Jumping in here. I'm going to have to read the Pillars of the Earth. I've been looking for a new series to get started on.
I also love paper books. We're headed to the library today and I can't wait to stock up. This may be silly, but I also like my kids seeing me read paper books. They love reading and I like to encourage activities unrelated to tablets/TV as much as possible.
the last book you read or what are you reading now? I’m
re-reading Harry Potter series
because it’s been a hot second. Currently on Book 6.
What are some of your favorite books?
Off the top of my head…of course the Harry
Potter series, The Hunger Games
series, In The Woods by Tana French, and
Being Mortal by Atul Gawande.
What are you planning on reading
next? I have my eye on a few… In
the Dark, Dark Wood, The Girl With
All The Gifts series, and The Witch Elm.
What's your favorite children's book? My
staple gift for baby showers has been I
Love You Stinky Face.@eleven_ I LOVE Goodnight Moon!
What's the last book you read or what are you reading now? I just finished reading The Night Circus (and loved it) now I’m going to be in a bit of a slump I feel.
What are some of your favorite books? King Killer Chronicles - so awesome to see some ladies who also love this series! Deathless Library at Mount Char Queens of Innis Lear Spinning Silver (favorite read this year) I’m also a sucker for ACOTAR
What are you planning on reading next? No idea about what to read next - I’m going to look closer at some suggestions here.
What's your favorite children's book? my favorite children’s book would have to be Harry Potter as it was the first real adventure book that got me into reading.
What's the last book you read or what are you reading now? I finished reading All the Light We Cannot See. I very much enjoyed that! Right now my husband is reading me A Tale of Two Cities at night before we go to bed (it's just something we do). Then I'm also reading The Devil in the White City, which is a nonfiction book about a serial murderer who lived in Chicago doing the Worlds Fair.
What are some of your favorite books? I love pretty much every Jane Austen novel. Huge fan of Jane Eyre. Loved all the Harry Potter series and I've probably read the incomplete Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series like 4 times by George RR Martin. The books are way better than the show, but hopefully the guy doesn't die before he finishes the last two books in the series!
What are you planning on reading next? I have absolutely no idea, however, you guys have given me some ideas!
What's your favorite children's book? Well, I loved poetry when I was a kid, so all the Shel Silverstein books are my favorites. I also liked scary books, so I read the Fear Street series. And Huxley's Brave New World was a favorite in high school.
I just finished In the Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. I devoured it in two days. I gave it 3/5. I was entertained and definitely had a few audible "Oh shit!" moments. Not the best thriller/mystery I've read but enough to want to check out some of her other stuff. I'm eying The Woman in Cabin 10.
I'm currently reading The Likeness by Tana French. I forgot how much I friggin' love her writing.
What's the last book you read or what are you reading now? So I have been trying to read "The Search" by Nora Roberts...but I keep not getting around to it. I am determined though I swear! I put it in my work bag so I can at least read on my breaks. I used to read 2-3 books a month, but I don't really get the time now.
What are some of your favorite books? I really enjoyed the Pretty Little Liars series (and the show), Nora Roberts books, "Sisters" from Danielle Steele.
What are you planning on reading next? I need to start and finish "The Search" before I plan my next book.
What's your favorite children's book? Bedtime for Francis
Jumping in as well - I LOVE books - I have a library room that I’ll sadly have to convert to a nursery in a few months (photo attached, it’s my happy place). I’ll find a new place for it eventually!
What's the last book you read or what are you reading now? I usually have 2-3 going at once- just finished The Witch Elm by Tana French, The Power by Naomi Alderman, and Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver.
What are some of your favorite books? Les Miserables, Cyrano DeBergerac, the Poisonwood Bible, Cloud Atlas, People’s History, the Likeness. I love everything from classics to social sciences to thrillers & scifi. I’ll also out myself as another woefully outnumbered Goldfinch fan.
What are you planning on reading next? Just picked up Expecting Better but I also need some escapism, I think. I hear Barbara Kingsolver has a new one out...
What's your favorite children's book? I loved the His Dark Materials series as well as the Chronicles of Narnia (good literary counterpoints).
Wow @laura_pdx I’m so jealous of this room. Hopefully you find somewhere great to keep them when the baby comes. I sometimes get upset that I’ll never get to read for pleasure when the baby is here. Definitely had an emotional cry to my husband about it 🤣 it was probably a tad dramatic.
Oh my God, @laura_pdx, THAT ROOM! That is what dreams are made of.
Married 25 May, 2013 William Alexander born 18 September, 2015 Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017 Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017 Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@knottieeeegjjbgg, don’t give up on your books just yet- I’ll bet you’ll have plenty of sleepy hours snuggled up with a nursing/napping LO and a great book. 😘 To go hands-free, try my fave podcast: LeVar Burton Reads. He reads all types of short stories so beautifully! He’s super excited about great books and so soothing at the same time.
@laura_pdx Do you feel like Belle in Beauty and the Beast in there??? Totally what it reminds me of. And I don't know if I'll ever hear LeVar Burton and not think Reading Rainbow...
@ki1244 I will have to rewatch that scene - maybe it was my initial inspiration! As for LeVar, maybe that’s why I love his new podcast so much - it’s totally Reading Rainbow for adults. 🌈
@Dcwtada, can’t say that I have but you’ve inspired me to try. I might feel a *little* like Belle, if she had a horrific hangover, bags under her eyes and had just eaten her weight in scones. 😂
@chrssyms Have you been to The Book Thing? A friend suggested it when we were in Baltimore.. OMG it was amazing!!! Wish we had a place like that near us.
@wearyfuzzball I have not been to The Book Thing. I’ve heard of it before, it’s actually close to the Baltimore Book Bank which is a book donation place that sells books and uses the proceeds to buy books for Baltimore-City kiddos. My DH is a bit of a book snob tho, so he prefers new books unless they are antiques or something. I actually found him a first edition of Hinge if Fate from Winston’s Churchill’s WWII series. I found it at Second Chance which always has a bunch of fun house treasures!
Re: GTKY: Books!
I also love paper books. We're headed to the library today and I can't wait to stock up. This may be silly, but I also like my kids seeing me read paper books. They love reading and I like to encourage activities unrelated to tablets/TV as much as possible.
What's the last book you read or what are you reading now? I’m re-reading Harry Potter series because it’s been a hot second. Currently on Book 6.
What are some of your favorite books? Off the top of my head…of course the Harry Potter series, The Hunger Games series, In The Woods by Tana French, and Being Mortal by Atul Gawande.
What are you planning on reading next? I have my eye on a few… In the Dark, Dark Wood, The Girl With All The Gifts series, and The Witch Elm.
What's your favorite children's book? My staple gift for baby showers has been I Love You Stinky Face. @eleven_ I LOVE Goodnight Moon!
What are some of your favorite books?
King Killer Chronicles - so awesome to see some ladies who also love this series!
Library at Mount Char
Queens of Innis Lear
Spinning Silver (favorite read this year)
I’m also a sucker for ACOTAR
What are you planning on reading next?
No idea about what to read next - I’m going to look closer at some suggestions here.
What's your favorite children's book?
my favorite children’s book would have to be Harry Potter as it was the first real adventure book that got me into reading.
What are some of your favorite books? I love pretty much every Jane Austen novel. Huge fan of Jane Eyre. Loved all the Harry Potter series and I've probably read the incomplete Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) series like 4 times by George RR Martin. The books are way better than the show, but hopefully the guy doesn't die before he finishes the last two books in the series!
What are you planning on reading next? I have absolutely no idea, however, you guys have given me some ideas!
What's your favorite children's book? Well, I loved poetry when I was a kid, so all the Shel Silverstein books are my favorites. I also liked scary books, so I read the Fear Street series. And Huxley's Brave New World was a favorite in high school.
I just finished In the Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. I devoured it in two days. I gave it 3/5. I was entertained and definitely had a few audible "Oh shit!" moments. Not the best thriller/mystery I've read but enough to want to check out some of her other stuff. I'm eying The Woman in Cabin 10.
I'm currently reading The Likeness by Tana French. I forgot how much I friggin' love her writing.
I love thrillers but i find I’m always semi disappointed in the endings, which for author credit it’s hard to really shock people.
What are some of your favorite books? I really enjoyed the Pretty Little Liars series (and the show), Nora Roberts books, "Sisters" from Danielle Steele.
What are you planning on reading next? I need to start and finish "The Search" before I plan my next book.
What's your favorite children's book? Bedtime for Francis
Thank you! I totally forgot about the Harry Potter series. I have read them several times over and still enjoy them.
What's the last book you read or what are you reading now? I usually have 2-3 going at once- just finished The Witch Elm by Tana French, The Power by Naomi Alderman, and Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver.
What are some of your favorite books? Les Miserables, Cyrano DeBergerac, the Poisonwood Bible, Cloud Atlas, People’s History, the Likeness. I love everything from classics to social sciences to thrillers & scifi. I’ll also out myself as another woefully outnumbered Goldfinch fan.
What are you planning on reading next? Just picked up Expecting Better but I also need some escapism, I think. I hear Barbara Kingsolver has a new one out...
What's your favorite children's book? I loved the His Dark Materials series as well as the Chronicles of Narnia (good literary counterpoints).
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@knottieeeegjjbgg, don’t give up on your books just yet- I’ll bet you’ll have plenty of sleepy hours snuggled up with a nursing/napping LO and a great book. 😘 To go hands-free, try my fave podcast: LeVar Burton Reads. He reads all types of short stories so beautifully! He’s super excited about great books and so soothing at the same time.
@laura_pdx please tell me you do this. I will sleep better tonight imagining it. Was that creepy? I don’t even care.
@Dcwtada, can’t say that I have but you’ve inspired me to try. I might feel a *little* like Belle, if she had a horrific hangover, bags under her eyes and had just eaten her weight in scones. 😂
Ps. I notice you have pdx in your name. I’m in Oregon too