April 2019 Moms

Randoms w/o 10/8


Re: Randoms w/o 10/8

  • I'm so sorry you're dealing with that, @lilpotatomama.  I can't even imagine.  I agree with @BarefootContessa that it seems like you're very cognizant of your feelings and have a completely reasonable opinion.  I don't have any advice, other than I hope your brother's friend comes to his senses about how all of this makes your family feel.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @lilpotatomama I so sorry you are having to deal with that in an already emotional time. So glad that venting helped you out a little. I know sometimes I just type things (and end up deleting them without posting) and I feel better. 
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  • I went with DD to her first field trip today, an orchard, pumpkin patch place. It was fun but f@$;ing cold. I was looking forward to finally meeting some of the other parents and was so disappointed in how standoffish they all were. And this is coming from me a typically shy person. My daughter said hi to one girl several times and she just glared at her, it made me so sad. It’s another reason I want to transfer DD to a different elementary in the district next year, one where I actually know the parents and kids and they are FRIENDLY . DH is c
  • I’ve been MIA for way too long. I’ll eventually scroll back and see what I missed. It seems like there are way more active people on our board now which is always awesome! Any crazies pop up yet? 

  • Hugs @lilpotatomama. That sounds like an awful lot. You can definitely vent here whenever you need to!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @harveyisaboysname It's been really tame.  No crazies...or no obvious crazies! 
    Me: 31
    H: 36
    L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
    BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • lilpotatomamalilpotatomama member
    edited October 2018
    @MRDCle thanks! Y’all are awesome. Strange how venting to internet mom friends is so comfortable, haha. 

    ETA: words because TB app hates me. 
  • I just logged into the bump from my computer for the first time in awhile and i have 239 notifications. Yeesh. Apparently bumping from mobile browser has it's drawbacks.
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Omg my stomach will not stop rumbling in the evenings. I’m not hungry, we just ate an hour ago. It’s not cramping or hurting at all, just constantly making noise. Ugh. 
  • @lyse01 and @Piccola1988 thanks for the suggestions.  I dropped off for a few days so only seeing them now.  I finally got a head count from my SIL so I can actually plan what we’re doing.  I think we’re going to go with the spa, wine tour, and dinner.  If I can coordinate all the times.  Luckily the spa is less than 10 minutes from my house so we could get cleaned up and ready for the winery which is also only 10 minutes from my house just in the opposite direction.

    Her fiance texted me to ask what the plans were and I told him he’s not invited, lol.  He is one of our best friends.  DH and I actually set him up with SIL.

    On a side note DS2 is a ginger.  He’s 2 & 1/2.  DH said he had red hair when he was a baby but grew out of it.  It’s funny how many people make comments about his hair when we’re out in public.  They all love it!

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  • Yey I don't have gestational diabetes!
    I hate having my blood drawn because they often struggle to find my veins, but even that went well, such relief and props to my midwife who barely even bruised my arm.

    All my values were way below any danger zone for all the health tests but I'm still getting classified as high risk because of my bmi. The thing is though that I haven't been below a 30 in bmi almost ever, maybe when I was in 8th grade or so. I feel like bmi is such a stupid measure, especially for us shorter people with a lot of muscle weight. I agree that I could loose a few pounds, but I've always been very healthy, so I hate being looked upon by health professionals as if they just think I don't know how to eat right or like I'm expected to be sick. (sorry for ranting) 
    I think we're the same person. When my midwife told me I needed to go get an early glucose test, "ya know, bc of your high BMI," I nearly flipped a table. I proceeded to go on a bit of a rant on the outdated, inaccurate chart. I'm a marathon runner and triathlete, I've been an athlete my entire life, but the chart says I'm "obese." I don't think I've had a BMI of 22 or whatever it's supposed to be since 5th grade, gosh, my left thigh probably has a bmi of 22. I understand they're only going off the data they have, but goodness, with all these medical advances, no one has looked at this thing and thought maybe there's a better way? 

    **end Friday morning rant 😀😀**
  • Random question..

    I woke up yesterday with the stomach flu. (Throwing up, 101 fever, aches, headache). No fun while pregnant! My OB sent me to urgent care, confirmed norovirus. 

    Anyways! My DS is 11 months and I didnt want him catching this, plus I was too sick to care for him so my mom took him for the day until my husband got home. 

    Today is day 2 and my fever is finally gone but I'm just kind of in recovery and hydrate more. My mom took my son again for the day so I wouldn't get him sick.

    My question for those with kids, am I being overly cautious by not having my son be here? I'm never not with him but I'd feel awful if he got a stomach bug! What do you do as moms when you get sick? 

    If I'm feeling better by tomorrow, my doctor said I'll still be contagious for a while but my son will obviously be home because my husband is home on weekends. Can I start holding and taking care of my son again? 

    I never know if I'm being crazy cautious or what the norm is for sick moms!
  • @elmich3 if your doc said you’re still contagious, I’d believe her. If you don’t want to get your kiddo sick I’d try to avoid holding / hugging/ cuddling until you’re not contagious anymore. 
  • @elmich3 if your doc said you’re still contagious, I’d believe her. If you don’t want to get your kiddo sick I’d try to avoid holding / hugging/ cuddling until you’re not contagious anymore. 
    To add to that. I don’t know what the “norm” for sick moms is. But I think this is a good time to let your husband be the primary care giver for the weekend, and for you to allow your body some rest and healing. It sounds to like that would be best for you, as well as for your child. 
  • I’m sharing the news with my boss later this morning! 😬 Nervous but also kind of relieved. Will be 12wks tomorrow. My NT scan is at 12w4d, so I want to wait til after that to tell the rest of the office and friends. When did you tell work? Or when do you plan to tell work? 
  • BMI is seriously outdated. A lot of perfectly fit and healthy women I know, myself included, are classified as obese when we aren't. If it took into account your actual body fat percentage it wouldn't be so bad, but womp womp.

    @elmich3 I would +1 to what @professormama said and let your DH act as primary for a few days, until the fever is gone and you're not contagious anymore. I've had norovirus a handful of times and it's awful, I'm sorry you're sick!

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


  • @llamamamanyc I told my boss at 9 weeks when we found out it was twins and I told the rest of my team this week after a good NT and 13w appointment. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @elmich3 I'm sensing a little mom guilt from you - it's totally ok to have your mom or DH take care of your child while you are sick.  When my DD was 6m old I got the norovirus and my DH had to take me to the hospital because I was so dehydrated.  My mom came and stayed with us to keep DD and I exclusively pumped all her milk for several days.  Last year, my DH and I both had the flu and my parents picked up DD for the weekend since neither one of us could take care of her.  Being sick is already hard but trying to take care of kids while sick is so hard and stressful and doesn't help with recovery. And you don't want them to get sick on top of everything else. Take the weekend to rest, you'll be able to kiss and snuggle your child soon. 
  • @elmich3 You are legitimately sick and carrying a baby - take care of yourself!  Let H take care of your kiddo and rest!  If your doc says you're still contagious, then I wouldn't risk passing that on.  Hope you get better soon!
    Me: 31
    H: 36
    L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
    BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @elmich3 I think being overly cautious here is fine. You get well-needed rest, he gets some grandma time. I think you made the right choice/

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @elmich3 last year my hubby had neurovirus. 
    A few facts. If your son caught it you could catch it again from him. So you are doing a good thing. 

    It spreads from from bodily fluids and those get areosaled when you 🤮 

    when hubby had it we stayed out of the house most of the day and I used an entire can of Lysol over the course of 2 days. Soaked every surface with it. 

    We we did not get sick. 

    Dd stayed away during the vomiting time period (we played in her room all evening) 

    He was also careful to wash hands and face and shower and such. 
  • That's awesome, @MRDCle.  Maybe bake cookies for the staff as a thank you?  (Of course, I always go to food as my go-to, lol.)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Also, rant time, DH and my best friend both dislike my top girl's name choice.  *grumpy face*  When I found it, it just felt right, like it did when we came across our son's name.  I'm stuck on it now cause it just feels like it's the name for this babe.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  •  I know rationally that it could still be too early for this so tell me if I'm nuts, but I swear I think I felt her move just now, as well as last night but way softer. It's like this non-rhythmic muscle spasm/popping sensation in my lower stomach where she'd be....I think it's her kicking me!

    I have an anterior placenta so I really wasn't expecting to feel anything for quite a while longer yet, but for those of you that know what this feels like, am I off base? It's not gas, and I felt with my hand to see if it was a muscle spasm and nothing moved on the outside :o

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


  • @sheknows6 I felt like I felt a flutter a few days ago too. Second time moms can feel movement as early as 13weeks (I’m not there until Monday) so I’m guessing it wasn’t for me. 

    But id say if you are 12-13 weeks you could start to feel baby. 
  • @kbirchtree I'm just over 13 weeks. That's why I keep trying to talk myself down, I know it's supposedly way too early and I'm a FTM too, so that's why I'm so surprised. It's definitely not gas, doesn't feel that way at all.

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


  • @sheknows6 if you are very aware it could be it. I didn’t realize I was feeling baby #1 move until 19w because I connected the movement on the ultrasound with the feelings. But I could have noticed earlier. 
  • @kangstadt Aw man. That has to feel disappointing. Maybe you can say it until it grows on them 😆 Did they have any particular reason for disliking the name?

    @sheknows6 Honestly, I thought I felt a little fluttery feeling in there earlier
    this week and I couldn’t possibly imagine what else it would be. This is my first though, so I have nothing to go off of. 
  • @sheknows6 you definitely could be feeling baby move, especially if you are sure it wasn't gas. I felt my first at 16 weeks with anterior placenta but then nothing after for another few weeks. But this one I felt something last week at 13 weeks and a small movement earlier this week. I say go with your instincts that it's baby.

    @MRDCle I'm glad they are getting you in to ease your mind! It's such a good feeling when care providers take us seriously and not just write it off. Spotting may not mean anything bad but it's definitely scary to see. I had it earlier this week and my midwife had me come in and listen on the doppler, such a relief to hear a healthy heartbeat.

    My super random rant of the day. I bought NFL tickets to Mondays game for my husband and I to celebrate our one year anniversary. We are doing the "traditional" gifts which are paper. Well wouldn't you know that they only do mobile tickets now and no paper copies....now I don't know what the hell to do in order to hit the paper theme. I know it's not a huge deal but I was excited about it and now I'm struggling to figure something out.

  • @sheknows6, this is my second pregnancy and I have an anterior placenta also.  I'm 14 weeks, and I feel like I have maybe felt flutters but nothing that I could pin down as vastly different from gas, haha.  I've read that with anterior placentas, we might not feel definite kicks or movement until 20+ weeks.

    But every pregnancy is different and every woman is different!  Hindsight is 50/50 - once you're farther along and you know what definite kicks feel like, you'll be able to look back and determine if it was movement you felt :smile: .  It's super exciting to feel baby, I can't wait til I feel like LO start flipping around in there! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @sheknows6 my OB asked if I had felt anything yet, noting that it was early, but definitely seems like a possibility!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @angelob88 I’d just print the tickets anyway, then he has a paper copy. :) you can do a screen grab and print that if they don’t have a print option. 
  • @angelaob88 you could also just make sure you get a really beautiful card to write "Hey we're going to the game!" in (if he doesn't know yet).
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @MRDCle he doesn't know yet, I'm trying to keep it a surprise until the last minute. It's a good thing we live 30 mins from the stadium so that makes it easier to do. Card is a good idea. I'm debating maybe even getting a frame so I can put a picture from the game in there and maybe a copy of the screen grab ticket like @kbirchtree suggested.

    Also debated getting crafty and making a fake tickets just to give him but I don't know if I have the motivation for that. Plus it's a bit of short notice if I go that route.

  • thanks everyone :) I'm hoping to correlate the movements/sensations at the next scan, if I'm lucky enough, so I can know for sure!

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


  • @angelob88 you could get a small photo album and a disposable camera to give him with the tix, with the idea of filling up the album with photos from your first anniversary. Photo paper counts as paper :)
  • sheknows6sheknows6 member
    edited October 2018

    @angelob88 screenshot the tickets and print them!

    ETA: just saw @kbirchtree said the same thing lol

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


  • Thank you all. I definitely am feeling the mom guilt. Just this month alone I've had hand foot mouth, sprained my ankle and now the stomach flu. I've never needed this much help & I'm feeling pretty pathetic. 

    This little growing babe is oh so important so I have to take all the help I can right now, thanks for the advice. 
  • So I just got my initial blood work results back (I *hate* needles so I put it off a bit...), And I'm so relieved I'm RH positive, I was convinced that I was RH negative and going to need shots which is one of my worst nightmares.
    However, the blood work did show a likely infection; I freaking told them I had a UTI!! I went to urgent Care and they put me on a smaller dose than you need when your pregnant of antibiotics, and my symptoms didn't get better, but the urine culture was negative (it has a SUPER high false negative rate btw... And technically you have to go 2hrs without voiding before giving the sample for it to be valid, though how that's possible pregnant with a UTI I don't know!), So they said I likely didn't have an infection, but boom! I'm just feeling smug about it because my body managed to fight off the rest, thank goodness, and I've been feeling better most of this week, otherwise I'd be pretty upset, infections aren't good for baby or me! I think the moral of this story is that even if your a FTM if you feel like something is wrong, like maybe you have a UTI, push for testing even if they tell you it's probably just regular pregnancy stretching.
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