Choosing a name has been tough. We needed a name that worked in English and Spanish. We haven’t agreed on much. Then we thought of Ezekiel Mason W(last name) and we both really liked it. Only problem is that first/last initials will be E.W. Is that best to avoid and reconsider or is it a non issue? I am scared but my SO said he’ll have a middle initial and he’ll go by Zeke most of the time so it won’t come up. Idk tho...
Re: Initials bother me...what do you think?
That being said, I went to school with a kid whose initials were STD, and when we learned about STDs in health class, he was definitely teased, but when his parents named him, the term "STD" wasn't even used... so the seemingly innocent initials you decide on now, could always end up standing for something unfortunate, and that part is totally out of your control.
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
DD: 8/20/14; DS: 11/13/16; DD: 5/3/19; DD: 8/31/21; Baby #5 (team green) due 3/24/24
Married 8/16/13
BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle
eta: I wouldn't worry about the initials if you really like the name.
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
WTF? I feel so used...
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
BFP: 8/20/2018 - EDD 5/4/2019