May 2019 Moms

Estimated Due Date

I'm 26 weeks due may 29th LMP was August 23rd had a rough pregnancy FTM 
Is anyone else similar ? They messed up my DUE DATE 3 times. stressed me out and don't have the nicest Dr in the world. 

Re: Estimated Due Date

  • We have the same due date! 
    My pregnancy has been pretty easy (I think), though i dont have anything to compare it to. 
    How was your due date messed up? Was baby measuring small or large in U/S? 
    Remember that baby will come whenever its ready. 
    I think of my "due date" as a large period of time. Anything can happen the closer we get to the end. 
  • I’m a STM and LMP was August 16th. They tried changing my due date from May 28th and were arguing again on it again because he is measuring June 6th now. I have a good ARNP though and she settled it by looking at my earliest scan which showed May 28th. My nurse had to point out it’s only a 9 day difference from my earliest scan to my ultrasound tech who was arguing about it and making it into a big deal.
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  • I'm due on May 29 too! Feels special because it's my late mom's birthday. I'm measuring behind, but they haven't changed my due date. Babies come in all sizes! And, I've heard the farther along you are, the harder it is to get a truly accurate size. My coworker today told me how right before she delivered, she was told her twins were only 1oz difference in size, and were born over over a lb difference in size!

    Sorry you've had a rough pregnancy, @knottie467944335 I hope you're feeling a little better!
  • Omg crazy I felt like i was the only one due that day! everyone due in may is mainly towards the middle of may not like the last day. l
  • Do you mamas know when you conceived ? 
  • Not a clue. We weren't whole-heartedly trying to get pregnant, so I wasn't using ovulation tests. We just had sex every other day in the middle of my cycle. So, any of those times could be it. 
    There is lots of variability when it comes to conception and implantation. 
  • last period was august 9.....conception was august 23....induction date set at May 13th (Due date May 17th). I will be 34 weeks tomorrow.
  • wisehwiseh member
    edited March 2019
    @knottie467944335 I wouldn't get too hung up on due date. In our birthing class on the weekend we learned the background around its calculation. In the 1600's someone did a trial with 100 women and found that 99 of them gave birth during the 40th week after the end of their last menstrual period. Several studies were done again in the 1800s and a similar rule was found but there are currently two different calculation methods, of which Naegele is the most common.

    Also this graph is really reassuring. Essentially, expect to deliver between 37-41 weeks after the start of your last LMP. This also shows that you should go from the date given on your dating scan as it is slightly more accurate. I believe the data slightly is skewed due to inductions typically taking place after 40+5 in modern medicine as you are "at term" from 37-42 weeks.

    ETA - another small study was done that excluded complicated births and the mean delivery date was 288 days after the start of the LMP, which is 41+1.
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