Chit Chat

FFFC 3/23


Re: FFFC 3/23

  • fffc I lost track after 100  :* in the past, in the past!
    People think we become mothers when we give birth but the truth is we become mothers the moment we start calling our babies to us in our thoughts, dreams and prayers. Some paths are short and some are so long that you can easily forget where you were headed.

    How I feel all of the time.
    My 7 Year Journey ***Tw in spoiler***
    IVF #1 - September 2018; Follistim, Menopur, Cetrotide & Lupron/HCG combo trigger; PGS; ICSI
    Back on Levothyroxine
    FET #1 - October 2018; cancelled, all PGS aneuploid
    FET #1 - November 30th, transferred anyway
    Wondfo BFP 5dp5dt, CB Digi 6dpt, 
    1st Beta on 7dpt 93
    2nd Beta on 10dpt 510!

    TTC #1 since 2011. Tried for 5 years before we knew there was a one year rule.
    Diag w/MS 2016; w/PCOS & IF 2017
    New RE 2018; PCOS diagnosis taken away, IF due to ovary adhesions, but prev. RE insists PCOS IF

    IUI #1 July 2017 w/100mg Clo+trigger; BFN; benched w/big cysts
    IUI #2 October 2017 w/50mg Clo+trigger; BFN; benched w/big cysts
    IUI #3 February 2018 w/5mg Femara+trigger; low P
    BFP February; mc March; Subclinical hypothyroid started Levothyroxine 
    IUI #4 March 2018 w/7.5mg Femara+trigger; BFN
    Medicated cycle & TI April 2018 w/7.5mg Femara+trigger; BFN
    Tried several cycles on our own; all BFN
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  • @SkilledSailor you are lucky!  I've been trying to tell H that's what you're supposed to do!  AGAIN... why did no one tell him?  We met when I was 29, he was 32. You'd think this would have been covered by now.  
  • @galactickates Haha no one was committed enough to put in the effort to teach him. 
  • @LJMoon6 I agree about thongs. Otherwise it feels like I have two pairs of shorts/pants/whatever on. Pass.
  • I guess there is a benefit to only being with 1 guy and meeting young. He knows what to do and not do and I have no issues telling him if he tries something it's a no. Also, I have nothing to compare too  :D

    I hate thongs. I need full cheek coverage. DH hates it. 
  • Also I wear thongs during the day, full butt undies at night. 
  • suzycupcakesuzycupcake member
    edited March 2018
    I've told mh about my # before. He just goes "really?" with a sensual look on his face. I'm not proud of it. Any time I've ever asked him his, he finds some way to change the subject. I cannot tell if that's because he has slept with less or more. I don't want to push him. I've learned that when he changes the subject, it's for a good reason and has nothing to do with our relationship anyway so whatev.

    @galactickates I have a boob job. Mh doesn't shake my boobs per say, but he does this weird thing where he puts his hand on the top of the boob and wiggles it. I wish he'd touch them during sex but he doesn't for some reason. It surprises me that he doesn't touch them more. He did it more when I didn't have boobs. Maybe there is a thing with men psychologically when they know they aren't natural. We both wanted them though so I don't get it. He probably would if I just asked him to do it more. 

    @jrm_14 I'm with you on the thongs. I used to wear them all of the time, but for some reason as I get older, I'm more into comfort, but I try to make sure they are at least still sexy looking. 

    People think we become mothers when we give birth but the truth is we become mothers the moment we start calling our babies to us in our thoughts, dreams and prayers. Some paths are short and some are so long that you can easily forget where you were headed.

    How I feel all of the time.
    My 7 Year Journey ***Tw in spoiler***
    IVF #1 - September 2018; Follistim, Menopur, Cetrotide & Lupron/HCG combo trigger; PGS; ICSI
    Back on Levothyroxine
    FET #1 - October 2018; cancelled, all PGS aneuploid
    FET #1 - November 30th, transferred anyway
    Wondfo BFP 5dp5dt, CB Digi 6dpt, 
    1st Beta on 7dpt 93
    2nd Beta on 10dpt 510!

    TTC #1 since 2011. Tried for 5 years before we knew there was a one year rule.
    Diag w/MS 2016; w/PCOS & IF 2017
    New RE 2018; PCOS diagnosis taken away, IF due to ovary adhesions, but prev. RE insists PCOS IF

    IUI #1 July 2017 w/100mg Clo+trigger; BFN; benched w/big cysts
    IUI #2 October 2017 w/50mg Clo+trigger; BFN; benched w/big cysts
    IUI #3 February 2018 w/5mg Femara+trigger; low P
    BFP February; mc March; Subclinical hypothyroid started Levothyroxine 
    IUI #4 March 2018 w/7.5mg Femara+trigger; BFN
    Medicated cycle & TI April 2018 w/7.5mg Femara+trigger; BFN
    Tried several cycles on our own; all BFN
  • I’ve lost track of how long it’s been since I’ve shaved my legs. 2, maybe 3 weeks?
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • meggymemeggyme member
    edited March 2018
    That Nov18 thread... oh damn!

    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I'm kind of interested in the opinions of other teachers though. I am not a teacher and I imagine it's frustrating having to answer the same questions over and over again, but perhaps the teacher was kind of in the wrong for what she posted? I have no idea. I'm no good with kids so I would be a horrible teacher. But regardless, the pot stirrer is definitely cray cray.
    +1 for not shaving my legs very often.
    +1 for sleeping alone sometimes. MH and I sleep in the same bed, but I love it when he stays up late playing video games so I can fall asleep watching cartoons on my tablet. 
    +1 to MH not knowing my "number." He never asked, and I never wanted to bring it up because I was his first and didn't want to make him feel bad.  :#
    +1 to never balancing my checkbook! Who has time for that? My mom thinks I'm crazy.
    @kristah2 Have fun on your vaca! I had no idea the Bahamas was removed from the zika list. That's awesome news! 

    My FFFC while we're on the topic is that I'm terrible at sex talk/stuff. I think MH wants to be a lot more adventurous than I am but I have a really hard time with it and I don't want to. He doesn't pressure me or anything at all, but sometimes he tries new things (or asks about trying new things) and I guess I just have a hard time with it. I feel bad because I want to be able to do new things, but it's hard for me. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD1: 8/2014  <3
    TTC #2: 6/2017
    BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
    BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
    BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
    BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
    DD2: 10/2018  <3
  • Not a teacher, but I feel like everyone needs to let off steam. Some people do it by talking shit. As long as they do their job I don’t much care. It’s not like she was calling out specific kids or saying they were dumbasses. Just that they weren’t trying, which was her point in giving the quiz in the first place.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • @galactickates do they actually crack down on cursing, or is it only coupled with other inappropriate comments?
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • @jrm_14 I agree with you. Her original post really rubbed me the wrong way. 
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    DS:  March 2014
    DD: May 2015
    BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
    BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
    BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
    BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN  <3 

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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