June 2019 Moms

Re: UO 11/29

  • @emeraldcity603 NOT UNPOPULAR HERE. I had a roommate in college who did that (and we shared a bathroom) and I haaaaaaaated showering after her. I would actually get up earlier than necessary (in college!) to beat her to the shower so I didn't have to wonder if I was standing where she peed minutes before.
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  • @emeraldcity603 Hahaha first of all, do people actually pee in the bath tub? That seems especially gross because you are sitting in your own urine while you bathe. Now, on the reg, I think peeing in the shower is probably not a great idea and gross to do, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. :joy: I know that I have in the past and wouldn't judge someone for doing in the future. It's a situational-based position for me
  • @chrssyms yes, someone on my first BMB does it. She sits in it and doesn't bother showering off afterwards. I just can't get behind that. 

    I have never peed in the shower in any circumstance. If I have to go that bad I get out, pee, and jump back in. I just can't do it. 
  • @chrssyms yes, someone on my first BMB does it. She sits in it and doesn't bother showering off afterwards. I just can't get behind that. 

  • @emeraldcity603 ok the bath tub thing really does kind of bother me. Because it's just so close to all of your skin... yeesh. At least in the shower, you aren't... surrounded by it. 
  • @Dcwtada I have had random bodily fluids all over me at times. All ranging from puke to poop. I can't say it doesn't bother me but to me it's just part of having kids. 

    I think my hang up is that it's an adult not a kid peeing where pee doesn't belong. 
  • I pee in the shower all the time. Why waste the water? But pee in the tub? No. That’s gross.
    Also, I’m with @Dcwtada . Being a mom has taken my gross out factor waaaaaaaaay down. Like probably too low. Vomit, even mention of vomit, used to send me into a total panic attack. Now? Eh I basically let my kid vomit on me because he’s upset and wants to be held. And my own just doesn’t phase me. 
    Pee and poop and everythin  else is just a normal part of life. I’d liken it to spilled milk.

    I also used to be pretty stringent on washing my hands before eating. And then I watched my kid eat crap off the floor all day long and be perfectly fine. So my standards have been lowered. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • Shower pee-er over here too 🤷‍♀️

    My UO...my 4 year old threw up in the middle of the night and twice more since then. I’m home with him today because it was my turn to take off work and I am FREAKING internally. I literally want to leave him home and run away. I have a serious fear of vomit, mine or someone else’s. I would pay anything to be the one at work right now and have my husband home with him. This is one area of momhood thay I fail miserably in. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I'm interested to see if my aversion to poop and vomit tones down a bit with a baby. It's not that it super grosses me out or something, I just have a really strong gag reflex with the smells. Sometimes my dogs poop, if it's too strong makes me gag. I just can't help it. I think I inherited from my mom. When she started out as a clinical pathologist and did autopsies, she used to have to put a big gob of Vicks under her nose and she'd still be gagging the entire time. Ha, so maybe it's just an inherited trait. 
  • @emeraldcity603 - Agree 100%! I cannot handle the idea of shower pee. I actually had a discussion with my wife last night where I out of the blue turned to her and said, "I want to be clear right now - when we start potty training, we emphasize that the shower/bathtub is no place for bodily fluids." She looked at me like I was a crazy person. I mean, I get that logically that's gonna be hard to enforce... but I want to try, at least! It's one of my biggest hang-ups.

    Also agree with the Elf on a Shelf. All my friends post the pics of it on Facebook, and it creeps me out to no end. Have already decided that I will refuse to do it. If anyone buys this kid one as a gift, they are going to be in BIG TROUBLE.
  • I am not a shower pee-er. I honestly have never even thought to do it. I just pee before I get in? 

    I also find the idea of elf on the shelf creepy. 
  • Lol i love that UO became the confessional for shower pee-ers (I too am a shower pee-er but tubs are gross)

    My husband is the sympathy puker. Will be interesting to see how he is with a kid. Also he hates changing the kitty litter so a baby should be fun
  • I also don’t care for elf on the shelf. 

    Santa and Baby Jesus is all we need in our house at Christmas. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • Agree the elf on the shelf is creepy. He/she has no place on my shelf.
  • Puke = big nope for me. I can do baby vomit but not when it has chunks in it. DH takes vomit duty everytime. I can't even stand my own vomit. 

    Elf on the shelf = another nope! 

  • @eleven_ I pull that gif out all the time when my sister tells me her kid puked that day. Gross.

    Very much Team Pee Before Showering. It's one thing when you're the only one using the shower, but if someone else is using it right after you? Serious ick. Then again it also took me three years to even feel comfortable enough to pee in the ocean when we go out to DH's family's house for beach week every year, and even then I have to swim WAYYYYY away from any other people (so his fam always knows what I'm doing, but whatever, at least I'm not peeing ON them).

    And Elf on the Shelf is like the Christmas edition of 1984 for kids. I didn't like 1984 and I don't like Elf on the Shelf.
  • Haha this is awesome. My husband freaks out/is so grossed by just the thought of baby spitting up/vomit/pooping. Though I’m not that great with any of the mentioned, I am hoping I will get over it with this baby, if not I wont have a choice since hubby is a big baby. Oh this will be fun...

    As of bath tub peeing, that is SO wrong and gross. Shower peeing doesn’t bother me as much though. 
  • Shower peeing is fine with me. Just do it over the drain. Bath tub peeing? That's equivalent to peeing in the pool and a hard no.

    We will never do elf on the shelf. I'm scary enough to make my kid listen on my own (ha who am I kidding, my kid doesn't listen :joy:) but really it's just to much work and I'm exhausted enough as it is after my kid goes to bed.

    I have no good UOs of my own today.
  • I always pee before taking a shower. However, I have peed in the shower like 3 times because one toilet was broken and I didn’t want to walk all the way across the house when I was going to take a shower anyway. So I’m not 100% against it either. 

    I’m an FTM, but I have 9 y/o and 8 y/o brothers as well as a 4 y/o sister that I help take care of a lot, so I’ve been peed on many times. I’m mostly used to it now, but I did freak out a little when my 4 y/o sister peed on me while I was holding her and soaked my clothes completely. I think I still have a ways to go until I’m mom-level used to it. And DH will probably always have to handle puke. He’s much better with it than I am.
  • @meatballs37 I totally agree! Instagram way better. But I will go a step further and say... I actually don't like social media that much in general. 
  • Here’s a real UO for Christmas: 

    Re: Santa, elves, etc etc. we do none of it. Maintaining a lie to my son over years and years only for him to have to find out someday that Ive been pulling the wool over his eyes this whole time is a very hard no for me. It just feels wrong, and like it would be a major breach of the trust in our relationship. And all those moms who use it as a discipline tool at Christmas makes me cringe. What do you do the rest of the year for discipline?? I don’t begrudge people who enjoy the magic and genuinely think it’s fun to do Santa, but I hate seeing something that is supposed to be fun being used as an empty scare tactic. 

    Also, I kind of have an issue with those Santa pictures. Not when kids are older, but parents who thrust their babies and young toddlers into the arms of a stranger just to get some corny picture? My heart breaks for those kids. They’re just terrified. For all the stranger danger we talk about in our society, why would you force your kid into a total strangers lap when they’re bawling? I don’t even let family hold my kid if he’s upset and doesn’t want to be held. Respecting his bodily autonomy may be the most important thing to me as a parent. And I know some moms who believe that we should respect kids bodily autonomy and don’t make them hug family if they don’t want to, but they still do the Santa pictures. Why!? And, mall Santa’s creep me the eff out. I find it hard to believe that someone who is willfully dressing up as Santa all day long to have little kids sit on their lap doesn’t have alterior motives. Maybe not all of them, but some of them MUST. I take way less issue with small functions that have someone they know playing Santa. 

    All in all, I feel like when it comes to the whole Santa thing, it’s just not very well thought out, and a lot of people lose sight of the things they are trying to teach their kids and live by in the name of a red suit and fairytale. 

    Flame away, I know how unpopular this is. 

    Also, just as a side note: I still respect people who do the Santa thing, and never say anything to break the magic in front of kids. DS doesn’t talk yet, but I am going to be very firm about not ruining the magic for other kids. I know he might do it anyways, but I’m going to do everything I can to prevent him from being the kid who ruins it for everyone. 

    I also dont go around saying this to people IRL and making some big grump about it. I’m not the grinch. It only comes up when people ask me personally if I do Santa or the pictures or any of it. Thought my mom was going to die when I shut down her Santa pictures two years ago when I was pregnant. I shut it down so fast she was speechless. Just sharing here in the spirit of UO. I’m generally a live and let live person as far as what I actually say. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • Shower pee-er here! Its always only at the beginning of the shower and I kind of... avoid it until it's all washed down. Confession? No idea if DH knows or not.... but I suspect not and I suspect he'd be grossed out. As a nurse and then mom, bodily fluids are kind of meh. Vomit is in it's own category though and I do struggle with that. I dread the day DD brings a GI bug into this house... 

    I'm too tired and lazy to come up with my own UO today. Maybe I'll think of something!
  • vv826vv826 member
    edited November 2018
    I'm okay with peeing in the shower too. I usually pee before but theres something about the water hitting you that makes me need to go again. I do try to do it over the drain and when I'm being super nice I'll spray the shower down before DH takes one. 

    I'm with you ladies with The Elf on the Shelf it's just creepy and I can barely manage to keep my Santa stories straight.

    @meatballs37 @chrssyms I actually prefer snapchat that way I can ignore whatever story there is if I so choose to. Also those filters are fun especially when you have a 4 yr old that likes to put them on her dad without him knowing. Honestly though my social media is usually pretty boring because I never post anything lol.

    eta: that bathtub peeing is gross and I guess my own UO is baths are kinda gross in general. there relaxing but if you think about it kinda gross
  • eleven_ said:
    I live for this time of year when I can say, "You better clean up your toys or I'm calling Santa." I also love the pictures I have of my kids crying on Santa's lap. >:)
    I kinda feel like it’s a parents right of passage to have one of these photos. 😆 this year we thought we would get a smiling one with Santa. (DD is 2). She went up and was so excited to hug him and say hello. But then he scooped her up for a photo and she lost it. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • @vv826 Agreed on baths. I've felt that way always as an adult, but then with DD's baths, seeing the food etc that I clean off of her sometimes floating around in there, I always want to change out the water!
  • My UO:
    I have never had a Facebook account....and I don't intend to. My family keeps pestering me about it but not going to happen. I'm just not interested 
  • @BlondePeanut We had a few girls on my last bmb make a Facebook profile for the sole purpose of following our group to Facebook once that time came. 
  • @ShadeofGreen816 yes thats exactly what I think about I think of baths
  • Shower pee-er here, too. Not in the bath, though - that’s just nasty. Like, why would you want to sit in your own waste?? @emeraldcity603, I think your co-worker is just a weirdo on that one. 🤔

    I love Santa. I love the magic that comes with it and I never, ever thought of it as a lie my parents told me. I thought of it as maintaining part of the magic Christmas. I’m all for bodily autonomy, but (and this may be my UO), I feel like this particular one is overthinking it. Now, with that said, I don’t force my kids to sit on Santa’s lap. We go an see Santa every year, but I follow my kids’ lead on that one. All my babies were perfectly content as babies to sit on his lap. My oldest wasn’t feeling it last year, so we said ok, that’s totally fine. We’ll see how he feels this year. But we do make the effort. L L Bean in Maine does this awesome North Pole village every year that has reindeer and a Santa’s workshop where you can write a letter to Santa and post it in their special North Pole post box and make your own hot cocoa and see Santa and so on and we always have so much fun going up there for the day.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @KissMeImScottish it was someone from my very first BMB. We used to have discussions about it and I got flamed when I said it was disgusting. 😂

    We aren't doing Santa anymore. We are going to explain the story about Santa and why Santa is a thing. We just don't want Christmas to be about Santa instead of Jesus. 

    I don't do the Easter Bunny either. Last year I never mentioned the Easter Bunny because our focus was on Jesus. On Easter morning I just gave them a basket and said happy Easter!

    I don't plan to do the tooth fairy either. We will make it fun somehow. I just don't want to be chained to the fairy lie. 
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