My bad I should have gfp but I forget that people go in and edit. She doesn't like that there are rules in the gender thread (re: posting) but circumcision was brought up an a discussion happened (which is what FFFC is for I might add) then she said something like its ridiculous or something of that nature. Mostly I just felt that it is in bad taste to only post twice on the board, an intro and a 2nd post stirring the pot.
@emeraldcity603 in other words, post it just got longer today 😂 also I’ll add that I’m not against a separate discussion for circumcision bc I feel like it’s a topic some women (those having or have had boys) can contribute/relate to. As long as people keep it civil.
All these people getting all pissed off because they can't AW every little thing that pops in their head needs to just move on over to the first tri and 2md tri board. That's basically what those boards are for. Go AW until your heart is content. **those boards are still on TB. Just click the pregnancy tab and you will see the options pop up.**
While I do not think it is in any way similar to female circumsicion like some moms I know, I do worry about me making that decision for them. Honestly i am a tad conflicted.
This is exactly where I am, too.
I had an ex that was circumcised at the age of 24 (its a very long story) - he said that sex without a foreskin feels very, very different than sex with a foreskin. Not that that should necessarily drive anyone's decisions, I just thought it was fascinating. He personally preferred sex with a foreskin and regretted his circumcision.
@harrierwife yah its not like you know the difference. He just happened to know the difference and regardless of the situation as to why he became circumcized no take backs. I have only been with one non circumcized guy and it was weird in my opinion... A little different then piercing your daughters ears as a baby and them deciding later on in life they didnt want it. Eventually can grow over.
I let DH take the reigns on this one and he said we are absolutely circumcising. One of my BFFs is a nurse and she said so many 80-90 year old men come in and have infections in the foreskin because they just aren’t able to care for it properly. That swayed me because I may be able to teach my son to care for it, but that doesn’t mean he will always be able to do it. Plus I think if, God forbid, my son were to need one at an older age for medical reasons that it would be so much more traumatizing.
Regarding circumcision, who does them? Our pedi doesn’t, apparently our hospital doesn’t have a specific person that does them, and someone told me their OB did their son’s. I didn’t even know the OB was a possibility.
Make sure and read up on the different ways they do it and the risks associated. We made sure to not do the Pastibell technique because my nephew had it done that way and had complications.
@carleym93 my OB did it for my son. Your pedi maybe able to give you advice on if they have seen the outcome of your ob before. My pedi was impressed with my son's? So she clearly had an opinion on how some people did them.
Re: FFFC 11/30
also I’ll add that I’m not against a separate discussion for circumcision bc I feel like it’s a topic some women (those having or have had boys) can contribute/relate to. As long as people keep it civil.
All these people getting all pissed off because they can't AW every little thing that pops in their head needs to just move on over to the first tri and 2md tri board. That's basically what those boards are for. Go AW until your heart is content. **those boards are still on TB. Just click the pregnancy tab and you will see the options pop up.**
@nmbrcrnchr1 ygpm
I had an ex that was circumcised at the age of 24 (its a very long story) - he said that sex without a foreskin feels very, very different than sex with a foreskin. Not that that should necessarily drive anyone's decisions, I just thought it was fascinating. He personally preferred sex with a foreskin and regretted his circumcision.
But if you don't know any differently....
I let DH take the reigns on this one and he said we are absolutely circumcising. One of my BFFs is a nurse and she said so many 80-90 year old men come in and have infections in the foreskin because they just aren’t able to care for it properly. That swayed me because I may be able to teach my son to care for it, but that doesn’t mean he will always be able to do it. Plus I think if, God forbid, my son were to need one at an older age for medical reasons that it would be so much more traumatizing.
Regarding circumcision, who does them? Our pedi doesn’t, apparently our hospital doesn’t have a specific person that does them, and someone told me their OB did their son’s. I didn’t even know the OB was a possibility.
Make sure and read up on the different ways they do it and the risks associated. We made sure to not do the Pastibell technique because my nephew had it done that way and had complications.