This is a weekly check in for people who are due the fourth week of May 5/20-5/26.
How far along are you? When is your due date? What size is baby?
What's going on this week? How are you feeling, any rants or raves?
Any upcoming appointments?
GTKY: What was the best book or series that you’ve ever read?
Re: Due Date Check-in: Fourth Week of May (5/20-5/26) w/o 12/25
I think I'm finally starting to show, I am able to wfh the rest of this week and next and then the following week I am off for a week for vacation! So I won't see my co-workers in basically 3 weeks.
AS on 1/3.
Your coworkers are going to make so many weird comments when they see in you in few weeks!
Things are going alright. DH and I felt outside movements for the first time this weekend! I think we could have felt them earlier, but were not paying attention to it this time. 2nd pregnancy/3rd child syndrome??
We all seemed to have recovered from the stomach bug from last week alright. We celebrated with DH's father and siblings on Sunday. Found out that his dad and one niece have got the bug. I know it's not from us as it had been over 4 days since any of use were sick so now we're worried about getting it again. Plus we have to see his sisters and their families again Friday for his mom's Christmas. I plan to tell DH today that we may or may not go if people are still throwing up tomorrow. It's not worth the risk.
My a/s isn't until the 10th. The ob that set it up likes you to be over 21 weeks for some reason.
My kids on the other hand have like 3 separate and long appts in the next 3 weeks. I'm already dreading them all.
Honestly, the Hunger Games series as lame as that sounds for a woman over 30!! I just fell in love with the series and actually watched the first 2 movies when I was in bed with the stomach bug last week. And last night I had a bad tension headache so I went to bed to relax and watched the 3rd movie. We also have a quote from Mockingjay in our room along with our loss dates to remind me to stay strong.
Excessive? Yup, but I don't care.
18 + 4, May 26, baby is size of a pear!
I really don't like reading actually and I hate that about myself. But I did really like the Hunnger Games series.
I realized I started doing I already this weekend. I was uncomfortable sitting back in the chair like a normal person and I scooted up to kind of give my belly more room to droop.