People with loud bodily functions make me want to gouge my ears out.
My bestie is here for the weekend, and I love her to bits, but everything she does is loud and it grates on my last nerve when I'm trying to enjoy the morning peace and quiet with my cup of tea. I didn't realize a bowl of grits could be slurped, or that simply burping has to sound like a cat vomiting, all wet-like.
I have a kid who is normally a pain, but he's just going for gold in the PITA Olympics today. It took him an hour to copy his homework down. Then he proceeded to bother every kid at his table during the math lesson and did no actual math work. I've already messaged his mother and informed him I've messaged his mother and he just does not care.
Me: 28 DH: 29 Married: 6/2016 TTC #1: 12/2016 Benched due to deployment- Off the bench 8/8/17!
@calimom2524 That sucks, I'm sorry. I'm sure you were hoping she would surprise you but it sounds like you were prepared. We are all really happy for you!
History and blog link in spoiler
2016 - dx with super low ovarian reserve; failed cycle with clomid, failed IUI, 2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks May 2020 FET; BFN July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate Oct 2020 BFP!
@jsnakehole props to you for being a teacher. There are a lot of parents who’s kids are terrors and they don’t seem to give af as to the little people they’re releasing into the world. I used to babysit a kid who’s parents thought it was “adorable” she ate desitin on the regular and liked to swing from the chandlier.
My bfest - I love my husband. He is amazing. But - HE CANT WHISPER!! He got up to go to work today and was just loudly talking to me and walking through the house like normal - stomping around etc. Our 11 month old is a VERY light sleeper. Like you can’t even sneeze in the adjoining bedroom without waking him. He’s also a bear to get to sleep. He hates naps and frequently rejects them so his night sleep is very important to his and my mental health. Happy baby = happy mommy.
When I shushed DH for the third time I nearly smacked him because he still kept talking (it’s 5am why so chatty?!?).
After he left I felt kind of bad. I did drag him out for Wendy’s AND cold stone yesterday. And he’s an amazing guy. But seriously. Whispering is not a skill he has.
@calimom2524 sorry! I know it sucks when people who should be the most supportive just aren't. I haven't yet told my dad or extended family for similar reasons. Thinking of riding it out until after the kid's here
@calimom2524 um....>What's her problem? Why is it her place to have an opinion?
Well she's pretty involved in my life so her opinion matters. When I left my abusive husband the beginning of last year I moved in with my parents because it was an emergency situation and I had no where to go. We kind of developed a new life and new normal and my boys and I still live there. Me having another baby drastically impacts her and my dad since they are the ones putting a roof over our heads. I knew she would be disappointed but I didn't expect her reaction.
@marshmallowfarts YES! I feel you. DH is annoyed with me because I don't let him go to the gym in the mornings anymore because his truck is soooo loud and it wakes DS every time he starts it. If you want to start that beast before DS is awake, you better park it down the road or something. Sleep= priority
@calimom2524 I'm so sorry, I had no idea. You're right, that does make the situation a little different. I hope she comes around and supports you
@calimom2524 so sorry for your mom's response, even if you did expect it. Hang in there.
My bitchfest is a doozy to me because I have very serious sick anxiety. Like, I probably need to see a therapist about it. I had an anxiety attack yesterday and it wasn't pretty. My stupid effing sister went to lunch with us, acted totally normal, and I even ate and drank after her. Like, she pushed her food to me and asked if I wanted any of it after she ate. (Duh, yes, hello I am pregnant.) Anyway, after lunch, she went to urgent care (uh, what?) and said she was running a fever and was diagnosed with the flu. WHAT THE F. Now I have to go on Tamiflu and I am freaking out. I cried for hours yesterday because I am so scared of the flu. I hate being sick. I take so many precautions to keep myself and my family healthy and I literally feel like my sister blindsided me and did this on purpose in some weird way. She's quite the...character...I'm sure I will discuss more of her "quirks" on here as we continue this BMB. Sigh.
The government shut down today. DH is at home so that's not great!
Also, I don't have a desire to be at work, but that's most days right now LOL
I am seriously wondering if I need to finish my project for the CDC this week because 60 percent of them are laid off or whatever because of the shut down. I hope your DH gets to go back to work soon.
@calimom2524 I'm so sorry that is for sure a tough reaction for you to get. I'm sure she will come around though, once the initial "shock" wears off. Feel free to come here and vent in the meantime! Hugs!
@Firemanswife11 I am sorry you're going through that! I seriously hope you don't get sick!!!
My son loves “Ryan videos” on YouTube and I HATE them. I feel like the kid is just spoiled rotten and it annoys me. I mean good for them that they can afford all this stuff for the kids, but personally I feel it’s overkill. And I hate when my son sees something and asks me for it/to do the activity and we simply just can’t afford it. @calimom2524 my parents are huge support systems in my life as well (I’ve moved in with them in the past as well in emergency situations) and I’ve not once told my dad I was pregnant because the idea scares the crap out of me. My mom has always been the one to tell him because I’m too big a scaredy cat to do it myself. I hope your family comes around like mine slowly is.
@calimom2524 Hugs to you. I'm sorry your mom had such a strong reaction. I hope time will make it a little easier on you both. @cthulu My son isn't old enough for youtube yet, but I'm fearing that exact scenario. I know the day will come and I dread it! That sucks in so many ways. And, I'm so sorry for everyone in the wake of the shutdown drama. It's just not fair and I hope they get things sorted out very soon.
My son loves “Ryan videos” on YouTube and I HATE them. I feel like the kid is just spoiled rotten and it annoys me. I mean good for them that they can afford all this stuff for the kids, but personally I feel it’s overkill. And I hate when my son sees something and asks me for it/to do the activity and we simply just can’t afford it. @calimom2524 my parents are huge support systems in my life as well (I’ve moved in with them in the past as well in emergency situations) and I’ve not once told my dad I was pregnant because the idea scares the crap out of me. My mom has always been the one to tell him because I’m too big a scaredy cat to do it myself. I hope your family comes around like mine slowly is.
Yeah I haven't been able to tell my dad yet, it was hard enough to tell my mom! She's usually the one the breaks the news to him too but she's so pissed at me this time I don't know if she will. UGH! It's just rough. Also, I HATE the Ryan videos, that kid is spoiled rotten. Give me Blippi all day.
Thank you for the support everyone, I typically run a strong front but some days I just have to let my guard down and ask people for some love. Having this community behind me really helps. Hugs and unicorns and shit.
@calimom2524 I'm so sorry your mom didn't take the news that well. I hope that in time she comes around and is supportive.
@Firemanswife11 Huge eye roll to your sister. I would be livid! I hope that Tamiflu works and you don't get sick!
My b'fest is I'm sick of sickness! DS had croup a couple of weeks ago and he's just now starting to get over it all. (I'll spare you details of the traumatic 911 call and ER visit in the MOTN we had because I'm still recovering mentally!). He has just had a residual cough the past week, but he's finally starting to kick it. Unfortunately, DH and I have both come down with a cold over the past week. I sanitized our whole house yesterday and am just praying it all ends soon. Spring cannot come soon enough!
Thank you for the support everyone, I typically run a strong front but some days I just have to let my guard down and ask people for some love. Having this community behind me really helps. Hugs and unicorns and shit.
That's what baby boards are for! Like everyone said, I'm sorry about your mom's reaction. Hugs.
My comment today: my mom told me she doesn't like the name I really like for this baby. She apologized after but it was a bummer. I never shared DS1 or 2's names ahead of time for this reason. However with DS2 when I called to tell them he was here she immediately gave me grief about his name (one hour after he was born). That really ruined the day for me so I was thinking I would like to avoid it this time maybe by sharing ahead of time - newp, still sucks to hear her negative opinion. Anyway she did afterwards say it's my choice and she will love the baby no matter what it's name is, so hopefully we got that out of the way early this time and I won't have to hear complaining when she is here.
@alinafed ugh I'm sorry. This is also why I never tell anyone our name before they're born. I do not understand why people weigh in their opinions. Naming babies is HARD! It's something you have to refer to them as and they go through their whole life with, it is not an easy decision. Sounds like this is a bad week for mom's opinions
My Monday bitchfest. Facebook. Whatever update they’ve got going on or the new algorithm they’re running SUCKS. Notifications aren’t in chronological order and I’m having to scroll to see them all. I hate it. I hate it so much I sent them feedback.
edit: correct form if they’re switched.
August '18 March Siggy Challenge - You had ONE JOB
@cthulu I hate the Ryan videos as well. I already banned Hobby Kids and now I banned his videos because he's a spoiled brat. After watching his videos if I play a game with DS he has to win and be a "winner like Ryan". He quit a game for the first time yesterday because I was about to win. Youtube is so frustrating I'm about to ban that too. haha
@calimom2524 I’m sorry. I haven’t told my parents yet because I don’t want to hear their opinion. We had or car repo-ed last may, but since then we have both gotten raises, and doubled the savings we had when I went in bed rest with E. So that will not happen again, but it still will suck to hear them not be overjoyed.
@Firemanswife11 I’d be running your sis through the gauntlet. That is unexceptable if she had any inkling she was sick.
My MBF is at our staff meeting tonight. We elected to stay until 5 once a month to get in hours so we would have 2 less days of in service. Well my team is bringing dinner to tonight’s. Only it’s snowing and they are seriously considering sending us home at 1pm. WTF?!?! What am I supposed to do with 2 roasters full of chicken dumpling soup? Anyone in South Central Idaho want dinner?
Formerly known as Kate08young August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Me: 28 H: 24 Married: 7/22/14 Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017. Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
@princesslockness my love tit is for the support. I'm a 31 year old mom of 2, you'd think I'd be grown up enough to tell my parents! Why does this still have to be such a fear for some of us? I truly hope I never make my kids feel like they can't tell me something.
@calimom2524 100% with you. I’m 28, married for 4 years, degree and established in my field, adding in coaching positions. H is 25, has his CDL, and new job offers every week as his endorsements are in high demand. It’s ridiculous that I feel like they might be right if they aren’t happy.
Best we can do is to try and not be them to our kids.
Formerly known as Kate08young August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Me: 28 H: 24 Married: 7/22/14 Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017. Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
@calimom2524 ugh I'm sorry about your Mom's reaction. I hope she comes around for you soon.
My BF is with my doctors office. Twenty minutes before my appointment this morning they called and moved it to another office because they're office had been flooded from a toilet running all weekend. That wouldn't have been a big deal but then I had to wait over an hour for my first ultrasound and it was on an older machine the tech didn't really know how to use so I didn't get a great picture or hear the heartbeat. It was my first appointment and I was really excited but it was kind of a letdown.
@calimom2524 I’m sorry your mom acted that way. In time I’m sure she will come around.
@Firemanswife11 that is not okay! My sister would be in so much trouble if she pulled something like that. You do go to lunch and hen a few hours later go to urgent care without knowing you might be coming down with something. Could chalk it up to her loving you and wanting to spend time with you?
my MBF I’m so sick of this sickness. I can’t beliebe i probably have 5 more weeks of this to go. I don’t throw up which almost makes it worse because I feel like then I’d feel a little more justified. I feel like shit constantly and only feel relief in food, which doesn’t last long. And my 15 month old has watched way more tv then I would have ever wanted and it makes me feel like a shitty mother.
Also, everything I eat, starting last night, taste like chemicals. It’s really frustrating.
@hfooter I feel the same way about the TV right now. I have barely been able to move from my bed to the couch most days. This all day sickness is for the birds! I am really hoping that it goes away in the second trimester.
My MBF is about my sister. She is a grown adult and lives with us. She is always super in my business about pregnancy stuff and it's driving me nuts. I don't need you to remind me every 90 seconds that I am pregnant and what symptoms i might experience, how far along I am, what the baby looks like, if I have any appointments. Ugh, just leave me alone right now and take the damn cat box out of the bathroom already! (It has been 4 weeks since I asked her to do it) Plus my mother just added to it today by saying I should get a second moniter for my sister's room in case my husband doesn't wake up with the baby. Just a subtle dig at him, even though I have never had an issue with him caring for our child or even waking up with her when she was a baby.
@hfooter I wish it was because she wanted to see me. She has a lot of personal issues, and I'm pretty certain she has some sort of borderline personality disorder/narcissistic tendencies. Personally, I don't think she MEANS to be like she is, she just is.
@calimom2524 I completely get how you feel. My mom replied with “ oh why?” And I’m in a great relationship. We can’t change people, only how we let them affect us.
@calimom2524 That sucks about your mom. I’m sorry.
What is up with all these unsupportive parents?! My mom is weird, too, and we have an ok relationship. I just hope I can find a way to raise my kids so they aren’t afraid of me or dislike me. Ugh.
@Firemanswife11 I hope you don’t get sick and I hope your sister gets a clue!
@marshmallowfarts my DH is the same and slams around the house when he’s getting ready for work. It’s the worst. Even DS said he sounds like a dinosaur stomping around, lol!
My bitch fest is lame: I went to the new children’s museum in town and it doesn’t have a place to buy food, just vending machines. I was way unprepared compared to all the other moms who packed lunches. Lol, whatever. Live and learn.
I finally told my mom I'm pregnant. She's not on board at all and even though I knew she wouldn't be, I'm taking it way harder than I thought I would.
My mom is not either. For her own crazy reasons. I know it’s hard because it is our moms and we love them but try not to let it get to you. Just use it as an example of how to do things differently for your own babies. Hugs.
I finally told my mom I'm pregnant. She's not on board at all and even though I knew she wouldn't be, I'm taking it way harder than I thought I would.
My mom is not either. For her own crazy reasons. I know it’s hard because it is our moms and we love them but try not to let it get to you. Just use it as an example of how to do things differently for your own babies. Hugs.
I think this is where I struggle, I've always said I wanted to be just like my mom cuz we have such a good relationship. It's making me sad to see her react to some of my life decisions the way she is. I've never judged her for her decisions and I feel like she shouldn't be either. Sure she can be disappointed but couldn't she just keep that to herself? Does she really think I'm not beating myself up over some of this too? Ugh. Life is hard.
Re: Monday Bitchfest 1/22
My bestie is here for the weekend, and I love her to bits, but everything she does is loud and it grates on my last nerve when I'm trying to enjoy the morning peace and quiet with my cup of tea. I didn't realize a bowl of grits could be slurped, or that simply burping has to sound like a cat vomiting, all wet-like.
Married: 6/2016
TTC #1: 12/2016
Benched due to deployment- Off the bench 8/8/17!
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
My bfest - I love my husband. He is amazing. But - HE CANT WHISPER!! He got up to go to work today and was just loudly talking to me and walking through the house like normal - stomping around etc. Our 11 month old is a VERY light sleeper. Like you can’t even sneeze in the adjoining bedroom without waking him. He’s also a bear to get to sleep. He hates naps and frequently rejects them so his night sleep is very important to his and my mental health. Happy baby = happy mommy.
When I shushed DH for the third time I nearly smacked him because he still kept talking (it’s 5am why so chatty?!?).
After he left I felt kind of bad. I did drag him out for Wendy’s AND cold stone yesterday. And he’s an amazing guy. But seriously. Whispering is not a skill he has.
Baby #2 - March 2017
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
@calimom2524 I'm so sorry, I had no idea. You're right, that does make the situation a little different. I hope she comes around and supports you
My bitchfest is a doozy to me because I have very serious sick anxiety. Like, I probably need to see a therapist about it. I had an anxiety attack yesterday and it wasn't pretty.
My stupid effing sister went to lunch with us, acted totally normal, and I even ate and drank after her. Like, she pushed her food to me and asked if I wanted any of it after she ate. (Duh, yes, hello I am pregnant.) Anyway, after lunch, she went to urgent care (uh, what?) and said she was running a fever and was diagnosed with the flu. WHAT THE F. Now I have to go on Tamiflu and I am freaking out. I cried for hours yesterday because I am so scared of the flu. I hate being sick. I take so many precautions to keep myself and my family healthy and I literally feel like my sister blindsided me and did this on purpose in some weird way. She's quite the...character...I'm sure I will discuss more of her "quirks" on here as we continue this BMB. Sigh.
Also, I don't have a desire to be at work, but that's most days right now LOL
BFP#1 11-23-2011 EDD 08-01-12 -- early miscarriage 11-27-2011 @ 4W4D
DX hashimoto's hypothyroidism Jan2012
BFP#2 5-14-2012 EDD 01-21-13 -- early miscarriage 05-17-2012 @ 4W3D
BFP#3 7-15-2012 EDD 03-29-13
I'm so sorry
I am sorry you're going through that! I seriously hope you don't get sick!!!
@calimom2524 my parents are huge support systems in my life as well (I’ve moved in with them in the past as well in emergency situations) and I’ve not once told my dad I was pregnant because the idea scares the crap out of me. My mom has always been the one to tell him because I’m too big a scaredy cat to do it myself. I hope your family comes around like mine slowly is.
@cthulu My son isn't old enough for youtube yet, but I'm fearing that exact scenario. I know the day will come and I dread it! That sucks in so many ways.
And, I'm so sorry for everyone in the wake of the shutdown drama. It's just not fair and I hope they get things sorted out very soon.
Thank you for the support everyone, I typically run a strong front but some days I just have to let my guard down and ask people for some love. Having this community behind me really helps. Hugs and unicorns and shit.
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
@Firemanswife11 Huge eye roll to your sister. I would be livid! I hope that Tamiflu works and you don't get sick!
My b'fest is I'm sick of sickness! DS had croup a couple of weeks ago and he's just now starting to get over it all. (I'll spare you details of the traumatic 911 call and ER visit in the MOTN we had because I'm still recovering mentally!). He has just had a residual cough the past week, but he's finally starting to kick it. Unfortunately, DH and I have both come down with a cold over the past week. I sanitized our whole house yesterday and am just praying it all ends soon. Spring cannot come soon enough!
DS: 5.28.15
DS#2: EDD 8.31.18
That's what baby boards are for! Like everyone said, I'm sorry about your mom's reaction. Hugs.
My comment today: my mom told me she doesn't like the name I really like for this baby. She apologized after but it was a bummer. I never shared DS1 or 2's names ahead of time for this reason. However with DS2 when I called to tell them he was here she immediately gave me grief about his name (one hour after he was born). That really ruined the day for me so I was thinking I would like to avoid it this time maybe by sharing ahead of time - newp, still sucks to hear her negative opinion. Anyway she did afterwards say it's my choice and she will love the baby no matter what it's name is, so hopefully we got that out of the way early this time and I won't have to hear complaining when she is here.
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
edit: correct form if they’re switched.
August '18 March Siggy Challenge - You had ONE JOB
@Firemanswife11 I’d be running your sis through the gauntlet. That is unexceptable if she had any inkling she was sick.
My MBF is at our staff meeting tonight. We elected to stay until 5 once a month to get in hours so we would have 2 less days of in service. Well my team is bringing dinner to tonight’s. Only it’s snowing and they are seriously considering sending us home at 1pm. WTF?!?! What am I supposed to do with 2 roasters full of chicken dumpling soup? Anyone in South Central Idaho want dinner?
Formerly known as Kate08young
August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Married: 7/22/14
Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms
Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms
TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017.
Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
Best we can do is to try and not be them to our kids.
Formerly known as Kate08young
August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Married: 7/22/14
Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms
Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms
TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017.
Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers
My BF is with my doctors office. Twenty minutes before my appointment this morning they called and moved it to another office because they're office had been flooded from a toilet running all weekend. That wouldn't have been a big deal but then I had to wait over an hour for my first ultrasound and it was on an older machine the tech didn't really know how to use so I didn't get a great picture or hear the heartbeat. It was my first appointment and I was really excited but it was kind of a letdown.
@Firemanswife11 that is not okay! My sister would be in so much trouble if she pulled something like that. You do go to lunch and hen a few hours later go to urgent care without knowing you might be coming down with something. Could chalk it up to her loving you and wanting to spend time with you?
my MBF I’m so sick of this sickness. I can’t beliebe i probably have 5 more weeks of this to go. I don’t throw up which almost makes it worse because I feel like then I’d feel a little more justified. I feel like shit constantly and only feel relief in food, which doesn’t last long. And my 15 month old has watched way more tv then I would have ever wanted and it makes me feel like a shitty mother.
Also, everything I eat, starting last night, taste like chemicals. It’s really frustrating.
My MBF is about my sister. She is a grown adult and lives with us. She is always super in my business about pregnancy stuff and it's driving me nuts. I don't need you to remind me every 90 seconds that I am pregnant and what symptoms i might experience, how far along I am, what the baby looks like, if I have any appointments. Ugh, just leave me alone right now and take the damn cat box out of the bathroom already! (It has been 4 weeks since I asked her to do it)
Plus my mother just added to it today by saying I should get a second moniter for my sister's room in case my husband doesn't wake up with the baby. Just a subtle dig at him, even though I have never had an issue with him caring for our child or even waking up with her when she was a baby.
What is up with all these unsupportive parents?! My mom is weird, too, and we have an ok relationship. I just hope I can find a way to raise my kids so they aren’t afraid of me or dislike me. Ugh.
@Firemanswife11 I hope you don’t get sick and I hope your sister gets a clue!
@marshmallowfarts my DH is the same and slams around the house when he’s getting ready for work. It’s the worst. Even DS said he sounds like a dinosaur stomping around, lol!
My bitch fest is lame: I went to the new children’s museum in town and it doesn’t have a place to buy food, just vending machines. I was way unprepared compared to all the other moms who packed lunches. Lol, whatever. Live and learn.
You sound like you have the same symptoms as I do. It sucks. I don't vomit often, but I feel on the verge of it almost constantly. So sorry!
DSD: 20
DSS: 18
Team green baby due: Aug 6th, 2018
August 18 Siggy Challenge: April Showers