July 2018 Moms

Weekend Randoms 1/5-1/7


Re: Weekend Randoms 1/5-1/7

  • Getting my teeth fixed from fainting the other week! Three root canals and some caps. I'm so scared and so excited.
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  • So PSA, apparently the blue washer fluid freezes, and if it's really really really f'ing cold out, you need the pink. You learn something new every day. Almost died on my way to work this morning thanks to frozen washer fluid and tons of salt on the road covering my windshield. 
  • Signing off on my last control from one nightmare audit makes me so happy right now. Just one more control from my other nightmare one to go. The best part about it is that I'm not on them in 2018. Woohooo!
  • @kat029 yay! I hope it goes well! 
  • @busymommy23 yes! I love him! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • You guys. I know I've seen other people complain recently about stupid pop up ads but I'm going to join that. I can't even read a thread without having to close my app completely. What is happening? How do I make it stop?
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @MrsMiller8588 I wish I had an answer.  It only happens on my phone- not my computer.
    Met: 1/21/2005
    Married: 6/27/2008
    DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
    M/C 6/2012
    DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
    BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE! 
    M/C 12/12/2016
    BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
    EDD: 7/2/2018

    Babysizer Manly Pregnancy Tracker
  • @kat029 Have you had a root canal before? Try not to worry too much, I've always heard they are a NIGHTMARE so I was scared when I needed one. Piece of cake! I went to work right after, you're numb for the entire thing so there's no pain :) There was slight soreness, but nothing to be worried about!

    @workinweezel I don't blame you at all, it's too cold to do anyyyyything these days. We had a good time with the cold, Mother Nature, can you just send it away now??

    @lindsayleigh1989 I just saw a post today about antivaccination. Why can't people (some do of course) research before they get on facebook........ UGH. We all know that most people are going to scroll through facebook, not read half of the post and start assumptions about what goes on. So the OP is already uneducated then makes other people believe them. Block away, you don't need to see that nonsense!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • amylu914amylu914 member
    edited January 2018
    I love JT! Has anyone seen the performance he did with Chris Stapleton a couple years ago at the Country Music Awards? So good. 

    H realized on new years eve that he didn't have 2018 stickers for his car, which conveniently is registered in my name. I had an appt at the DMV this morning to get it taken care of. I've been dreading it all week, but I got in and out of there in 10 minutes. That has to be some kind of world record. 
  • dimeadozendimeadozen member
    edited January 2018

    Random, so most ladies if not all on the board are getting the NT scan in their first trimester right? I asked my doctor about that yesterday day at my 13 week appointment and she said no one really does that these days?? I find her to be very knowledgeable, but I was confused about that. She said there is a scan around 17 weeks though.

    eta 13wk appointment

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @gspmom21 i think the scan around 16 wks is more of a regular appointment and maybe more blood work (second tri screening). I had an NT scan with my first too but i think it was by state law (Cali). 
  • @gspmom21 - we weren't even offered an NT scan, just the genetics testing which we declined. From my cursory research it seems it's not entirely accurate any way, so maybe most doc are just going with genetics screening instead?  

    Our next ultrasound isn't until almost 19 weeks and it will be the big gender and abnormality check.
  • @gspmom21 oh yeah forgot the anatomy scan at 20wks!
  • bearmomma1bearmomma1 member
    edited January 2018
    @samjjorgensen. Totally. I had my full serving of fruit last night. Just make sure to eat all the colors to get a well balanced meal
    TTC History:
    Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010.
    TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
    BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
    TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
    Due date was Nov 2020
    DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
    TTC: March 2021
    IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
    IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP.  MC Jan 2022
    IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
    IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
    AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.

  • @gspmom21 I wasn’t offered a nt scan. My next scan won’t be until 20 weeks 
  • @lindsayleigh1989 Ugh, don't get me started on the whole Anti-Vax thing. Apparently it still doesn't matter that the study they keep soap boxing has been proven to be completely false and was retracted. 
  • @zande2016 AHH Thank you! I was trying to wash my windshield last week and I thought maybe there was ice blocking the sprayer, but today I had the same issue! Makes sense!
  • I know for me NT was part of the CA state program. I *think* I'm getting a US on Monday, OB has had me on an every 4 week schedule so far. I also still have an elective US I already paid for at the other (cheaper lab).

    Random thoughts, I had committed to spend some time with my fellow fitness instructor friends this weekend in LA and I really don't want to! Already paid for hotel and I'm excited because I haven't seen them in a while but I just wish I could be lazy at home instead...
  • @busymommy23 I heard it's him trying to sound like Bon Iver. 
  • And yes, re: JT, his new single is... strange? I don't like it/get it? Maybe I'm getting old...still love him though! 
  • @beanship, that was me a week or two ago...now I can't zip them up and need a bella band. :)

    RE: the NT scan, I wonder if I was offered it because I'm AMA? (And pretty AMA at 40....)
  • @sm05-2 I was offered the NT scan and I am not AMA. I think it depends on your doctor sometimes.
  • amylu914amylu914 member
    edited January 2018
    @beanship i am currently wearing maternity yoga pants (as if normal yoga pants aren't enough) so yes absolutely, pants are not working for me. When I must wear zippered pants I've been wearing them unzipped with a belly band to keep from mooning people.
  • @beanship YUP! All my pants fit fine but sitting down...no way . Or after a meal. Currently in a pair of borrowed mat jeans and they are life. Just had lunch at the hubby's cafeteria and I feel good after 3 tacos and a cup of soup!
  • I don’t remember the last time I wore real pants.. I’m scared to try them on and see if I still fit in them lol. 
  • @gspmom21 - we weren't even offered an NT scan, just the genetics testing which we declined. From my cursory research it seems it's not entirely accurate any way, so maybe most doc are just going with genetics screening instead?  

    Our next ultrasound isn't until almost 19 weeks and it will be the big gender and abnormality check.
  • My body is so WEIRD. This kid is growing UP not OUT. I couldn't wear my normal jeans without a Bellaband for weeks, and now I'm back in them! I just want to look cute and pregnant! ::cries::
  • @tarheelgirl8 That is the sweetest! <3<3<3 
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
  •  I *think* I'm getting a US on Monday, OB has had me on an every 4 week schedule so far. 
    I’m super curious if your ob offers you one. I had my NT on 12/28, and my monthly Ob appt at 13+2 today — no u/s!! I was disappointed — and am now wondering if I’ll see my little guy again before 20 weeks. Hmm
  • Just got rate info from DDs daycare for the new baby.  I knew they offered a sibling discount but couldn’t remember what it was.  It’s only $100.  Damn it.  I was really hoping for a BOGO half off kind of deal.... :D
  • Aw, that’s too bad, @tarheelgirl8. Day care is so expensive, at least in Massachusetts it is. I wish more day care was public and not private!
  • @gspmom21 fourth pregnancy and the only reason I know of NT scans are because of TB

    #4- EDD July 14

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