Any appointments? Questions?: This is a busy month for me. 12/12 blood panel (changed from 12/14), 12/17 prenatal, and 12/20 NT scan
Rants/Raves?: My emotions are so all over the place it drives me bonkers!!
How are you feeling?: Very achy but I finally had a good dream that my prenatal check up went wonderful, so I feel more relaxed...for now anyways lol
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Prior to being pregnant I rode my dirtbike, but I am still able to enjoy my other fun favorites like taking DD for wagon rides and snuggling up with her and DH for some good movies.
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is on 12/12, so I’m just anxiously awaiting that.
Rants/Raves?: I’m making peri peri chicken for dinner tonight. I’m excited about it, but also really nervous about whether I’ll be able to actually eat it without feeling nausea.
How are you feeling?: Still feeling sick a lot, and my back has been aching some today. I’m just hoping the nausea will go away in a week or two.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I love snowboarding in the winters when I get a chance to go. I also do scrapbooking to relax.
Any appointments? Questions?: Still another two weeks until my next appointment! I am also anxiously waiting until then.
Rants/Raves?: Raves: My energy is sloooowly coming back (hooray!) and I actually managed to get to the gym today. Rants: I am dealing with the most crotchety individual at work. All his emails are just so rude and dismissive... but the project will hopefully be done in just a few days and vacation is coming up so I'm trying to maintain a calm demeanor until then.
How are you feeling?: The nausea is getting better, but still comes and goes. And as I said in the "raves," my energy is slowly coming back which I'm even more thankful for! Also my bump seems to have come through overnight. Surprise?
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I'm so boring. I really love to cook, although my MS has meant I've only been interested in a steady diet of carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Otherwise, my life is consumed by work and watching television. I need some hobbies.
Due date/W+D: I don't even know anymore! I came from my midwife today and she actually said I was measuring around 11 weeks, but according to the last due date they gave me, I'd be 9+5 today. So they're sending me for another US to estimate exactly.
Baby is the size of a(n): Water bottle cap...according to the app, but it's clearly bigger than that!
Any appointments? Questions?: My appointment was today, and like I said, baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead (last appt it was measuring 2 weeks behind). I also had my blood drawn for the NIPT today. Now the worst waiting really begins.
Rants/Raves?: Raves: I have survived the christening and gender reveal without anyone picking up that I wasn't drinking! I only have one event left then we announce! The only people who know right now are my SO, my supervisor, and my therapist. After seeing how person-like baby looked on the screen today, I got a little teary (for the first time) and now I think I'm ready to share. My supervisor also got me a small gift and wrote me a sweet card and now I really feel pregnant. Not just sick, but pregnant! woo!
How are you feeling?: Much, much better. There are still some foods that I'll pass on, but I don't feel nauseous or ill as much.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Dirt bike? Snowboarding? ya'll are brave!! I am a more slow-paced person. I love just cooking on the weekends and food-prepping. I love going to coffeeshops and reading and people-watching. I like to paint too, but I'm no artist.
A few weeks ago I roasted vegetables and these beautiful chicken breasts and had maybe 2 bites because it was mostly my food prep for the week. All week long I couldn't even look at it. IDK what it is about the smell of chicken but it made me so ill.
@wendyann19 The chicken actually went pretty well. I managed to prepare it okay, then while it was baking, the smell was really gross to me, but ultimately I was able to eat it and enjoy it, so I’m counting it as a win
Due date/W+D: I'm with you @wendyann19 my first due date was 6/15 then it was 6/26 and now I'm measuring ahead again. So 11-12 weeks?
Baby is the size of a(n): lime if 11 weeks
Any appointments? Questions?: u/s next Thursday! We will have the NT test scheduled.
Rants/Raves?: even though I'm still nauseous i had my first craving! Smart food popcorn! IT WAS SO GOOD.
How are you feeling?: Okay. Just waiting for my energy to come back...any day now.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I like working out, traveling and reading. I occasionally play video games and just started God of War so that's been fun for taking out frustrations.
Any appointments? Questions?: My next u/s is Monday, unless we get snowed in. I need to ask about my prenatals/fish oil; my prenatals don’t have dha, so I’ve been supplementing with fish oil, so I want to make sure that’s okay or see if I need to switch my prenatals.
Rants/Raves?: I’ve had the hardest time finding inexpensive maternity clothes, especially pants, sweaters, and coats. I’m also 5’0, so that makes things harder. And I thought I wouldn’t have to get maternity pants for a few more weeks, but because I’m so petite and have been bloated, a lot of my pants don’t fit anymore. On the plus side, I’m in love with my little bump already!
How are you feeling?: Starting to feel better! Still gag really easily, but my food aversions aren’t as bad (except for things I ate nonstop the first few weeks and am just sick of lol). I’ve had a lingering cough for several weeks though, which is annoying. Not sure if it’s due to not taking allergy meds anymore, due to the congestion I have, or what. And, finally, my round ligament pain/uterus pain has gone down a lot, which actually makes me a little worried.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I love to run, but haven’t been doing that as much or for as long lately.
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is on Friday. We get to hear the baby’s heartbeat! I’m excited and terrified! Mostly terrified. PGAL brain.
Rants/Raves?: Rant: my SO got into a car accident on Monday. We’ve had to fight a lot with insurance companies. His insurance is crap. The other driver wasn’t insured. But the car wasn’t registered to him. We called the insurance listed for the car and they put in a claim. So we’re hoping the insurance on the car will cover repairs on our car. It’s been a headache. Also, my SO refuses to listen to me and wants to drive his car without the red part of his lights in the back and a turn signal that is out. His car is driveable and runs just fine but he commutes an hour and I’m so nervous about him driving that far with lights that aren’t working correctly. Rave: My SO made me dinner!
How are you feeling?: I actually feel ok. I have really awful heartburn and that’s the main thing which makes me throw up these days. I’m also exhausted.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? i love going out to a good meal and talking for hours. With anyone! I also like tv way too much lol.
Any appointments? Questions?: 12/10 for ultrasound and NIPT bloodwork
Rants/Raves?: Wish I could fast forward time to the second trimester!
How are you feeling?: Mentally improved aftern my "peace of mind" ultrasound last week. Physically still exhausted with sore, big boobs and an aching back.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? By myself? Read. With my hubby? Hike with our dogs.
Due date/W+D: 11+4 Baby is the size of a(n): Loquat (just to be different) Any appointments? Questions?: Had blood drawn for NIPT 3 days ago. Cant wait for results! Every time my phone rings my heart races like crazy. Rants/Raves?: All food makes me feel weird. Like am I hungry? Thirsty? I don't know! Then I smell something and it's either *drool* or *bleh*. Then when I DO eat: indigestion. I cant even explain it. DH is so confused. How are you feeling?: Getting pretty excited that the first trimester is early over. Cant wait to tell my family and buy things for the baby without feeling nervous about it. GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Read. I'm a bit of a nerd.
Any appointments? Questions?: my next appointment isn’t until January 3rd. I feel so much better waiting for it this time since we were able to hear the heartbeat last week. 💗
Rants/Raves?: I’ve been feeling a little more energy coming back so I’ve been able to run a little more and I feel like I’m getting some good workouts again finally.
How are you feeling?: morning sickness is finally starting to get better! Yay! Still tired but not as bad. I’ve been an emotional wreck though! I seriously ugly cried for 30 minutes because SO made fun of the way the PB&J I was making for my oldest daughters lunch looked. I was simultaneously laughing the entire time I was crying because I knew I was being ridiculous.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I love to run (I know, I’m crazy) and I really enjoy cooking. Camping and hiking are at the top of my list though.
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 2nd appt today. Dr couldn't get a good reading on baby's heartbeat, so we got a surprise ultrasound! Also, I passed my early glucose test!
Rants/Raves?: We got to see Baby & finally hear the heartbeat, so that was awesome! And we got more ultrasound pics (the ultrasound tech in my dr's office gave us like 8 photos. She's our favorite!). Also, H & I got to have dinner at Olive Garden after my appt.
How are you feeling?: I feel less nausea these days, but it comes in random waves at times. I have been experiencing more headaches, so I'm just trying to stay hydrated to help with that.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Go to the movies. I feel like there are less and less movies each year that I actually want to see in theaters, though.
Due date: June 25th, 11+2 Baby is the size of a: lime Appointments: 2nd appt next Friday, very excited that DH will be able to go!! ♡ Rants/raves: most common question is "Do you know who the father is?" (I know they're joking but it bugs me!) Raving about how excited DH is about the baby and how he constantly worries about me ♡ How are you feeling? Feeling a lot better lately, the nausea has calmed down a ton, now I'm just hungry ALL. THE. TIME. Boobs still sore, headaches every other day or so, had some BP issues the other night but they passed fairly quickly. GTKY: What do you like to do for fun? Fishing, wake surfing, crafting, and gardening.
Re: Group 4 Check-in (June 23-30) w/o 12/03
Baby is the size of a(n): strawberry
Any appointments? Questions?: This is a busy month for me.
12/12 blood panel (changed from 12/14), 12/17 prenatal, and 12/20 NT scan
Rants/Raves?: My emotions are so all over the place it drives me bonkers!!
How are you feeling?: Very achy but I finally had a good dream that my prenatal check up went wonderful, so I feel more relaxed...for now anyways lol
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Prior to being pregnant I rode my dirtbike, but I am still able to enjoy my other fun favorites like taking DD for wagon rides and snuggling up with her and DH for some good movies.
Baby is the size of a(n): lime
Any appointments? Questions?: My next appointment is on 12/12, so I’m just anxiously awaiting that.
Rants/Raves?: I’m making peri peri chicken for dinner tonight. I’m excited about it, but also really nervous about whether I’ll be able to actually eat it without feeling nausea.
How are you feeling?: Still feeling sick a lot, and my back has been aching some today. I’m just hoping the nausea will go away in a week or two.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I love snowboarding in the winters when I get a chance to go. I also do scrapbooking to relax.
Baby is the size of a(n): Lime
Any appointments? Questions?: Still another two weeks until my next appointment! I am also anxiously waiting until then.
Rants/Raves?: Raves: My energy is sloooowly coming back (hooray!) and I actually managed to get to the gym today. Rants: I am dealing with the most crotchety individual at work. All his emails are just so rude and dismissive... but the project will hopefully be done in just a few days and vacation is coming up so I'm trying to maintain a calm demeanor until then.
How are you feeling?: The nausea is getting better, but still comes and goes. And as I said in the "raves," my energy is slowly coming back which I'm even more thankful for! Also my bump seems to have come through overnight. Surprise?
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I'm so boring. I really love to cook, although my MS has meant I've only been interested in a steady diet of carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Otherwise, my life is consumed by work and watching television. I need some hobbies.
Baby is the size of a(n): Water bottle cap...according to the app, but it's clearly bigger than that!
Any appointments? Questions?: My appointment was today, and like I said, baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead (last appt it was measuring 2 weeks behind). I also had my blood drawn for the NIPT today. Now the worst waiting really begins.
Rants/Raves?: Raves: I have survived the christening and gender reveal without anyone picking up that I wasn't drinking! I only have one event left then we announce! The only people who know right now are my SO, my supervisor, and my therapist. After seeing how person-like baby looked on the screen today, I got a little teary (for the first time) and now I think I'm ready to share. My supervisor also got me a small gift and wrote me a sweet card and now I really feel pregnant. Not just sick, but pregnant! woo!
How are you feeling?: Much, much better. There are still some foods that I'll pass on, but I don't feel nauseous or ill as much.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Dirt bike? Snowboarding? ya'll are brave!! I am a more slow-paced person. I love just cooking on the weekends and food-prepping. I love going to coffeeshops and reading and people-watching. I like to paint too, but I'm no artist.
A few weeks ago I roasted vegetables and these beautiful chicken breasts and had maybe 2 bites because it was mostly my food prep for the week. All week long I couldn't even look at it. IDK what it is about the smell of chicken but it made me so ill.
We're flying from Europe to Arizona... with an almost 2 year old. Send thoughts and prayers.
Baby is the size of a(n): lime if 11 weeks
Any appointments? Questions?: u/s next Thursday! We will have the NT test scheduled.
Rants/Raves?: even though I'm still nauseous i had my first craving! Smart food popcorn! IT WAS SO GOOD.
How are you feeling?: Okay. Just waiting for my energy to come back...any day now.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I like working out, traveling and reading. I occasionally play video games and just started God of War so that's been fun for taking out frustrations.
sending! lol good luck!
Baby is the size of a(n): You guessed it, lime!
Any appointments? Questions?: My next u/s is Monday, unless we get snowed in. I need to ask about my prenatals/fish oil; my prenatals don’t have dha, so I’ve been supplementing with fish oil, so I want to make sure that’s okay or see if I need to switch my prenatals.
Rants/Raves?: I’ve had the hardest time finding inexpensive maternity clothes, especially pants, sweaters, and coats. I’m also 5’0, so that makes things harder. And I thought I wouldn’t have to get maternity pants for a few more weeks, but because I’m so petite and have been bloated, a lot of my pants don’t fit anymore. On the plus side, I’m in love with my little bump already!
How are you feeling?: Starting to feel better! Still gag really easily, but my food aversions aren’t as bad (except for things I ate nonstop the first few weeks and am just sick of lol). I’ve had a lingering cough for several weeks though, which is annoying. Not sure if it’s due to not taking allergy meds anymore, due to the congestion I have, or what. And, finally, my round ligament pain/uterus pain has gone down a lot, which actually makes me a little worried.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I love to run, but haven’t been doing that as much or for as long lately.
Baby is the size of a(n): lime
Any appointments? Questions?:
My next appointment is on Friday. We get to hear the baby’s heartbeat! I’m excited and terrified! Mostly terrified. PGAL brain.
Rant: my SO got into a car accident on Monday. We’ve had to fight a lot with insurance companies. His insurance is crap. The other driver wasn’t insured. But the car wasn’t registered to him. We called the insurance listed for the car and they put in a claim. So we’re hoping the insurance on the car will cover repairs on our car. It’s been a headache.
Also, my SO refuses to listen to me and wants to drive his car without the red part of his lights in the back and a turn signal that is out. His car is driveable and runs just fine but he commutes an hour and I’m so nervous about him driving that far with lights that aren’t working correctly.
Rave: My SO made me dinner!
How are you feeling?: I actually feel ok. I have really awful heartburn and that’s the main thing which makes me throw up these days. I’m also exhausted.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
i love going out to a good meal and talking for hours. With anyone! I also like tv way too much lol.
Baby is the size of a(n): Lime
Any appointments? Questions?: 12/10 for ultrasound and NIPT bloodwork
Rants/Raves?: Wish I could fast forward time to the second trimester!
How are you feeling?: Mentally improved aftern my "peace of mind" ultrasound last week. Physically still exhausted with sore, big boobs and an aching back.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? By myself? Read. With my hubby? Hike with our dogs.
Baby is the size of a(n): Loquat (just to be different)
Any appointments? Questions?: Had blood drawn for NIPT 3 days ago. Cant wait for results! Every time my phone rings my heart races like crazy.
Rants/Raves?: All food makes me feel weird. Like am I hungry? Thirsty? I don't know! Then I smell something and it's either *drool* or *bleh*. Then when I DO eat: indigestion. I cant even explain it. DH is so confused.
How are you feeling?: Getting pretty excited that the first trimester is early over. Cant wait to tell my family and buy things for the baby without feeling nervous about it.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Read. I'm a bit of a nerd.
June 23rd /11+4
Baby is the size of a(n):
lime/Bobby pin
Any appointments? Questions?:
my next appointment isn’t until January 3rd. I feel so much better waiting for it this time since we were able to hear the heartbeat last week. 💗
I’ve been feeling a little more energy coming back so I’ve been able to run a little more and I feel like I’m getting some good workouts again finally.
How are you feeling?:
morning sickness is finally starting to get better! Yay! Still tired but not as bad. I’ve been an emotional wreck though! I seriously ugly cried for 30 minutes because SO made fun of the way the PB&J I was making for my oldest daughters lunch looked. I was simultaneously laughing the entire time I was crying because I knew I was being ridiculous.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? I love to run (I know, I’m crazy) and I really enjoy cooking. Camping and hiking are at the top of my list though.
Baby is the size of a(n): Strawberry
Any appointments? Questions?: Had my 2nd appt today. Dr couldn't get a good reading on baby's heartbeat, so we got a surprise ultrasound! Also, I passed my early glucose test!
Rants/Raves?: We got to see Baby & finally hear the heartbeat, so that was awesome! And we got more ultrasound pics (the ultrasound tech in my dr's office gave us like 8 photos. She's our favorite!). Also, H & I got to have dinner at Olive Garden after my appt.
How are you feeling?: I feel less nausea these days, but it comes in random waves at times. I have been experiencing more headaches, so I'm just trying to stay hydrated to help with that.
GTKY - What is your favorite thing to do for fun? Go to the movies. I feel like there are less and less movies each year that I actually want to see in theaters, though.
Baby is the size of a: lime
Appointments: 2nd appt next Friday, very excited that DH will be able to go!! ♡
Rants/raves: most common question is "Do you know who the father is?" (I know they're joking but it bugs me!)
Raving about how excited DH is about the baby and how he constantly worries about me ♡
How are you feeling? Feeling a lot better lately, the nausea has calmed down a ton, now I'm just hungry ALL. THE. TIME. Boobs still sore, headaches every other day or so, had some BP issues the other night but they passed fairly quickly.
GTKY: What do you like to do for fun? Fishing, wake surfing, crafting, and gardening.
Have you tried to change your username yet? We've found it's easier to recognize one another on the BMB when the default "knottie" user isn't in play!