I'm 37 weeks and am SO ready for labor to begin. Ive Been have regular, consistent contractions for 2 AND A HALF WEEKS! Not BH contractions mind you - early labor contractions as confirmed by the doc but My doc says its because she is OP and the body is trying to turn her but she is already engaged! Doc is surprised I have made it this far honestly after having pre term labor stopped twice in the last 2 months. I am so ready to deliver her at this point! I keep getting told if I don't deliver by 39 weeks they are going to induce again because they are worried about size compatibility since I'm a small person (115 lbs at 36wks) Any one else just ready to be done? Or under pressure to go into Labor sooner rather than later?
Re: Ready for labor!
Every day the baby spends in there is beneficial to its development so I'm not sure why you'd want to evict it asap. It doesn't sound like you have a bunch of medical problems other than some early labor contractions which are extremely common. 37 weeks is not yet full term. You likely have at least 3 weeks left unless your doctor does decide to induce you at 39 weeks.
Thanks for the update on how you are sooooo tiny and light even while pregnant (eye roll). You say "induce again" which indicates to me that this is not your first go round, so I'm not sure what your size has to do with it. Presumably you've already successfully pushed out a baby, so your body is plenty capable of it. If you needed a CS previously because of size compatibility issues, I assume you'd be looking at a repeat CS this time which would have already been scheduled. So this seems irrelevant.
By the end of the pregnancy most women are tired of being pregnant. The end of pregnancy is not generally a comfortable time. But settle in, the baby will come when it's ready.