May 2019 Moms

Stomach tightening?

So I’m on my third pregnancy. I do not know how far exactly I am, I just based it off my last period. Anyways, so today I’ve been starting to feel A LOT of stomach tightness, I know this feeling from my last pregnancies but they always came to me in my last trimester. Has anyone else been feeling this already? 

Re: Stomach tightening?

  • I did have one day last week when I had some Braxton Hicks, which surprised me cause I didn't think they happened this early either. It made me paranoid that maybe I'm further along than I thought too. Make sure you are drinking enough water cause I think dehydration can bring them on.
    kids with flags
  • I've had them a couple times already. I had painful bh from 24 weeks until I gave birth to my first, but now it's started at 9 weeks. And it's painful again 😩
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  • Yep, I’ve felt them a couple times too. After walking for long periods of time/exerting myself. I got them frequently last time, but not this early (11w) so not super jazzed about it.
    Me: 32 │ DH: 35 
    Married 8/16/13
    BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
    BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
    BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle  <3

  • Yes, me too, every day. This is baby #4 for me, and it’s certainly a familiar feeling, but like you ladies said I’ve always felt it at the end of 2nd trimester/3rd trimester- never at 10 weeks! When it happens I try to drink a big glass of water and if I can, lay on my left side until they let up.
  • kvh22kvh22 member
    edited October 2018
    Oh wow! I definitely started getting them sometime in the 24-26 week time frame. I had to stop running around 28-30 weeks as they would start almost immediately when I would run. Haven't had any yet (9+5) but good to know. And yes, like @brie_and_almonds said water is definitely supposed to help *chugs water*

    Edited b/c it's Wednesday, not Thursday so my ticker tells me I'm 9+4

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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