Weekly check in for people who are due the fifth week of May: 5/27-6/2
How far along are you? When is your due date? What's the size of your LO?
Apparently I am at the point in pregnancy where I can’t remember what week I am in. I had to look it up on the app! Sorry third born child- I promise to remember your birthday! I am 23 weeks and 5 days. Size of a grapefruit this week.
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
I just finished watching This is Us which gave me a good, healthy cry which sometimes you just need during pregnancy (or life).
My one rant is all my coworkers who haven’t gotten the flu shot and people who come to work sick.
I am taking every precaution not to get sick but it makes it hard when others you have to work close to do not. We have had 3 people in our relatively small office test positive for the flu. I know at least two of them didn’t get the flu shot. I am so close to wearing a face mask to work! I have already perfected opening over door with my foot or elbow.
Any upcoming appointments?
I had my monthly check up last week. After my next appointment we will switch to bi-weekly which feels like a big milestone! I love my midwife so I really enjoy my appointments!
GTKY: If you could have a personal assistant whose job was to do just one task for you everyday, what would it be?
I would have them cook for me and my family- even if it was just one meal- I hate meal planning and I am not a big fan of cooking. Life would be so much easier if someone else could just do it for me.
Re: Weekly Check-in for Fifth Week of May 5/27-6/2 (2/5)