This is a place for FTMs to ask questions and S+TMs to share the wealth of knowledge they've accumulated on baby products. Each week we'll spotlight a new category of product to help streamline and make it easier to refer back. This week it's.... Nursing! What clothes, bras and accessories could you not live without while nursing the last time around?
Please use the prompts below to try to share as much relevant info as you can in a format that is easy for those reading to absorb/respond to. If you'd like to recommend/ask questions about more than one product, please copy/paste the prompts as needed.
For S+TMs:
- Any specifics that may differentiate your preferences:
- Favorite [Nursing clothing/accessory]:
- Link/picture:
- Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
- Age appropriate for:
- What you like about it:
- What you don't like about it, if anything:
- Is there a [nursing clothing/accessory] you don't have but are considering? Why?:
- Is there a [nursing clothing/accessory] you've tried that you absolutely hate? Why?:
- Additional thoughts on [nursing clothing/accesory]?:
- Any topics you'd like to see in the Product Spotlight that aren't there (check the spreadsheet link below!):
For FTMs
- [summer survival item] you're interested in:
- Link/picture:
- Cost (either actual dollar amount, or just $, $$, $$$, etc.):
- Any questions about it/them for S+TMs?
- Any topics you'd like to see in the Product Spotlight that aren't there? (Check the spreadsheet link below!):
Spreadsheet link here:
Re: Product Spotlight 3/19: Nursing Clothes/Bras/Gear
If you don't have a private place, or you prefer to pump at your desk and it's not private, look into the freemie cups. I got sick of going into the filing room to pump, since that's the only space my office has, so I started pumping at my desk with the freemies. My office has a glass wall so it's only semi-private. They go right into your bra so you can't see anything.
I always kept the cooler with the blue ice packs under my desk, hands free bra, extra diaphragm (they wear out at the most inconvenient times), extra bottles or bags for milk storage, and a cloth / paper towels on hand to clean up drips.
Pumping bras: I used this bravado pumping bra, and loved it. I'd just unclip my nursing bra but leave it on, pull it down so my boobs were uncovered, and clip the bravado bra over it. I found it compatible with most nursing bras, not just bravado brand nursing bras. The simple wishes one I found to be less comfortable and convenient, but if I was pumping before bed and not already wearing a bra to clip the other one to, I'd wear the simple wishes one.
Nursing clothes: I hated nursing camis, the shelf bra was always way too small for me and not comfortable for me. I'd wear regular or maternity camis that I could just pull down over my breasts. I always wore a cami under my shirt, and to nurse I would pull the cami down and the shirt up. You can't really see much that way. I did not bother with nursing covers because my son hated them.
Gear: I used freemies so I could pump in my office instead of going into a closed room - that way I could still work while pumping. They are compatible with the Medela but not the Spectra, which sucks because I prefer the Spectra. They're also great for pumping in the car, I would put them in before I left and just take them out whenever I got to my destination. Just have to be careful not to lean over or you will spill. A good pumping bag was key for me. I used a Sarah Wells bag, and my Medela fit perfectly in it. It has room for everything you need pumping wise, and I could also fit my regular purse items plus my lunch and some work stuff in there just fine.
I didnt bother much with nursing clothes. I maybe have 2/3 tanks, 2 night bras, and 2 day bras. I eventually just used button up shirts i had instead of buying more shirts. Nursing pads are a must to save your clothes. I leaked every time DS cried or just even think about him. At night if i had to pump i just cut holes in an old sports bra that i wore with pads so i didn’t have to think much about it. For night feedings or pumps i had a little light i can clip on me so i wouldn’t have to turn lights on and wake everyone. The light also helped with quick night diaper changes.
ETA: my office has a tiny fridge that we all share for our lunches, but I never felt bad about squeezing my pump parts and milk in there. No one ever gave me a hard time about it. Check your state's laws, there might be a requirement that you are provided a place to store milk. You can get by with a cooler if you have to though, just bring extra ice packs.
Anyway, as a PP mentioned, I used the shirt over the cami method to limit exposure when nursing in public. It takes a little bit of practice, but once you and your baby get it down, it's easy street.
I would love some recommendations on hands free pumping bras if anyone has one they liked. Preferably one that would work well for work. (A clip on? I honestly have no idea, but I don't want to be taking my entire shirt off every time to change into a pumping bra. Is it bad I feel like I need a lesson on this stuff?)
@zande2016 I added that wet bag to my amazon registry, thanks! and will check out that pumping bra
@wildtot I picked up a few reusable nursing pads at the BRU clearance. Would you suggest the disposable or reusable ones?
What brand milk storage bags do you ladies recommend. Are they all the same or are some better?
I loved having the nursing bra and nursing cami combination so they both clip down and then any kind of top shirt to pull up. I'm big chested so pulling the whole shirt down never worked for me because I stretched it out too much.
Other nursing items I would suggest are things to up your supply. I made a big batch of lactation cookies before baby was born and froze them. I would eat 1-2 a day to keep supply going (and it helped with bowel movements too!) I also used Mothers Love supplements and Fenugreek supplements. These weren't need until baby ws around 9 months.
For pumping, I have a private room but I don't have the ability to keep working so I either brought a book or played a game on my phone, just anything to not focus on the output of the pump. My insurance only covers purchases from one local supplier so I get to choose from the Medela Freestyle or Pump In Style. I liked both (had freestyle for DD and pump in style for DS) but the benefit of the Freestyle was it was battery operated so I didn't need to carry the whole bag around to plug in and it also has a timer on the pump itself. The pump in style was nice but I either had to plug it in or carry around the battery pack and the pump is secured inside the bag so the whole bag had to be near me. It also doesn't have a timer on it so I had to use my phone to keep track.
I pumped into a bottle and even split out the portions as I went along at work. That way I could just send in the bottles to daycare and not have to double handle. Fridays, I would pump into a bag and those would go in the freezer. For Monday, I would pull out older milk out of the freezer and put them in the bottles. That way your freezer supply stays current. I didn’t have a deep freeze, so I didn’t want to keep milk for too many months. I have used Medela and lanishol bags. No preference. You can fit bottles from different brands on some of the pumps.
Also, some insurance plans cover a pump. Did you check? They are usually not the fanciest ones out there but I got an Ameda for free. Then someone gifted me the Mandela freestyle. It was nice to have a back up pump. I liked the ameda bottles better because they came with a cap and an insert that you could take out and add a nipple. The ameda bottles fit onto the Medela pump.
What spare parts are good to keep on hand? I'm thinking of buying a manual for emergencies.
If your doing medela, they have these white circular seals that i found needed to be replaced every so often. Depending on your nipple you may or may not need to get a different “cone” so it fits as necessary.
Also, thanks for the tip on the simple wishes bra, I'm already sized out of the cups on a lot of the hands free options, but not this one, at least not yet anyways. Gonna check that one out.
@cseley321 Is the jessica simpson bra supportive? I know it will be a while before I'll really know what size I actually need, but a lot of the ones I've been trying on to see what's out there already seem not supportive enough, and that's before adding milk to the equation!
@noideawhatshesdoing I am concerned about the Willow for that reason. The cups are large and my chest will look huge. That is the one criticism about that pump. I am planning to keep a fluffy sweater at work to hide it a little. Right now I am in DD bra size. I am hoping big boobs will be better than flanges and bottles hanging out.
I lived in nursing camis on maternity leave, but I didn't LOVE any of them or the nursing bras I had so I won't share any recommendations. I do plan to get some Hot Milk bras this time once my supply regulates.
I EBF but would pump with a hand pump while at school/work and a morning session at home with my PISA. The hand pump was less to carry, not as great for production but it got the job done. I’d keep the bottles in a cooler bag until I got home.
For nursing in public, DS HATED being covered- I can’t blame him, he was a summer baby. The two shirt method worked for me, I stretched out some of my tank tops doing it but it was great for coverage. Eventually I used nursing tanks which were a game changer.
These were my favorite nursing tanks, you attach them to your favorite nursing bra (so no shelf bra hassle) and you don’t have to mess with extra straps and snaps. I wore these even when I wasn’t nursing they were so convenient and comfortable.
Undercover Mama Black and White Nursing Tank Set for Breastfeeding, S
Nursing pads were a must have, the reusable ones didn’t cut it for my sympathetic let downs. I bought the lanosinoh pads in bulk on amazon.
For bags, I prefer the Lansinoh brand.
I wish there were nursing bras for big boobs that were more supportive.
Do we HAVE to have a special pumping bra or can we get by with a maternity bra when pumping?
I have 4 bras from motherhood, all of them are nursing and they are currently super comfortable! I can't go back to the underwire the moment I'm a 36DD- let's say, meaning I have some room to grow into a full DD. Started as a 34C.
@zande2016 if you are worried about over supply it looks like haaka has an option with no suction or neauty is just a collection shell for leakage (no suction) so I can't imagine those would increase supply would they? I thought they would just collect what would otherwise be leaking.
TTC December 2016
BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
TTC January 2019
BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
@wildtot my son also favored the right side. My right boob was noticeably bigger than the left until he finally weaned.