3rd Trimester

Travel for Funeral 39 to 49 Weeks

I am 39 +3 with my first LO. Due date March 5. My grandfather who I was extremely close to passed away. Funeral would probably be Friday and we would have to drive 5 hours one way to the funeral. Any thoughts or comments. I would ask my doctors but I had my 39 week appointment at 39 +2. I was 2 cm and 70% effaced same as my 38+4 appointment but they seemed to think baby was sitting high not engaged in pelvis during appointment. Any thoughts from anyone. I am lost at what to do right now.

Re: Travel for Funeral 39 to 49 Weeks

  • So sorry your going through this! I’d probably recommend giving your doctor a call to ask about travel. This sort of stress could put you in labor too. If you are ok’d to travel you may have to consider delivering at another hospital and with another doctor. Probably a good idea to map out hospitals along the way.
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