LO is rolling both ways! Every time I turn around he's facing a different way and smirking. This weekend he also tucked his knees in while on his belly, getting ready to crawl. Less fun milestone, he got his first cold New Years Eve and I learned sick babies hate sleep

How are you guys doing? How's food intros going for those who started?
Re: Milestone Monday 1/8
We're onto 2 tsps of rice cereal instead of 1 tsp and he's doing well. I can't wait to start real food, hoping to do so this weekend!
I don't know if he's late to the 4 month sleep regression game, or this stuffy nose is doing it or who knows what else, but we've had a couple weeks now of really unpredictable sleep (when from 3-4.5 months he was doing 11-12 hours with one night feeding after which he went right back to bed) and it's pretty miserable. I'm going to give it another week or so before I start seriously considering sleep training. My goal was to make it to his 6 month appointment at the end of January to discuss with his pediatrician, but we might have to move that up and have a phone call.
First cold/sickness is almost done. He was s champ through it!
No crawling yet, but he is rolling all over the place!
She tucks her little legs up in a crawl position when doing tummy time so I expect her to start doing the downward dog position soon.
Had her first cold in the beginning of Dec. That sucked but she handled it well. HATES the snot sucker - but that thing is a lifesaver!!
Still haven't done solids yet - that will be next week when she turns 6 months. I know she is ready now but I decided just to start at the 6 month mark.
I spy with my little eye as well two little white marks on her bottom gum which means two teeth are about to break through. Would explain the excessive drooling, munching on anything she can and fussiness. She is obsessed with taking off her socks and eating them. Have to watch her closely with that.
She loves hanging out in her activity center and her bouncy chair and really gets down to the music it provides.
She stands up (assisted) very strong now...and get's very proud of herself for doing so.
Shes sleeps through the night and I have her on a set daily schedule that works well for us all.
January 1, 2016 - CP. Heartbroken and feeling helpless.
July 2017 - Finally!! FINALLY!! Our GORGEOUS baby girl was born on 7-15-17. Miracles do happen!!