Trouble TTC

Letrozole and Trigger shots

Hey Ladies,

My husband and I have been ttc now for a couple of years has not been in our favor. We wen to the dr and my husband is all cleared but for some reason it’s not working .so I am on my first round of letrozole and  Clomid did not work. I’ve read a lot of documentation about using both letrozole and a trigger shot with ultrasound. My dr never told me aboutthat but I’m wanting to try it . Also when did you go in for the ultrasound and also when did you get the trigger shot. Also how Did you get your dr to discuss this type of treatment plan.plz try not to bite my head off , all of us here are ttc !!!

Re: Letrozole and Trigger shots

  • @Oliviasims12 We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility--I was not ovulating strongly enough on my own, and Clomid did not work for me.  I went through 7 rounds of IUI using 7.5mcg Letrazole (you take it CD3-7), followed by an ultrasound on CD12.  The ultrasound measures the follicles that have been grown by the Letrazole in order to determine where you're at leading up to ovulation.  If all OPKs are negative through CD13, they would have me trigger (Ovidrel) on the evening of CD13 and come in for the IUI on the morning of CD15.  The days may vary a little in any given cycle, but that's generally how it happens.

    If that's the treatment plan that you'd like to consider, just talk to your RE about it.  My RE was always happy to answer my questions (even the dumb ones).  If you're getting ignored or aren't getting your answers, then try visiting a different RE and explaining your concerns.
    Married: Nov 2010
    TTC #1 since: Aug 2016
    Dx: Unexplained
    6 failed IUIs on Letrazole & Ovidrel
    Final (#7) IUI - BFP!
    EDD: Nov 2018
    Team Pink!
    Me: 31/DH: 30

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Same as above, except my husband and I did that with timed intercourse :smile: it’s a lot to figure out and sometimes I think I’m insane for knowing SO much about this stuff, haha, so don’t be ashamed to ask questions!!!!! I wish I knew more when we got started two years ago!!!!!
    Married for 5 years, TTC for 3 years
    PCOS, Low AMH, Endo, Uterine Fibroids, Low Estrogen...
    and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. 
    3 Losses, 8/16 11/16 and 6/2017  o:)
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