New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Insomnia -- thus far I have avoided this problem...but just haven't been sleeping well lately!
Appointments/US this week I had a quick u/s for heart beats, fluid check, and my last cervical length. My cervix is actually like growing as we speak. So it's of unthought of lengths currently. ha.
Random Questions Would you pack shampoo for the hospital? Or no? I feel like they provide this one cleaning substance that they say will be whatever you need it to be. Hand soap? check. shampoo? check. conditioner? check. hand sanitizer? check! I'm not picky, but I feel like I may want to take shampoo. Especially as I can see myself being in more than 2 days with a 4th c-section and twins and a tube tie.
Rants/Raves Just want all the watermelon ever!!! I'm seriously eating so much of it.
What's your favorite type of icecream? A luscious dark chocolate.
How far along today? How big is baby? 21 weeks. Baby is size of an endive or carrot
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms: starting to feel more RLP especially when sitting at my desk all day for work and getting up for a quick walk. Continued headaches and bad acne
Appointments/US this week: no appointments this week but have one on 3/26
Random Questions
Rants/Raves: work is seriously exhausting me from a one hour commute there and another hour back, I just feel drained. Also it has just been busy and I’m constantly irritated by my coworker who leaves early or takes half days for dumb reasons. Wish I could work from home some days.
What's your favorite type of ice cream? Rocky road! Also there’s an ice cream shop by me that has vegan sticky mango rice and it is so yummy.
Re: Tuesday Ticker Change 3/20
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Insomnia -- thus far I have avoided this problem...but just haven't been sleeping well lately!
Appointments/US this week I had a quick u/s for heart beats, fluid check, and my last cervical length. My cervix is actually like growing as we speak. So it's of unthought of lengths currently. ha.
Random Questions Would you pack shampoo for the hospital? Or no? I feel like they provide this one cleaning substance that they say will be whatever you need it to be. Hand soap? check. shampoo? check. conditioner? check. hand sanitizer? check! I'm not picky, but I feel like I may want to take shampoo. Especially as I can see myself being in more than 2 days with a 4th c-section and twins and a tube tie.
Rants/Raves Just want all the watermelon ever!!! I'm seriously eating so much of it.
What's your favorite type of icecream? A luscious dark chocolate.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms: starting to feel more RLP especially when sitting at my desk all day for work and getting up for a quick walk. Continued headaches and bad acne
Appointments/US this week: no appointments this week but have one on 3/26
Random Questions
Rants/Raves: work is seriously exhausting me from a one hour commute there and another hour back, I just feel drained. Also it has just been busy and I’m constantly irritated by my coworker who leaves early or takes half days for dumb reasons. Wish I could work from home some days.
What's your favorite type of ice cream? Rocky road! Also there’s an ice cream shop by me that has vegan sticky mango rice and it is so yummy.