For those of you who don’t know, I have been so grateful to this community and the support that it gives unconditionally. Yesterday, we had an emergency ultrasound because I was bleeding and cramping. My husband and I got to see our little one’s heartbeat for the first and last time. She was beautiful, and I don’t regret for a second that we got to see her heartbeat. Even if it hurt worse. We weren’t sure what was happening and when we saw the sonogram my husband and I were elated and relieved to see her. But then the US Tech told me the heartbeat was 90 BPM and I was still scared something was off. An hour later we met with our OB who regretfully informed us that the baby was no longer in the upper uterus where she should be, but instead had moved down to mid uterus...on her way out. He told me that I was in the state of an impending miscarriage and the only thing to do was wait. My husband and I went home and prayed over and talked to our little one during her final hours. We know she is in heaven now. And we don’t have any regrets loving her this much already. I really don’t mean to scare anyone. I just want to encourage those that may have gone through the same thing. There is peace to be found, there is a new normal. And we loved our Baby Tot so, so very much that I wanted to put her sonogram on here. She had life, even if it was for 6 short weeks. And, I want to honor her. Thank you again for all your love and support.
Re: Signing off. Please do not read if sensitive to loss stories. Thank you for all your support.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
EDD: 05/27/19
hoping for a girl!!!
Married 8/16/13
BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020
Married: 8/10/13
BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
DD: 8/20/14; DS: 11/13/16; DD: 5/3/19; DD: 8/31/21; Baby #5 (team green) due 3/24/24
Married: Oct 2015
TTC #1: Sept 2016
BFP: 10/19/16 ~ blighted ovum ~ D&C 11/23/16
BFP: 3/24/17
TTC #2: July 2018
BFP: 8/26/18