June 2019 Moms

FTM Check-In November

It's November already! I'm new to this so, let's give it a shot, but it's nice to hear from other ladies who are FTMs!

Due Date/W+D:

Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions?

How are you feeling? 

Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy?

GTKY: Where are you from?

Re: FTM Check-In November

  • Since I started this, I will lead it off as well!

    Due Date/W+D: June 3rd, 9W+3D

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? I have an appointment 11/10; I think it's mostly going to be a check-in and possibly do some blood draws for 1st trimester genetic testing, which has been super confusing with all the options. I have my NT Scan scheduled for 11/27.

    How are you feeling? Nausea and vomiting has been horrible. I don't even think I notice any other symptoms because that's the most horrible and has the biggest impact. So glad I work from home right now.

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? Selfishly, I'm interested in knowing what others are doing. I just started thinking about this. My husband and I started writing a letter to our baby about the values we want to instill in them and the hopes we have for them. I would like to maybe put together some type of scrapbook or journal though as well. 

    GTKY: Where are you from? I am from Baltimore, Maryland! Kind of enjoying the cooler weather and the feelings of fall. Worried about how much longer my favorite jeans will fit before I need to switch to maternity pants... 
  • Due Date/W+D: June 5th/9+1

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? Going in this afternoon to talk to the doc about my nausea. I made it to work today, however ended up coming home because I was super shaky and dizzy. Hoping they can do somerhing (anything) to help. My first US is on Monday, which I am nervous and excited about.

    How are you feeling? Rough. MS and my emotions have been getting the best of me. I wake up feeling horrible, then start crying because I know almost every pregnant woman has gone through this and I'm wondering why I'm struggling so much. Wondering if other FTMs are having these same emotions?

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? No, but I want to. I think I will start doing "bump" photos weekly with a little blurb of the size of the baby. I want to also start journaling.

    GTKY: Where are you from? Tricky question - I was born in CA, lived outside of Rochester, NY until I was 21, now I live outside of Atlanta, GA.

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  • *TW* Right now being in the FTM category feels a little weird because this isn’t my first pregnancy. I had an MMC in July of this year at 12 weeks. So, for me, none of the first tri stuff is really new. But, everything past that point will all be a first for me. *END TW*

    Due Date/W+D: June 23rd/6+4

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? First appointment on the 14th. 

    How are you feeling? For the first time in a week, I’m actually not nauseous, so that’s been nice.

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? I’ve been taking weekly “bump” pictures. At four weeks, I took the picture with me holding the positive pregnancy test, five weeks was nothing special, but then at six weeks I wore a Halloween themed pregnancy shirt. I intend to journal, but I just haven’t been able to get in the right head space for that yet.

    GTKY: Where are you from? Right now DH and I live in Arkansas, but we’re hoping to change that soon.

  • Due Date/W+D: 17th, 7+3

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? First full appt with the OB is Nov. 5. She intends to do an U/S but MH can't make it - do you guys think she'll let me put it off? Or is it important enough for me to just keep it on the DL from MH?  

    How are you feeling? Blahhhhhhhhhh. My energy and MS is better today, but I'm still worthless. It takes me twice as long to do just about anything. 

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? No, but feel like maybe I should? I don't think I want to take bump pics, but I might keep a journal to look back on/pass down. 

    GTKY: Where are you from? I was born in Philadelphia and raised in the immediate Jersey suburbs. I now live in Mississippi (H is military). 

  • @wearyfuzzball hope the nausea gets better. I know we've been commiserating on the Symptoms board. There's a lot of us that sound pretty miserable, so we'll all just hope for the best together. 

    @kjr9519 Don't feel weird about it! I'm sorry you experienced what you did though. That must have been very difficult. 

    @harrierwife I'm sure she would let you put it off, but do you want to?  ;) My husband didn't come to the first US, but I felt it was important to make sure everything was going well. I sort of didn't believe it was all happening anyways at first. 

    Well done you who have felt like taking photos! I haven't really been able to put on nice clothes or make-up since the bad MS kicked in. I live in active wear and on my couch. I'm starting to get inspired by Pinterest, so I might even go all out and actually get *gasp* crafting materials at Michaels to make a nifty, pretty book. We'll see how long that motivation lasts...
  • @chrssyms - You're so right. I don't wanna put it off - I wanna see! Plus, I think I'm having a more difficult time getting excited because it still doesn't feel real. Frankly, it feels like AF is due tomorrow + nausea. 
  • Due Date/W+D: 6/10, 8w3d

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? Had my first appointment Monday, so my next one isn't until 11/19. My questions so far had been NIPT related, and again I have to say @chrssyms I really appreciate your input, because I was feeling pretty put off by conversations related to NIPT.

    How are you feeling? I am definitely a broken record over here, but the nausea cannot end soon enough. My mood isn't great either, so that is annoying.

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? Not yet. I know I won't be taking bump photos. I was randomly at Barnes and Noble and saw some different journals and stuff and I considered it, but then I remembered that I intended to do bullet journaling and all this crafty sentimental stuff during wedding planning, and it only lasted a week.This is different, obviously, and I think I would have more motivation to do so if I didn't feel crappy and would rather just sleep. Maybe I can think of a low commitment idea.

    GTKY: Where are you from? I live in Arkansas

    @harrierwife I definitely don't think I could have put off the US even if it turned out that my husband couldn't be there, but that is tough because it was really nice to have him there and he was happy that he was there too!
  • @jmvander I think you’re the only other person who lives in Arkansas that I’ve met on TB. Which area do you live in?
  • antera23antera23 member
    edited November 2018
    @wearyfuzzball I’m sorry you’re feeling so sick. Im pretty miserable as well. I almost had a breakdown tonight. I hope the second trimester is good to us! 

    @kjr9519 we had similar experiences. I relate so much to how you feel. 

    Thanks for starting this thread @chrssyms

    Due Date/W+D: June 23rd, 6+4 

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions?
    First ultrasound November 16th!! Some days I am excited and some days I am terrified! PGAL brain. 

    How are you feeling? 
    So sick. I throw up in the morning now so that’s fun. The smell of my SO’s shampoo and body wash makes me sick to my stomach. I can smell everything. I also oscillate between sick and ravenous. I just got done feeling sick to my stomach and moved straight to HUNGRY. I cry at every commercial that is remotely heartwarming. I just welled up during an indeed.com commercial. I wake up from sleeping 8+ hours exhausted. 

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy?
    PGAL brain here so I will wait until after the 1st trimester to do anything. 

    GTKY: Where are you from? Montana! I’ve got snow in my veins! I don’t live there now though. 

  • Due Date/W+D: June 26th 6w 2d

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? We just had out first appointment yesterday. My due date was moved from June 15 to June 26th so I’ll be jumping ship on the weekly check in boards. Everything looks healthy! Next appointment is end of November….next ultrasound is December 13th.
    How are you feeling? Pretty gross. I’m with everyone with the nausea. I also have insomnia. Woke up around 2:30am this morning and just sat on the couch until it was time to get ready for work. Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? We actually have been taking short videos and/or pictures during moments like when we found out we were pregnant, first OB appointment, etc. It would be cool to edit them at some point...hubs wants to do bump pictures. I got a little letter board from etsy for that. GTKY: Where are you from? New England! Winter’s coming >:)

  • Due Date/W+D: June 24th 6+4

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions?
    Weekly monitoring  with the RE.  So far so good 
    How are you feeling? 
    Nice to see the heartbeat this week.  I get headaches quickly and I'm exhausted.   There's not enough water to drink

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? So far no but I might start....

    GTKY: Where are you from? Lived in Ohio most of my life then bounced around with upstate NY, PA, VA. Now settled in upstate  NY

    Formally Leekat
    Me: 36 DH 38
    Married Sept 2014
    TTC Since Nov 2015
    IVF Cycle 1 - 0 eggs
    IVF Cycle 2 - 3 embryos
    FET 1 (transferred 1 embryo) - BFN
    FET 2 (transferred 2 embryos- BFN
    IVF Cycle 3 - 1 embryo
    FET 3 (transferred 1 embryo) - BFN
    Donor Egg Retrieval 2/19/18 -4 embryos that didn't make it to freeze
    Donor Egg Retrieval 4/30/2018 - 6 eggs - 5 embryos frozen Day 3
    FET 4 (with donor eggs) (transferred 1 embryo) -BETA 7/10 - BFN
    Hysteroscopy & Endo Scratch 
    FET 5 (with donor eggs) (transferred 2 embryos)-BETA 9/10 - BFN
    Final FET (#6) (with donor eggs) (transferred 2 embryos) BETA 10/15 BFP!!
    EDD: June 24, 2019 Baby O born June 26, 2019

  • Due Date/W+D: June 2 9+5

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? I have my first trimester scan on 11/21 so looking forward to that and also a bit nervous. My husband was not at my first US so it'll be nice for him to see the baby this time

    How are you feeling? Honestly, pretty good. I'm super tired most of the time but the nausea has been fairly minimal and I have some minor food aversions but that's about it. I felt much better after the first US where we saw/heard the heartbeat but now I'm back to being nervous that something is wrong.

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? Not yet but will probably do some bump pics once there's something to see other than my current belly

    GTKY: Where are you from? CT

  • Due Date/W+D: not sure of due date measuring 9 w 5 d according to my first ultrasound last friday (was 8 w 5 d then)

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? Have another ultrasound for NT i guess on nov 19

    How are you feeling? The beginning of this week had me puking for first time. Actually I have had pretty mild MS. Week 6 and 7 had some days of nausea but found eating was enough to combat it. Dont really have heightened sense of smell and dont feel overly emotional. Feel like i am starting to show. Dont plan on going public until week 11 at work so stressed people will catch on before I am ready to be like TADA. We didnt tell anyone we were not preventing it anymore so it should be a huge surprise.

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? Nope havent even taken belly pics. My hubby pointed out a journal to me but I am not really interested 

    GTKY: Where are you from? Alberta Canada. Welcomed a blanket of snow today.

  • @antera23 so weird! I'm not quite the same way nauseous vs ravenous, but I have transitioned into this weird space where I know I'm hungry and lots of food sound appealing, but they are also simultaneously nauseating because it's like I'm afraid I'll just vomit it all up after eating it. It's so weird to be both hungry and nauseous at the same time!

    @ohheyitsb sorry to hear about insomnia. I'm sorry if this is an annoying suggestion, but sometimes when I wake up like that I go through a yoga nidra routine (it's like a yoga sleep meditation) that focuses on relaxation of the body. It distracts your mind if the reason you can't get back to sleep is because your brain is "going" and promotes relaxation so that you can get back to sleep. Just in case it helps, I thought I'd share. 
  • Due Date/W+D: 7th (9 w)

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions? One on the 16th. I don’t remember what it’s for (so excited to have seen baby it slipped my mind)

    How are you feeling? Generally great. Happy. Positive. 

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? I have a million journals that I never used so I’m using one to write to my baby every night before bed, since we confirmed with the doc. 

    GTKY: Where are you from? The ever beautiful CA. 

  • Due Date/W+D: June 28th / 6 weeks

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions?
    My first appointment isn't until 12 weeks on December 17th. That just seems so far away! Reading everyone else's posts, it seems like people usually go in sooner. Haha, I am a little jealous, but I guess I should count my blessings that there are no red flags to make my OB think I am higher risk. I think they will use the Doppler to check heartbeat and do some blood work. I will be 35, so they want to do the genetic testing. 

    How are you feeling? So far symptoms come and go. I have very mild MS, just a little queasy in the morning, but usually feel pretty normal by afternoon. I also have breast tenderness. The worst symptom for me has been bloating and painful gas. I can get some pretty bad cramps from gas, but it have always been that way with Aunt Flo. I am just used to the cramps going away after a couple of days. Hopefully this doesn't last the whole 9 months! Anyway that feels a little like TMI, sorry haha!

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? I have never been one for journalling or anything. I feel like I am supposed to, but not sure yet if I will. Maybe reading some of your ideas will inspire me!

    GTKY: Where are you from? We live in KS in the Kansas City metro area. I don't think I have seen any other Kansas moms on here. We did move out to CA to the Bay Area for a couple of years for DH's job, but just moved back in March. We just missed how laid back the Midwest feels and being closer to family. I do miss the CA weather, but not the cost of living!!

    Anyway, good luck to all the FTMs!! Happy to be here with you!
  • @chrssyms sometimes I feel the way you do! It’s all just a constant state of nausea lol. 
  • Due date: June 15, 8 weeks and one day
    upcoming appointments: I have my first appointment with my midwife on Tuesday!!! I’m excited and nervous. 
    How am I feeling: pretty terrible lmao. Morning sickness has me eating fruit and potatoes pretty exclusively and waking up every 2-4 hours to pee plus fatigue is no fun. I’m just counting down until the second trimester. 
    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy: I journal for myself already and all I can think about is baby stuff so I’m doing that. My culture is very superstitious about the first five or so months of pregnancy so I likely won’t be doing bump photos or writing my baby letters or anything like that until much later. 
    Where i’m from: CA baby

  • Is FTM First Time Mom? It’s not in the glossary ☹️
  • Due Date/W+D: June 26-July 1 now apparently? So 6-7 weeks. Hopefully will nail down a better guess this week bc...

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions?US Wednesday! Since Baby didn't have a detectable heartbeat at 4-5ish weeks (not uncommon so I'm not freaking out yet) I have one Wednesday. Kinda glad to get to go in early!

    How are you feeling? Generally not too terrible, knock on wood. Absolutely NOTHING sounds good before about 11 am and then I'm ravenous. My boobs hurt like mad (a gal hugged me at church yesterday and I about decked her) and I get tired by like 830pm. But the worst, so far anyway, is the depression. I actually saw a counselor about it last week, and have another session this week. My family has a history of anxiety/depression and it appears I'm the latest to join the tradition. Some of it is just the usual pregnancy hormones doing their thing, and some is me just mourning the end of what I knew (I moved out to college at 17 and am 34 now, so half my life has been on my own timetable and now NOTHING feels the same), but some is antepartum depression, a very real disorder that I'm so so so glad to be able to name and treat. It isn't constant -- some days have been completely normal -- but when the anxiety and sadness starts spiraling with the guilt and shame, because who feels like this when they get an amazing gift like a baby?, that's when I know I'm in for a long day. (Sorry if that's weird or triggering... safe-ish space here, right?)

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy? My friend gave me a Belly Book, but honestly I haven't really wanted to do much with it yet. I don't really want to remember feeling like this, and I never want Baby think there was a time he or she wasn't wanted and prayed for... but I also don't want to just make stuff up. I've been doing better since seeing my counselor, and I'm still hopeful I can get to a place where I can record stuff without it making me want to fall in a hole, but I don't think I'm there yet.

    GTKY: Where are you from? Born and raised in Nebraska! Currently in Lincoln.
  • Oh good! @wearyfuzzball thank you!

    Due Date/W+D: 6/18; 7+6

    Any Appointments Coming Up? Questions?
    My first appointment is Friday and my biggest question is just outside confirmation that I’m really pregnant!

    How are you feeling? 
    I had some fatigue, I have boob soreness that’s gone down a lot, and stomach upset in the AM, but that’s all. I don’t feel very pregnant so that probably why it still hasn’t hit me. 

    Are you doing anything to capture/journal your pregnancy?
    i have a sentence-a-day journal I’ve had going for over 4 years. I’ll keep that going and bump pictures would be fun but I’m doubtful that I’ll keep up with it. I don’t have a place in my house I’d like to take them and I’m annoying about lighting.

    GTKY: Where are you from?
    Northern NJ!
  • @ki1244

    ambivalence in the beginning is a very normal thing. You’re allowed to be human, after all, and as many of my doctors and therapists friends have said, your life is going to change a lot, so it’s okay to have lots of different feelings! Maybe your feelings toward you baby are all positive, but your feelings toward your hormones can be negative and you can feel free to grieve! We’re here for you 💜
  • @wendyann19 Thanks. :) I wish I could say all my feelings toward Baby are positive, but I could REALLY use a glass of wine and there's apparently an earring-post-sized little human standing in my way for that......

    For real though, even though we wanted this baby and were trying for a while (not as long as many, but longer than just oops-I-sneezed-now-I'm-KU), I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what it means. Pregnancy already has me feeling like a stranger in my own body; the prospect of having a kid makes me feel like a stranger in my own life. And it's hard to think that things will never fully go back to the way they were. It'll be worth it, I don't doubt that, but it's kind of a struggle to remember that all the time (and then it just feels like a mirror held up to my own selfishness, which is also a rough thing to confront). Hoping that the ultrasound this week changes things, if/when we can pick up the heartbeat, and it's easier to assign a "who" to Baby instead of a "what".
  • @ki1244 - I'm so glad to hear that you're recognizing your symptoms and are getting yourself appropriate support. <3 And I completely understand your feelings about everything changing. I've been grappling with those feelings lately, too. 
  • @ki1244

    i feel so connected to you because you’re verbalizing a lot of the reasons we waited so long to try. I’m terrified of the change in lifestyle and what it will do to my career...but I just hit a point where I noticed wanting to get pregnant before my sister and feeling a little jealous of some announcements that came through social media. 

    Im hoping a lot for this ultra sound too. I can’t wait to hear how yours goes. Keep us updated. 
  • Oh I’m 31 btw. Not the youngest mom to hit TB
  • @wendyann19 So YOU'RE the one who has been living in my head with me. :) (or I'm living in your head. Either way.) I never actually wanted kids, and even if that changed, I had always thought we would adopt, even when DH and I got married -- but I can pinpoint the exact minute I changed my mind (walking through the Main Street Emporium at the Magic Kingdom at Disney World, the day before Thanksgiving last year, by myself, passed through the baby section and started crying because I realized I was more afraid of not being able to get pregnant than I was of getting pregnant). We waited five more months to start trying, partly to make sure that was what I really wanted, and partly due to DH's schedule (wanted to try to give ourselves the best chance of an offseason baby, so he could be in the state for delivery + help me parent the first few months). I would get teary when I got my period every month that we tried. And then I didn't get one, got my BFP, and two weeks later there's still a lot of me going WTF DID WE DO.

    DH has been amazing through this, which is part of what sucks, because he's SO excited and I hate feeling like I'm taking away from that. But one friend told me once, it's like the chicken and pig who decided to open a breakfast restaurant serving bacon and eggs...the chicken is definitely a contributor, but the pig is ALL IN. He'll still coach, and go on his trips (recruiting, games, and this summer the team is doing 10 days in Italy, and I helped plan the itinerary since I studied abroad there...but now won't get to go) and life will be different, but not quite as seismically so. It's weird that I haven't resented HIM for that, just Baby, so I'm really excited for the point when I start feeling a little more like a mom and less like a self-absorbed B who gets annoyed that someone had the audacity to change my plans by existing.

  • Aww! I worked in therapy for an adoption program for some time and I have explored the adoption option too...maybe a story for another time. Buuuut, the chicken & the pig is too accurate! I’ve never heard that before!

    i wonder if you don’t resent your husband because you’ve talked and planned so much already. It seems like you have a strong foundational relationship and you’ll do so great. I’m a therapist and I believe in therapy so I took this opportunity to get back in the chair myself for that added support and balance. I wonder since you’re doing so much self-exploration already if a therapist would be helpful. Regardless, you’re not selfish for being self-aware. 
  • Totally agree with everyone's sentiments here. It's been kind of hard adjusting to the idea that this is happening and will totally change our lives. While we believe it will change it for the better, it's still scary to think life will be completely different. I think also the fact that my MS has been so bad, it has already been so disruptive to my life but I don't really have much to show for it yet other than my body is like more bloated. My husband and I really just made a decision that we weren't going to stop it if it happened, but then we got our BFP the first month so it was kinda like, crap... I thought this was going to take longer. 

    @ki1244 I hope your ultrasound helps a bit for you. For me, it definitely made it more real. It was like, "holy sh**. It's really there inside of me." I'm not sure it makes any of those feelings go away though where you think about life being different. But I think it does bring a more excitement and not just worries into the picture. 
  • @jmvander I’m in NE AR.

    Every now and then I’ll have those moments when it hits me. For right now I’m mostly in survival mode trying not to think too much about the future, but when the second trimester hits, I’m sure I’ll start freaking out about what we’ve gotten ourselves into and how we’re going to make room for a baby in our lives.
  • @chrssyms I'm with you with it all happening so fast. I literally stopped my birth control and then 5 weeks later...boom. On the one hand, I feel incredibly lucky it happened so fast as I have a few close people in my life I watched struggle for years conceiving, and on the other hand I'm like...HOW. Wasn't my body supposed to adjust for a period after being on birth control for 8 years?!  My uterus was like, oh you stopped? Hold my beer.
  • @ohheyitsb and @chrssyms i agree it is definitely a bit shell shocking to me too. 16 years on bc the same pill no adjustments no scares and yah 5 weeks after going off it its go time! And definitely feel guilty since we were just doing the wait and see what happens not really going all out tracking body temps and everything like some people i know.
  • @wendyann19 I agree on therapy...I actually saw a counselor last week, and have another session this week. SO good to have that.

    @canuckbaby @ohheyitsb @chrssyms I can super relate on the guilt...like, this is supposed to be such a GIFT! People try so hard and spend countless hours and dollars trying to make this happen, and here I am wondering WTH we did. We did some of the tracking and such, but not nearly as long as others (both here and friends IRL), and I feel terrible NOT being as excited as I feel like I should be.

    Also last night my cabbage craving flipped over to pizza so that's real special for my pants right now. If I didn't feel huge before.........
  • @ki1244 i was having chicken quesadillas and about half way through supper my stomach was not feeling chicken. I dont love it at the best of times. But it was extremely disappointing. 

    Trying to consume enough liquids is where i am struggling the most.
  • @canuckbaby YES liquids are a struggle. How is it possible to be grossed out by water? And yet here I am.
    I've been drinking anything I can get with bubbles, though -- sparkling water, ginger ale, cranberry Sprite Zero. The burping gets a little uncomfortable but it's the only way I'm actually on board with getting fluids. I'm sure it's terrible for me but can't be any worse than dehydration, right?
  • @ki1244 ginger ale makes me want to gag a bit. 7 up and water with lemon juice and a ton of ice if i must. I am prob dehydrated 70% of the time in general so this is rough lol
  • @ki1244 same! Water and I have not been getting along. It makes me nauseous when I drink a lot of it. 
    @canuckbaby ginger ale makes me gag also. It actually triggers me to throw up, lol. 
  • @antera23 its not bad with cranberry juice. I have been craving milk so much. Usually we cant finish a 4 liter before it goes bad but we havent had issues last couple weeks. But milk and my stomach pick and choose when they hate each other lol
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