July 2018 Moms

C-section check in and questions

Hi ladies,

I've learned that I'll be having a planned c-section, and as people learn this information for themselves, I thought it might be a good place for people to check in, ask questions, etc. I'm a ftm, so I know I'm interested in others' experiences!

Here are some questions that I've stolen from the March board:

1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?

3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?

4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 

5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!

I'll go first at answering in the next post. 

Re: C-section check in and questions

  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

    I'm definitely having a planned c-section, even if I go into labor early. We haven't scheduled an official date yet, but it will likely be sometime during my 39th week (so a bit before my due date of July 8th).

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?

    I've had previous retinal detachments and before this pregnancy I was diagnosed with osetoporosis (likely due to all the asthma medication I took when I was younger). There's a small risk of my retinas detaching again during labor and of me fracturing my spine, and we all want to avoid that. :)

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?

    I would love to hear other moms' experiences on this, especially about recovery from a c-section!

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 

    I felt a little funny at first, like I wasn't doing what was best for the baby. Of course, I want to be able to take care of my baby without too many problems afterward, so what's best for me is best for the baby, too. :)

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!

    If you had a c-section, planned or otherwise, what helped most in your recovery? Rest, walking, something else? Did you have to take it easy for a long time afterward (if so, how long?), or did you bounce back fairly quickly?

    I am AMA at 40, but am continuing to work out and do a lot of pelvic floor exercises, so I am hoping that will help me.

  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

    It’s a possibility since my twins were born by urgent CS at 33 weeks for malpresentation. I’d rather have a VBAC because caring for 22m old twins and a newborn with a fresh abdominal incision sounds like a nightmare! But we shall see what the OB says when I see her in a couple weeks. My ideal plan is to schedule a CS for the Friday before my due date, and hope I go into labour naturally before then (I’m not comfortable with the risks of going post-dates). 

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?

    Previous CS with twins. 

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?


    My water broke spontaneously at 630am (PPROM), contractions started an hour later and I labored for about 14h (with a 3h gap where they managed to stop contractions), got to 10cm and was about to head to the OR to push when the OB got concerned about Baby As presentation after a manual check. A quick ultrasound showed unfavorable presentation and he recommended a CS to reduce the risk/stress on the babies. Boys were both born by 806pm. I felt more than pressure at some points during the section and it was highly unpleasant but brief (though at the time it felt like an eternity...I believe my exact words to my DH were “It feels like they’re ripping my spine out”.) 

    Recovery honestly wasn’t that bad but I didn’t have babies at home to care for. I was discharged about 48h after my CS, went home and pumped on a schedule while babies were in NICU. I spent my days with them, and slept at home (which was lovely, even with getting up to pump). I did have some severe nerve pain at my incision for a week or so that was pretty awful, but the pain meds they gave me were great (I basically only took the narcotics for nerve pain, otherwise I just rotated Tylenol & Advil). 

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 

    Meh. Like I said above, I’d prefer a VBAC but we’ll see what happens. Main goal is a healthy baby girl in my arms and how she gets here eally doesn’t matter. 

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!

    Nothing I can think of off the top of my head but tag me if you have any BTDT questions, I’m happy to help!
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?
    Yes getting c section scheduled for July 6th (39 wks)
    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?
    Repeat c section. 
    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?
    I have lower back problems and history of prolapse issues in family. DS was big and I’m pretty small so glad it was c section.  I was in the hospital for 3 days (could have gone 4). My incision opening on the first night so had to go back to OR to be fixed. Walked as much as i could. Recovery was a ok but my mental state made it seem worse than it probably was. I was up and doing light exercises around 7 wks. 
    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 
    I’m ok with it. I still find the needle portion scary but it was a quick process so it’s noc to know what to expect. 
    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like! shower as soon as they let you! You’ll feel much better. Walk but take it easy. It maybe a bit hard to BF due to the discomfort of the incision. Wear a belly wrap as soon as you can (some hospitals give you one). It help me feel more secure about the incision and keep my guts in place. I think it also helps with my diastasis. Buy high waisted underwear that won’t rub on your incision. Wear a dress leaving the hospital.
  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?
    I am definitely having it done. It will be done the last week in June since I will be 39 weeks. most likely the 26th

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?
    I had an emergency c section with my first where I was fully knocked out and missed the birth of my daughter. While I am a candidate for a vbac my anxiety this time around is too high that I wanted to opt for the least risky option to ensure I will be awake and "present" for the delivery.
    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?
    I was induced July 11th 2016 at 41 weeks with my first. I progressed fine to 9cm and water had broken when my daughter's heart decelled drastically and after having nurses move me all around and try to jolt dd with a shock and unable to stabilize her I was rushed to the OR. from the time I was moved from my room to the OR to her being born was only 5 minutes. They moved cery quickly and told me they had to knock me out to get baby out as quickly as possible. to be honest it was super traumatizing and I woke up alone in recovery.  I had the nurse get my phone and was able to see my daughter that way initially until I could be moved to my room. after that it was a breeze recovery was not bad at all.
    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 
    I feel really good about it. I feel prepared and I know this experience will be drastically different than my first and I don't have to worry about a repeat situation happening which I would if I tried for a vbac.
    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!
    Go in prepared for the worst and hope for the best, trust your dr's to know what is needed but communication is the best thing you can do in preparing. ask all your questions find out if your hospital does immediate skin to skin with a c section or not to help you know what to expect. sharing my concerns and questions with my OB has been incredibly beneficial and ultimately what helped me make my decision. 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?
    yes definitely having one. It is scheduled for June 22, provided they stay in that long (fingers crossed) 

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?
    having twins. I know it’s possible to see if you can deliver naturally but my doctor said because baby B can flip after baby A is delivered even if she’s initially head down it’s safer for them and me to just do the c section (I especially don’t want to deliver one vaginally then have an emergency c with the other!) 

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?
    nope but we won’t be having more kids after the twins so I’m a little less resistant to the idea because it won’t dictate what happens next time if there’s no next time! 

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 
    It’s definitely not what I would have opted for under normal circumstances just because the idea of recovering from it sounds terrible but I’ll do whatever is safest for the babies. Plus I do like the visibility it provides and the planning that can take place around it (although to be honest I feel like the twins will come before 38w but we will see)

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!
    recovery realities and tips please! 
  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it? Definitely having one

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section? My first baby had "arrested descention" and after 3 hours of pushing and  crowning, they did the csection. She wasn't a huge baby or anything, so my doctor has insisted ever since that if we do it again, go for the csection

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason? See above. The c section wasn't as bad as I thought, but tbh the changes it caused my body far outweighed the procedure itself. Look up c section shelf, and be ready :p I literally cried when I first saw my body undressed after the procedure. Granted I did gain 20 lbs over my target, my midsection has never quite been the same (i lost all the baby weight plus more, but I will admit I never worked out to try and tone my midsection). 

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? Since I have BTDT, I am not worried at all. The procedure and recovery sucked, but it wasn't as bad as I initially thought it would be.

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like! Move around as much as possible as soon as they will let you, even if it's just pacing around your room. Wear the belly band. I did all of this and had a super easy recovery.
  • To everyone asking about recoveries, everyone is different but if you follow your doctor's instructions, it's not that bad. As others mentioned, as soon as you are cleared to walk and move about, do so. I paced around my room while the baby slept or walked around the floor of the recovery area and wore the belly band as tight as I could wrap it without causing huge discomfort.

    The nurses will come in to massage your belly to get everything back into place. It doesn't feel good, but let them do their thing.

    Wear gowns and a dress and bring home as many of those weird mesh underwear things as you can. 

    Also, beware the first BM after the c section. I was paranoid since I had bad constipation and hemorrhoids the whole pregnancy (3 hours of pushing really pissed off the hemorrhoids too). Anyway I brought colace with me, but they had some of course at the hospital. It wasn't as bad as I imagined, actually easier than I was used to, but I have heard that people have had a seriously rough time with this, so I feel it's worth mentioning  
  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?
    Yes, definitely having one. I'll be scheduling it at some point around 37 weeks (June 20). I'm hoping to push it to 38 weeks to give LO another week to grow. 

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?
    Repeat c-section after having had a T-section the first time. Too risky for VBAC. 

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?
    Feb 2017 I went in to be induced a few days after my due date. Was in labor for 38 hours and pushed for 5 but DS was failure to descend. We decided to go with a c-section than continue pushing, since he wasn't going anywhere. I was very lucky that it was not an emergency c-section and it felt like my choice. However, once they opened me, DS was so compacted into my pelvis, they had to do a T-section (so one incision horizontally like normal and another incision vertically like a T). This took away any chance for a future VBAC. 

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 
    Kind of bummed but I understand. I'm also really nervous. I was so tired and out of it the first time and my fight or flight instincts kicked in and I freaked out on the operating table. Even though I was totally numb and open on the table, I had the feeling I was trying to get up. Bizarre. I'll be talking with my OB about what I can do to ease anxiety while I'm in there this time. 

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? 
    Get up and walk as soon as you possibly can and take a shower like someone else said. Take your pain meds on schedule for the first few days to stay ahead of the pain. I had a really quick recovery and didn't have any issues, luckily, but I know it can be a long, hard recovery for a lot of people. I think staying active during pregnancy and moving as soon as I could after surgery helped a lot. Oh, and keep your legs elevated while you're in bed. Swelling can be really intense for a few days. My legs almost tripled in width for the first week or so. 
  • Loving all the posts so far! I will look into getting a belly band for sure.

    I have one friend who had an emergency c-section and recovered well enough to go to a holiday party with her baby six days later (not sure I would do that regardless of recovery, but I admire her for it).

    My DH's coworker was told "no stairs" for one month, and she also found them hard to do during that time.

    Just wish there was a way to "guarantee" an easy recovery!
  • @sm05-2 i lived up stairs during my c section and it was not easy. We had to take DS for a pedi check up 2 wks later and it was a bit painful but manageable. If you have to deal with stairs i recommend going up backwards as your not using any of your front muscles. I’ve had many abdominal surgeries and I’ve noticed getting into the car/bed backwards makes a difference until fully healed. 
  • They told me to avoid stairs, but I live in a 2 story so that's kind of hard. I just tried to stick to one floor as much as possible. Truthfully though, the stairs weren't bad to me.
  • That's a good trick to know @wildtot about taking the stairs backward (we have two sets in our home). @cseley321, I'll probably try to stick to one floor as much as possible, but I also live in a multilevel home, so some stairs will likely be inevitable.
  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

    Definitely having a csection.  Not scheduled yet, but the docs have said it will be at 37 weeks.  I’m hoping to push them to at least 38 to give her more time to ‘bake’.

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?

    DD was an unplanned csection.  Like @Kenya715 it was a T incision where they had to cut my uterus open horizontally and vertically.  (The exterior incision was only horizontal, the vertical cut was interior/urterus only.) Due to this type of cut, doctors say a VBAC is too risky due to increased possibility of uterine rupture.  

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?

    I was in labor for 2.5 days and pushed for 5 hours with DD before I finally agreed to a csection.  (I can be stubborn!) When they cut me open, they literally couldn’t get her head unstuck from my pelvis.  Most csection babies are still brought from the womb head first, but they had to do the T-incision and bring her out feet first. 

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 

    They told me a VBAC was off the table before I even left the hospital with DD so I’ve fully accepted it.  I don’t love them wanting to schedule at 37 weeks though.  I don’t want to increase NICU chances by delivering early.  

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!

    as others have said do get up and move around.  However don’t do too much too fast.  The pain meds may make you think you can do more than you should.  Have lots of little snacks on hand, and ALWAYS eat something before taking a pain pill.  You do not want to throw up with a fresh abdominal incision.  Trust me.  I mentioned this is the rocker thread, but look for rockers that have a locking feature.  It will make it infinitely easier to get up from it.  Wear a belly band to help you feel more secure.  If youre going to sneeze, poop, laugh or otherwise engage your abs, it helps to put pressure by holding a pillow against your stomach.  Also, definitely take the stool softeners while you’re on the pain meds.  

    I have nothing to compare the recovery too, but honestly I didn’t think it was that bad.
  • One other thing I just remembered:  regarding driving, my doctor told me I needed to (1) be off pain meds and (2) be able to fully react in an emergency situation without hesitating because of the incision and possible pain (ie slam on brakes, swerve, etc).  I think a lot of people drive as soon as they’re off the pain meds, but what he said really stuck with me.
  • @tarheelgirl8 i was told no driving for at least 2 wks. I took advantage of DH being there so i didn’t drive till past 6 wks.
  • I couldn't drive until I was walking comfortably and off pain meds.  I remember being told I should avoid stairs. At the time we lived on the third floor of out apartment building with no elevator. I just took my time and utilized the railing for extra stability. 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • I was told when I could stomp my right foot with all my strength then I could drive lol. Very specific. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • @kenya715 I’d love to know if your docs allow you to wait until 38 weeks, when it comes time to schedule.  Mine seemed a little resistant when I mentioned it at my first appointments.
  • LadyJ2949LadyJ2949 member
    edited March 2018
    1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

    This is my third baby and will be my third c-section. It isn’t officially scheduled but they said it would likely be on 7/9 or 7/10. 

    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?

    I had a laparoscopic myomectomy prior to having kids to remove a grapefruit sized fibroid and the surgery thinned the lining of my uterus. Because of this I cannot have contractions, as they are afraid my uterus will rupture. After each c section, they have had to take the baby a week earlier. This time they will take my baby girl three weeks early to keep me safe which I’m not exactly happy with but there’s nothing I can do. 

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?

    Yes, I’ve had two c sections, one in 2014 and another in 2015. I actually had a very positive experience with both with what I would consider great recoveries. I deliver in a hospital that allows immediate skin to skin after delivery and the baby never leaves your unless there is a complication that needs to be attended to. I would make sure your hospital has a similar practice. I also took a class at the hospital in advance to know what to expect and I was so glad I did. I spent five days in the hospital both times and I think they get truly helps with recovery. The absolute most painful part of the whole thing was the first poop. I’m not even kidding you when I say that I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. I will be taking miralax daily right after surgery along with colace to make sure that never happens again. 

    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 

    I had to make peace with having c sections a while ago so I’m ok with it. I’m not thrilled about them taking this baby so early but I know it’s for my safety. 

    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!

    I would be happy to answer any questions people may have about c sections. I think going in prepared and knowing what is going to happen helps so much. For instance, in my class they advised that they would be strapping my arms down to the table in a T form, like a cross. If I hadn’t know and expected that going in, it would have freaked me out. Get up and force yourself to walk as soon as they give you the ok. It truly is the best thing for your recovery even though it is not fun. 



  • Also I wanted to mention that there is some great advice and tips above! Showering when you can, keeping on the pain meds, drink lots of water, grab all the mesh undies you can, and use a pillow over your incision if you laugh or sneeze. If you will already have Little’s at home waiting for you, make sure to line up help those first few weeks. 



  • I totally forgot about the arms bring strapped down! Idk if that a practice in all hospitals so I’ll have to ask this time. But I’m ok with it. I remember having the shakes for a bit but not bad. I didn’t get immediate skin to skin but i got to see baby immediately for a bit. DH did the immediate skin to skin till i was in recovery. That was my one special ask for him and at first he was weird about it but when it came time he loved it and offered to do it again if necessary. The first two hours were a bit of a blur and i only remember because of pictures. I felt a bit nauseous but no throw up and felt itchy (i normally do with pain meds) so i asked for allergy meds to help with that. I was able to nurse while in recovery. Also enjoy the wonderful leg massagers you get for the first day. It’s to keep you circulation going and avoid clots but if felt good to me. You may also bleed a lot in bed the first day and the nurses will change your pads. Say goodbye to privacy! 
  • Interesting, strapping your arms down must vary hospital by hospital.  I’m pretty sure mine weren’t strapped down, but it was a bit of a blur so I’ll have to double check with DH.  
  • To add, we were scheduled for noon and didn’t allow any visitors until the next day. I’m so glad we did that. Only visitor we’ll have this time is to see DS and meet baby. 

    I would love to have DH stay the night with me at least the first night but idk how to work my hospital stay with DS at home. Any suggestions? 
    Debating if i should take the full 4 day stay or leave right when i feel ok. 
  • LadyJ2949LadyJ2949 member
    edited March 2018
    @wildtot do you have any family or friends who can stay with DS that night? I had my husband overnight the first night and then he left at points to shower, see DD, etc and when he left another family member came to be with me so I always had someone there just in case. I really think staying in the hospital as long as you can really helps recovery. I found that when I’m home I push it more and don’t get the same kind of help. Plus with other littles at home I felt guilty and/or pulled in different directions. It’s nice to give the newest little all your focus as you get to know each other. :) This time around I think it will be harder for me to have DH there most of the time since we have two kids at home now but I’m working on lining up family to come in to help. Here’s hoping it works out! 



  • Interesting, strapping your arms down must vary hospital by hospital.  I’m pretty sure mine weren’t strapped down, but it was a bit of a blur so I’ll have to double check with DH.  
    I’m sure it varies. I remember it was very cold in there but they had all these things lining my chest and arms that blew warm air to keep me warm. I was so thankful for those things. They also didn’t allow DH to take photos. We had to give the camera to one of the nurses for us.

    Side question: is anyone considering getting their tubes tied during their c section? I’m certain this will be our last baby. Initially Dh said he would get a vasectomy after but I’m wondering if I should just have it done then and be over with it. Not sure if recovery would be harder or how much additional time in surgery that means.  



  • Thanks @LadyJ2949 family is planning to fly out to help and i was thinking just that. DH wants to be there the first two nights at least and maybe we can have him switch a night with family so he can be with DS and catch up on sleep in a real bed. 
  • @tarheelgirl8 What a trip that we had such similar experiences. DS came out breech as well, which they said is incredibly rare. I found out while in the hospital that I wouldn't be able to VBAC, too. My OB hasn't been super open to the idea of pushing to 38 weeks but also didn't shut me down. I've been really active this pregnancy and was super healthy last time too (BP always good, no GD, nothing out of the ordinary), so I'm hoping with my past and being active this time, I'll be healthy enough to go that extra week. I'll let you know what I find out. 

    @wildtot I think everyone's experience is different and we all have different ideas about it, but I'd stay in the hospital for as long as they will allow. @LadyJ2949 has a good point that once you get home, especially since you already have a LO, you'll push harder to be back to normal (or to your new normal) too quickly. Take the help and rest in the hospital while you can so you have at least one (or two) more full days of recovery before embarking on the new life. 
  • @kenya715, so weird that it’s so similar!  I also had no issues during DDs pregnancy and am obviously praying for the same this time around.  I’m hoping that if I’m fully healthy at 37 and not having many Braxton Hicks then they’ll let me wait.  I’ve even thought about offering to stay on bedrest for the week if they let me wait until 38, but then id be wiping out more of my leave.  At the end of the day, I trust the doctors opinion.  I just want to give the baby as much time as possible.  
  • @LadyJ2949 yes i will get snipped as we decide on just two and hopefully reduce my endo problems in the future. I can’t have a full hysterectomy until I’m done BFing but I’ll get tied at c section. Details haven’t been fully discussed yet but my doc knows.
  • Interesting that some of you are getting the c-section done around 37 weeks. I'm assuming mine will be at 39 weeks (if I make it that long) because that's what my MFM said, but I'll be meeting my new OB soon (my old one just had a baby herself) and will be curious to hear what she has to say about scheduling.

    Luckily for me recovery-wise I don't have any other little ones at home, so I hope that with help from DH and in-laws I'll be able to take it easy.
  • I believe the reason behind 37 weeks is to avoid being in active labor?  Since that brings a lot of dangerous components if a c section is attempted during it is my understanding 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Ah, @lindsayleigh1989, that clarifies things!
  • None of my doctors mentioned labor being an issue to schedule before 37 wks. I was told anything prior to 39 wks has to be justified with a medical reason (pre-e, multiples, etc). 
  • I believe the reason behind 37 weeks is to avoid being in active labor?  Since that brings a lot of dangerous components if a c section is attempted during it is my understanding 
    Yep the inverse T or a classical incision drastically increases the chances of rupture so babes are taken early to avoid the risk. Complete previa babies are often taken early too since dilation can cause abruption and hemorrhage. It’s very dependent on why the CS is being scheduled to the dictate the timing. 
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Since I only had the horizontal and dont have placenta previa my dr is scheduling for me at 39 weeks :) 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @tarheelgirl8 I found out at my check up yesterday that I can push it to 38 weeks! I was so relieved to find out. My doctor said the high-risk OB approved me for anytime between 37 weeks and 38 weeks, 6 days. Looking at my doctor's schedule and what would work for us, I think I'll schedule it for 38w4d. She mentioned it had to do with all of my tests coming back normal and healthy, and my weight gain so far has been nice and steady. Of course it could all change but for now, I'm so happy! 
  • What good news, @Kenya715!
  • 1. Are you definitely having a c-section, considering one, or more likely than average to need one? If already scheduled, when are you having it?

    Definetly having a scheduled c section. not scheduled yet but will be in 39th week. so sometime between 7/6 and 7/12
    2. Why are you having or possibly having a c-section?
    Previous emergency c section. my OB/Hospital doesn't do vbacs which I am okay with. 

    3. Have you had a c-section before? If so, when and what were the circumstances? Any details you are willing to share about your past experience/birth story would be great. If you've had both a c-section and a vaginal birth feel free to compare your experience with the two. If you had a vaginal birth and were later told your next should be delivered by c-section, what was the reason?

    with my son I was in labor for 13 hours 5 of them were pushing, he was sunny side up and stuck. his little noggin was starting to swell from the pressure of trying to push. They took me back I had a spinal done since my epidural ran out. I have a VERY small recollection of them saying he was born. But he was healthy thats all that mattered
    4. How do you feel about having or potentially having a c-section? 
    we discussed it, I am fine with it. this time will be completely different with different circumstances so I am feeling good about ir
    5. Questions, other concerns, tips? Please feel free to add whatever you like!

    All of our experiencxes will be different. some may have similar but no two are the same. enjoy every second wether you were planning it or not. I felt that my body let me down because of the c section but i understand now it did exactly what it was supposed to do. 

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  • @Kenya715 That’s awesome!!  So happy for you, and now a little more optimistic for me too! Thanks for sharing  :)
  • officially scheduled my c section yesterday for 6/26 i have to be there at 5:40am though ugh haha 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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