Wish my mat leave started soon. Mine starts 31 May and gives me a month before Bub comes. My choice though. I’ve been debating whether to leave earlier but then obviously will have to return to work earlier or have longer off without any pay so thought maybe leaving a month before would be a good middle-ground. I’ve been saving up all my holiday / annual leave days so I can add them to the mat leave and give me longer off work paid but it’s killing me that I’ve only had one actual annual leave week off in the past year of fulltime work 😩. I think that’s making me feel more tired and feels like I’ve been pregnant for a year now with all the back-to-back miscarriages since last April so I’ve asked for 3 days off between easter and Anzac just to get the 10 days in a row with public holidays. I cannot wait for that 10 days I actually have a count down app on my phone for it to keep me going haha 🤣 I’ll use that time to get everything organised for the nursery and hospital bag packed etc. then I go back to work for 5 more weeks and should feel a bit more relaxed knowing if Bub comes early (fingers crossed he doesn’t) then I’ll be as organised as I can be. good luck for the last leg of your journey and arriving back home. Let us know how your appointment with the new doc goes and finally finishing work x
@ami500 Oh my goodness, the registry pressure was driving me insane. I had 3 people badgering me about it because they wanted to make sure it was done before they sent out shower invitations. Which makes sense, but give me 5 minutes to figure out what baby paraphernalia I actually need and think I might like! And people asking when my showers are and when are invitations going out and on and on...I don’t know, ask the people hosting the showers!!
I dont know what to do about visitors yet. This is grandchild #1 on my side of the family, #5 for H’s parents (but MIL is still over the moon). I feel like part of me will be all “come see what we made!!” and part of me will want to just keep him to myself and not let anyone over. I think with friends and extended family we’re going to be pretty hardline about not just dropping by, asking people to call or text first so we can politely decline if it’s a bad day. Because if someone shows up unannounced (and I can think of a few family members who would...) when I haven’t slept and he isn’t eating and everything is a disaster I cannot promise I’ll be nice...
Glucose drink: at first it just tasted like a melted popsicle and I was like okay, this is fine. And then it turned into a melted popsicle that had gone off and I had to force myself to finish it 🤢
@wiseh I got one from Jolly Jumper off Amazon. It’s like a thick stretchy cotton elastic with velcro at the front to be adjustable. It was a bit stiff at first, but it was comfortable enough to sleep in from the first night. I can only get it to open in the app so hopefully the link works: https://www.amazon.ca/Jolly-Jumper-Maternity-Support-Belt/dp/B0041EUU88
Re: All Group Check-in - w/o March 10th
Baby is the size of a(n): I think kale
Any appointments? Questions?: Had a checkup yesterday. All looked good, did my glucose test, will find out today if i pass. I want to color my hair, will ask the doctor at the next appointment.
Rants/Raves?: Moving is miserable.
How are you feeling?: Feeling okay, just stressed with moving. Living on an air mattress, furniture gets delivered friday.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? Have a 3 year old husky mix. Love him! He's the sweetest and friendliest dog!
Baby is the size of a(n): Cantaloupe
Any appointments? Questions?: GD test next month, nothing until then.
Rants/Raves?: I love feeling baby move around, it's the coolest feeling!
How are you feeling?: Feeling good. One more month until the 3rd trimester, so enjoying the second as long as I can!
GTKY - Any furbabies?? Our standard poodle, Lola! (This is how we announced to our family... my mom thought we were getting another dog 🤦♀️)
Baby is the size of a(n): kale according to The Bump, Bowling Pin according to Ovia
Any appointments? Questions?: Currently doing the one hour wait for the glucose test. Orange drink might kill me haha One pregnancy I was given a lemon lime flavoured one and it was so much better.
Rants/Raves?: Signing kids up for lessons is such a circus! If I'm not online exactly at 8 in the morning, all weekend classes are filled. My poor kiddos have missed lessons the last two sessions (we found other activities, it was fine) but luckily I fought the online masses and came out victorious this morning 😊
How are you feeling?: Leg cramps and tightness in my ribs a lot plus still so tired but overall I'd say not bad?
GTKY - Any furbabies?? We have a dog named Dug, part lab part basset. He looks like a lab but his body is stockier like a basset's and his legs are very short. We also have a gecko that does his own thing in a cage and normally just wants to be left alone. Keeping his food alive is more work than he is.
@jacks@jacksonbears Ugh, air mattress life sounds awful. I'm so sorry moving is stressful and awful
How soon until you're settled?
@holyb@holyboobsbatman Ahhhh your pup is so sweet! And I love the announcement.
Baby is the size of a(n): Cantaloupe
Any appointments? Questions?: 2nd Glucose test on the 28th.
Rants/Raves?: Loving feeling him move around a bunch!
How are you feeling?: Tired & sore. My toddler hasn't been sleeping well & my preschooler sometimes wakes me up because she's crying looking for her dad (after he leaves for work), so I haven't had decent sleep in weeks.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? We have 2 cats & 2 fish. Hoping to talk H into getting a dog next year.
@AshleighDB That sounds horrible! Sounds worse than registering for college classes!
@AshleighDB hopefully a few more nights! We were in a rental for 6 weeks while our house was being worked on. And they're a few weeks behind, so we pushed our furniture move in date to this friday. Fingers crossed everything is set!
Due date/W+D: 28 today! Hellooooo 3rd trimester!!
Baby is the size of a(n): echidna (on another note, has anybody else noticed that the bump seems to be a week behind with sizing compared to other apps?)
Any appointments? Questions?: had my last OB appointment with my old OB on the 7th, next is on the 21st in my new town. I’m the highest risk category at my new hospital so will be interesting to see how different the appointments are as I was considered low risk at my old OB. Interesting how different states will class your risk differently too.
Rants/Raves?: rave: We’re currently driving 2500 miles across the country which is pretty tiring! My fiancé’s brother’s fiancé (is she my sister in law? I don’t know how these naming conventions work... haha) said to turn on the heated car seats for some back pain relief and oh boy was that THE BEST advice! I am loving it, though I will only probably be able to do it for one more day as it’s only been around 75F but will be getting back up to 100F in the next couple of days. 😞 rant: just started getting stretch marks up my belly! I wasn’t mentally prepared for them as I’ve barely grown, but in the last week I’ve “popped” and my skin has not agreed with that. I’ve also been fatter before than I am now and thought that would have prepared my body for being this size again, but apparently not 😓
How are you feeling?: apart from my L5 causing me a lot of grief again I am feeling pretty good. Usual stuffy nose, super swollen legs, other typical aches and pains, etc.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? We have 2 kitty cats but moving in with my parents who have another one. Bob is 8yo grey and white DSH, Susan is a 2yo torty and both are mine. My parents have Marshmallow who is also 2 but is petrified of people and any movement, so it will be interesting having a baby and 2 more cats living with her! Hopefully my 2 bring her out of her shell a little bit 😬
@jacksonbears that sucks! Could you not stay at a cheap Airbnb until Friday, just so you’re not sleeping on the floor? Also, I’ve been getting my hair done every 6 weeks and I’m platinum blonde. I think as long as the room is well ventilated you’re fine, and ventilation is only because the chemical smell is so overwhelming to our poor sensitive noses.
Haha @holyboobsbatman that’s hilarious your mum thought you were getting another dog! My parents probably would have thought the same if I’d put a similar outfit on my cats 😂
Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant
Any appointments? Questions?: Check up on Friday.
Rants/Raves?: Really excited to have made it to the third trimester but I am not excited about going to the doctor every two weeks. I'm a teacher and testing is about to start so I am not excited about having to take off work.
How are you feeling?: Mostly good. The other day she was constantly kicking me straight down. It felt like she was trying to kick her way out. It didn't hurt but definitely caught me off guard every single time. So glad that didn't last long and hoping she doesn't do it again.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have two cats, Stormcloud and Whisper, and my sweet golden doodle Finnegan. Here is a picture of Finn and Whisper.
@holyboobsbatman we almost have the same dog! Our babies are going to grow up with a super fluffy friend.
@wiseh I hope you like your new doctor. I cannot imagine switching at this point so I hope that all goes well.
Due date/W+D: June 26, 24w6d
Baby is the size of a(n): Canteloupe/Pomegranate
Any appointments? Questions?: I have my GD test at the end of next week. Definitely nervous for it!
Rants/Raves?: Rant: Had THE worst constipation yesterday/last night. My stomach hurt so bad and I was nauseous. Feeling much better today! I think drinking more water helped.
Raves: I’m loving feeling her move—it never gets old! ❤️
How are you feeling?: Definitely pregnant now—belly is very noticeable, especially from the side.
GTKY—Any furbabies??: An 8-year-old lab mix we adopted 3 years ago. She’s really smart, super sweet, and great around kids. We named her Ginny, after Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, because of her red ears.
Love seeing everyone’s fur babies!
Baby is the size of a(n): Cauliflower
Any appointments? Questions?: Haven’t heard back from my OBs office on my glucose test so I’m assuming I passed. 🤞🏼I don’t have my hematologist or OB appointment til the 20th.
Rants/Raves?: Getting sick completely sucks. I went to urgent care over the weekend and they told me that I got Bronchitis but there is nothing I can really take while pregnant but to rest, drink more water, and use Tylenol to ease pains. Also been getting underboob sweat. I just want winter to be over and spring to come!
How are you feeling?: Besides feeling under the weather, I have been okay. Feeling little babe kicking every day so that’s a good feeling except for when I want to sleep.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 6 year old Chihuahua-Dachshund mix, fiancé has a 8 year old husky, and I’ve got 2 female fancy rats that are both 1 year old.
@stormcloud0719 My little guy has done that straight down kicking a few times too, it's so uncomfortable.
@CaraDsoontobeA I have either a stretch mark on my boob or my shirt left a serious indent rght before I got ready for bed...mine aren't that big either, if it's a stretch mark at this point then I'm done for when my milk comes in
@ami500 That's brutal, I feel you. I got a cold and the flu right before Christmas and was absolutely miserable because I couldn't take much except my puffers and Tylenol. A doctor friend of ours said there was one particular type of cough syrup I could take sparingly, as long as it was alcohol free. I don't remember the medical ingredient he referred to, but if you've got a bad cough there might be something they can give you!
Due date/W+D: June 8/27+3
Baby is the size of a(n): Romaine lettuce (@wiseh I also feel like sometimes it compares the baby to something that I think is actually smaller than what it was the previous week)
Any appointments? Questions?: Must book glucose test ASAP...
Rants/Raves?: Rant: H shared his cold with me. Lovely.
Rave #1: OB extended my surgery recovery by 2 weeks, thank goodness!! That was last week but I didn't get back on here. So now I'm off until the end of next week. I'm definitely feeling better this week but I know I need to take it easy and not push myself. But I might actually be able to do a few things around the house, and that will make me happy.
Rave #2: I got my hair done last week and actually feel vaguely pulled together again. Between being stuck at home in sweatpants because nothing else was comfortable and the sad state of my hair and my skin being a mess (totally my own fault) I was feeling a bit like a troll the last few weeks!
Rave #3: McDonalds on UberEats will deliver apple pie. That's all I ordered the other night and I was seriously so happy to have that damn pie without having to leave my house. Also I was upstairs and told H he had to open the door when it arrived...I told him he could absolutely blame his preggo wife, but he said just took the bag and closed the door as fast as he could...I think he was very ashamed of me and I find it hilarious! I don't know what his problem was, I ordered him a pie too...
How are you feeling?: Better than the last few weeks. Little guy is moving so much and it makes me laugh when I can poke what I assume is a foot or a fist, and then he hits me with it again. Although I think I have ligament pain in my belly button and damn it hurts.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a cat who turns 10 this year! He's a sweet little jerk who has no idea how much his world is going to change in a few months

@jacksonbears Sorry to hear that the whole moving process didn’t go smoother. Air mattresses definitely aren’t comfortable.
@holyboobsbatman Haha I can totally see why your mom thought you were getting another dog. Very cute way to announce though. Pets are definitely going to play a huge part in baby’s life.
@AshleighDB Wow signing up for lessons sounds like a nightmare. It’s probably up there with trying to get concert tickets for a current popular artist. Also I feel you on the leg cramps. I had those last week and they were terrible. Had a friend recommend taking a little bit of tonic water before bed. I just stretched a bit, drank more water and had a banana little before bed and that helped me.
@magpie87 Good luck on your 2nd glucose testing!
@wiseh Yeah it’s interesting to see how different places label you. Sorry to see that you’re also high risk now. I’m just hoping after they reviewed my glucose test that I’m no longer high risk? No idea how they determine all that. Also seat warmers are the best! Sucks that you are in the summer right now but whatever works for you definitely go for it.
@stormcloud0719 I totally feel you on the not wanting to take off work. I had to take off couple hours early at least every 4 weeks but now he’s changed it to every 3 weeks to see my hematologist. My little guy likes to kick me in the bladder sometimes and that’s just the worst.
@CaraDsoontobeA I have a feeling that pretty much any symptom we get, everyone tells you to drink more water and all of a sudden some of the symptoms go away like magic. Like what is this magical substance?! I’ve been getting stretchmarks on my boobs too. I went up two sizes already and I’m sure I’ve got a little bit more growing to do. Not looking forward to that but my fiancé looooves it.
@lmcw I also got a small cold around the holidays and when I talked to my OB they were like there isn’t much you can take. Majority of the stuff the doctors prescribe are class C and should be used with caution or use if you absolutely need it but there aren’t studies done to see the effects on baby. I’ve had the pharmacist told me not to take this one drug the doctor prescribed to me this time around because it’s a class C. So I’m trying to ride through this without the help of cough meds. I know they did say guaifenesin is safe but I’ve checked labels and talked to the pharmacist and they couldn’t find the products anymore on their shelves. I’m like how is this possible?!
Baby is the size of a(n): Kale
Any appointments? Questions?: I had my GD test last weekend. My result was a 139. The nurse said I don't have to take the 3 hour test, but should probably watch my carbs. The doctor just said "normal result". I've been trying to watch what I'm eating. I went a little crazy with the treats the last few weeks.
Rants/Raves?: Not a whole lot- just looking forward to keeping the house purchase moving! We are still hoping to move up our closing date, but we haven't heard anything back.
How are you feeling?: Ok, a little sore and not sleeping great. My back hurts when I lay in bed. I keep trying to rearrange my pregnancy pillow to help but it doesn't always work.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 6 year old lab/hound mix. She is the sweetest, most cuddly dog in the world and she has endless patience with my son. Unfortunately, she also has severe separation anxiety and she barks A LOT. I'll see if I can find a picture of her to post!
@stormcloud0719 Is yours as doofy as ours? Everyone thinks of poodles as these regal or sissy dogs, but she's a big loveable goofball.
Thank you all for understanding my mom's confusion. It made for a very awkward announcement 😅
@jacksonbears - hopefully the next few days fly by and you get all settled this weekend. Sleeping on an air mattress while pregnant seems awful!
@AshleighDB - I can't believe how crazy it is to get signed up for things. I feel like when we were all little it wasn't so hard.
@stormcloud0719 - I was feeling her kick the same way this weekend. It's definitely a little unsettling.
@ami500 - being sick and pregnant is the worst! I feel like urgent care told me I could take regular robitussum but I don't remember the ingredient you are supposed to stay away from.
@lmcw - That's awesome that your doc extended your recovery time! Hopefully it makes all of the difference.
Due date/W+D: 6/21 - 25w+5 (scheduled c-section June 17)
Baby is the size of a(n): Cauliflower
Any appointments? Questions?: next Monday. will schedule GD test then.
Rants/Raves?: loving feeling all of the movement.. not loving all of the back pain that has started already.
How are you feeling?: I threw my back out on Monday after work and was basically on my back all day yesterday switching between ice & heat. I'm back at work today but hoping I can make it all day. Luckily I have a monitor stand that I can raise and lower b/c standing is way more comfortable than sitting. I have back issues anyway but I'm really sad I still have 13 1/2 weeks to go and I'm already having to worry about it. Any suggestions about what may work? I just ordered a new support belt b/c I can't find my other one.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 10 year old mutt. He's a pomeranian, shih tzu terrier mix of some sort and he thinks he's a person.
TTC since Oct 2013
IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!
Baby is the size of a(n): Head of cauliflower
Any appointments? Questions?: No appointments until later this month. Took my glucose test yesterday. Kaiser automated the results back to me so I think I passed as normal range was up to 139 and my result was 137 but waiting for confirmation from my doc. Also did a complete blood count at the same time and a few of those results were a little outside of the normal range so I am going to ask her about that.
Rants/Raves?: Rant? Work. I have a coworker on my team that does not do his job at all and shows me zero respect. When I was gone on vacation last week, he wrote in a weeklong vacation for himself this week without consulting management. Now I have to cover for him AND do his backlog of work that he didn’t do last week. Reported him multiple times to our manager and nothing happens. It’s crazy and super aggravating to me that he still has a job when I’m doing his job and mine. Rave? We listed our house for sale on Monday. We’ve already had multiple people request to see it ahead of the open house this weekend so I’m feeling optimistic that we’ll get offers. Now we just have to find a new house!
How are you feeling?: Pretty good overall but pretty tired too. Experiencing the insomnia they say can pop up around this time in pregnancy.
GTKY - Any Fur babies? Two mutts - Bailey (the brown one) and Voodoo.
I dont really have good photos of my rats. They move around a lot. 😜
There are too many adorable pets on this thread, I can't take it!
@sarcat87 That stinks about your coworker; I've had a similar issue that's been almost 2 years going at this point, my one coworker and I end up picking up the slack for a third colleague, she somehow keeps getting away with it even though we're all required to submit our productivity at the end of each week (her other responsibilities always seem to have "taken so much longer than anticipated" *eyeroll*). How long will you be off after baby arrives? Any chance it'll be long enough for your manager to catch on that this guy isn't doing his job?? I know it's going to be rocky for the rest of my team when I go on mat leave, but I give zero effs because this is what happens when management doesn't pay attention and provide appropriate staff!
Editted because this sounds jerky: I care very much about my teammates at work, what I don't care about is the fact that management is going to be up poop creek trying to deal with the dumpster fire that it'll all turn into because it's their own fault for not giving us the resources we need. And my teammates will be fine because we've been through this nonsense so many times that we all just agree to do what we can, and if everything falls apart it's management's problem, not ours
@tickledpink123 and @sarcat87 congrats on passing your GD test!
Due date/W+D: 6/14, 26+5 schedule C May 17-31
Babies are the size of a(n): kale
Any appointments? Questions?: I started the dreaded two week appts so I’m enjoying a week off. I have an OB, MFM US and my second GD test next week.
Rants/Raves?: Graduated from pelvic floor PT and have been keeping up the exercises. We moved into a new house which is great and has it’s set of challenges. Moving while pregnant let alone with twins is not fun.
How are you feeling?: I lost all my second tri energy last week. Also having some ligament and lower belly pain. Also feeling tired a lot easier lately.
GTKY - Any furbabies?? I have a 6 year old Samoyed named Sophie and a 5 year old Alaskan Malamute named Macy Mae
Baby is the size of a(n): Kale
Any appointments? Questions?: How much does your OB interact with you? My practice has 9 doctors, they've pushed me to see multiple so I will know the doctor who's on call day of delivery, but i feel like they know nothing about me and haven't bothered to build any connection. They haven't asked about my birth plan, didn't call to tell me my GD test results, and when I asked when was the last time I could fly one doctor said "check with the airline" (ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? CHECK WITH THE AIRLINE?? YOU'RE THE DOCTOR!)
Rants/Raves?: Nausea is back, sciatic pain is killing my soul, and its all making me moody as hell
How are you feeling?: Nausea is back, sciatic pain is killing my soul, and its all making me moody as hell
GTKY - Any furbabies?? 2 older dogs that are a couple of mutts and the sweetest girls you can imagine, and 2 kitties also so affectionate. ( I have to stay away from rescue groups, because we can not fit any more animals in our house lol)
Love seeing y'alls furbabies
@honeybeemarie - Sometimes I feel like my appointments literally are, blood pressure, weight, she listens to the doppler and measures my stomach and then says everything looks good. See you in a month. I keep a list on my phone throughout the month of questions. I would be super ticked though if the dr said check with the airline. I'm with you on the back pain! My nausea never went away so I feel yo on that too.
inomniaparatus2 - your pups are SOOO cute!
TTC since Oct 2013
IVF round 1 January 2016 (w/ ICSI)
ER: February 17, 2016; 15 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 8 sent for PGS - 5 Normal
FET date: April 12, 2016 - DS born Dec 7, 2016
IVF round 2: FET : Oct 4 - 1st Beta 188!
AND: You have to put yourself first, especially right now and after your mat leave. You'll be going back to work still adjusting and balancing baby and work. I've been off work for almost 5 weeks now thanks to my surgery and while I probably COULD push myself to go back next week my doctor's extended my leave to include next week because that's what my body needs right now. No one at work will even remember let alone appreciate if I come back earlier than I need to, so I would only be hurting myself. Do what's right for you, do what you can reasonably do in your own role, and let management sort of whatever disaster your coworker makes!
@honeybeemarie Ugh the back pain is real. My sciatic hasn't become a constant issue yet, but by the end of the day my back is just agony...although to be fair the last few days it might be because I'm putting together Ikea furniture for the nursery! I've been using a magic bag on my back pretty much every night before bed. And about the flying thing, it does really depend on the airline (and if you can get travel insurance if you're leaving the country). As long as your pregnancy has been healthy and you don't have a history of complications or pre-term labour then most OBs are flexible about traveling but some airlines will restrict how late into pregnancy you can fly with them. If you're planning to travel in your third trimester definitely check the airline's website or call them to confirm their policies, and you might want to have a doctor's note handy to confirm how far along you are and that they're fine with you traveling in case the airline gives you any trouble when you check in or try to board.
Edit b/c I can't spell
Baby is the size of: an egg plant or a tall can of Pringles??
Any appointments or questions? My next appointment isn't until April 9th with my OB. Seems so far away especially since I'm in the third trimester. I haven't been since February 20th, but everyone keeps telling me that's good. I have a nutritionist appointment on 4/1 too.
Rants/raves? I'm starting to realize we are running out of time to "prepare". At the same time I keep thinking I don't want to not be pregnant anymore, I'm enjoying it being just us two and not having to worry. I guess bc it's also been easy so far, it may change in a couple of weeks when I can't tie my shoes.
How are you feeling? Good. Although this week I've gone back to needing a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. Also my lower abdomen is sore, I wear a belly band at the gym which helps. But I think I need to wear it to walk the dog now too. Definitely getting bigger.
GTKY- any furbabies? Yes, one 6 year old husky shepherd mix. We say he's our first born haha. Big cuddly dog with me, loves to lay on my or on my lap. I'm trying to train him to sit more with my DH for when the baby comes, but he's not going for it .He is super attached to me.
This was supposed to be our announcement photo, but my husband has asked to keep it off social media. He's not a fan of posting on social media
Just finished the 4th day of driving and finally have a bit of reception again! 2 more days of driving and 1 day of site seeing before we arrive at our final destination. My back is killing me but the heated seat trick is working a treat 👌🏼👌🏼 so many of us moving though, it’s crazy!!
Prepare for a monster post! So much to catch up on 😂
Thanks @stormcloud0719! I’m going public and will just be in the clinic so will have to see whatever doctor is rostered on. Not ideal but the private gyno I was going to go with is on holidays for almost the whole of my 3rd trimester. I would have had 1 appointment at 29 weeks and then not see him again until 36 weeks so I thought it’d be a bit of a waste of money if I’m going to have multiple doctor’s caring for me anyway.
How crazy is it that they just pop up overnight @CaraDsoontobeA! Hope the toileting is still going well!
@lmcw reminder - did you book your glucose test? Yay to more surgery recovery time and getting your hair done! I’m very much looking forward to getting mine done next week - it’s a ragged mess with an inch of regrowth atm (died platinum blonde/white, regrowth almost black in comparison) and I’m feeling rather unattractive.
Glad you’re feeling better @ami500! Did you get your GD results yet? Fingers crossed you’re not high risk anymore if they come back all good 🤞🏼🤞🏼
My support belt is my life saviour @griffin5413! Do you know what’s causing your back problems? I have hypermobile joints so to compensate my muscles have tightened but they also lack strength, so to get my back better I have to do glute strengthening exercises and hip flexor stretches, which have worked a treat! Other than that adjust the belt until it feels comfortable. Some days I wear mine really high and others really low, depending on what’s hurting on the day.
That’s so frustrating @sarcat87! I don’t know what it’s like in America but in Australia it’s EXTREMELY hard to fire someone. They have to pretty show that they’re deliberately breaking the law for the business to be able to fire them, underperformance isn’t a good enough reason according to fair work Australia. So frustrating. I did mine and someone else’s job for over a year because the chick was so incompetent. She had been on a “PIP” which a performance improvement plan for 3 years and she failed to achieve any improvement in that time despite the company pumping so much time and effort into her but they STILL weren’t allowed to fire her. She ended up going on stress leave for nearly 4 months and then was asked to resign, which she did. There were some handshake “you don’t say a bad word about me and I won’t say one about you” deals that went down. It was an absolute roller coaster of a year and I was so stressed out because of it! I don’t envy that you’re going through something similar at all, and as @lmcw says hopefully they’re forced to do something more about it whilst you’re on mat leave and if not then finding a new job is a must. Don’t be ashamed that you need coping mechanisms to deal with it all, working in that environment is sooooo stressful and you need to do whatever you can to help cope! I also agree with both @griffin5413 and @lmcw that sometimes you have to let others fail for the problem to be realised - I’ve also done this recently because of the new hire they got to take some of my work load and he’s royally screwed things up (I did warn them that he refused to learn off me but they let him run with it). Now they’re like “oh shit we should have listened to Hannah”. I have to fix all his stuff ups now but at least they’ve learned their lesson and have pretty much stripped him of all those responsibilities, put in some extremely firm boundaries and he is also on a PIP now.
@honeybeemarie did you fail your GD? You may hate me for this but I think your doctor may be saying to check with the airline because they all have different policies. I’m flying at 32 weeks and the airline requires my OB to fill in a bunch of paperwork I have to present at check-in, so I’d recommend checking the policy of the airline you choose to fly with and if they say you have no flight restrictions then say that to your doctor and ask him to confirm that he thinks you’re ok to fly just to be sure. That’s super sucky about not asking about your birth plan though! That’s literally the first thing my OB asked about at my first appointment. On how much they interact with me, if it weren’t for surgery + subsequent liver issues I would have only seen my OB when it came to discuss results for blood work/ultrasounds. At my NT results discussion appointment he gave me all the paperwork for my anatomy scan and told me to book back in with him for the week after, which would have been 7 or 8 weeks between appointments.
For y’all moving, I’m so sorry about the stress, added pains, and worries that come with it. I hope you have a quick transition and that the relief you feel at the end of it is all that you deserve.
@wiseh YES I am currently 20 minutes into my one hour wait! That drink is gross lol
Also, belly support band for the win. I ordered one earlier this week and have been wearing it to bed and it’s made a huge difference for my sleep! I’m not waking up when I roll over since the band is supporting my stomach, so I don’t feel like it’s pulling when I move.
@tkbmama @lmcw I totally feel you guys on running out of time. I’ve been getting so many friends and family asking me if I completed my registry and when the baby shower is going to be and I’m only 26 weeks. I feel so rushed to get things done and settled. I know everyone is excited since it’s the first grandbaby of my side of the family but it’s like omg chill!! I honestly don’t want to be pregnant anymore because of all the issues I’ve had so far but part of me is going to miss the little guy kicking me from inside. I even had a talk with my fiancé like I don’t know when I’ll be okay with visitors when baby comes. I don’t think I’m even close to ready to share the little one with others but I’ve got another 14 weeks or so until he arrives.
@wiseh I haven’t heard anything from my OBs office. Last time I did the glucose test, they didn’t call but when I had my appointment, she told me I passed. So I’m hoping I passed this time around. I’ll know on Wednesday if they lifted that high risk label or not. Hopefully they do! 🤞🏼
@lmcw That glucose drink really is pretty gross. Like the initial taste was okay not the greatest but for me it was the aftertaste that I was like oh no.
There really are a lot of you guys moving! Fiancé and I aren’t planning on moving until sometime after I have baby, so I’m able to help pack/unpack and watch both kids. We are working to fix up parts of the house before we put it up for sale and find a new place. The whole situation with one bathroom sucks, but we are making it work since we only have my fiancé’s son every other weekend.
Yes on the aftertaste of the drink being the worst @ami500! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 For Wednesday! I find out on Thursday whether my new OB is going to keep me at high risk as well.
I literally just said to my partner that I was feeling a bit lost because we haven’t done anything to prepare for the baby yet. His response was “we can’t! We’re homeless!” I guess that’s the plus side of this move is that people don’t keep pestering us to get things done cause we literally can’t haha
Baby is the size of a(n): I don’t remember
Any appointments? Questions?: Every other week appts. Passed my GD test this week (woot woot!). I don’t mind the increased frequency as long as they can keep getting me in after school so I don’t have to take time off.
Rants/Raves?: These BH contractions are legit. They don’t hurt so much as they are oober uncomfortable and are killing my nesting progress. Trying to embrace the rest, but I am so not one to sit around.
How are you feeling?: Pretty good besides the BH
GTKY - Any furbabies?? Nope!
Due date/W+D: 29th June ... 25+1
Baby is the size of a(n): cauliflower
Any appointments? Questions?: I have my gd test in just over a week’s time And my next Ob appointment on 1 april
Rants/Raves?: rant is just getting frustrated with the lack of energy. I’m normally a super busy person and so having to slow down when my body feels tired is really starting to get me down. At about week 20 I weeded the whole front garden and then had severe back pain and it was then that I realised I have to slow down a bit now. Been taking it a bit easier lately and asking for help a bit more which is putting me waaaay outside my confort zone. Also started swimming laps which has helped a lot
Rave is that this is my first baby and after a number of miscarriages I’m now finally feeling like this one is normal and healthy. He kicks a lot and it’s the best feeling ever. I can’t wait to meet him and hubby is excited too.
How are you feeling?: apart from above mentioned energy levels and lower back pain lately, I’m feeling generally quite good. Still working fulltime which is a bit draining with the travel times but have started working a day a week from home and it will go up to 2 days after Easter until I finish up
GTKY - Any furbabies?? Yes a 11 year old cocker spaniel who thinks the world revolves around him and a mongrel dog I adopted from the pound about a decade ago. Love them both so much but a little nervous how they will both react to soon being second best to a baby - especially in their old age. We are making some changes around our open-plan house to try and seperate them to specific areas at least for the first few months until we get Bub settled in and then see how it goes beyond that.
Lovely to have this group as a reference source to understanding and dealing with all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms of pregnancy. Makes me feel more normal knowing others are going through the same journey.
Glad you’re feeling better and slowly winding back at work! I’m working from home full time now and would have left already if my mat leave cover was already there but he doesn’t start until the 1st of April, so working until the 18th 🙌🏽
Sorry I thought you were already at your destination now from another post. I was reading them in the middle of the night when I woke up for the 3rd time to pee and couldn’t get back to sleep 😂 so maybe I was a bit dazed and out of it.
Wish my mat leave started soon. Mine starts 31 May and gives me a month before Bub comes. My choice though. I’ve been debating whether to leave earlier but then obviously will have to return to work earlier or have longer off without any pay so thought maybe leaving a month before would be a good middle-ground. I’ve been saving up all my holiday / annual leave days so I can add them to the mat leave and give me longer off work paid but it’s killing me that I’ve only had one actual annual leave week off in the past year of fulltime work 😩.
I think that’s making me feel more tired and feels like I’ve been pregnant for a year now with all the back-to-back miscarriages since last April so I’ve asked for 3 days off between easter and Anzac just to get the 10 days in a row with public holidays. I cannot wait for that 10 days I actually have a count down app on my phone for it to keep me going haha 🤣 I’ll use that time to get everything organised for the nursery and hospital bag packed etc. then I go back to work for 5 more weeks and should feel a bit more relaxed knowing if Bub comes early (fingers crossed he doesn’t) then I’ll be as organised as I can be.
good luck for the last leg of your journey and arriving back home. Let us know how your appointment with the new doc goes and finally finishing work x
I dont know what to do about visitors yet. This is grandchild #1 on my side of the family, #5 for H’s parents (but MIL is still over the moon). I feel like part of me will be all “come see what we made!!” and part of me will want to just keep him to myself and not let anyone over. I think with friends and extended family we’re going to be pretty hardline about not just dropping by, asking people to call or text first so we can politely decline if it’s a bad day. Because if someone shows up unannounced (and I can think of a few family members who would...) when I haven’t slept and he isn’t eating and everything is a disaster I cannot promise I’ll be nice...
Glucose drink: at first it just tasted like a melted popsicle and I was like okay, this is fine. And then it turned into a melted popsicle that had gone off and I had to force myself to finish it 🤢
@wiseh I got one from Jolly Jumper off Amazon. It’s like a thick stretchy cotton elastic with velcro at the front to be adjustable. It was a bit stiff at first, but it was comfortable enough to sleep in from the first night. I can only get it to open in the app so hopefully the link works: https://www.amazon.ca/Jolly-Jumper-Maternity-Support-Belt/dp/B0041EUU88