(sorry catching up on bumping!!) I remember hearing some of you have gotten though colds.... what do you suggest to make it less horrible? I have read propping your pillows up, tea, warm water, or ice chips. What else do you have?
@SweetSweetTooth Suffered through. Slept on propped up pillows. Regular sick people food/drink. Kept an eye on my temp just to make sure it didn’t creep up too high. Tried to sleep a lot, but toddler.
@knottieamusements I mowed mine first tri with DS until it got too hot and buggy to bear going outside. It was an electric mower though. Though I probably wouldn’t have thought anything about it either way.
@knottieamusements - i mowed my lawn when pregnant...i also used a table saw up until 3rd trimester when i was too fat too safely do it. The noise shouldn't be a danger to the baby. Unless the gas smell makes you woozy?
Questions for the more experienced mamas- Did your first birth help predict anything that occurred in your second birth? (i.e. both fast, both long, both a week late, water broke at home, etc.) or is it literally just an unpredictable shit show no matter what? My doc gave me a best case scenario for making a VBAC successful, and i was just like, i really can't control when or how or how fast i go into labor, lady...it doesn't work like that.....
I'm a FTM, but from my mom's experience...they were all different. Although late seems to be the trend. I believe I was a little late, too big for her (I was 9lb 3oz and she was only 17) so I was emergency C. My sister was a natural birth, relatively on time I believe. (I know the least about my sister's birth). My other sister was almost 2 weeks late and a scheduled C because of being late. Both of my sisters were smaller than me (closer to 7lb I believe). My brother was scheduled C because of my mom's 2 prior C's. So I believe he was a week early. He was my mom's biggest, so about 9.5lb.
How do you teach a 2 year old not to jump on/be rough with your belly? I’ve tried explaining to him that he needs to be gentle with mommy’s belly now, but he just doesn’t get it and is so used to jumping all over me that he does it probably without thinking. Any tips from the STMs?
In my experience the only thing that was similar between births is that I went a week past due and I didn't have to push for long. In every other way it felt like labor unfolded very differently because my babies were in different positions.
@pumpkinpancake my best advice would be to just start working on being gentle and respecting others space in general. I remember this becoming more of an issue around age 2 and it continues to be a challenge whether I'm pregnant or not, as my kids have more exposure to other people/kids and are learning those limits in a social way.
How do you teach a 2 year old not to jump on/be rough with your belly? I’ve tried explaining to him that he needs to be gentle with mommy’s belly now, but he just doesn’t get it and is so used to jumping all over me that he does it probably without thinking. Any tips from the STMs?
I’m definitely dealing with this. Let me know if you find something.
@chopchop25 ugh, I am dealing with it too. It doesnt help that I encourage it because I love my baby Tucker! I think ultimately its gonna have to be that if he climbs on me he has to get off the couch, which hopefully will teach him not to. Maybe.
@jengibre_zorro My pregnancies for DS1 and DS2 were very similar but the deliveries were so different. With DS1 I was induced and got an epi after about 4 hours then 4 hours after that I was at 10cm and pushed for 2 hours before he was born. With DS2 I was also induced, after they started pitocin I progressed very quickly. I was at 4 cm when I was checked before my epi then after my epi was inserted my dr checked me again and her exact words were " this baby is ready in 2 or 3 pushes he'll be here!" I pushed 3 times and my baby was in my arms before the epi kicked in. Of course a lot happened in between but this is the short version of my birth stories. I don't plan on getting an epi this time.
Is anyone else dealing with a new job while pregnant? Or, have any experience or advice? I started about 3 weeks ago, and have no idea when/how to have this conversation, but I'm starting to show a lot earlier than I'd hoped. Worried about what happens when the health insurance kicks in. Worried that the boss will find a way to terminate me (I'm not perfect at this job yet, because it's a brand new field for me). Just, really stressed.
@sliztee my cat does that, too. And he’s 18 pounds. Oof. If you find something that works, please share!
@BrittanyCupcakes sorry things are so stressful right now! I’m not new at my job, but I do have a new boss that I’m trying to postpone telling. I don’t know if it’s an option for you, but the floaty summer tanks with a long cardigan disguise the bump fairly well!
(sorry catching up on bumping!!) I remember hearing some of you have gotten though colds.... what do you suggest to make it less horrible? I have read propping your pillows up, tea, warm water, or ice chips. What else do you have?
Sudafed is apparently ok for pregnancy. I took it when I had hives a few weeks ago.
Ummm... can I mow my lawn? Should I not mow my lawn? It isn’t a large lawn, but it is a gas powered push mower.
So in my first pregnancy I avoided pumping gas because I read something about it. But then it was like, just don’t actively inhale gas fumes. So this pregnancy I’m pumping gas unless I’m too lazy, which is a different reason. So that brings said, I feel like it’s pretty safe unless you huff fumes.
Also looking for advice on how to train the dogs to stop climbing on my belly... not the same at all, but a problem over here.
I've been surprised that Loki (my pup) hasn't jumped on me, it's almost like he knows. He's been a lot more gentle with me than before. (he's a 70lb 2 year old pup who thinks he's a lap dog).
@BrittanyCupcakes legally you are under no obligation to inform your employer you are pregnant. With HIPAA, your insurance company cannot share ANY medical information with them. The only thing they will be notified of is when you apply for FMLA and if it's approved. They don't even get told what the FMLA is for. It does depend a bit on if your company uses a 3rd party to administer your leaves, which they most likely do. If they don't, your HR/benefits group may know more details, but they aren't allowed to share with management. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have
@knottieamusements I used a gas powered push mower til about 2-3 weeks (so 37/38 weeks) til Ds was born. Ob just said make sure not to get over heated and stay extremely hydrated. Also if I felt off balance/light headed to stop. It helped me feel useful without being too exhausted, and getting some nice time outside. I usually waited until later in the day so it was cooling down a bit.
This one is for STMs... For some reason my biggest fear is tearing during labor. Anyone have experience with smaller or larger tears? I'm worried that if I don't have an epi, it will be even worse. And I'm worried about the healing.
@sammierose464 insurance-wise, I'm worried about being denied pregnancy coverage because it's pre-existing, but losing my Medicaid, although I'm sure there's a way that all works out.
I won't qualify for FMLA, but I will qualify for pregnancy disability leave, so I'll get 8 weeks (repeat c-section). I'm worried about needing a few accommodations, though. Right now our file system is a stack of boxes, so I have go keep lifting those to get to files I need. A few other things are already a little uncomfortable.
Mostly, I'm just worried they won't keep me past 90 days because I'm unqualified (although I'm learning quickly). I just worry they'll decide I'm not working out for some reason, so I'm terrified of making even the smallest error.
You (currently) can't be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition (per the ACA). So don't stress there. When does your insurance with your new company kick in?
The 90 day period is tough, because they can let you go for no reason. They don't have to know why you need accommodations, a dr's note saying you're unable to lift a certain weight is all you need.
I would talk with your HR rep about any concerns. They can help reassure you better. If you have any worries about discrimination, contact your compliance officer. All companies must have them.
I know it can be hard because there's all ready the stress, emotions, and concerns of pregnancy. Don't let it get too stressful at work. Just do your best and go with the flow.
@sammierose464 with my first I had no epi, I did tear but it was nothing horrific. Midwife said pretty standard tear for a FTM, and I healed fairly quickly. I did however find sex very painful until about 4 months pp. I really hope that's not the case again.
They say with the second the tearing is often minimal (or even none at all!) As things have already been 'stretched' down there.
@sammierose464 I had a semi-successful epidural and a small tear - I think I needed maybe one stitch? I don’t know. It was minor enough for me that I never really thought about it.
@sammierose464 I had a 2nd degree tear with DS it hurt, but was manageable and after a few weeks I felt normal. I know there are tearing horror stories out there, but even a friend of mine who had serious ones with both recovered fine.
This is TMI, but I've been told by Gyn's that I have a small vagina, so it makes me nervous! I know it expands and all that, but it's small to begin with!
@sammierose464 No wonder DH left his ex for you! Hahahah sorry but I had to say it! But in all seriousness how does one respond to a Gyn telling you that?! Must be the nicest compliment they can give!
Me 33 DH 41 TTC since 2016 Due: October 12, 2018 Location: Ontario, Canada
@sammierose464 Second degree tear. No epi. Cannon balled the kid out in 15 minutes because I just wanted to be DONE. Haha. Didn’t even notice when it happened. Just asked after the fact what the damage was. I vaguely remember a little discomfort when she was stitching me up, but I was in baby la la land so not really paying attention. I could feel the stitches here and there during recovery, but never anything major. The whole area was just kind of sore/swollen. Hard to separate tear healing from everything else healing. Massaging the scar tissue once everything’s healed helps get back to normal faster. Pelvic PT showed me how to do scar tissue massage (though I didn’t do it nearly as often as I should have).
@sammierose464 No wonder DH left his ex for you! Hahahah sorry but I had to say it! But in all seriousness how does one respond to a Gyn telling you that?! Must be the nicest compliment they can give!
Hahah! It's mostly noted when they pick a speculum. They have to use the small one or it's super uncomfortable.
I pushed out a ten pound baby with two small tears, it wasn't a big deal. I did have an epidural though. The recovery wasn't bad, everything was just a bit sore and puffy. They give you a nice little squirt bottle and witch hazel wipes at the hospital. Take those home and use them!
I had a midwife who seemed to help by stretching and easing things out, the epidural helped me to push slowly so I think that minimized tearing. I was afraid of epidurals at first but dang when those contractions got bad I screamed for one and it was amazing!
For a bad cold I used Afrin a few times, it seems to be ok in small doses for pregnancy according to my internet searches (I know, not as good as explicit doctor consent). I just cannot sleep with bad congestion so I caved and used it a few times.
@sammierose464 yes, the squirt bottle is amazing! And take the stool softener because that will definitely help make that less stressful when you go afterbirth if you do tear. I had some third degree tears with A and was terrified of ripping my stitches when I got home. My recovery wasn’t too bad overall, just dealt with some pain when walking for longer periods of time and discomfort when sitting in a car for over a couple of hours. But that was only for the first few weeks. With E, I had a 2nd degree tear and that was super easy to recover from. It wasn’t as uncomfortable and I didn’t need my pain pills for long.
This one is for STMs... For some reason my biggest fear is tearing during labor. Anyone have experience with smaller or larger tears? I'm worried that if I don't have an epi, it will be even worse. And I'm worried about the healing.
It can vary so so much. I had a tiny tear after my first and it was hell, and because the world tells us that PP is hell, I rolled with it. It turned out that i wasn't healing properly and suffered for months with something they handled in 2 min in the office. A friend of mine had too many stitches to count and felt great from day 1. Lesson learned for me was to ask the doc to check on your healing earlier than later if you're uncomfortable because it might be solvable!
Anyone know the deal with due dates? I have a friend whose due date is a bit over 4 weeks before mine, (9/17 - 10/17), but she is only 3 weeks and a couple of days further along than I am? Does anyone know why that wouldn’t really match up?
It’s been nagging me because I have to go through 4 other people’s births JUST before mine and I’m just slightly bitter
@laurasauruss Maybe she has long/short cycles and they adjusted her due date? Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that there isn’t 28 days in every month. Although by my count she should be 4 weeks and 2 days ahead of you.
@sliztee - I think that section on here is where I get my amusement while Chopchop is looking for train wrecks in other groups...
As for Ovia, it looks like I can’t see other responses if I don’t answer? (Maybe I am missing something, but I don’t care to participate in question/answer formats like that.)
Re: Questions 4/20
@knottieamusements I don't see why you couldn't...but I'd take it easy and make sure you stay hydrated.
@knottieamusements I mowed mine first tri with DS until it got too hot and buggy to bear going outside. It was an electric mower though. Though I probably wouldn’t have thought anything about it either way.
Questions for the more experienced mamas- Did your first birth help predict anything that occurred in your second birth? (i.e. both fast, both long, both a week late, water broke at home, etc.) or is it literally just an unpredictable shit show no matter what?
My doc gave me a best case scenario for making a VBAC successful, and i was just like, i really can't control when or how or how fast i go into labor, lady...it doesn't work like that.....
I believe I was a little late, too big for her (I was 9lb 3oz and she was only 17) so I was emergency C.
My sister was a natural birth, relatively on time I believe. (I know the least about my sister's birth).
My other sister was almost 2 weeks late and a scheduled C because of being late. Both of my sisters were smaller than me (closer to 7lb I believe).
My brother was scheduled C because of my mom's 2 prior C's. So I believe he was a week early. He was my mom's biggest, so about 9.5lb.
@pumpkinpancake my best advice would be to just start working on being gentle and respecting others space in general. I remember this becoming more of an issue around age 2 and it continues to be a challenge whether I'm pregnant or not, as my kids have more exposure to other people/kids and are learning those limits in a social way.
@BrittanyCupcakes sorry things are so stressful right now! I’m not new at my job, but I do have a new boss that I’m trying to postpone telling. I don’t know if it’s an option for you, but the floaty summer tanks with a long cardigan disguise the bump fairly well!
@BrittanyCupcakes legally you are under no obligation to inform your employer you are pregnant. With HIPAA, your insurance company cannot share ANY medical information with them. The only thing they will be notified of is when you apply for FMLA and if it's approved. They don't even get told what the FMLA is for. It does depend a bit on if your company uses a 3rd party to administer your leaves, which they most likely do. If they don't, your HR/benefits group may know more details, but they aren't allowed to share with management. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have
It helped me feel useful without being too exhausted, and getting some nice time outside. I usually waited until later in the day so it was cooling down a bit.
I won't qualify for FMLA, but I will qualify for pregnancy disability leave, so I'll get 8 weeks (repeat c-section). I'm worried about needing a few accommodations, though. Right now our file system is a stack of boxes, so I have go keep lifting those to get to files I need. A few other things are already a little uncomfortable.
Mostly, I'm just worried they won't keep me past 90 days because I'm unqualified (although I'm learning quickly). I just worry they'll decide I'm not working out for some reason, so I'm terrified of making even the smallest error.
The 90 day period is tough, because they can let you go for no reason. They don't have to know why you need accommodations, a dr's note saying you're unable to lift a certain weight is all you need.
I would talk with your HR rep about any concerns. They can help reassure you better. If you have any worries about discrimination, contact your compliance officer. All companies must have them.
I know it can be hard because there's all ready the stress, emotions, and concerns of pregnancy. Don't let it get too stressful at work. Just do your best and go with the flow.
They say with the second the tearing is often minimal (or even none at all!) As things have already been 'stretched' down there.
TTC since 2016
Due: October 12, 2018
Location: Ontario, Canada
I had a midwife who seemed to help by stretching and easing things out, the epidural helped me to push slowly so I think that minimized tearing. I was afraid of epidurals at first but dang when those contractions got bad I screamed for one and it was amazing!
For a bad cold I used Afrin a few times, it seems to be ok in small doses for pregnancy according to my internet searches (I know, not as good as explicit doctor consent). I just cannot sleep with bad congestion so I caved and used it a few times.
It’s been nagging me because I have to go through 4 other people’s births JUST before mine and I’m just slightly bitter
I’m amazed by the level of ignorance on a very regular basis.
As for Ovia, it looks like I can’t see other responses if I don’t answer? (Maybe I am missing something, but I don’t care to participate in question/answer formats like that.)