Not only are they so freaking adorable, but I am super proud of the deal. Because really... Babies don't need shoes for awhile. This was purely for me lol
@JNCPro3130 Thanks!! DH just gave me a look when I got them and then laughed at me because I was near tears with how happy I was with them. Oh hormones lol Oooh I'm so excited for you! This part is just so much fun
I have never made a more impractical purchase that made me squeal harder! I totally forgot I had bought these from a Facebook ad on Black Friday until they came 3 weeks later, but omg.
Only thing I've purchased so far, because I couldn't possibly resist the dino butt! I kind of want to get it in every size bc I'll be so sad when he grows out of it, but I got in 9mo so that he has a chance of being in it for maybe a month or so even if I'll have to wait a bit for him to use it. Lol.*
*I am, in theory, aware that there will always be cute baby clothes available with animals on the butt, but I am not letting that logic affect my spending habits at the moment.
Excuse the bedhead but DD is modeling the Pjs I’m now obsessed with. My stepmom is from Australia and ordered these for DD and new baby. They zip...wait for it...BOTH. WAYS. The feet cuff like footies or can be pushed up. And they have the cutest prints. If you spend so much they ship here free and quickly.
@Poppy0419 wait so you can use them with the footies or not? My daughter is so long and grows out of anything with feet really fast so these would be a lifesaver.
These onesies were a $1.20 each so I couldn't resist
Found out yesterday we’re having our second girl - I was waiting to buy until we knew. I got DD and her some matching pjs from Hanna Andersson. Their pjs are awesome, super soft and hold up really well. They’re also having a big sale right now!
I really shouldnt buy any more until i go through DD’s clothes.
Yes! They can be footies or not. They zip both ways for easier diaper changes. I always spend like the $100 and get free shipping. I just plan what I need from there and order it all at once. And they’re not super super skinny. Cause if you haven’t noticed, I don’t have a super skinny baby.
@charlestonchew these are from Kohl's! They were on clearance for 80% the sale price. It was the day after Christmas so maybe that's why but they'll probably still have them for cheap.
share coming home outfits in here Too please! I didn’t really do anything special for DS (forgot to even take a picture ) so I need some ideas for the brothers!
I haven’t bought anything so I can’t contribute, but for those interested in PJs that can be used footed or not, Burt’s Bees has some that do that. I had a couple pairs for DD.
Carter's has an extra 30 percent off all clearance. I had a return to make of duplicates for DS and I couldn't resist. I returned 3 things and got a 50 dollar credit, I picked out about 10 things in total and left spending only 8 dollars! These little girl clothes are going to be dangerous. I'll post some of my finds a little later.
I’m having a lot of fun with second hand things (and saving so much money!)... DS rocks converse, so I had to get baby girl one pair that won’t be a hand me down From brother (but still someone’s elses hand me downs) haha This will likely be her photo swaddle and head band and coming home outfit over a onesie (super hot here by the end of May)
This post is making me even more excited to find out if we are having a boy or girl! I’ve been trying so hard to not buy anything. But this will be my first purchase with or without the bow : )
Sooooo I clearly should not have found out the sex. Shopping is just TOO easy and I have no self control. Look at this sweet 0 - 3 month leggings and denim dress set I got at Marshalls today!! The pieces can be worn together or separately and/or with other items. And that is how I'm justifying this to DH lol
Re: Baby clothes
Size: 3-6 mo
Not only are they so freaking adorable, but I am super proud of the deal. Because really... Babies don't need shoes for awhile. This was purely for me lol
Original Price $25. I paid $6 and free shipping.
Oooh I'm so excited for you! This part is just so much fun
@onesmallcoconut, lol I get "the look" from DH often. He shakes his head at me all the time!
*I am, in theory, aware that there will always be cute baby clothes available with animals on the butt, but I am not letting that logic affect my spending habits at the moment.
@Poppy0419 they zip both ways?! That's so cool!
These onesies were a $1.20 each so I couldn't resist
I really shouldnt buy any more until i go through DD’s clothes.
@abhphilly anything with something on the butt is adorable!
@cups4 I NEED BOTH OF!
@charlestonchew Gray is my favorite!
@justsuzie eeeek those boots!
This will likely be her photo swaddle and head band and coming home outfit over a onesie (super hot here by the end of May)
These just happened