Hey guys !so my son is 8 months. I started him on purees around 6 and a half months. Every other day. Now we're at 8 months still on puree. I'm scared to start giving him anything else out of fear of choking. Anyone in the same place as me?
My son is 8 months as well. He is still eating purees and we started at 4.5 months! We have started a few finger foods. However, what I found to be a good start is actually a large handle of broccoli, something large enough where they cannot fit the whole thing in their mouth but can gnaw on it and get the handle for chewing. The gagging reflex is inevitable, so if it makes you nervous then take an infant CPR class to get yourself comfortable in case of emergencies.
Also, just knowing what our bodily responses are as infants helped calm my nerves. Keep trying, don't let your nerves keep your child from exploring the wonderful world of food. Your doing great, best of luck!
I had the same problem with chocking 🥹 still have it sometimes . I started with watermelon, it melts in her mouth , my daughter only eats finger food now :)
I give my baby everything I am eating. Everything! She just turned 7months and I started giving her taste test at 3 months! Obviously mash everything up.
Do what feels right! BUT if ur baby shows interesting eating real food don't hold back because ur scared of choking. Your just going tobhave a harder time getting them to eat when they really start eating.
Look up solid starts on IG. They have a ton of resources about BLW and how to serve food for what age. The founder fed her son only purées past one and he is a severely picky eater now that he’s older. So I would recommend not to wait. Also the longer you wait the more gagging/etc you’ll encounter.
Choking is pretty rare if you serve food properly and are always within an arms reach to assist. My son has never choked but has gagged a ton, even vomited, normal way of them pushing food out that’s too big.
My daughter is 7 months and I basically ommitted the puree stage. I did it with both of my other daughters but haven't this time around. I give her dime sized pieces of everything I am eating that I know she can mash up with that powerful jaw and gums (nothing hard like raw carrots). She is loving it! She very rarely gags. My older daughters are 4 and 3 and I never have to make seperate or altered meals for them. They eat everything and very rarely say the don't like something. The pickiest eater in our household is their daddy! As long as you know infant CPR and don't leave him unattended you'll be fine and you won't regret it. You will preemptively hugely simplify your life!
I'm glad I'm not the only one fearful of my LO choking and therefore holding off on the finger foods. My son just over 7 months and we began pureed food at 6 months. When I did give him a pea-sized bite of mashed sweet potato, he began to make like he was choking and my heart raced and thankfully within a second he just threw up that and some formula that he had maybe an hour prior. But it sure scared me from giving him more solid textures!!!
I don't want to feel like I'm doing a disservice to him by keeping more foods away. So I know the time is coming, and soon, that I'll have to face that fear again. But oh I don't want to.. I did get my boyfriend and me to watch videos of what to do if a baby chokes. I read all I could after that just to have an action plan.
My son is 8 months and I recently starting to introduce table food . Just make sure the food is something that can melt in their mouth is easy to chew and make sure it’s into small enough Pieces as well ! He loves the variety and he was getting bored of the purées I noticed with me feeling have table food he’s full longer as well . I was nervous at first too but just start small. I also know how to do cpr and first aid. It’s very scary being a parent and you wanna make sure they are okay but these are things we have to try our best to be somewhat prepared for .
Re: 8 month old still on puree?
Also, just knowing what our bodily responses are as infants helped calm my nerves. Keep trying, don't let your nerves keep your child from exploring the wonderful world of food. Your doing great, best of luck!
Obviously mash everything up.
Do what feels right! BUT if ur baby shows interesting eating real food don't hold back because ur scared of choking. Your just going tobhave a harder time getting them to eat when they really start eating.
My older daughters are 4 and 3 and I never have to make seperate or altered meals for them. They eat everything and very rarely say the don't like something. The pickiest eater in our household is their daddy! As long as you know infant CPR and don't leave him unattended you'll be fine and you won't regret it. You will preemptively hugely simplify your life!
When I did give him a pea-sized bite of mashed sweet potato, he began to make like he was choking and my heart raced and thankfully within a second he just threw up that and some formula that he had maybe an hour prior.
But it sure scared me from giving him more solid textures!!!
I don't want to feel like I'm doing a disservice to him by keeping more foods away. So I know the time is coming, and soon, that I'll have to face that fear again.
But oh I don't want to..
I did get my boyfriend and me to watch videos of what to do if a baby chokes. I read all I could after that just to have an action plan.