Hello All!!
So, am getting my second round of IVF done this Feb, very excited but equally scared and nervous, does that make sense?!!
First round was a failure, it was heartbreaking, did in Aug 2017 and needed all this time to cope up emotionally and financially and to research a bit more before taking the plunge.
My issue is "Unexplained Infertility" but now the docs are trying to put in on poor egg quality and i this time opted for donor egg to get a better result.
Need a lot of encouragement and support:):)
FET will be scheduled post 20th Feb, any advice will be much appreciated
Re: Trying for my miracle Feb 2019
AFM I am on second IVF waiting for our embryos to test PGS/PGD normal (4 are in testing now).
I am a genetic carrier using PGD testing
Dec 2018 ER = 0 PGS normal embryos
Jan 2019 ER = 1 PGD/ PGS normal embryo, 1 carrier embryo, 1 no result
April 2019 Hysteroscopy to remove polyp and Fibroid
May 2019 FET = BFN
September 2019 FET = BFN
Dec 2019 ER = 1 carrier embryo
Mar ER = 0 PGS normal embryos
July 2020 ER = 0 PGS normal embryos
October 2020 Hysteroscopy to remove polyps
Nov 2020 FET = positive (little one due July 2021)