Check in for due dates 5/22-5/31
Due date/W+D:
Baby is the size of a(n):
Any appointments? Questions?:
How are you feeling?:
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory.
Re: Group 4 Check-in w/o 10/15
Baby is the size: of a lego
Any appointments/questions: my last appt with my RE and first appointment with my OB is on the 18th.
Rants/Raves: none so far
How are you feeling: fine, no symptoms other than being tired. Keep waiting for morning sickness to kick in but it hasnt yet.
GTKY: the ability to move slow cars/bad drivers out of my on the road.
Due date/W+D: May 26th, 8w1d
Baby is the size of a(n): pygmy seahorse
Any appointments? Questions?: had my first one was today ❤
Rants/Raves?: none
How are you feeling?: nauseas and tired
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory.
I'd love to pause time so I could nap for as long as I want
Due date/W+D: 5/30, 7+4
Baby is the size of a(n): jelly bean!
Any appointments? Questions?: I don't have my next appt until 11/2 😒
Rants/Raves?: Rave is despite feeling like I wanted to hibernate after work like a bear all winter long, DH got me to go to the gym and I got a pretty decent workout in and definitely felt better. Than I ate two cheeseburgers for dinner 😆
How are you feeling?: generally okay if I'm eating enough and the right things (protein instead of carbs because the carbs don't provide lasting fullness), but sea bands have been helpful with some of the nausea. But
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory. To eat whatever I want and not put on unhealthy weight? I seriously love food and wish my body didn't also love to hold on to it.....but I like @kbeers13 idea of stopping time too!
Due date/W+D: May 23rd, 8wks 4 days
Baby is the size of a(n): Raspberry/Peanut
Any appointments? Questions?: Not yet, I'm kind of hesitant to make an appointment until my insurance is figured out.
How are you feeling?: Morning sickness is kicking my ass. I've started smoking a bowl in the morning and it completely eradicates the nausea and gives me an appetite.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be?: The ability to see into the future.
Due date/W+D: 5/28, 8w tomorrow
Baby is the size of a(n): Raspberry tomorrow (I just focus on ticket change because at 7w6d it’s still basically a raspberry now)
Any appointments? Questions?: Appointment with the NP tomorrow
How are you feeling?: pretty meh at the moment due to non pregnancy related stuff, hope it passes ASAP
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Automatically being fluent in every language ever.
Due date/W+D: May 22- 8w5d
Baby is the size of a(n): gummy bear
Any appointments? Questions?: 10/24 for bloodwork and hopefully hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler.
Rants/Raves?: Rave- Going to the beach was so nice and relaxing, and all the seafood was delicious. We had a baked oyster trio appetizer not once, but twice. Absolute heaven. Rant: Came home to an $800 bill from my dr. office for our initial ultrasound appt. They should have our updated insurance information, so I’m not sure what’s going on, but I dread dealing with getting it straightened out.
How are you feeling?: Can’t complain. Just tired mostly.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory.
I wish I had the ability to rewind/pause good times and fast forward through bad times.
@kbeers13 +1 for pausing for naps.
@imrachellea Yesss! I would love to eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight!
Due date/W+D: May 26/ 8+1
Baby is the size of a(n): raspberry
Any appointments? Questions?: My first appointment is to be October 29.
Rants/Raves?: NA
How are you feeling?: Lots of congestion but Claritin is helping.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory.
I have totally thought of this before and I know exactly what it would be: the ultimate Sandman ability! Oh yes! I would be able to put anyone to sleep (including myself) whenever I want! No one could ever bother me! I just put the annoying people to sleep and they will shut up! And I would never have to waste a night in bed tossing and turning, and stressing about how much sleep I am losing! And of course it would be perfect for parenting since so much effort is put into getting a kid to just go to sleep. I think I could use it for evil as well but I most likely would not!
Due date/W+D: 5/28/8 weeks today
Baby is the size of a(n): Raspberry
Any appointments? Questions?: Ultrasound Thursday morning and then meeting with the OB Tuesday (& another US).
Rants/Raves?: None
How are you feeling?: Still Anxious Annie over here.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory.
Can I just have the ability to clear a path for myself on the highway? I hate traffic before and after work.
@RoseShadow873 we can take claritin for the congestion?
@kbeers13I would love to pause time take a nap at my desk. That would great!
Due date/W+D:
May 28/8w
Baby is the size of a(n):
Any appointments? Questions?:
14 more days and counting!
I already said this in the symptoms thread but I started to force myself to eat more protein because I heard it helps morning sickness and it is, but now I am so nervous that something is wrong. My appointment can't come soon enough. I keep trying to remind myself that no matter what happens, I can't change the outcome so I need to let go of the anxiety.
How are you feeling?: Less nauseous and exhausted, but still comes in waves. I can seem to keep it bay if I keep the protein intake up.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory.
I always wanted magic to be real! There are so many super powers I could have and things I could do if I could cast spells 😃
Due date/W+D: May 28, 8 Weeks today
Baby is the size of a(n): Lego
Any appointments? Questions?: First OB appointment was on Friday (10/12) and US was yesterday (10/15). Everything looked good and baby's heart rate was 151bpm. I go back November 2nd :-)
Rants/Raves?: We're having a neighborhood meet and greet tonight at our house. A "Chat and Chili" with some local elected officials and candidates. It is taking all of my power to stay awake and motivated to pull this even off. Rave: left over chili for the rest of the week.
How are you feeling?: SO. RELIEVED. after my appointment yesterday. But also tired and the nausea hits at 11AM like CLOCK WORK.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? To be a mind reader - but also have the ability to turn that super power off!
Due date/W+D: 5/24, 8w4d
Baby is the size of a(n): peanut
Any appointments? Questions?: appt tomorrow for bloodwork and I’m not sure what else, but I already had an US and saw the heartbeat so no US this time
Rants/Raves?: I’ve done a terrible job of keeping this a secret. The more people who find out, the more nervous I get
How are you feeling?: nauseous, food aversions, falling asleep at my desk. I’m thankful for symptoms though, they help me with my anxiety even though they suck. Also thankful to not actually be vomiting
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory. I have serious travel anxiety and I get motion sick so I would love to be able to teleport places
Check in for due dates 5/22-5/31
Due date/W+D: May 25th/8w3d
Baby is the size of a(n): raspberry
Any appointments? Questions?: I had an appointment yesterday and feel so relieved. My thyroid issues seem to be less of an issues. My doctor is still going to send me to a specialist to be safe but I'm feeling much more relieved and 9pyimystic about everything
How are you feeling?: Pretty nauseous off and on but that's my only complaint
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory. Hmmm good question. I've always thought it would be pretty awesome to fly. I could skip over traffic or go to amazing tropical places!
Due date/W+D: May 26th, 8w3d
Baby is the size of a(n): Raspberry
Any appointments? Questions?: Nothing until early November
Rants/Raves?: Well, due to massive food aversions the only thing I was seriously craving the first couple weeks of this pregnancy was peanut butter, which according to my Bump app today might be unhealthy for my growing baby. GREAT.
How are you feeling?: A little more quesy than I've felt the past couple weeks, like reliably in the afternoons and evenings. Fine in the mornings. And then i'll suddenly be very very hungry. And then back to queasy.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory. The ability to understand and communicate in a variety of languages.
Due date/W+D: 5/24, 8+5
Baby is the size of a(n): gummy bear
Any appointments? Questions?: Last fertility ultrasound today. I have officially graduated to just a regular OB for the remainder of the pregnancy.
Rants/Raves?: At said ultrasound, I saw a baby-shaped baby! I remember DD#1 looked a lot more like a little manatee at this point. But I saw a clear head shape, arms, and a nose bump today.
How are you feeling?: A little better, but still nauseous and tired.
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? At this point, I'll take infinite energy, as long as I can turn it off at bedtime.
@ftmilf I was smoking quite a bit before I found out I was pregnant but made the choice based off my research that it wasn't right for my pregnancy given my findings. Whether it's legal or not where you live, I do recommend that if you do some looking if you haven't already. There's a ton of sites that promote MJ mamas and there's quite a few that don't. It's ultimately your pregnancy, your body and mindset so just as a fellow BMB person (Bumpie? Idfk) I just want you to have the support and knowledge to make the decision because it's not ours to make for you. 😘
@RoseShadow873 yes, agree, there is plenty of research that shows it negatively affects baby. It’s one thing if this is a decision between doctor and patient, far be it from me to question that, but if it’s self-medicating, that worries me and I do not support it just like I do not support and will 100% judge women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy.
Due date/W+D: May 23/ 9 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a(n): Postage Stamp
Any appointments? Questions?: I have my first appt today! It is just with a nurse but I'll get to schedule my first ultrasound and other vagina-y things (ugh) probably for next week.
Rants/Raves?: I feel like I've been MIA from this board but I've just been feeling so tired. So I'll Rave about hubby: He got selected to become an Officer in the Navy (he is currently enlisted in the Navy) I'm super excited for him! Unfortunately he'll be leaving about a month after baby comes and we wont see him for quite awhile .
How are you feeling?: tired, nausea and hungry lol
GTKY: If you could have any special ability, what would it be? Can be anything from invisibility to mind reading to photographic memory. - I would like to be able to teleport so I could go see friends and family far away
Due date/W+D: 5/30, 8w 3d!!
Baby is the size of a(n): A penny.
Any appointments? Questions?: We just had our 8 week confirmation two days ago, and saw our little one's heartbeat 😍 best little flicker we've ever seen!! I got my first set of blood tests done yesterday, and our first official prenatal appointment will be on Halloween (hubby's birthday!)
Rants/Raves?: Certain people constantly asking me if I'm "pregnant yet" in less than subtle ways. Like, yes I told them months ago when we first started trying, but that does NOT give you the right to constantly ask me about the state of my uterus! And when I wasn't pregnant, it was honestly disheartening to get that on a regular basis. It almost makes me not want to tell these certain individuals that I'm now pregnant, which I wouldn't be anyway until the 12 week mark, so I'll still be having to battle with this for at least another 4 weeks.
How are you feeling?: Physically exhausted, bloated, only slightly nauseous (thankfully), and my appetite is basically nonexistent.
GTKY: I would LOVE the ability to teleport to wherever I wanted. I have literally no energy to drive nowadays, so that would make things so much easier.