Baby is the size of a(n): peach which seems so big!!
Any appointments? Questions?: I can't remember the date of my next appointment. I have an elective US coming up in 2 weeks. I'm excited to find out what this baby is.
Rants/Raves?: the smells and food aversions can get lost now. It's getting old. On a happier note, this baby has been really moving lately and it is making me wonder if I really do have an anterior placenta. When the tech wrote it down, she acted confused at first like she couldn't decide where it was and then she settled on anterior. I specifically asked at one of my early US because I wanted to know. I may have her look again. I wish there was more than 1 US tech in that office.
How are you feeling?: I have more energy and I'm getting excited for Christmas. I have so many plans for the kids.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. I would love to live in HP.
Any appointments? Questions?: Appointment next week.
Rants/Raves?: Well, we ordered our Christmas cards and we put the baby announcement on there. We had photos taken and I had one done of DS1 holding a big blue balloon. So I'm just waiting for them to come in!
How are you feeling?: Still nauseous and pretty crummy honestly
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3.
Hmm..I'll live in Daniel Tiger's neighborhood lmao things look great there and I want to try some of Baker Aker's banana bread.
@TJtheGoat no, with an anterior placenta you feel less movement. With my last pregnancy I had an anterior placenta and I felt movement around this time but it was as frequent. I would feel it once one day and then nothing until a few days later. I have been feeling pretty regular movements the last 2 days. Anytime I have sat still I have felt it. I'm super excited because last time I was getting frustrated from not being able to feel it regularly. I think it was another few weeks after the first flutter that I was feeling it regularly.
Any appointments? Questions?: we’ve got a normal OB appointment on the 20th. We will probably have an in-office US to check on the baby!
Rants/Raves?: Rants - thought my MS was leaving but it still chooses to visit me ugh. Raves - at least my MS has been holding off until after I get home from work to happen and woohoo for the 2nd trimester!!!
How are you feeling?: Eh, see previous
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Hmm I will reveal some of my deeply nerdy tendencies, and I would have to say Zelda.
@emeraldcity603 oh that’s interesting and so exciting that you are feeling movement already. I can’t wait to be able to feel it and know baby is ok in there.
@chrssyms im sorry that your MS isn’t gone! Hopefully it tapers off soon.
It is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. I never get tired or annoyed of it. I really cherish it in the last trimester because it is all coming to an end. Then I get to watch my newborn stretch and move and i can finally see all the movements I felt for so long.
@chrssyms I also played it safe with my GTKY answer to hide from my *deeply* nerdy tendencies (I also said Zelda). Plus, I figured most people weren't familiar with Azeroth 😂
Any appointments? Questions?: I need to get a blood draw sometime after Thursday when I hit 15 weeks. I have an appointment on 12/19 so I’ll probably just wait until then
Rants/Raves?: I cannot wait for the 19th when my two week break starts. Perks of being a teacher!
How are you feeling?: Better finally. I haven’t taken meds for nausea in two days and I feel mostly okay
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? hmm, this is a tough one...I think Harry Potter would win
Any appointments? Questions?: I think I have one the week before Christmas.
Rants/Raves?: second trimester! We started telling more people and it felf real. I started feeling baby move last week and I love this part. It is such a fun time.
How are you feeling?: I have had a cough for 2 weeks. I hate coughs.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Probably Harry Potter.
Baby is the size of a(n): (stealing from others) peach
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment isn't until 12/19. That will just be a quick check up
Rants/Raves?: If my new guy at work would start picking up on things quicker I would be thrilled. Repeating myself a zillion times about the same stuff is getting old. I wonder if this is how my boss felt during my first year?
How are you feeling?: My m/s likes to come and go still. Not so much nausea more of just a sour stomach now. It's easily manageable but I'm still taking half a unisom/b6 vitamin at night. I've been super tired lately too but a lovely lady at work gave me some essential oils that are supposed to give you more energy and I think they might be helping. I didn't struggle to stay awake driving to work today like I do most days.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Joining others in saying Harry Potter for sure. As long as I get to have magic.
@wearyfuzzball ha, I stopped playing that before it became an MMORPG. I think the last one I played was Tides of Darkness....then I transitioned to Final Fantasy.
@chrssyms Sadly my H and I will "quit" every few months... but then they come out with a new xpac and we are sucked back in 😂 I have never played Final Fantasy, but I've heard great things. We play a whole bunch of diff games from Diablo (we have a thing for Blizz games), Borderlands, Halo, LoL... this list goes on. Enjoying all of the gaming time now baby arrives.
Rants/Raves?: nausea can go away now. I’d like the energy burst now.
How are you feeling?: headaches, nausea, and starting to have some aches as my pelvis adjust to pregnancy.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Most of my fandoms are in the real world. Perhaps Pokémon? Though really just a handful are super cute.
Re: Group 1 Check-in w/o 12.3
Due date/W+D: 14+1
Baby is the size of a(n): peach which seems so big!!
Any appointments? Questions?: I can't remember the date of my next appointment. I have an elective US coming up in 2 weeks. I'm excited to find out what this baby is.
Rants/Raves?: the smells and food aversions can get lost now. It's getting old. On a happier note, this baby has been really moving lately and it is making me wonder if I really do have an anterior placenta. When the tech wrote it down, she acted confused at first like she couldn't decide where it was and then she settled on anterior. I specifically asked at one of my early US because I wanted to know. I may have her look again. I wish there was more than 1 US tech in that office.
How are you feeling?: I have more energy and I'm getting excited for Christmas. I have so many plans for the kids.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. I would love to live in HP.
Due date/W+D: June 3rd, 14 + 1
Baby is the size of a(n): lemon
Any appointments? Questions?: Appointment next week.
Rants/Raves?: Well, we ordered our Christmas cards and we put the baby announcement on there. We had photos taken and I had one done of DS1 holding a big blue balloon. So I'm just waiting for them to come in!
How are you feeling?: Still nauseous and pretty crummy honestly
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3.
Hmm..I'll live in Daniel Tiger's neighborhood lmao things look great there and I want to try some of Baker Aker's banana bread.
@emeraldcity603 would an anterior placenta mean you feel the baby earlier?
@luckystar28 that Xmas card sounds super cute!
Due date/W+D: 14!
Baby is the size of a(n): peach
Any appointments? Questions?: no appointments until Dec 21. It seems so far away!
Rants/Raves?: Second trimester!!
How are you feeling?: I am actually feeling a lot better. Food is good again which is a huge relief. Still tired, but not like a few weeks ago.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Harry Potter for sure. I love magic!
Due date/W+D: 14+1
Baby is the size of a(n): A peach!
Any appointments? Questions?: we’ve got a normal OB appointment on the 20th. We will probably have an in-office US to check on the baby!
Rants/Raves?: Rants - thought my MS was leaving but it still chooses to visit me ugh. Raves - at least my MS has been holding off until after I get home from work to happen and woohoo for the 2nd trimester!!!
How are you feeling?: Eh, see previous
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Hmm I will reveal some of my deeply nerdy tendencies, and I would have to say Zelda.
@chrssyms im sorry that your MS isn’t gone! Hopefully it tapers off soon.
@chrssyms I also played it safe with my GTKY answer to hide from my *deeply* nerdy tendencies (I also said Zelda). Plus, I figured most people weren't familiar with Azeroth 😂
Due date/W+D: May 31 / 14w5d
Baby is the size of a(n): beet
Any appointments? Questions?: I need to get a blood draw sometime after Thursday when I hit 15 weeks. I have an appointment on 12/19 so I’ll probably just wait until then
Rants/Raves?: I cannot wait for the 19th when my two week break starts. Perks of being a teacher!
How are you feeling?: Better finally. I haven’t taken meds for nausea in two days and I feel mostly okay
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? hmm, this is a tough one...I think Harry Potter would win
Due date/W+D: 14w2d June 4th
Baby is the size of a(n): peach!
Any appointments? Questions?: I think I have one the week before Christmas.
Rants/Raves?: second trimester! We started telling more people and it felf real. I started feeling baby move last week and I love this part. It is such a fun time.
How are you feeling?: I have had a cough for 2 weeks. I hate coughs.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Probably Harry Potter.
Due date/W+D: 14+5
Baby is the size of a(n): (stealing from others) peach
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment isn't until 12/19. That will just be a quick check up
Rants/Raves?: If my new guy at work would start picking up on things quicker I would be thrilled. Repeating myself a zillion times about the same stuff is getting old. I wonder if this is how my boss felt during my first year?
How are you feeling?: My m/s likes to come and go still. Not so much nausea more of just a sour stomach now. It's easily manageable but I'm still taking half a unisom/b6 vitamin at night. I've been super tired lately too but a lovely lady at work gave me some essential oils that are supposed to give you more energy and I think they might be helping. I didn't struggle to stay awake driving to work today like I do most days.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Joining others in saying Harry Potter for sure. As long as I get to have magic.
Due date/W+D: June 5 / 14w
Baby is the size of a(n): peach!
Any appointments? Questions?: nothing this week.
Rants/Raves?: nausea can go away now. I’d like the energy burst now.
How are you feeling?: headaches, nausea, and starting to have some aches as my pelvis adjust to pregnancy.
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3. Most of my fandoms are in the real world. Perhaps Pokémon? Though really just a handful are super cute.
Due date/W+D: june 2 13+3
Baby is the size of a(n): peach
Any appointments? Questions?: not till next week
Rants/Raves?: insomnia still is driving me crazy
How are you feeling?: waiting for this second trimester boost but otherwise good
GTKY - What game or movie universe would you most like to live in? Shamelessly stolen from group 3.
Pixar universe!