February 2019 Moms

Monday Bitchfest


Re: Monday Bitchfest

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  • 1. My husband won't stop snoring...this needs to chill
    2. I am also super sick of people askonf how I am bur more so at work people taking shit out of my hands amd saying you're pregnant don't carry that or do that. I'm pregnant not an invalid. I am an adult. I know limits and what is ok or not ok to do. One guy said don't use the oven(one of those big ones that you can walk in) because the heat is bad for the baby. Duuuude. I put the rolling rack in and step out not sitting in it. Chill out. But it is perfectly ok for me to stay on my feet for 9hrs straight with no break because I am picking up slack. Got it, makes perfect sense.
    3. I had to actually help a kid(college age)mentally process the fact that this customer's hat offended him. A supposedly grown male upset about a hat. The customer didn't treat the kid differently or say anything. Just wore a freaking hat. 
  • Read that next to my snoring husband @hnbergeron
  • @bww_0331 its literay the worst. Do you people really care how I feel? I mean when its friends or some family asking thats fine because I’ve had complications and i know they genuinely ask. But people at work, fak off. You don’t care. You’re making small talk and its annoying. My work is so nosey that they just pry or somehow spin it around about them. I hate people. And don’t touch my belly!! Its weird and if there was no baby in there you wouldnt do it! Its not like you can feel anything, just my belly. 
  • Omg I can't with 'how are you feeling?' I get it like 10 times a day at work I swear, like can you all just nominate a speaker? The first person of the day to ask me (or anyone I genuinely like talking to) usually gets an honest answer. But the 15th gets 'I'm living' lol I don't have the patience to say the same thing over and over.

    That being said, lately with my back being so bad and me having to hobble around and grunt and groan all the time, no one is asking. Thankfully they all have that much sense hah.

    Anyway the reason I hate 'how are you feeling?' the most is because, as others have already mentioned, 90% of the people asking don't genuinely give a shit about me, they're asking to satisfy themselves. Then I go home and get a message from one of my best friends (who currently lives and works in China and has been crushed by not being able to be close to me while I am pregnant) asking, of course, how are you feeling?

    I ignored her message for days because I was just so burnt out over answering that damn question. And I'm not happy about it.
  • shellperryshellperry member
    edited November 2018
    kayjay44 said:
    I've always got complaints: 
    • My kids are both sick and one is sick enough to stay home and is begging for me, but here I am at work. 
    • I don't want to be at work - it's negatively affecting my mental health at this point. A bunch of shit went down last week and it's getting ridiculous. I really need other people to just do their fucking jobs. I sat down and put together a to do list first thing this morning - it's about 3-4 days of work. That doesn't include any major projects I'm working on and I've added 5 new things in the last hour.
    • I can't keep meals eaten after 10 am down. And I don't "look" sick, so people really have no idea how bad it is (other than DH). Despite the fact I've lost a ton of weight and the new maternity pants I bought? They're getting too big. I'm literally picking foods to eat based on how easy it will be for me to throw up.
    • MIL is throwing a fit we don't want to travel for Thanksgiving/Christmas. Sure, it's only two hours, but we are the only people with kids AND I'm pregnant AND I'm throwing up all the time. I just want to throw up in my own home - that's not too much to ask. I'm sure my parents won't be thrilled either, but they act like adults and get that you have to compromise sometimes. 
    • I've been feeling really lonely and isolated lately. I'm glad I have DH, who is seriously by best friend, and my BMBs, but I miss having IRL female friends and the two I do have I haven't really seen in months.
    • People need to stop telling me how much worse it will be with three kids. Going from 0-1 and 1-2 was nothing for us and was super easy. It's almost all people who have 2 or less kids, too, who don't even know what 3 is like. I don't give a fuck about your irrelevant opinion. 
    I feel a little better now getting all of this out, at least.
    Two to three 10 more minutes! One to two was harder for me!
    On a bitchfest not woke up to a flat and doc appointment is a 815. FML
  • @hnbergeron I HATE people telling me what I can’t do. I pulled out a step stool to put a camera up for my mom and got OMG you can’t be up there! You’re PREGNANT. Oh pleaseeee. 

    But then I also got kind of irritated that no one on the plane offered to get my carryon bag out of the overhead lol. Which I could easily get, I was just curious about people’s (lack of) chivalry. 
  • @kayjay44 and @shellperry- People need to stuff it, especially because I think it is different for everyone, based on the stories of friends. For me, 0-1 was epically overwhelming and challenging. I will be beyond shocked if the transition from 1-2 is anywhere near as hard as that.  I knew nothing and was scared of everything!
  • Oh boy. I need this thread. today was a DAY. I can't really rant on here regarding work stuff (teachers... we're watched like hawks), but let me just say a comment someone said to me (not pregnancy related) and I have been on fire ever since!!! Hate it that one person could be that rude and set me off the whole day, but, here we are! Feeling a little better after working out, but still in angsty ragey mode. Maybe I'll get some cleaning/organizing done tonight with all this anger. lol!
  • Just need to bitch about symptoms. Freaking post nasal drip and headaches came back with a vengeance, but nausea and vomiting and heartburn are all still bad. How the frick do they just expect pregnant women to deal with pregnancy for 9 months ON TOP OF regular life, which is hard enough. Currently at work and not having it.
  • @notthecheat nooo I’m sorry  :'( don’t know how you mamas are doing it who are still sick! Champs! Hang in there
  • Preach, @notthecheat. I think it’s why the newborn phase seems so easy to me, though. But 3 more months of this? Seriously?

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • DD got sent home with a note today that there’s been a lice outbreak at her preschool (not in her class specifically, but they share spaces with the other classes). Whhhhyyyyyy. Nooooooooo. I’ve NEVER had to deal with lice and just the idea gives me the heebie-jeebies. Keeping everything crossed that she doesn’t get it.  :s
  • @wrensnest don’t panic! It’s not quite as contagious as a lot of people make it out to be in that there really needs to be contact so if she isn’t sharing things it should be fine. Does she play dress up, share headbands/tiaras, or have play brushes in school? I work with kids so I actually bought the RIT kit and would spray down parts of my play therapy room that kids’ heads would touch (soft lounge chair, anything that goes on/over head) but have never had an issue. I’m also a big germ freak so I took an abundance of caution once I found out one kid had an outbreak in their school.
  • @megpants209 Thanks for the info. They do have a “dramatic play” area in their classroom that sometimes has dress-up stuff, but I don’t think does right now. Is carpet not a concern? I know they sometimes do relaxation/yoga poses when they need the kids to calm down and they’re laying on the carpet during those times.
  • @wrensnest teacher of elem kids here, I put a drop of tea tree oil in my shampoo. This is my first kiddo so I’m not sure if that is okay to do for your daughter but for you would be great!
  • @ohsunnydays oh, interesting! We do have tea tree oil on hand. I’ll do some research, thanks for the info!
  • @wrensnest :) np! Just to clarify one drop in the bottle, not every time you shampoo. 
  • @wrensnest I have heard great things from friends with school aged kids about the Fairytales spray as a preventative measure. Maybe look into that?
  • @ohsunnydays got it, lol, thanks!

    @allthingsgo excellent. Thank you!
  • @wrensnest - do you have any services that perform checks? We haven’t been “lucky” enough to need them but that’s my plan if there’s an outbreak. 

    Speaking of outbreaks, DD has HFM now too! Anyone want to switch places for a week or so?  :s:(:'(

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • Icing on the cake - I just threw up a ton and while I made it in my bucket, I peed all over the floor. Because my HG is also ever present and I’ve lost the ability to control my bladder. 

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • Noooo @kayjay44! That sucks!

    I’m waiting for my bus home. This will be my third bus today, due to extreme lateness of my first one. By the time I get home I will have spent almost two hours. Did I mention I live five miles from my office? It literally would have been faster to walk, which I would have done had I known what was going to happen.

    I seriously need to learn how to drive.
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
  • kayjay44kayjay44 member
    edited November 2018
    @grebretso - sadly, driving is terrible too. It takes me an hour to go 15 miles. There are no good options. My coworker who drives from Queen Anne to our office (near the stadiums) - usually takes her an hour and that’s got to be less than 3 miles. 

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • @kayjay44 That's true, but I work on the north end of Lake Union and live five miles SW of there, nobody commutes between those two places. H picks me up every Monday and it takes us 15 minutes, compared to 45 minutes on the bus due to a pretty extreme detour. Lately it's been closer to an hour as well most days...

    We'll probably move not long after I get back to work after mat leave though, in which case knowing how to drive would open up more housing options. Also, I'm a 30 year old grown-ass woman. I should know how to drive a car :D
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
  • changadeechangadee member
    edited November 2018
    @grebretso I just got my license last year at age 27. 100% recommend. I don't know what I did all my life hahah. And yeah cut a 40 minute/2 bus commute to work to 15 mins including coffee on the way :)
  • @wrensnest I hadn’t thought about carpet but I’d think they’d need a pretty bad infestation to get to that point. Usually as soon as it’s reported the kid in question can’t come back until it’s clear. 
  • @grebretso I got my license at 30 while on maternity leave with DS. I’m a very nervous driver though and honestly having a car in a Brooklyn is more of a pain than it’s worth bc if alternate side. I also got into an accident while driving with DS in the back (he was like 7 months old) and that has scared me from driving ugh 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @danixbanani24 I know I'll be a nervous driver too. The only time I ever tried driving was at 18 with my dad teaching me in an empty parking lot. We were going maybe 10 mph and I was SCREAMING!

    ...If I do end up getting my license I'll probably only drive to and from work. 
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
  • I’ve been driving longer than I haven’t  :D I forget that it’s not the norm everywhere. 

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • @grebretso - I despise driving. The fact that I did not have to in NYC was one of my favorite things about living there, and the transit in Chicago makes a huge difference for me!  We talk a lot about moving to Seattle to be near my whole family, but the fact that it’s not a subway/El lifestyle place is a borderline deal breaker for me.
  • If I hear my husband start a sentence with "this is how you know her belly is getting big..." again he will be living in his car.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
    Our Rainbow Baby H arrived at 37 weeks on 12/20/16!
    Baby E arrived at 37 weeks on 01/31/15!
    Married my Marine 05.23.14

    TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
    BFP 9.7.15 CP 
    BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
    BFP 10.14.17 CP
    BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
  • @kayjay44 Same with H! He's from a small town in ND so not driving there means not having a life. Driving is like breathing to him! I've always either lived in a city with good public transport or in a town with good transport in to the city. When I lived outside Oslo and commuted to the city, driving (without traffic) would be 45 min while the train was 30 min. No brainer! 

    @sjnsjnsjn Seattle public transport is horrible compared to NYC or Chicago for sure. If you move here and plan on depending on it, doooon't do it! Buses are never on time and the light rail is crammed. If you work downtown you kind of have to depend on it either way since driving is just as bad. Basically, Seattle sucks for getting around, period.
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
  • @grebretso- it’s one of my biggest issues with it 
  • I was a nervous driver for so long, I never thought I would get to a point where I wasn't terrified behind the wheel lol. But I am a lot better now. Except during rush hour. And on the highway. But to and from work or shopping is no problem lol
  • I love driving. H hates it (he'd rather be a passenger so he can nap lol), so I usually drive us everywhere. Though I hate driving in snow/ice. It's been so long since I moved away from Michigan that I'm basically a southern driver in the snow, now. It'll be interesting to see how we fare driving around Alaska next week. :fearful:
  • I've always been a relatively nervous driver, after getting into an accident before I even got my license. When DH left for training a few months ago I had to do it daily for the first time ever (we commuted together before that/lived in areas with good public transit) and I'm amazed at how quickly I've become confident. I'm sure I'd still be just as nervous in the city but practice really makes a massive difference in my experience. 
  • sjnsjnsjnsjnsjnsjn member
    edited November 2018
    I am somewhat nervous driving but also I just don’t like it.  It’s a lot of work, attention, depending upon the actions of others, who are often now trustworthy, traffic, unpredictability... I have a car now in Chicago for weekend stuff and errands, but it’s a few short drives, not commuting to work.
    Is there anywhere at all that one can live in Seattle, other than downtown, that has a good mass transit option to downtown, @grebretso ?  They never built a ubiquitous El/subway, I know that, sadly. People wanted it from when I was in the high school in the early 90s and their reticence was mocked in Singles!
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