April 2019 Moms

Symptoms 3/4


Re: Symptoms 3/4

  • @mrstmoose @mighty_montgomery Don't stress ladies! You are creating a human being, you've got a full plate! I know before I got pregnant DH and I split up most household tasks pretty much 50/50. Since the third trimester, I would say I've been doing maybe 10% of all the household work. The way we look at it is we're a team, and when one of us is down for the count, the other picks up the slack! So give yourself some credit ladies, pregnancy is no joke!
  • @kate_e_nb Thanks for the encouragement. I talked to my mentor about it this morning and she said hubby should be more helpful than he is bc being 8 1/2 months pregnant is exhausting and he'll need to get used to it before baby comes. He usually does 5-10% of the cleaning and asking him to help, he finds other things to do. 😒 This weekend was rough trying to get him to do one household chore while I was out of the house, it didn't happen and then I suggested we do it together which he agreed to and again didn't help. I didn't look at it as anyone's problem but mine until my mrntor pointed out this morning he should be doing more to help out even if he's working and I'm not. What aggravates me most is that my BIL does not clean up after himself as much as I would like and he very rarely helps with house chores. I feel overwhelmed thinking of my workload when the baby arrives because I'm the house cleaner, shopper, financial department, and 50-65% chef. Praying my husband recognizes my need for help will be better than seeing myself as lazy I think. (I say praying because I've talked to him several times about helping and it rarely happens.) Yeah, finishing up cooking a baby is exhausting!
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  • @mighty_montgomery I feel this way, too, a lot of the time. My DH just doesn't see cleaning as a priority, so he's fine leaving gross dishes in the sink all day (he works from home so when I get home they're just sitting there) and letting dog hair pile up all over the place (and then he complains about his allergies). It seems like the more I "nag" him, the more defensive he gets as well. I have had some breakthroughs lately - not with cleaning or laundry or anything that we have to do on a regular basis lol, but I made a list of things we really need to get done before the baby comes and he has actually done a few of them. So I'm trying really hard to be grateful for the small victories. It's tough, though, when they don't see eye to eye with you and then you carry the bulk of the chores. I don't know what the answer is on how to get through to them!
  • Pregsomnia is the WORST. I’m so screwed tomorrow. Been awake for 1.5 hrs now 
  • @professormama I’m totally catching up on all my social media feeds right now. I really wish our place had a few more doors to close so I could make some noise without waking the rest of the house though!
  • @professormama It's hitting me hard, too. DH actually went and slept in our guest bedroom last night. I must've really been tossing and turning. We have a king-size bed and we're not really large people, for crying out loud! But I do have a pillow fortress around me so I take up a lot of space. And honestly, I don't mind at all if we sleep in separate beds for awhile lol.
  • @lyse01 @rennie1108 sorry y'all are having the pregsomnia too. It sucks so hard. I think I got less than 5 hours of actual sleep last night, even though I was in bed for like 9 hours. Also on the topic of a billion pillows, my son is obsessed with pretending that my pregnancy pillow his a "shell" and that he's a hermit crab. It's hilarious. He curls up in his "shell" and reads books / pretends to pinch fish, etc. I think he cumulatively spent about an hour today, playing with that stupid giant body pillow. 
  • @professormama DD uses my snoogle and DH pillow to make a cave! She takes her stuffed bears in with her and they roar if u get too close.
  • @tmblickley so awesome. Hooray for kids with imaginations! 
  • @professormama at least I’m usually to bed early so it’s not a disaster if I’m up for good before 5.
  • I woke up this morning with all over pain in my stomach mostly when I moved. It has persisted all day it isn't bad when I'm up walking. I'm now laying in bed and the stabby feeling is worse and now getting occasional waves of tightning. I dont know how to describe the pain its in my stomach and back and it just hurts and I'm a bit worried. She's moving around just fine and I'm 35 weeks.
  • @stefanielyn1991 is the stabbing or tightening last for a while, or just very brief? I haven’t been worrying about pain under 10 seconds (even if intense) because odds are it’s the baby giving me a punch to the cervix or something. If the waves of tightening are lasting 30+ seconds, I’d call the OB to describe what you’re feeling and let them decide!
  • They were brief and went away after not too long so it was nothing im just a worrier. Thanks tho! The stomach pain itself got way worse this afternoon but has gotten much better tonight. I still have stabby pain low down but it's not too bad.
    I've had a couple times where I wipe and its orange? 
  • I think i woke up five times last night. Booo.
  • @mighty_montgomery My advice would be to be very specific in what needs to be done for him to help. Simply asking "Can you help clean up?" is not enough for most men (people). You need to give specific direction: "Could you wash the dishes/start dish washer before bed?" "Can you switch the laundry to the dryer?" "Please take care of the garbage before you leave for work." Along with lots of "Thank you's". It sounds a little condescending, but specific instructions and deadlines work!
    Asking your DH to "be in charge" of something like dishes or laundry is easier than just asking for general "help".
    My advice to all new dads to always to "look for something to clean" There's always dishes, bottles, laundry, counter tops, etc that need to be cleaned up. Don't wait for the mom to ask or tell you what to do. Find something to do.

  • Been up since 4:30 am...DD toys have been cleaned and put up so at least pregsomnia is productive 🤨
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