Yesterday, my belly button was extremely painful for about 3 hours. I felt like crying. After, I had lunch the pain went away magically. I guess he repositioned himself. Today, I feel much better. I noticed my boobs get this achy feeling recently followed by colostrum if nipple is squeezed. Best feeling by far are the hiccups.
Dr called already and she does want me to go on to get the more advanced ultrasound. There is definitely a cystic structure, so they want to know what is going on for sure. There's a chance, depending on what they find, I'll need to deliver in a pediatric hospital. Not sure if that means a 1hr drive or Denver and Omaha. The scan will hopefully be in Denver, since it's closer, but if insurance wants us to stay in state, we'll be going to Omaha. We can't decide if we should go to DH's cousin's wedding in Minnesota or not. I didn't think to ask the Dr when she called, so I called back but it was too late, so hopefully they'll call me back tomorrow. I told DH that there's probably nothing gained by staying or going. I was thinking it might be nice to get my mind off of it for awhile and relax. Dr said they're worried it could be a Dandy-Walker variant. A sort of pocket of fluid that can put pressure on the brain and cause problems. I googled it, and everything I could find was for extreme cases, which caused for a lot of complications. It didn't sound like she thought it was severe, so no real idea what it could be if it is even just the variant.
@coffee-saur Thanks for the update!! You and your LO will continue to be in my thoughts! I hope the doctor gets the answers he needs from the ultrasound and they can find the best way to treat/handle the cyst.
Re: Symptoms 7/12
Best feeling by far are the hiccups.
We can't decide if we should go to DH's cousin's wedding in Minnesota or not. I didn't think to ask the Dr when she called, so I called back but it was too late, so hopefully they'll call me back tomorrow. I told DH that there's probably nothing gained by staying or going. I was thinking it might be nice to get my mind off of it for awhile and relax.
Dr said they're worried it could be a Dandy-Walker variant. A sort of pocket of fluid that can put pressure on the brain and cause problems. I googled it, and everything I could find was for extreme cases, which caused for a lot of complications. It didn't sound like she thought it was severe, so no real idea what it could be if it is even just the variant.
DD 3/15/12
DD 6/3/14
#4 Due 10/26/18!
TTC since 2016
Due: October 12, 2018
Location: Ontario, Canada
DD 3/15/12
DD 6/3/14
#4 Due 10/26/18!